Final Results - Part 2
Mentmore Abbey Plc
3 July 2001
Notes to the preliminary announcement
1. Segmental analysis
Total Operational
Turnover operating profit net assets
2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
By activity:
Continuing operations:
Personal storage 16,276 10,625 7,177 5,126 49,806 26,622
Serviced business space 51,360 31,741 20,098 11,461 220,944 211,799
Records management - - 1,955 2,398 34,064 20,056
Property disposals 4,345 1,390 2,541 956 5,231 6,875
Other 3,038 3,181 (13) (207) 787 1,024
Goodwill amortisation - - (6,251) (3,049) - -
Exceptional costs - - - (990) - -
75,019 46,937 25,507 15,695 310,832 266,376
Discontinued operations:
Serviced business space - 860 - 617 - -
Other - 991 - (97) - -
75,019 48,788 25,507 16,215 310,832 266,376
Operational net assets are net assets excluding investments, cash, borrowings,
current and deferred tax and dividends payable.
The segment categories have been expanded from that previously reported to
separately identify the financial effect of the group's management of its
property assets (Property disposals) which was previously amalgamated within
serviced business space. Comparative figures have been adjusted accordingly.
Turnover all originated in the United Kingdom with the exception of £1.7
million (2000: £0.4 million) which is supplied in other European countries.
Turnover by destination was as follows:
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
United Kingdom 73,361 48,377
Other Europe 1,658 411
75,019 48,788
Total operating profit before goodwill amortisation all arose in the United
Kingdom with the exception of £0.9 million (2000: £0.9 million) which was
generated in other European countries.
Further analysis of total operating profit after goodwill amortisation and
exceptionals is as follows:
2001 2000
Continuing Dis-
operations Continuing continued
Existing Total operations operations Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover 70,588 4,431 75,019 46,937 1,851 48,788
Cost of sales (36,881) (1,621)(38,502) (23,582) (601) (24,183)
Gross profit 33,707 2,810 36,517 23,355 1,250 24,605
Administrative expenses (5,179) (1,535) (6,714) (6,019) (730) (6,749)
Goodwill amortisation (3,907) (1,427) (5,334) (2,647) - (2,647)
Exceptional costs - - - (990) - (990)
Operating profit 24,621 (152) 24,469 13,699 520 14,219
Share of IME operating
Before goodwill 1,367 588 1,955 2,398 - 2,398
Goodwill amortisation (670) (247) (917) (402) - (402)
Total operating profit 25,318 189 25,507 15,695 520 16,215
2. Operating profit
Operating profit is stated after charging the following:
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Goodwill amortisation 5,334 2,647
Depreciation - on owned assets 3,623 2,306
- on assets held under finance leases 2 6
Operating lease rentals - land and buildings 9,865 6,227
- other 263 91
Auditors' remuneration - audit work 55 55
During the year, the group's auditors were paid £32,000 (2000: £200,000) for
services other than as auditors.
Exceptional charges against operating profit in the prior year comprise:
Termination costs in relation to former directors of Birkby 604
Loss on sale of Homeware Brands' cutlery activities 386
3. (Loss)/profit on disposal of operations (net)
Manor Credit (547)
Britannia Storage Systems (20)
Platignum Stationery 100
The loss of £0.5m shown above for Manor Credit was wholly offset by
corporation tax credits arising as a result of the disposal. It included £0.9
million of goodwill written back on disposal.
4. Net interest payable
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
On bank loans and overdrafts 11,623 5,209
Other financing costs 24 50
Share of IME joint venture interest 2,033 978
Interest payable and similar charges 13,680 6,237
Bank and other interest receivable (1,550) (1,014)
Interest receivable from IME joint venture (1,276) (469)
Net interest payable 10,854 4,754
5. Taxation on profit on ordinary activities
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
UK corporation tax at 30% (2000: 30%) 4,220 1,503
Deferred tax - 443
Share of IME joint venture tax 102 390
4,322 2,336
Certain subsidiaries of the group have unrelieved tax losses to carry forward
against future trading profits. The exceptional costs incurred in 2000 gave
rise to a tax credit of £0.8 million.
6. Dividends
The directors recommend a final dividend of 0.82p per ordinary share (2000:
0.82p) to be paid on 2 October 2001 to shareholders on the register on 7
September 2001.
An interim dividend of 0.402p per ordinary share (2000: 0.402p) was paid on 6
April 2001. This, together with the recommended final dividend makes a total
for the year of 1.222p per ordinary share (2000: 1.222p).
7. Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share are calculated on profit after tax of £11.0 million
(2000: £8.8 million), divided by 175.1 million ordinary shares (2000: 142.7
million ordinary shares) being the weighted average number of shares in issue
during the year. Diluted earnings per share are calculated after allowing for
the dilutive effect of conversion into ordinary shares of the weighted average
number of share options outstanding during the year. The number of shares used
for the diluted earnings per share calculation was 179.3 million (2000: 145.5
million). The weighted average number of shares used to calculate earnings per
share excludes shares held by the Quest (see note 12).
Basic earnings per share before goodwill amortisation and exceptionals has
been separately disclosed on the face of the profit and loss account to
facilitate comparison of the underlying performance of the group. The
calculation uses the same weighted average number of shares in issue as for
the basic earnings per share but reflects the following items:
2001 2000
Profit Earnings Profit Earnings
after per after per
tax share tax share
£'000 p £'000 p
As for basic earnings per share 11,014 6.29 8,848 6.20
Goodwill amortisation 6,251 3.57 3,049 2.14
Exceptional items (after tax) - - 618 0.43
Basic earnings per share before goodwill
amortisation and exceptionals 17,265 9.86 12,515 8.77
Diluted earnings per share before goodwill amortisation and exceptionals
similarly reflects the above adjustments but uses the same weighted average
number of shares in issue as for diluted earnings per share.
8. Intangible assets
At 1 May 2000 78,652
Arising on acquisitions 35,695
Exchange movements 144
At 30 April 2001 114,491
At 1 May 2000 2,647
Charge for the year 5,334
Exchange movements 2
At 30 April 2001 7,983
Net book value
At 30 April 2001 106,508
At 30 April 2000 76,005
9. Tangible assets
Land and and
buildings vehicles Total
£'000 £'000 £'000
At 1 May 2000 182,660 19,383 202,043
Arising on acquisition 8,496 3,239 11,735
Exchange movements 287 - 287
Additions 25,796 3,038 28,834
Disposals (1,910) (511) (2,421)
Reclassification 30 (30) -
At 30 April 2001 215,359 25,119 240,478
At 1 May 2000 10,581 11,957 22,538
Arising on acquisition 34 278 312
Charge for the year 2,119 1,506 3,625
Disposals (45) (368) (413)
At 30 April 2001 12,689 13,373 26,062
Net book value
At 30 April 2001 202,670 11,746 214,416
At 30 April 2000 172,079 7,426 179,505
Land and buildings at cost comprise:
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Land 84,509 67,647
Freehold buildings 94,630 81,794
Long leasehold 20,015 18,638
Short leasehold 16,205 14,581
215,359 182,660
The net book value of the group's plant, equipment and vehicles includes £
18,000 (2000: £20,000) in respect of assets held under finance leases.
10. Investments
Own IME joint
Other shares venture
£'000 £'000 £'000
At 1 May 2000 20,488 258 20,056
Additions - - 12,323
Disposals - (36) -
Transfer (to)/from current assets (20,238) - 691
Loans made to IME - - 1,929
Share of loss retained by joint venture - - (1,097)
Exchange movements - - 162
At 30 April 2001 250 222 34,064
The group's other investment, which is held at cost, represents a 15% equity
interest amounting to £0.25 million in Citib@se plc, an unlisted company,
which operates in England in the provision of serviced office space.
The company operates a Qualifying Employee Share Ownership Trust ('Quest')
which holds shares issued by the company in relation to the group's employee
share save schemes. At 30 April 2001 the number of shares held by the Quest
was 434,136 (2000: 520,032) and are included above at the price at which
employees can subscribe for the shares on exercise of their options. Dividends
in respect of these shares have been waived whilst being held by the Quest.
During the year the Quest disposed of 86,267 shares on exercise of employee
share options.
The group's investment in its IME joint venture comprises its share of their
net assets of £17.9 million (2000: £6.5 million) and loans of £16.1 million
(2000: £13.5 million). The addition of £12.3 million represents new shares
issued to the company by IME in December 2000 as a consequence of their
acquisition of Datavault. New shares in the company were issued as
consideration for their shares and these were placed by IME for cash.
The group's principal operating subsidiaries, all of which are wholly owned,
Country of operation
Company Activity and registration
Abbey Storage Limited Personal storage UK
British Self Storage Limited Personal storage UK
Une Piece en Plus S.A. Personal storage France
Imex Spaces Limited Serviced business space UK
Imex Holland B.V. Serviced business space Holland
Inshops Centres Limited Serviced business space UK
Synex Network Services Limited Serviced business space UK
Homeware Brands Limited Other UK
On 4 January 1999 Iron Mountain Europe Limited became a 49.9% owned joint
venture undertaking following the disposal of shares to Iron Mountain
Incorporated. The principal operating subsidiaries of the joint venture, all
of which are wholly owned and provide records and information management
services are:
Company Country of operation
and registration
Iron Mountain (UK) Limited UK
Datavault Limited UK
Archive Services Limited UK
Beverley Records Management Limited Eire
Memogarde S.A. France
Datavault S.A. Spain
Documentalia S.A. Spain
Boston Data S.A. Spain
Secur'Archiv Aktenmanagement GmbH Germany
Further details of the group's share (49.9%) of the joint venture's net assets
as at 30 April 2001 and its share of profits for the year then ended are given
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Fixed assets 47,651 28,269
Current assets 11,057 5,191
Share of gross assets 58,708 33,460
Liabilities due within one year (20,211) (4,325)
Liabilities due after more than one year (20,565) (22,591)
Share of gross liabilities (40,776) (26,916)
Share of net assets 17,932 6,544
Share of net debt included in net assets above (13,708) (8,478)
The share of net debt disclosed above excludes loans due to the joint venture
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Turnover 19,074 13,338
EBITDA 3,026 3,124
Profit/(loss) before tax (995) 1,018
Taxation (102) (390)
Profit/(loss) after tax (1,097) 628
During the year the group charged IME a management fee of £48,000 (2000: £
48,000), property rentals of £0.6 million (2000: £0.6 million), labour costs
of £0.1 million (2000: £0.1 million) and had interest receivable of £1.3
million (2000: £0.5 million). All transactions were undertaken on an
arm's-length basis.
11. Stocks and assets held for resale
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Stocks comprise:
Raw materials 150 16
Work in progress 1,594 1,248
Finished goods 571 551
2,315 1,815
Assets held for resale of £5.2 million (2000: £6.9 million) are surplus
properties awaiting disposal.
12. Debtors
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Trade debtors 3,072 2,555
Amounts owed by subsidiary undertakings - -
Amounts owed by IME joint venture - 691
Net investment in finance lease and hire purchase agreements 108 128
Other debtors 1,161 842
Prepayments and accrued income 5,150 4,547
9,491 8,763
Group debtors falling due after more than one year amounted to £0.2 million
(2000: £0.2 million).
13. Current asset investments
The group's 20% equity interest in Workspace Group PLC, a listed company,
which operates in England in the provision of serviced business space was
transferred from fixed to current asset investments during the year at its
cost to the group of £20.2 million. This investment was sold on 21 May 2001
for approximately £30.0 million (after taking into account costs).
14. Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Bank loans and overdrafts 12,494 1,800
Deferred acquisition loan notes 4,200 -
Obligations under finance leases 8 17
Trade creditors 10,651 8,767
Amounts owed to subsidiary undertakings - -
Social security and other taxes 811 1,155
Corporation tax 4,490 1,873
Other creditors 1,930 1,120
Accruals and deferred income 13,491 13,151
Proposed dividend 1,485 1,410
49,560 29,293
15. Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Bank loans and overdrafts 144,071 106,417
Deferred acquisition loan notes 4,043 -
Obligations under finance leases - 2
Borrowings 148,114 106,419
Other creditors 85 170
148,199 106,589
The above borrowings are repayable as follows:
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Between one and two years 56,354 11,657
Between two and five years 37,112 34,966
After five years 54,648 59,796
148,114 106,419
Included above, for the group, are obligations under finance leases of which £
nil is repayable between one and two years (2000: £2,000).
The aggregate amount of all loans repayable by instalment, of which any
instalment is due for repayment after five years is £70.0 million (2000: £
70.0). These were bank loans which were secured on certain property assets of
the group and attracted interest at LIBOR plus a margin of 0.75%.
16. Provisions for liabilities and charges
to profit
At 1 May and loss Exchange At 30 April
2000 account movements 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Pensions 145 16 - 161
Deferred tax 697 - (5) 692
842 16 (5) 853
The group's potential liability to deferred tax and the amounts provided are
as follows:
Potential liability Amounts provided
2001 2000 2001 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Accelerated capital allowances 1,230 533 692 254
Short-term timing differences (208) (118) - 150
Other - 293 - 293
1,022 708 692 697
There is further potential liability to deferred taxation of £9.1 million
(2000: £8.6 million) which would arise in the event of freehold and long
leasehold premises being sold at their balance sheet values. This comprises an
amount of £6.2 million (2000: £6.2 million) on the realised gain over original
cost together with £2.9 million (2000: £2.4 million) on the clawback of
industrial building allowances. It is currently intended that all of the
group's premises will be retained on a long-term basis and that any chargeable
gain which might arise on any sale would be covered by rollover relief.
17. Acquisitions
During the year the group acquired British Self Storage Limited, Une Piece en
Plus S.A. and Synex Network Services Limited. Goodwill on acquisition arose as
Book value Conformity of Provisional
prior to accounting fair value of assets
acquisition policies acquired
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fair value of assets acquired
Tangible fixed assets 11,442 (19) 11,423
Stocks 35 - 35
Debtors 1,101 (33) 1,068
Borrowings (net) (8,984) (14) (8,998)
Other creditors (3,670) (155) (3, 825)
(76) (221) (297)
Fair value of consideration
Issue of new ordinary shares 290
Deferred acquisition loan notes 8,243
Deferred consideration 100
Cash and expenses of acquisition 26,765
Goodwill arising on acquisition 35,695
In accordance with FRS6 the group has disclosed the fair value of the assets
acquired as provisional.
The impact of the acquisitions on the results of the group to 30 April 2001
can be seen in the segmental analysis in note 1 to the preliminary statement.
18. Financial instruments
The major financial risks facing the group, treasury policy and the use of
financial instruments are discussed in the financial review contained within
the preliminary statement. The group has taken advantage of the exemption
under FRS 13 to exclude short-term debtors and creditors from the following
Currency and interest rate risk profile of financial assets and liabilities
After taking into account interest rate swaps the currency and interest rate
profile of the group's financial assets and liabilities was:
Floating interest
Total rate bearing
Financial assets £'000 £'000 £'000
At 30 April 2001:
Sterling 45,509 24,799 20,710
At 30 April 2000:
Sterling 35,015 14,269 20,746
Euro 89 89 -
35,104 14,358 20,746
Financial assets comprise: cash £8.5 million (2000: £0.6 million), loans to
joint ventures £16.1 million (2000: £13.5 million), own shares £0.2 million
(2000: £0.3 million), other fixed asset investments £0.3 million (2000: £20.5
million), current asset investments £20.2 million (2000: nil) and long-term
debtors £0.2 million (2000: £0.2 million). It is not possible to compute the
weighted average period until maturity for financial assets on which no
interest is paid.
Weighted average
Non- average period for
interest Floating Fixed fixed which rate
Total bearing rate rate rate fixed
Financial liabilities £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 % Years
At 30 April 2001:
Sterling 160,882 85 150,789 10,008 7.05 1.56
Euro 4,019 - 4,019 -
164,901 85 154,808 10,008
At 30 April 2000:
Sterling 106,053 170 95,864 10,019 7.05 2.56
Euro 2,353 - 2,353 -
108,406 170 98,217 10,019
Financial liabilities comprise: borrowings £164.8 million (2000: £108.2
million) and long-term creditors £0.1 million (2000: £0.2 million). The
weighted average period until maturity for financial liabilities on which no
interest is paid is 1 year (2000: 1.5 years). Floating rate liabilities bear
interest based on LIBOR.
18. Financial instruments continued
Maturity of financial liabilities
The maturity of financial liabilities was as follows:
2001 2000
Total Borrowings Other Total Borrowings Other
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Within one year 16,702 16,702 - 1,817 1,817 -
Between one and two years 56,439 56,354 85 11,827 11,657 170
Between two and five years 37,112 37,112 - 34,966 34,966 -
After five years 54,648 54,648 - 59,796 59,796 -
164,901 164,816 85 108,406 108,236 170
Other financial liabilities comprise government grants.
Fair values of financial assets and liabilities
The book values and estimated fair values of financial assets and liabilities
was as follows:
2001 2000
Book Fair Book Fair
value value value value
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Other fixed asset investments 250 250 20,488 26,358
Financial assets excluding other fixed 45,259 54,959 14,616 14,616
asset investments
Borrowings (164,816)(164,816)(108,236)(108,236)
Interest rate swaps - (281) - (346)
Other financial liabilities (85) (85) (170) (170)
Other matters
At 30 April 2001 the group did not have outstanding any forward currency
contracts or any undrawn amounts under its committed banking facilities.
Currency gains and losses taken through the profit and loss account during the
year were immaterial.
19. Cash flow statement
a) Reconciliation of operating profit to cash flow from operating activities
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Operating profit 24,469 14,219
Goodwill amortisation 5,334 2,647
Depreciation charge 3,625 2,312
(Profit)/loss on sale of tangible fixed assets (612) 11
Decrease in stocks and assets held for resale 928 5,384
Increase in debtors (235) (749)
Decrease in creditors (306) (44)
Increase in provisions for liabilities and charges 16 12
Net cash inflow from operating activities 33,219 23,792
b) Analysis of cash flows for headings netted in cash flow statement
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Dividends received from other fixed asset investments 683 190
Interest paid (net) (8,302) (2,836)
Net cash outflow for returns on investments and servicing of (7,619) (2,646)
Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (28,734) (24,091)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 2,656 457
Net cash outflow for capital expenditure (26,078) (23,634)
Acquisitions and disposals
Acquisitions (Note 19d) (28,199) (50,291)
Bank overdrafts acquired with acquisitions (2,857) (28,601)
Sale of Manor Credit - 9,748
Sale of 50.1% of IME - (70)
Net overdrafts transferred on sale of subsidiaries - 289
Sale of other subsidiaries - 80
Net cash outflow for acquisitions and disposals (31,056) (68,845)
Debt due within one year - increase in borrowings 7,790 -
Debt due beyond one year - increase in borrowings 32,205 75,227
Debt due within one year - repayment of borrowings (676) (1,500)
Capital element of finance lease rental payments (51) (5)
Net cash inflow from financing 39,268 73,722
19. Cash flow statement continued
c) Analysis of changes in net debt
Other At 30 April
At 1 May non-cash
2000 Cash flow Acquisitions movements 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Cash at bank and in hand 615 7,850 - - 8,465
Overdrafts (1,673) (2,640) - - (4,313)
(1,058) 5,210 - - 4,152
Loans due within one (127) (7,114) (791) (4,349) (12,381)
Loans due after one year (106,417) (32,205) (5,310) (4,182) (148,114)
Finance leases (19) 51 (40) - (8)
(106,563) (39,268) (6,141) (8,531) (160,503)
Total net debt (107,621) (34,058) (6,141) (8,531) (156,351)
Other non-cash movements includes £8.2 million of deferred acquisition loan
notes issued on the acquisition of British Self Storage. The balance relates
to loan amortisation costs written off during the year and foreign exchange
d) Acquisitions
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Cash consideration and acquisition costs paid 26,648 47,155
Shareholder loans repaid on acquisition 1,551 -
Share issue costs paid - 3,136
28,199 50,291
Acquisitions contributed £2.9 million to the group's net operating cash flows,
paid £0.5 million in respect of net returns on investments and servicing of
finance and utilised a net £1.4 million for capital expenditure.
20. Statutory accounts
The above financial information is extracted from the company's statutory
accounts for the two years ended 30 April 2001. The accounts for the year
ended 30 April 2000 have been filed and those for the year ended 30 April 2001
will be filed with the Registrar of Companies. The company's auditors, RSM
Robson Rhodes gave unqualified reports on the accounts for both years and the
reports did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 1985.
21. Financial statement and annual general meeting
Audited financial statements and the annual report will be posted to
shareholders in due course. The annual general meeting will be held on 5
September 2001.