Final Results

Monks Investment Trust PLC 29 May 2002 THE MONKS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC Results for the year to 30 April 2002 Over the year Monks outperformed its comparative index by 5.3 percentage points. While net asset value per share fell by 10.6%, the value of the FTSE World Index in sterling terms fell by 15.9%. The cause of the relative outperformance was a combination of a defensive strategy, with a heavy weighting in bonds and cash, and good stock selection. Turnover of holdings was lower than in the previous year, but exposure to technology was reduced, especially IT hardware and telecoms. This was offset by an increase in consumer goods and financials. Exposure to Asia Pacific was increased from 4.5% to 7.0% and North America from 33.5% to 36.1%, while the Japanese stake dropped to 6.0% from 9.2%. In the second half of the year, net asset value per share rose by 9% compared with a gain of 3% in the FTSE World Index in sterling terms. As expected, earnings per share were lower at 1.61p as opposed to 1.83p and a reduced final dividend of 1.0p (1.2p) is being proposed to give a total for the year of 1.6p (1.8p). The outlook remains uncertain, with a high degree of international political risk and the threat of further terrorist attacks influencing sentiment. However, most major economies do seem to be on a path of moderate growth and while interest rates may increase slightly, rises will be from low levels. Markets generally are still relatively highly rated and market progress will depend on a trend of increased profits. This trend has not yet been established and a cautious stance is still being maintained. Monks, with total assets of £800 million, invests internationally in order to achieve capital growth. An ISA and a Share Plan are available. Monks is managed by Baillie Gifford & Co., the leading independent Edinburgh based fund management group with around £23 billion under management and advice. 28 May 2002. - ends - For further information please contact: Richard Burns, Manager The Monks Investment Trust PLC 0131 222 4000 07703 439 226 (mobile) Mike Lord, Director Broadgate Marketing 020 7726 6111 Baillie Gifford & Co. is regulated by the FSA. THE MONKS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC The following is the unaudited preliminary statement for the year to 30 April 2002 which was approved by the Board on 28 May 2002. The Directors of The Monks Investment Trust PLC are recommending to the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on 29 July 2002 the payment of a final dividend of 1.00p net (1.20p+ net last year) per ordinary share, making a total of 1.60p net (1.80p+ net last year) per ordinary share for the year ended 30 April 2002. STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN (unaudited and incorporating the revenue account*) For the year ended For the year ended 30 April 2002 30 April 2001 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 (Losses)/gains on investments - (79,925) (79,925) - 12,796 12,796 Currency losses - (201) (201) - (1,682) (1,682) Income (note 1) 18,497 - 18,497 20,758 - 20,758 Investment management fee (3,721) - (3,721) (4,581) - (4,581) Other administrative expenses (593) - (593) (950) - (950) Net return before finance costs and 14,183 (80,126) (65,943) 15,227 11,114 26,341 taxation Finance costs of borrowings (8,351) - (8,351) (8,524) - (8,524) Return on ordinary activities 5,832 (80,126) (74,294) 6,703 11,114 17,817 before taxation Tax on ordinary activities (923) - (923) (809) - (809) Return on ordinary activities after 4,909 (80,126) (75,217) 5,894 11,114 17,008 taxation Dividends in respect of equity (4,882) - (4,882) (5,477) - (5,477) shares (note 2) Transfer to/(from) reserves 27 (80,126) (80,099) 417 11,114 11,531 Return per ordinary share 1.61p (26.26p) (24.65p) 1.83p+ 3.46p+ 5.29p+ (note 3) Dividends per ordinary share 1.60p 1.80p+ * The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. +Restated for the five for one share split in July 2001(see note 5). THE MONKS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC SUMMARISED BALANCE SHEET at 30 April 2002 (unaudited) 30 April 2002 30 April 2001 £'000 £'000 Net assets Investments at market value 784,323 850,565 Net liquid assets 2,305 16,194 Total assets (before deduction of loans and debentures) 786,628 866,759 Debentures and short term borrowings (note 4) (110,237) (110,269) 676,391 756,490 Capital and Reserves Called-up share capital 15,257 15,257 Capital reserves 644,023 724,149 Revenue reserve 17,111 17,084 Equity shareholders' funds 676,391 756,490 Net asset value per ordinary share 221.5p 247.7p+ (after deducting prior charges at par) Ordinary shares in issue (note 5) 305,130,295 305,130,295+ DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS at 30 April 2002 (unaudited) 30 April 2002 30 April 2001 % % Equities: United Kingdom 22.8 20.8 Continental Europe 10.7 10.9 North America 36.1 33.5 Japan 6.0 9.2 Asia Pacific 7.0 4.5 Other Emerging Markets 1.5 1.4 84.1 80.3 Bonds: UK 3.7 1.1 Continental Europe 6.3 2.9 North America 5.6 13.8 Net liquid assets 0.3 1.9 Total assets (before debentures and short term borrowings) 100.0 100.0 + Restated for the five for one share split in July 2001 (see note 5). THE MONKS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC SUMMARISED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (unaudited) For the year ended For the year ended 30 April 2002 30 April 2001 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 13,409 14,477 NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM SERVICING OF FINANCE (8,262) (8,533) TOTAL TAX PAID (702) (650) FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Acquisitions of investments (270,630) (413,292) Disposals of investments 259,436 461,435 Realised currency loss (266) (104) NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW FROM FINANCIAL INVESTMENT (11,460) 48,039 EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID (5,492) (6,021) NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW BEFORE FINANCING (12,507) 47,312 FINANCING Shares purchased for cancellation - (73,118) Bank loans repaid (30,713) (30,705) Bank loans drawn down 30,713 30,991 NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM FINANCING - (72,832) DECREASE IN CASH (12,507) (25,520) RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT Decrease in cash in the period (12,507) (25,520) Net inflow from bank loans - (286) Exchange movement on bank loans 65 (1,578) Other non-cash changes (33) (32) MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT IN THE PERIOD (12,475) (27,416) NET DEBT AT 1 MAY (93,380) (65,964) NET DEBT AT 30 APRIL (105,855) (93,380) THE MONKS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC NOTES 30 April 2002 30 April 2001 £'000 £'000 1. Income Income from investments and interest receivable 18,478 20,743 Other income 19 15 2. The total cost of the dividends for the year is £4,882,000 (2001 - £5,477,000). If approved, the final dividend will be paid on 5 August 2002 to all shareholders on the register at the close of business on 12 July 2002. 3. Return per ordinary share Revenue return 4,909 5,894 Capital return (80,126) 11,114 Return per ordinary share is based on the above totals for revenue and capital and on 305,130,295 (2001 - 321,635,600) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. 4. Loans and debentures include €50 million (2001 - €50 million) drawn down under a short-term multi-currency loan facility. The market value of debenture stocks at 30 April 2002 was £90,927,000 (30 April 2001 - £92,148,000). 5. At the AGM in July 2001 shareholders approved a resolution to sub-divide each of the Company's ordinary shares of 25p into five ordinary shares of 5p each, which increased the number of ordinary shares in issue from 61,026,059 to 305,130,295. All per share figures for the prior periods have been restated. 6. At the AGM shareholders also approved the renewal of the Company's authority to buy back its own ordinary shares in respect of 45,739,031 ordinary shares of 5p each (equivalent to 14.99% of its share capital at that date). No ordinary shares were bought back in the period under review and, therefore, at 30 April 2002 the Company's authority to buy back its own shares remained unchanged at 45,739,031 ordinary shares of 5p each. 7. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the year ended 30 April 2002. The financial information for 2001 is derived from the statutory accounts for 2001 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors have reported on the 2001 accounts; their report was unqualified and it did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for 2002 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange R
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