Final Results
Morgan Crucible Co PLC
11 March 2003
11th March, 2003
2002 2001
Group Turnover £m 880.3 1,024.5
Operating Profit* £m 34.1 64.3
Underlying PBT** £m 21.3 45.1
Net Debt £m 251.6 276.1
Underlying EPS*** pence 5.0 12.5
* Defined as statutory operating loss of £30.9million (2001: profit £56.6 million) before goodwill
amortisation of £7.7 million (2001: £7.7 million) and operating exceptional charges of £57.3 million (2001: £
nil). This measure of earnings is shown because the Directors consider that it gives a better indication of
underlying performance.
** Defined as statutory loss before tax of £58.7 million (2001: profit £19.8 million) before goodwill
amortisation of £7.7 million (2001: £7.7 million) and corporate and operating exceptional charges of £72.3
million (2001: £ 17.6 million).
*** Basic underlying loss per share of 23.2p (2001: earnings 5.0p) adjusted to exclude the after tax impact of
corporate and operating exceptional items of 28.2p (2001: 7.5p)
• Underlying operating profit at £34.1 million ( 2001: £64.3
million) in line with expectations
• Net borrowings reduced to £251.6 million (2001: £276.1 million)
• Restructuring and rationalisation programme announced in
February 2002 progressing to plan
• Borrowings refinanced through US$300 million Bank syndicated
loan and US$105 million private placement
Commenting on the results Chief Executive, Warren Knowlton said:
'Having visited most major sites and met all of the senior management since
joining in January, I believe that there is significant value generation
potential within Morgan Crucible. We have strong market positions but the cost
base is too high and cash control can be improved. However a continuing emphasis
on cash management and cost reduction should drive profit growth despite weak
customer demand. The Company has a strong base from which to capitalise on the
eventual recovery in global markets.'
Warren Knowlton, Group Chief Executive 020 7404 5959 (on 11.03.03)
Nigel Young, Finance Director 01753 837000 (thereafter)
Jon Coles / Harry Chathli, Brunswick 020 7404 5959
2002 was one of the most difficult periods the global manufacturing industry has
experienced for many years. All market sectors, with the possible exception of
medical and defence, continued to be depressed throughout the year in most
geographic regions. Customers, unsure of demand for their own products, were
reducing inventory levels where possible.
During the year, in the face of these reduced volumes, Morgan has continued to
focus on cost reduction and cash generation. A £70.0 million cost reduction
programme was announced in February 2002 that will reduce the Group's cost base
by an annualised £33.0 million by mid 2004. This programme is on track with
benefits now expected to exceed the original target.
Given the current trading background and the focus on cash generation and debt
reduction, no dividend will be paid for the year 2002.
Despite the decline in operating profit arising from these low activity levels,
and the expenditure on the cost reduction programme, the Group was able to
generate a positive free cash flow for the year and reduce net debt at the end
of the year to £251.6 million.
Since the year end the Group has raised US$105 million of seven and ten year
private placement finance and entered into a predominantly three year US$300
million syndicated loan with its banks. This is in line with the Group's
treasury strategy which has been to increase the proportion of longer term debt
and funding from sources other than committed bank finance.
In November the Group announced that it had reached a final settlement with the
US Department of Justice relating to its investigations into anti-trust
violations in a limited number of electrical carbon products. These were
alleged to have occurred in one of the Group's subsidiaries in the USA in the
1990's. The Group's financial statements reflect the costs of that settlement
as an exceptional charge.
In the Operating Review all references to operating profit are stated before
goodwill amortisation and operating exceptionals.
Within the electrical carbon business demand from the replacement and after
market sectors of the industrial and traction markets has been steady. The US
consumer business has been under pressure with a number of customers relocating
their activities to South East Asia where Morgan already has a well-established
presence. New initiatives in the auto market are beginning to develop well, and
during the year two US operating units were consolidated onto a single site to
reduce the cost base. Sales were £199.9 million (2001: £210.0 million) and
operating profit £14.6 million (2001: £17.0 million).
Sales in our engineered carbon business continued to be impacted by weak demand
from OEM customers and were £111.3 million (2001: £127.3 million) producing an
operating profit of £3.8 million (2001: £8.4 million). Three sites in the USA
were closed in the year and the closure of a major UK site at Gosport was
announced. Gross margins were maintained despite the reduced volume. During the
year we began to supply our first contract for body armour in silicon carbide,
which is a new market for our material. Development effort was maintained in our
fuel cell activities with significant progress for this long-term project.
The abrupt decline in demand from the telecommunications and disc drive markets,
coupled with the slowdown in the German economy, severely affected our magnetics
business. Sales were £186.2 million (2001: £215.1 million) with an operating
loss of £2.9 million (2001: profit of £5.8 million). During 2002 our magnetics
operations in the USA were consolidated onto one site and a site in Germany was
closed. The programme to relocate some of the operations within this business
to our existing operations in Slovakia is well advanced. There are clear
indications that customer de-stocking is slowing for this business, and with a
reduced cost base results should start to improve. A new Chief Executive will
join this business in April 2003.
The downturn in the semiconductor and telecom markets were major contributors to
the reduction of sales in Technical Ceramics. Sales for the year were £125.2
million (2001: £149.9 million) and operating profit £5.0 million (2001: £13.5
million). A major site consolidation was completed in the USA with three sites
being combined onto a new site in Hayward, California. The European
restructuring is in progress and the loss making business in Barcelona was sold.
Medical and defence markets continue to develop and a major electro ceramics
project in the disc drive market will start in mid 2003.
Sales in Insulating Ceramics were £256.8 million (2001: £287.7 million) and
operating profit £13.9 million (2001: £18.8 million). Gross margins improved,
despite lower sales, as the effects of restructuring began to show through. The
US crucible manufacturing site was closed in the year and the production
successfully transferred between UK, Germany and Brazil. Within Thermal Ceramics
demand for the Superwooltm range of products continues to increase and offers
good potential for future growth.
Group turnover for the year was £880.3 million (2001: £1,024.5 million). On a
continuing business basis it declined from £990.0 million to £879.4 million, a
reduction of 11% on the previous year. If the effects of foreign exchange rates
are eliminated this reduction was 12.7%. On these reduced levels of customer
demand operating profit on a continuing basis before goodwill and exceptional
costs was £34.4 million (2001: £63.5 million). Operating margins on this basis
were 3.9% (2001: 6.4%).
Operating exceptional costs in the year were £57.3 million and include both
£45.0 million of costs for the Group's restructuring programme and the costs of
the US Department of Justice anti-trust settlement with related legal costs.
Goodwill amortisation was in line with the previous year at £7.7 million.
Corporate exceptional charges were a net £15.0 million (2001: £17.6 million) and
arose principally from the sale of two loss making ceramics businesses and the
disposal of surplus property from rationalisation actions under the
restructuring programme.
Net finance charges fell by £6.4 million to £12.8 million compared with the
previous year. This was due to improved cash management, a lower average level
of borrowings and more favourable interest rates.
Taxation for the year showed a net credit of £0.5 million (2001: charge £12.5
million). However before all exceptional charges and goodwill amortisation this
represents a tax rate of 30%.
Despite £18.3 million of cash costs in the year from operating exceptional
items, cash flow from operating activities was £75.2 million (2001: £109.4
million). This performance included a £18.7 million reduction in working
capital (2001: increase £4.3 million) of which inventories contributed a
reduction of £17.6 million (2001: £6.7 million). As a result of lower cash
outflows from interest, taxation, capital expenditure and dividends there was a
free cash inflow in the year of £5.1 million (2001: outflow £7.4 million).
After including a positive foreign exchange movement of £9.8 million, an outflow
from deferred acquisition consideration and an inflow from asset disposals, net
debt at the year end was reduced to £251.6 million (2001: £276.1 million).
Underlying earnings per share before goodwill amortisation and all exceptional
items were 5.0p (2001: 12.5p).
At the end of 2002, excluding the US receivables securitisation, the Group's
total committed borrowing facilities amounted to £327 million of which 39% or
£127 million were due to mature in the following twelve months. At that same
date the Group had cash reserves of £60 million and undrawn committed facilities
of £55 million.
The Group's strategy has been to increase the proportion of longer-term debt and
reduce its reliance on committed bank finance. During 2002 it completed a US$40
million receivables securitisation in the United States. Since the year-end it
has issued US$105 of private placement notes with maturities of seven and ten
years at interest rates of 6.23% and 6.84% respectively. It has also entered
into a US$300 million syndicated loan with its banks of which US$240 million is
available for three years to March 2006 and the remainder for one year. This
new banking arrangement is in addition to various bilateral arrangements
totalling US$115 million that mature at various dates in 2004.
The Group operates a number of pension schemes throughout the world, the
majority of which are defined benefit and the largest of which are located in
the US, UK and Germany. Provisions totalling £87.0 million in respect of
unfunded schemes are included in the financial statements at the end of the year
an increase of £1.9 million compared with the previous year.
On the basis of the Financial Reporting Standard No 17 (FRS 17) which compares
the market value of a funded pension scheme's assets with an actuarial valuation
of its future pension liabilities, the Group's defined benefit schemes, at the
year end, showed a net deficit of £82.0 million, an increase of £64.6 million in
the year.
The Group's UK schemes, the main one of which had an actuarial valuation during
2002, currently meet the Minimum Funding Requirement.
In view of the current economic conditions in many of our markets and the need
to invest in the cost reduction programme, the Board has decided not to declare
a dividend. It is the intention of the Board to return to an appropriate policy
of dividend payments when trading performance has significantly improved.
There is evidence that demand is beginning to stabilise in many of our markets
and that customer de-stocking is slowing. However, we continue to view the
immediate future with caution and are not anticipating any significant upturn in
overall customer demand in the short term.
The immediate focus of the Group will remain on cash management and the
programme of cost reduction that is already well advanced. These actions,
coupled with our disposals, should reduce net debt, drive profit growth despite
weak customer demand and, following the refinancing of the Group's sources of
funding, provide us with a strong base from which to capitalise on the eventual
recovery in global markets.
Dr Bruce Farmer CBE, Chairman
Warren Knowlton, Group Chief Executive
On behalf of the Board
11 March 2003
Registered Office
Morgan House
Madeira Walk
Registered in England No 286773
2002 2001
Note Total Total
£m £m
Turnover ____ ____
Continuing operations 878.4 990.0
Acquisitions 1.0 -
Discontinued operations 0.9 34.5
____________ ___________
Group turnover 1 880.3 1,024.5
Other operating income 3.7 4.0
____________ ___________
884.0 1,028.5
____________ ___________
Operating profit before goodwill amortisation and operating exceptionals
Continuing operations 34.3 63.5
Acquisitions 0.1 -
Discontinued operations (0.3) 0.8
____________ ___________
34.1 64.3
Operating exceptionals 2 (57.3) -
____________ ___________
Operating (loss)/profit before goodwill amortisation (23.2) 64.3
Goodwill amortisation (7.7) (7.7)
____________ ___________
Operating (loss)/profit
Continuing operations (30.7) 55.8
Acquisitions 0.1 -
Discontinued operations (0.3) 0.8
____________ ___________
Group operating (loss)/profit 1 (30.9) 56.6
Corporate exceptional items
Discontinued operations
-Loss on sale of businesses (8.6) -
Continuing operations
-Disposal of fixed assets (3.4) (6.4)
-Loss on partial disposal of business (3.0) (8.5)
-Loss on closure of business - (2.7)
____________ ___________
3 (15.0) (17.6)
____________ ___________
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before interest and taxation (45.9) 39.0
Net finance charges and similar items (12.8) (19.2)
____________ ___________
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation (58.7) 19.8
Taxation credit/(charge)(including exceptional tax credit of £6.9 million) 4 0.5 (12.5)
____________ ___________
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after taxation (58.2) 7.3
Equity minority interest (1.2) (1.4)
____________ ___________
Net (loss)/profit attributable to The Morgan Crucible Company plc (59.4) 5.9
Preference dividends on non-equity shares 5 (2.1) (2.1)
Ordinary dividends on equity shares 5 - (17.2)
____________ ___________
Retained (loss) for the year (61.5) (13.4)
========== ==========
(Loss)/Earnings per share (Note 6)
2002 2001
Before goodwill After goodwill Before goodwill After goodwill
amortisation amortisation amortisation amortisation
- underlying 5.0p 1.7p 12.5p 9.2p
- basic (23.2p) (26.5p) 5.0p 1.6p
- diluted (26.2p) 1.6p
- underlying diluted 1.7p 9.2p
The Group The Company
Restated* Restated*
2002 2001 2002 2001
£m £m £m £m
_____ ______ ______ ______
Fixed assets
Intangible assets - goodwill 130.5 138.4 - -
Tangible assets 433.6 490.3 1.7 1.9
Investment in subsidiary undertakings - - 908.5 888.4
Investment in associated undertakings 1.2 1.2 - -
Other investments 6.0 21.9 1.2 16.0
________ _______ _______ _______
571.3 651.8 911.4 906.3
Current assets
Stocks 156.6 185.0 - -
Debtors - due within one year 188.2 199.4 29.1 23.5
- due after one year 22.9 23.8 8.2 8.3
________ _______ _______ _______
Total debtors 211.1 223.2 37.3 31.8
Cash at bank and in hand 60.5 72.7 17.1 12.4
________ _______ _______ _______
428.2 480.9 54.4 44.2
Creditors - amounts falling due within one year 331.5 321.6 115.1 91.7
________ _______ _______ _______
Net current assets/(liabilities) 96.7 159.3 (60.7) (47.5)
________ _______ _______ _______
Total assets less current liabilities 668.0 811.1 850.7 858.8
Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year
Amounts payable to subsidiary undertakings - - 218.6 203.0
Borrowings 177.1 255.2 142.5 172.4
Exchangeable redeemable preference shares 1.5 4.5 - -
Grants for capital expenditure 0.8 1.5 - 0.6
________ _______ _______ _______
179.4 261.2 361.1 376.0
Provisions for liabilities and charges 138.2 128.4 8.8 8.3
________ _______ _______ _______
317.6 389.6 369.9 384.3
________ _______ _______ _______
NET ASSETS 350.4 421.5 480.8 474.5
======= ======= ======= =======
Capital and reserves
Equity shareholders' funds
Called up share capital 58.0 58.0 58.0 58.0
Share premium account 44.4 44.4 44.4 44.4
Revaluation reserve 7.4 10.4 - -
Merger reserve - - 91.6 91.6
Other reserves 1.4 1.4 - -
Special reserve - - 41.7 41.7
Profit and loss account 198.6 265.8 214.8 208.5
________ _______ _______ _______
309.8 380.0 450.5 444.2
Non-equity shareholders' funds
Called up share capital 30.3 30.3 30.3 30.3
________ _______ _______ _______
340.1 410.3 480.8 474.5
________ _______ _______ _______
Minority interest
Equity 10.2 11.1 - -
Non-equity 0.1 0.1 - -
________ _______ _______ _______
10.3 11.2 - -
________ _______ _______ _______
CAPITAL EMPLOYED 350.4 421.5 480.8 474.5
======= ======= ======= =======
* Restated comparatives for adoption of FRS 19.
2002 2001
£m £m £m £m
_____ _____ _____ _____
Net cash inflow from operating activities 75.2 109.4
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received 2.7 3.2
Interest paid (16.1) (22.9)
Preference dividends paid (2.1) (2.1)
_________ _________
Net cash (outflow) from returns on investments
and servicing of finance (15.5) (21.8)
Taxation (10.8) (14.1)
Capital expenditure and financial investments
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (35.0) (57.6)
Other proceeds on sale of tangible fixed assets 8.4 13.6
Purchase of investments (5.8) (5.7)
Disposal of investments 20.8 0.4
_________ _________
Net cash (outflow) from capital expenditure and
financial investments (11.6) (49.3)
Acquisitions and disposals
Acquisition of subsidiary undertakings (0.1) (41.5)
Net cash acquired - (0.6)
Deferred consideration for prior year acquisitions (3.4) (3.8)
Disposal of businesses (0.7) (3.8)
_________ _________
Net cash (outflow) from acquisitions and disposals (4.2) (49.7)
Equity dividends paid (17.2) (36.9)
_________ _________
Cash inflow/(outflow) before use of liquid resources
financing 15.9 (62.4)
Management of liquid resources 3.4 24.1
Increase in share capital - 0.1
Increase in bank loans 26.5 89.6
Repayment of bank loans (49.6) (42.4)
Repurchase of exchangeable redeemable preference shares (3.9) (4.1)
_________ _________
(27.0) 43.2
Net (decrease)/increase in cash in the year (7.7) 4.9
Reconciliation of net cashflow to
movement in net borrowings
Net (decrease)/increase in cash in the year (7.7) 4.9
Cashflow from decrease/(increase) in loans 23.1 (47.2)
Cashflow from (decrease) in deposits (3.4) (24.1)
Cashflow from repurchase of exchangeable redeemable
preference shares 3.9 4.1
________ _________
Change in net borrowings resulting from cashflows 15.9 (62.3)
Issue of exchangeable redeemable preference shares (0.9) (1.1)
Bank loans acquired with acquisitions (0.5) (0.7)
Bank loans reduced with disposals 0.2 8.6
Exchange movement 9.8 (0.6)
________ _________
Movement in net borrowings during the period 24.5 (56.1)
Opening net borrowings (276.1) (220.0)
________ _________
Closing net borrowings (251.6) (276.1)
======= ========
2002 2001
Note £m £m
Net cash inflow from operating activities (a) 75.2 109.4
Net interest paid (13.4) (19.7)
Taxation (10.8) (14.1)
__________ _________
Cash earnings 51.0 75.6
Dividends paid (19.3) (39.0)
__________ _________
Post dividend cashflow 31.7 36.6
Capital expenditure (35.0) (57.6)
Proceeds on sale of tangible fixed assets 8.4 13.6
__________ _________
Free cashflow 5.1 (7.4)
========= ========
(a) Reconciliation of operating (loss)/profit to
net cash
inflow from operating activities 2002 2001
Contin- Discon- Contin- Discon-
uing tinued Total uing tinued Total
£m £m £m £m £m £m
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Operating (loss)/profit (30.6) (0.3) (30.9) 55.8 0.8 56.6
Depreciation 46.6 0.1 46.7 45.9 2.1 48.0
Amortisation of goodwill 7.7 - 7.7 7.7 - 7.7
Loss on sale of plant and machinery 0.4 - 0.4 0.3 - 0.3
Exceptional operating costs 17.2 - 17.2 - - -
(Increase)/decrease in stocks 18.6 (1.0) 17.6 6.5 0.2 6.7
(Increase)/decrease in debtors 3.5 0.5 4.0 20.8 1.7 22.5
Increase/(decrease) in creditors (2.8) (0.1) (2.9) (31.9) (1.6) (33.5)
Increase/(decrease) in provisions 15.4 - 15.4 0.6 0.5 1.1
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Net cash inflow from operating activities 76.0 (0.8) 75.2 105.7 3.7 109.4
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
2002 2001
£m £m
_____ _____
Net (loss)/profit attributable to shareholders (59.4) 5.9
Deficit on revaluation of investments (0.3) -
Foreign currency translation (13.2) (1.4)
_________ _________
Total recognised gains and (losses) relating to the year (72.9) 4.5
_________ _________
FRS 19 Prior year adjustment (21.8)
Total recognised gains and (losses) since last annual report (94.7)
CONSOLIDATED reconciliation of Movement in shareholders' funds
2002 2001
£m £m
____ ____
Net profit attributable to shareholders (59.4) 5.9
Repayment of capital investment - (0.2)
Deficit on revaluation of investments (0.3) -
Goodwill written back to profit and loss 4.8 -
Dividends (2.1) (19.3)
________ ________
(57.0) (13.6)
New share capital - 0.1
FRS 19 prior year adjustment - (21.8)
Foreign currency translation (13.2) (1.4)
________ ________
Net decrease to shareholders' funds (70.2) (36.7)
Opening shareholders' funds (originally £432.1 million
before FRS 19 adjustment) 410.3 447.0
________ ________
Closing shareholders' funds 340.1 410.3
======= =======
Net Operating Assets Turnover Operating profit
2002 2001 2002 2001 2002 2001
Restated Restated
£m £m £m £m £m £m
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Product Group
Electrical Carbon 141.8 175.4 199.9 210.0 14.6 17.0
Magnetics 168.6 181.6 186.2 215.1 (2.9) 5.8
Engineered Carbon 94.8 112.8 111.3 127.3 3.8 8.4
Technical Ceramics 108.2 104.9 125.2 149.9 5.0 13.5
Insulating Ceramics 152.1 190.9 256.8 287.7 13.9 18.8
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Continuing operations 665.5 765.6 879.4 990.0 34.4 63.5
Discontinued operations 0.9 34.5 (0.3) 0.8
Central assets 8.8 11.7
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
674.3 777.3 880.3 1,024.5 34.1 64.3
Operating exceptionals (57.3) -
Goodwill amortisation (7.7) (7.7)
________ ________
Group operating profit (30.9) 56.6
======= =======
The central assets include land and buildings, prepayments and other creditors
of the non operating and holding companies. The discontinued operation in 2002
is Barcelona.
The operating exceptionals of £57.3 million comprise, Electrical Carbon £6.9
million, Magnetics £7.8 million, Engineered Carbon £7.2 million, Technical
Ceramics £5.2 million, Insulating Ceramics £17.9 million, and £12.3 million
referred to in note 2.
Goodwill comprises, Electrical Carbon £1.0 million, Magnetics £4.1 million,
Engineered Carbon £0.5 million, Technical Ceramics £0.9 million and Insulating
Ceramics £1.2 million.
Geographical Area
The analysis shown below is based on the location of the contributing companies:
Net Operating Assets Turnover Operating profit
2002 2001 2002 2001 2002 2001
Restated Restated
£m £m £m £m £m £m
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
United Kingdom
Sales in the UK 41.2 48.5
Sales overseas 42.6 47.8
_______ _______
Total United Kingdom 98.1 102.2 83.8 96.3 2.2 4.4
Rest of Europe 241.8 258.4 320.2 342.8 11.9 26.3
The Americas 265.8 340.0 380.5 460.9 12.2 24.9
Far East and Australasia 55.4 61.6 83.5 79.3 6.4 6.0
Middle East and Africa 4.4 3.4 11.4 10.7 1.7 1.9
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
665.5 765.6 879.4 990.0 34.4 63.5
Discontinued operations 0.9 34.5 (0.3) 0.8
Central assets 8.8 11.7
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
674.3 777.3 880.3 1,024.5 34.1 64.3
Operating exceptionals (57.3) -
Goodwill amortisation (7.7) (7.7)
_______ _______
Group operating profit (30.9) 56.6
====== ======
2002 2001
£m £m
____ ____
The analysis shown below is based on the location of the customer:
United Kingdom 65.3 73.7
Rest of Europe 301.0 341.4
The Americas 372.5 433.7
Far East and Australasia 122.8 123.0
Middle East and Africa 17.8 18.2
_______ _______
879.4 990.0
Discontinued operations 0.9 34.5
_______ _______
880.3 1,024.5
====== ======
2. Operating Exceptionals
The Group has incurred and provided for the costs of restructuring, £45.0
million, and the costs and fines associated with the final Department of Justice
enquiry in the USA, £12.3 million.
3. CORPORATE exceptional items
The corporate exceptional items relating to the sale of businesses, £11.6
million, include two main disposals of the Barcelona, and Thermal Ceramics (New
Zealand) businesses and the disposal of the Kesteren operation. The goodwill
written-off as part of the business disposals is £3.5 million. The £3.4 million
relates to various property disposals.
4. Taxation CHARGE/(CREDIT)
2002 2001
£m £m
____ ____
United Kingdom corporation tax:
Corporation tax on (loss)/profit
For the period at 30% (2001 : 30%) 6.1 10.7
Adjustment to prior years (1.9) (0.8)
_______ _______
4.2 9.9
Overseas current tax 2.7 9.0
_______ _______
Total current tax 6.9 18.9
====== ======
Deferred tax
United Kingdom 0.3 0.3
Overseas (7.7) (6.7)
_______ _______
Total deferred tax (7.4) (6.4)
====== ======
_______ _______
Total taxation (0.5) 12.5
====== ======
Overseas tax includes a credit of £5.7 million (2001: £0.1 million debit)
arising on total exceptional losses of £58.5 million (2001: losses of £15.0
United Kingdom tax includes a tax credit of £1.2 million (2001: £0.1 million
credit) arising on total exceptional losses of £13.8 million (2001: £2.6
Factors affecting the tax charge for the period:
The tax assessed for the period is higher than the standard rate of corporation
tax in the UK. The differences are explained below.
2002 2001
£m £m
____ ____
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation (58.7) 19.8
Taxation on (loss)/profit on ordinary activities at
rate of UK corporation tax of 30% (2001: 30%) (17.6) 5.9
Difference comprises:
Exceptional items not deductible for tax purposes 9.7 5.3
Goodwill amortisation not deductible for tax purposes 2.3 2.3
Overseas losses not utilised 4.0 1.7
Overseas rate differences 1.9 1.5
Effect of reversal of timing differences 7.4 0.6
Other (0.8) 1.6
_______ _______
Current tax charge for the period 6.9 18.9
======= =======
5 Dividends 2002 2001
£m £m
____ ____
Interim: 0.0p per Ordinary share (2001: 7.4p) - 17.2
Proposed final: 0.0p per Ordinary share (2001: 0.0p) - -
Total: 0.0p per Ordinary share (2001: 7.4p) - 17.2
Preference dividends on non-equity shares 2.1 2.1
_______ _______
2.1 19.3
======' ======
6 (loss)/Earnings per Ordinary share
a. Basic and underlying (loss)/earnings per share 2002 2001
Before After Before After
goodwill goodwill goodwill goodwill
amortisation amortisation amortisation amortisation
£m £m £m £m
____ ____ ____ ____
(Loss)/profit after tax and minority interest (51.7) (59.4) 13.6 5.9
Preference dividend (2.1) (2.1) (2.1) (2.1)
__________ __________ __________ __________
Basic (loss)/earnings (53.8) (61.5) 11.5 3.8
Adjusted by all post tax exceptional items 65.4 65.4 17.6 17.6
__________ __________ __________ __________
Underlying earnings 11.6 3.9 29.1 21.4
========= ========= ========= =========
Weighted average number of Ordinary shares 231,990,704 231,958,292
Basic (loss)/earnings per share (23.2p) (26.5p) 5.0p 1.6p
Underlying earnings per share 5.0p 1.7p 12.5p 9.2p
The Directors have disclosed an underlying (loss)/earnings per share as, in
their opinion, this gives a better indication of the underlying performance of
the Group and assists comparison with the results of earlier years.
6 (loss)/Earnings per Ordinary share (Continued)
b. Diluted earnings 2002 2001
£m £m
____ ____
Basic (loss)/earnings (61.5) 3.8
Preference dividend to be eliminated on
conversion of preference shares - -
__________ __________
Diluted (loss)/earnings (61.5) 3.8
Adjusted by all post tax exceptional items 65.4 17.6
__________ __________
Underlying diluted earnings 3.9 21.4
========= =========
Weighted average number of Ordinary shares 231,990,704 231,958,292
___________ __________
Dilutive effect of share option schemes 2,718,929 292,752
___________ __________
234,709,633 232,251,044
========= =========
Diluted (loss)/earnings per share (26.2p) 1.6p
Diluted underlying earnings per share 1.7p 9.2p
The financial information contained in this Preliminary Statement does not
amount to statutory accounts for the Company's financial years ended 4 January
2003 and 4 January 2002. It has been approved by the Board of Directors on 10
March 2003 and has been prepared on a consistent basis with the accounting
policies set out in the Group's 2002 annual report and accounts. Statutory
accounts for the year ended 4 January 2002 have been filed with the Registrar of
Companies and the statutory accounts for the year ended 4 January 2003 are
expected to be filed immediately following the Annual General Meeting of the
Company in June 2003.
This Preliminary statement will be dispatched to all registered holders of
Ordinary shares and Preference shares. Copies of this statement may be obtained
from the Secretary at the Registered Office of the Company, Morgan House,
Madeira Walk, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 1EP.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange