Interim Results

Mission Testing PLC 12 March 2001 Mission Testing plc ('Mission Testing' or 'the Group') Interim results for the six months to 31 December 2000 Financial Highlights Mission Testing, the leading provider of specialist software testing solutions and services, is pleased to announce its interim results for the six months ended 31 December 2000 (the first results since its successful flotation on AIM in December 2000). Unaudited Unaudited Audited Interim Interim Full Year 2000 1999 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 TURNOVER 4,988 2,728 6,048 PROFIT BEFORE TAX AND EXCEPTIONALS* 505 247 500 PROFIT BEFORE TAX 195 247 500 * Exceptional costs of £310,000 relate to the flotation of the Group on AIM on 6 December 2000 EARNINGS PER SHARE (ADJUSTED FOR EXCEPTIONALS) - Adjusted Basic (pence) 3.62 1.63 3.31 - Adjusted Diluted (pence) 3.59 1.63 3.31 * Revenues up 83% to £5.0m (1999: £2.7m) * Profit before tax and exceptionals up 105% to £0.51m (1999: £0.25m) * Diluted earnings per share before exceptionals up 120% to 3.59p (1999:1.63p) * Cash balance of £8.6m (1999: £0.01m) at period end. Commenting on the results and future prospects, Tony Wells, Chief Executive Officer said: 'Mission Testing has made an excellent start to its life as a public company. As expected, trading in the first half was strong. Looking ahead, the opportunity for the Group is substantial as our larger clients begin to adopt corporate- wide software testing strategies. We expect demand to remain buoyant as this trend gathers pace and as organisations increasingly recognise the benefits of independent testing consultancy. We look forward to the future with confidence.' For further information, please contact: Mission Testing plc (12.03.01) 020 7601 1000 Tony Wells, Chief Executive (Thereafter) 01293 457123 David Abery, Finance Director Square Mile BSMG 020 7601 1000 Kevin Smith or Becky Jewers Embargoed until 0700 12 March 2001 Mission Testing plc ('Mission Testing' or 'the Group') Interim Results for the six months ended 31 December 2000 Chairman's Statement I have pleasure in reporting the Group's* results for the six months ended 31 December 2000, Mission Testing's first as a public company and also my first as Chairman following my appointment on 20 February 2001. Financial Review A highlight of the first half was the successful flotation of the Group on AIM on 6 December 2000. The Group received net proceeds of approximately £8.8m from a placing to institutional investors. The Group plans to use these proceeds to finance the future development of the Group's software testing consultancy and services business by organic and acquisition means. I am pleased to report that trading in the first half has been very satisfactory and, as expected, we are reporting significant growth in both sales and profits. Turnover in the six months to 31 December 2000 increased by 83% to £5.0 million from £2.7 million in the corresponding six months of the prior year. Operating profit (excluding the exceptional costs referred to below) increased by 82% to £546,000 (1999: £299,000). Profit before tax (again excluding exceptional costs) increased by 105% to £505,000 (1999: £247,000). Earnings per share before exceptionals advanced by 122% to 3.62p (1999: 1.63p). Exceptional costs amounting to £310,000 were incurred in the period, being the costs related to the flotation of Mission Testing that have not been written off against the share premium account. As at the end of December the Group had cash balances of £8.6m. Rather than use finance facilities available to us, we chose to apply approximately £120,000 from the flotation proceeds to working capital and also repaid in full a Director's debenture of £78,000. As stated in the flotation prospectus, the Directors intend to maintain a prudent yet flexible approach to the dividend policy, taking full account of the capital requirements of the Group as it expands. Given that we raised funds by flotation only three months ago, the Board is not recommending an interim dividend post flotation for the six months ended 31 December 2000. The Directors intend to review the dividend position at the year end. Future Prospects Software testing is playing an increasingly important role in corporate risk management. Ever increasing reliance on IT systems for competitive advantage and business critical tasks has highlighted the importance of structured testing strategies and driven demand for independent software testing solutions and services. Mission Testing was established in 1998 to address this large and fast growing market. The software testing market has developed rapidly in recent years and competition remains highly fragmented. It is the Board's intention to develop Mission Testing as the clear market leader in software testing and, following the flotation, it has the strong balance sheet required to pursue this objective. There has been a certain amount of public speculation about a slowdown in IT spend. However, Mission Testing's major clients, which represent the banking, finance and telecoms sectors, have continued to increase their investment in testing. Indeed, it is our belief that the efficiencies that can be gained from incorporating testing within the early stages of a software development or implementation programme are being recognised by a growing number of organisations as they seek greater returns on their investment in technology. Mission Testing has already established a prominent position in the UK market and has built a blue chip client base focused on high growth sectors. We are also rapidly establishing a position as the preferred supplier of testing consultancy and skills to large system integrators, as they increasingly recognise the credibility of introducing an independent testing expert to their end client. Mission Testing's sales strategy will focus upon winning long-term business at an organisational level. The beginning of a trend to develop a corporate-wide strategy for testing is evident amongst a number of our clients and the opportunity for us to evolve our relationships from individual projects to a corporate-wide basis is very exciting. We plan to open an office in the City of London in order to service our banking and finance clients more efficiently. A City office will also provide a platform from which to effectively target this market, where the opportunity to incorporate testing as a key component of risk management is considerable. We are actively seeking to appoint a Director of Business Development. This investment in a senior sales appointment underpins our strategy to develop high-level client relationships and win business at an organisational level. The growth of our sales force will be mirrored by the recruitment of experienced test managers and consultants and, with a focus on growing sustainable revenue and profits, the second half of the year will see an increase in staff numbers. Acquisition Strategy As stated at the time of flotation, Mission Testing intends to augment organic growth by the targeted acquisition of complementary software testing businesses both in the UK and, when appropriate, in markets overseas. The Board continues to review opportunities and is focusing carefully on the real benefits that each could bring in terms of enhancing value for Mission Testing shareholders by expanding the Group's testing resources and client base. People The substantial growth in revenue could not have been achieved without the hard work and dedication of staff across the Group; I would like to thank them all for their continuing efforts. Recruiting and retaining high quality people is a vital component of Mission Testing's growth strategy. The flotation has enabled the Group to put in place appropriate share option schemes for all staff to incentivise the existing team and to assist in recruiting additional high- calibre individuals. Outlook Mission Testing has achieved substantial growth in both turnover and trading results for the period, as well as successfully floating the Group on AIM. The resources and experience supporting these improved results have been enhanced by the funding that the flotation brings, giving opportunity for further significant growth. The continued development of a scalable sales strategy, the imminent appointment of a Director of Business Development, the plan to open a City office shortly and the ongoing recruitment of professional testing consultants are all exciting developments. The strong improvement in the first half performance has continued into the second half of the financial year and I believe that the Group is now poised for even greater future success. Graham Pooley Chairman 12 March 2001 * In the previous year Mission Testing plc was a dormant company, and all activities were those of Mission Testing Europe Limited. For further information, please contact: Mission Testing plc (12.03.01) 020 7601 1000 Tony Wells, Chief Executive (Thereafter) 01293 457123 David Abery, Finance Director Square Mile BSMG 020 7601 1000 Kevin Smith or Becky Jewers MISSION TESTING plc CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Unaudited Unaudited Audited six months six months year ended ended ended 31 December 31 December 30 June 2000 1999 2000 Notes £ £ £ GROUP TURNOVER 4,987,904 2,728,034 6,048,205 Operating costs (4,441,927) (2,428,758) (5,444,929) Exceptional costs of flotation 3 (309,568) - - ________ _________ _________ OPERATING PROFIT 236,409 299,276 603,276 Net interest payable 41,146) (52,515) (103,059) ________ ________ ________ PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES 195,263 246,761 500,217 BEFORE TAXATION Tax on profit on ordinary activities 2 (74,455) (63,601) (128,928) ________ ________ ________ PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES 120,808 183,160 371,289 AFTER TAXATION Dividends** 4 (48,000) (128,000) (208,668) ________ _________ ________ RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 72,808 55,160 162,621 ________ _________ ________ EARNINGS PER SHARE (PENCE) Basic EPS 5 1.02 1.63 3.31 Adjusted Basic EPS 5 3.62 1.63 3.31 (excluding exceptional costs) Diluted EPS 5 1.01 1.63 3.31 The Group had no recognised gains or losses, in either the current or prior periods, other than those dealt with in the profit and loss account. All of the results derive from continuing operations. ** Dividends are those paid to the shareholders of Mission Testing Europe Limited (now the wholly owned subsidiary of Mission Testing plc) for the periods prior to the Group's flotation on AIM. MISSION TESTING plc CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Unaudited Unaudited Audited Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 31 December 31 December 30 June 2000 1999 2000 £ £ £ Notes FIXED ASSETS Tangible assets 79,129 17,266 44,292 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 2,501,145 911,022 1,558,037 Cash at bank and in hand 8,564,259 9,170 46,653 CREDITORS Amounts falling due within one year (1,743,461) (768,058) (1,372,121) NET CURRENT ASSETS 9,321,943 152,134 232,569 __________ __________ __________ TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 9,401,072 169,400 276,861 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 1,580,717 1,122,756 1,122,756 Share premium account 8,493,447 - - Merger reserve 7 (1,122,656) (1,122,656) (1,122,656) Other reserve 99,995 - - Profit and loss account 349,569 169,300 276,761 __________ __________ __________ EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 9,401,072 169,400 276,861 MISSION TESTING plc CONSOLIDATED CASHFLOW Unaudited Unaudited Audited Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 31 December 31 December 30 June 2000 1999 2000 Notes £ £ £ NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/ INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 6 (348,237) 178,619 382,861 Returns on investments and servicing of finance (41,146) (52,515) (103,059) TAXATION Corporation tax paid - (34,351) (34,351) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE Payments to acquire fixed assets (21,896) (1,921) (41,655) EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID (48,000) (128,000) (208,668) ________ __________ __________ Cash outflow before management ofliquid resources and financing (459,279) (38,168) (4,872) FINANCING Issue of ordinary shares 9,051,403 - - (Decrease)/increase in debenture loans (74,518) 6,331 10,518 _________ _________ _________ INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH 8,517,606 (31,837) 5,646 _________ _________ _________ MISSION TESTING plc NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED INTERIM REPORT 1 BASIS OF PREPARATION OF INTERIM FINANCIAL INFORMATION On 24 November 2000 Mission Testing Limited acquired the entire issued share capital of Mission Testing Europe Limited (which was in exchange for the issue of shares in Mission Testing Limited). On 27 November 2000 Mission Testing Limited was re-registered as a public limited company. This group reconstruction has been accounted for using merger accounting. The consolidated interim financial information for Mission Testing plc ('the Group') has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts of Mission Testing Europe Limited for the year ended 30 June 2000. The financial information contained in this interim statement does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the full preceding year is based on the statutory accounts of Mission Testing Europe Limited for the financial year ended 30 June 2000. Those accounts, upon which the auditors issued an unqualified opinion and did not contain a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) Companies Act 1985, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 2 TAXATION The tax charge for the half year has been based on the estimated effective tax rate for the full year. 3 EXCEPTIONAL COSTS The profit and loss account for the period to 31 December 2000 includes exceptional expenses of £309,568 relating to the costs associated with the flotation of the Group on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange. 4 DIVIDENDS The directors have recommended that an interim dividend is not paid in respect of the period post flotation. 5 EARNINGS PER ORDINARY SHARE Earnings per share has been calculated using the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period of 11,874,735 (1999:11,227,560). The diluted earnings per share is based on 11,974,378 ordinary shares and reflects the exercise of all share options granted. 6 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING PROFIT TO NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 31 December 31 December 30 June 2000 1999 2000 £ £ £ Operating profit 236,409 299,276 603,276 Depreciation (12,971) (3,140) (9,568) (Increase)/decrease in debtors (943,108) 28,815 (618,200) Increase/(decrease) in creditors 371,433 (146,332) 388,217 ________ __________ _________ Net cash flow from operating activities (348,237) 178,619 382,861 ________ __________ _________ 7 MERGER RESERVE As disclosed in note 1 above, Mission Testing plc previously acquired the entire issued share capital of Mission Testing Europe Limited in exchange for the issue of shares in Mission Testing plc. The Merger reserve represents the difference between the total nominal value of ordinary shares issued to former Mission Testing Europe Limited shareholders and the total nominal value of the Mission Testing Europe Limited shares acquired. 8 CIRCULATION TO SHAREHOLDERS Copies of this interim statement will be sent to shareholders and copies will be available to the public at the Company's registered office, Sterling House, High Street, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 1GE or from the Company's website at
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