Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code (the "Code")
(a) Name of exempt principal trader: |
J.P. Morgan Securities Plc |
(b) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose relevant securities this form relates: Use a separate form for each offeror/offeree |
Mondi plc |
(c) Name of the party to the offer with which exempt principal trader is connected: |
Corporate broker to Smith (DS) plc |
(d) Date dealing undertaken: |
15 March 2024 |
(e) In addition to the company in 1(b) above, is the exempt principal trader making disclosures in respect of any other party to this offer? If it is a cash offer or possible cash offer, state "N/A" |
Yes, Smith (DS) plc |
Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(b), copy table 2(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security dealt in.
The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.
(a) Purchases and sales
Class of relevant security |
Purchases/ sales
Total number of securities |
Highest price per unit paid/received |
Lowest price per unit paid/received |
EUR 0.22 ordinary |
59,191 2,976,085
59,191 2,629,852 |
318.5000 ZAR 13.4000 GBP
318.5000 ZAR 13.4350 GBP |
318.5000 ZAR 13.1150 GBP
318.5000 ZAR 13.2300 GBP |
(b) Cash-settled derivative transactions
Class of relevant security |
Product description e.g. CFD |
Nature of dealing e.g. opening/closing a long/short position, increasing/reducing a long/short position |
Number of reference securities |
Price per unit |
EUR 0.22 ordinary |
Equity Swap |
Decrease Long
Decrease Short
Increase Long
Increase Short
Opening a short position |
2 150,000 51 139 1,415 536 73 7,200 50,000 490 38,011 1,684 18,462 5,482 5,679 3,222 9,967 3,482 6,038 8 23,787 19,376 2,439 53,249 38,120 3,591 392 3,096 37,807 15,067 845 2,256 33,578 5,390 5,777 10,875 3,824 3,209 23,107 966 4,766 10,010 1,798 1,796 1 3,105 119,497 363 110 14,625 73,465 91,468 14,625 127,794
57 107 79 1,202 135 91 130 21,790 17,152 151,212 10,041 6,522 31,589 165,569 1,539 423 5,585 1,649 2,282 772 1,287 97 119,497 363 110 2,270 3,035 51 3,789 2,300 2,543 15,313 73,414 30,968 188,294 226,429
87,698 114 732 67 2,712 301,887 75,346 16,943 75,405 40,317 50,000 3,494 10,735 2,214 25,643 10,921 365 530 37,182 1,389 1,595 437 1,143 12,536 62
974 897 2,250 153 214,997 146,444 2,820 1,852 3,542 557 7,613 10,033 627 670 8,474 137,122 17,743 8,621 1,463 31,289 1,454 4,051 1,397 1,002 162 31,970 5,459 263,611 202 12,396
187,310 |
13.2763 GBP 13.3000 GBP 13.3042 GBP 13.3117 GBP 13.3135 GBP 13.3160 GBP 13.3191 GBP 13.3197 GBP 13.3200 GBP 13.3202 GBP 13.3203 GBP 13.3205 GBP 13.3206 GBP 13.3208 GBP 13.3213 GBP 13.3217 GBP 13.3219 GBP 13.3232 GBP 13.3241 GBP 13.3242 GBP 13.3246 GBP 13.3247 GBP 13.3248 GBP 13.3251 GBP 13.3256 GBP 13.3261 GBP 13.3266 GBP 13.3271 GBP 13.3272 GBP 13.3275 GBP 13.3284 GBP 13.3295 GBP 13.3297 GBP 13.3303 GBP 13.3311 GBP 13.3319 GBP 13.3328 GBP 13.3354 GBP 13.3414 GBP 13.3469 GBP 13.3507 GBP 13.3520 GBP 13.3557 GBP 13.3592 GBP 13.3713 GBP 13.3847 GBP 315.6800 ZAR 316.3430 ZAR 316.5700 ZAR 317.3465 ZAR 318.4578 ZAR 318.5000 ZAR 318.5159 ZAR 318.5478 ZAR
13.2749 GBP 13.2850 GBP 13.2899 GBP 13.2925 GBP 13.2999 GBP 13.3000 GBP 13.3049 GBP 13.3113 GBP 13.3161 GBP 13.3173 GBP 13.3180 GBP 13.3187 GBP 13.3193 GBP 13.3199 GBP 13.3220 GBP 13.3243 GBP 13.3283 GBP 13.3310 GBP 13.3347 GBP 13.3461 GBP 13.3596 GBP 13.3896 GBP 315.6800 ZAR 316.3430 ZAR 316.5668 ZAR 316.6685 ZAR 317.1044 ZAR 317.3760 ZAR 317.3899 ZAR 317.5307 ZAR 318.2228 ZAR 318.3976 ZAR 318.4586 ZAR 318.4936 ZAR 318.5000 ZAR 318.5956 ZAR
13.1150 GBP 13.2337 GBP 13.2503 GBP 13.2963 GBP 13.3120 GBP 13.3121 GBP 13.3123 GBP 13.3177 GBP 13.3187 GBP 13.3198 GBP 13.3200 GBP 13.3211 GBP 13.3236 GBP 13.3263 GBP 13.3391 GBP 13.3470 GBP 316.0899 ZAR 316.4480 ZAR 316.5271 ZAR 316.9885 ZAR 317.1750 ZAR 317.5629 ZAR 318.0229 ZAR 318.5000 ZAR 320.0016 ZAR
13.2351 GBP 13.2854 GBP 13.2940 GBP 13.2995 GBP 13.3196 GBP 13.3200 GBP 13.3202 GBP 13.3208 GBP 13.3212 GBP 13.3216 GBP 13.3217 GBP 13.3231 GBP 13.3246 GBP 13.3259 GBP 13.3265 GBP 13.3275 GBP 13.3282 GBP 13.3287 GBP 13.3295 GBP 13.3303 GBP 13.3318 GBP 13.3338 GBP 13.3367 GBP 13.3412 GBP 13.3526 GBP 13.3575 GBP 317.1993 ZAR 318.3038 ZAR 318.5000 ZAR 318.5487 ZAR
13.1150 GBP |
(c) Stock-settled derivative transactions (including options)
(i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying
Class of relevant security |
Product description e.g. call option |
Writing, purchasing, selling, varying etc. |
Number of securities to which option relates |
Exercise price per unit |
Type e.g. American, European etc. |
Expiry date |
Option money paid/ received per unit |
(ii) Exercise
Class of relevant security |
Product description e.g. call option |
Exercising/ exercised against |
Number of securities |
Exercise price per unit |
(d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities)
Class of relevant security |
Nature of dealing e.g. subscription, conversion |
Details |
Price per unit (if applicable) |
(a) Indemnity and other dealing arrangements
Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or understanding, formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an inducement to deal or refrain from dealing entered into by the exempt principal trader making the disclosure and any party to the offer or any person acting in concert with a party to the offer: Irrevocable commitments and letters of intent should not be included. If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state "none" |
(b) Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives
Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal, between the exempt principal trader making the disclosure and any other person relating to: (i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or (ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative is referenced: If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state "none" |
Date of disclosure: |
20 March 2024 |
Contact name: |
Natasha Mondon |
Telephone number: |
01202 325175 |
Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service.
The Panel's Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code's dealing disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.
The Code can be viewed on the Panel's website at