Montanaro European Smaller Companies Trust PLC
("the Company")
LEI: 213800CWSC5B8BG3RS21
Results of Annual General Meeting
Following the Annual General Meeting (the "AGM") which was held today, 8 September 2022, the Company is pleased to announce that all resolutions put to shareholders were duly passed on a show of hands.
Valid proxy votes received were as follows:
For |
% |
Against |
% |
% Of ISC# Voted
Votes |
Resolution 1: To receive the Annual Report and Accounts.
46,194,312 |
99.98 |
9,933 |
24.4 |
Resolution 2: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Report.
45,900,368 |
99.55 |
205,430 |
0.45 |
24.4 |
Resolution 3: To declare a final dividend of 0.725p per Ordinary Share for the year ended 31 March 2022.
46,204,245 |
100.00 |
0 |
24.4 |
Resolution 4: To re-elect Mr R M Curling as a Director of the Company.
45,105,499 |
97.78 |
1,026,303 |
2.22 |
24.4 |
Resolution 5: To re-elect Mrs C A Roxburgh as a Director of the Company.
40,131,858 |
86.97 |
6,012,211 |
13.03 |
24.4 |
Resolution 6: To re-elect Mr G Neilly as a Director of the Company.
45,106,709 |
97.78 |
1,025,093 |
24.4 |
Resolution 7: To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditor to the Company.
41,005,635 |
88.82 |
5,159,596 |
11.18 |
24.4 |
Resolution 8: To authorise the Directors to determine the auditor's remuneration.
46,110,677 |
99.80 |
24.4 |
Resolution 9: To authorise the Directors to allot ordinary shares.
46,006,927 |
99.68 |
24.4 |
Resolution 10: To disapply statutory pre-emption rights.*
45,904,358 |
24.4 |
Resolution 11: To authorise the Company to purchase its own ordinary shares.*
41,136,855 |
89.09 |
5,040,136 |
10.91 |
24.4 |
37,900 |
# issued share capital
*special resolution
1. |
All resolutions were passed.
2. |
Proxy appointments which gave discretion to the Chairman of the AGM have been included in the "For" total for the appropriate resolution.
3. |
Votes "For" and "Against" any resolution are expressed as a percentage of votes validly cast for that resolution.
4. |
A "Vote withheld" is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the percentage of shares voted "For" or "Against" any resolution nor in the calculation of the proportion of "% of ISC voted" for any resolution.
5. |
The number of shares in issue at close of business on 7 September 2022 was 189,427,600 Ordinary Shares in issue of £0.05 each. Each Ordinary Share carries one vote. The total voting rights in the Company as at 7 September 2022 were 189,427,600 votes.
6. |
The proportion of "ISC voted" for any resolution is the total of votes validly cast for that resolution (i.e. the total votes "For" and "Against" that resolution) expressed as a percentage of the ISC.
7. |
The full text of the resolutions passed at the AGM can be found in the Notice of Annual General Meeting which is available on the Company's website at .
8. |
In accordance with listing rule 9.6.2R, a copy of resolutions 9-11 passed at the AGM will shortly be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will be available for inspection at .
Link Company Matters Limited
Company Secretary
8 September 2022