Interim Results - 6 Months to 31 Oct 1999, Part 2
Mentmore Abbey Plc
7 December 1999
Group profit and loss account
for the six months ended 31 October 1999
Six months ended 31 October 1999
and Goodwill
Note exceptionals amortisation Exceptionals Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover 2
Group and
share of
joint venture 13,272 - - 13,272
Less groups share
of joint venture (5,841) - - (5,841)
7,431 - - 7,431
Acquisitions 8,173 - - 8,173
15,604 - - 15,604
Operating profit
operations 2,369 - - 2,369
Acquisitions 2,861 (666) (604) 1,591
5,230 (666) (604) 3,960
Share of operating
profit in joint
venture 1,135 (127) - 1,008
profit 2 6,365 (793) (604) 4,968
Profit on
of shares
in BDM - - - -
Profit on
ordinary 6,365 (793) (604) 4,968
activities before
Net interest
payable (922) - - (922)
Profit on ordinary 5,443 (793) (604) 4,046
Taxation 3 (1,363) - 151 (1,212)
Profit on
ordinary 4,080 (793) (453) 2,834
activities after
Dividends (689) - - (689)
Retained profit
for the financial
period 3,391 (793) (453) 2,145
Basic earnings
per share:
goodwill 4
and exceptionals 3.56p - - 3.56p
amortisation - (0.69p) - (0.69p)
Exceptionals - - (0.40p) (0.40p)
Profit on disposal
of shares
in BDM - - - -
Total 3.56p (0.69p) (0.40p) 2.47p
Diluted earnings
per share 2.43p 2.94p
Dividends per share 0.402p 0.374p
Six months Year
ended 31 ended
October 1998 30 April 1999
£'000 £'000
Turnover 2
Group and
share of
joint venture 15,982 29,501
Less groups share
of joint venture - (3,570)
15,982 25,931
Acquisitions - -
15,982 25,931
Operating profit
operations 4,348 7,161
Acquisitions - -
4,348 7,161
Share of operating
profit in joint
venture - 876
profit 2 4,348 8,037
Profit on
of shares
in BDM - 4,443
Profit on
ordinary 4,348 12,470
activities before
Net interest
payable (1,051) (1,215)
Profit on ordinary 3,297 11,255
Taxation 3 (754) (1,413)
Profit on
ordinary 2,543 9,842
activities after
Dividends (320) (998)
Retained profit
for the financial
period 2,223 8,844
Basic earnings
per share:
goodwill 4
and exceptionals 2.98p 6.32p
amortisation - -
Exceptionals - -
Profit on disposal
of shares
in BDM - 5.18p
Total 2.98p 11.50p
Diluted earnings
per share 2.94p 11.32p
Dividends per share 0.374p 1.155p
Group balance sheet
as at 31 October 1999
31 October 31 October 30 April
1999 1998 1999
£ 000 £ 000 £ 000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 79,214 - -
Tangible assets 161,428 49,858 31,637
Investments in
joint venture 6,641 - 6,099
Other investments 20,488 - -
267,771 49,858 37,736
Current assets
Stocks 1,858 1,556 1,269
Assets held for
resale 12,269 - -
Debtors 17,071 5,597 1,784
Cash at bank
and in hand 31 13 15,499
31,229 7,166 18,552
Creditors: amounts
falling due
within one year (43,944) (15,026) (6,960)
Net current
/assets (12,715) (7,860) 11,592
Total assets less
liabilities 255,056 41,998 49,328
amounts falling
due after more
than one year (81,371) (17,913) (12)
Provisions for
and charges (579) (259) (133)
Net assets 173,106 23,826 49,183
Capital and
Called up share
capital 17,128 8,546 8,621
Share premium
account 113,686 10 415
Other reserve 27,226 8,970 27,226
Profit and loss
account 15,066 6,300 12,921
funds (Note 5) 173,106 23,826 49,183
Group cash flow statement
for the six months ended 31 October 1999
Six months ended ended
31 October 30 April
1999 1998 1999
£ 000 £ 000 £ 000
Cash flow from
activities (note 6) 5,374 4,535 7,900
Returns on investment
and servicing
of finance (452) (950) (1,471)
Taxation (474) (73) (509)
Capital expenditure (2,075) (1,705) (3,511)
Loans made to joint
venture (7,969) - -
Acquisitions and
disposals (48,449) (5,222) 20,236
Equity dividends paid (678) (606) (926)
Cash (outflow)/inflow
before use of
financing (54,723) (4,021) 21,719
Financing 50,060 487 (9,465)
in cash
in the period (4,663) (3,534) 12,254
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
Six months ended ended
31 October 30 April
1999 1998 1999
£ 000 £ 000 £ 000
(Decrease)/increase in cash
in the period (4,663) (3,534) 12,254
Cash (inflow)/outflow
from change in
debt and lease financing (49,801) (487) 9,945
Change in net debt
resulting from cash
flow (54,464) (4,021) 22,199
Loans and finance leases
with subsidiary
undertakings (61,601) - 10,437
Loan amortisation costs
written off - - (194)
Movement in net debt
in the period (116,065) (4,021) 32,442
Net funds/(debt) at
beginning of the period 15,475 (16,967) (16,967)
Net (debt)/funds at end
of the period (note 7) (100,590) (20,988) 15,475
Notes to the interim results
for the six months ended 31 October 1999
1. Basis of preparation
The interim results have not been audited but have been
reviewed by the auditors whose report is set out on page 8.
They have been prepared on the basis of accounting policies
consistent with those adopted for the year ended 30 April
1999 as set out in the financial statements of the group.
The comparative figures for the year ended 30 April 1999 and
other financial information contained herein do not
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section
240 of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory accounts for the
year ended 30 April 1999, incorporating an unqualified
auditors report, have been filed with the Registrar of
2. Segmental analysis
Six months ended Year ended
31 October 30 April
1999 1998 1999
£ 000 £ 000 £ 000
Personal storage 5,095 4,539 8,844
Serviced business
space 8,173 - -
Records management 5,841 8,797 15,306
Other 2,336 2,646 5,351
21,445 15,982 29,501
Less: group s share
of joint venture (5,841) - (3,570)
15,604 15,982 25,931
Total operating profit
Personal storage 2,511 2,248 4,455
Serviced business
space 2,861 - -
Records management 1,135 2,206 3,930
Other (142) (106) (348)
Before goodwill
amortisation and
exceptionals 6,365 4,348 8,037
Goodwill amortisation
and exceptionals (1,397) - -
4,968 4,348 8,037
The segment categories have been changed from that
previously reported to reflect the acquisition of Birkby
plc and the fact that BDM is now a joint venture operation.
Personal storage comprises Abbey Storage; Serviced business
space includes Birkby's work and retail space and asset
finance activities; Records management comprises the BDM
joint venture; Other includes the remainder of the group s
operations. Comparative figures have been adjusted
Exceptional costs of £0.6 million relate to Birkby and
principally comprise amounts payable as a result of
departing directors.
3. Taxation
The tax charge for the six months ended 31 October 1999 is
based on the estimated rate applicable for the year ending
30 April 2000.
4. Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share of 2.47p have been calculated by
dividing profit after tax of £2.8 million (1998 : £2.5
million) by the weighted average number of Mentmore Abbey
shares in issue of 114.6 million (1998 : 85.5 million). The
basic earnings per share of 3.56p, before goodwill
amortisation and exceptionals, is calculated on profit after
tax of £4.1 million.
The impact of all potentially dilutive share options on
earnings per share would be to increase the weighted average
number of shares in issue by 2.0 million (1998 : 1.1
million) and to reduce basic earnings per share by 0.04
pence (1998 : 0.04 pence).
5. Movement in equity shareholders funds
Equity shareholders funds have increased to £173.1 million
at 31 October 1999 from £49.2 million at 30 April 1999 as a
result of the retained profit of £2.1 million for the six
months to 31 October 1999 and the issue of shares valued at
£121.8 million in respect of the transaction with Birkby.
6. Reconciliation of operating profit to cash flow from
operating activities
Six months ended Year ended
31 October 30 April
1999 1998 1999
£ 000 £ 000 £ 000
Operating profit 3,960 4,348 7,161
Depreciation charge 728 791 1,279
Goodwill amortisation 666 - -
Loss on sale of tangible
fixed assets - 5 7
in stocks 34 (97) 98
Increase in debtors 123 (377) (50)
Decrease in creditors (140) (143) (605)
Increase in provision
for liabilities
and charges 3 8 10
5,374 4,535 7,900
7. Net debt
Net debt comprises:
31 October 30 April
1999 1998 1999
£ 000 £ 000 £ 000
Cash at bank
and in hand 31 13 15,499
Overdrafts (17,796) (290) -
Bank loans (82,806) (19,651) -
Finance leases (19) (1,060) (24)
(100,590) (20,988) 15,475
Bank loans and finance leases include amounts due after more
than one year amounting to £78.6 million (1998 : £17.3
million) and £ nil (1998 : £0.5 million) respectively.
8. Interim results statement
The interim results statement, which was approved by the
Board on 7 December 1999, will be posted to all
shareholders. Thereafter copies may be obtained from the
Company Secretary, Mentmore Abbey plc, Park House, 14 Pepys
Road, London SW20 8NH.