Final Results - Year Ended 31 December 1999
Morgan Sindall PLC
15 February 2000
Record preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 1999
Morgan Sindall plc, the specialist construction group, comprising fit
out, regional construction and affordable housing, today announces
record preliminary results.
1999 1998 Increase
Turnover £521m £425m +23%
Pre-tax profits on ongoing £13.85m £10.02m +38%
Pre-tax profits on £10.08m £9.76m +3%
ordinary activities *
Earnings per share before 28.30p 22.15p +28%
exceptional loss
Earnings per share 22.17p 22.15p 0%
Net assets £37.9m £23.2m +63%
* Substantial margin improvement benefited fit out performance
with increased record operating profits up 20% to £7.56m (1998:
* Regional construction network now complete: record operating
profits of £3.10m, up 31% (1998: £2.36m)
* Positive first time contribution from Lovell Partnerships;
confident that market position can be further exploited
* John Morgan to become Executive Chairman post AGM to concentrate
on strategy and implementation of vision. Sir Derek Hornby to remain
on Main Board as a non-executive director
* Cash remains strong with £22m net cash. Recommended final
dividend of
6.00p, making a total for the year of 8.50p (1998: 6.50p), up 31%
* Market strong, order book up on last year
John Morgan said:
'We have yet again achieved record results with our core businesses.
We are confident of the growth prospects from regional construction
as well as the potential that Lovell Partnerships has to offer. We
are in a great position to move forward.'
15 February 2000
* - including the £3.8 million cost of discontinuing SMHA Limited
Morgan Sindall plc Today: 020 7457 2020
John Morgan, Chief Executive Thereafter: 020 7307 9200
John Bishop, Finance Director
College Hill Tel: 020 7457 2020
Matthew Smallwood
Kate Pope
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 1999
1999 was another active and successful year for Morgan Sindall.
Strategically our most significant development was the acquisition of
Lovell Partnerships. This established a third core business activity
for the Group in Affordable Housing, a significant and fast growing
sector. Our Regional Construction business has made significant
progress and our Fit Out business has had another record year.
Financial Results
Turnover in 1999 reached £521m, an increase of 23% and profits before
tax on ongoing businesses was £13.9m, an increase of 38%. Despite the
loss arising from a discontinued business of £3.8m, profit before tax
was a record £10.1m. The Board is pleased to recommend a final
dividend of 6.00p making 8.50p for the year (1998 6.50p).
Board Changes
It is ten years since I joined the Board of the privately owned
Morgan Lovell, and five years since that company went public by the
reverse takeover that created Morgan Sindall. I am delighted to have
been part of the team and proud to see the Group become one of the
UK's top construction companies.
I think it is now appropriate for me to step down as Chairman at this
year's AGM to allow John Morgan to take on the role as Executive
Chairman. At the same time Andy Stoddart will move from Operations
Director to Managing Director. I will continue as a Non-Executive
Whilst the size of the Group has increased dramatically, the sense of
being different and the determination to succeed are still as strong
as ever, and I am sure this momentum will carry the Group to further
success in the future.
Sir Derek Hornby
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 1999
1999 has been a significant year for the Group, not simply because of
record turnover and profit, but I believe the diversification into
Affordable Housing by the purchase of Lovell Partnerships is a clear
demonstration of the way we see Morgan Sindall continuing to develop.
Our Fit Out business, started 20 years ago, has provided a solid base
for the Group. The formation of our network of Regional Construction
companies began in 1994 and was completed nationally in 1998. They
are becoming stronger each year and still have huge potential for
growth. The next few years will see our hard work and investment in
this business rewarded. The purchase in June 1999 of Lovell
Partnerships introduces another core area of activity for us to
develop whilst our other two businesses satisfy the demanding overall
growth in returns we have set ourselves. Our vision is a balanced
group of branded companies with above average growth prospects.
The board changes reflect the need to ensure separate focus on
strategic and operational issues as the Group develops. My
enthusiasm and commitment to making Morgan Sindall the most exciting
company in our sector remains undiminished.
Fit Out
Our Fit Out business has had another excellent year. Strong market
recognition allows us to be selective in the open market tender work,
while repeat business from satisfied clients showed the benefit to
both parties of the efficiencies derived from established working
relationships. Consequently, turnover of £174m (1998: £163m) produced
operating profits of £7.6m (1998: £6.3m), 20% ahead of last year,
which itself was a record year. Morgan Lovell and Overbury have each
developed a strong client base and both are aware of the need to be
ahead of their competitors in this fast moving sector of the
Morgan Lovell work directly for end user clients and offer a complete
workplace solution including consultancy, design, construction and
ongoing support. Overbury work for clients who purchase fit out work
in the traditional way through professional teams. Both companies
operate in London, the Home Counties and the Thames Valley
undertaking contracts of up to £15m in value.
Current order levels are satisfactory, albeit that the fast track
nature of fit out does not provide long order cover. Over the years,
brand loyalty has enabled us to be resilient to construction peaks
and troughs, but as many companies who have tried to enter the market
have found it is a demanding and specialist segment. Both Morgan
Lovell and Overbury accept that success is only sustained by
delighting clients and tackling each new project accordingly.
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 1999
Regional Construction
The second half results confirmed the continuing trend in our
Regional Construction business of improving performance. Record
annual turnover of £275m (1998: £251m) and operating profits of £3.1m
(1998: £2.4m) demonstrate the progress being made. All seven
operating brands are now trading profitably and have good order
books. I believe this year will prove this business as a major
contributor to group profits.
It is five years since Morgan Sindall commenced development of a
Regional Construction network, with turnover in the first year being
less than £40m. Whilst we have made four further acquisitions during
this time, it has been the development of all these companies that
has been the main reason for the turnover increase.
This organic growth supports our belief that clients are pleased to
entrust their work and build relationships with companies that offer
a clear regional presence combined with the technical and financial
strength of a large group. Our view remains unchanged that the
turnover of this business in its present format can double within
three or four years.
Affordable Housing
Lovell Partnerships made a positive contribution in its first six
months within the Group. Turnover of £65m and operating profits of
£1.1m are in line with our expectations at acquisition and similarly
our view of 2000 remains unchanged. The inherent project time cycle
of this sector, involving lengthy pre-contract negotiations means
that the results of our increased investment in this business will
take time to materialise.
Since acquisition we have undertaken a thorough review and
strengthening of management at both the head and regional offices.
This will ensure that the structure is capable of responding to the
increased challenge that results from our commitment to build this
business. With the right structure and resource we are looking to
move the business forward both in margin and volume terms. Key to
meeting this objective is our ability to increase the mix of open
market sale units to those built for housing associations. This is
particularly relevant in mixed tenure schemes, for which Lovell
Partnerships has such a strong track record.
The demand for affordable housing is huge and there are some
interesting opportunities for large urban regeneration schemes where
Lovell Partnerships is clearly seen as one of the major brands. We
are confident of the ability to develop this business to be a
significant part of the Morgan Sindall Group.
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 1999
Property and Interest
Before the expansion into Affordable Housing, the Group's trading
operations were all cash generative and our policy had been to
maintain reserves in cash and property investment. Whilst Lovell
Partnerships will require working capital investment, the continued
strengthening of the balance sheet from the growth in overall
activity will result in having ongoing funds to invest. Our approach
will continue to be proactive but conservative.
As highlighted in the interim report, the current year's Property
profits are mainly attributable to the sale of the office building in
Jockey's Fields.
In the coming year the construction of the Wigmore Street offices
should be complete, and at present the rental market is strong and at
higher levels than when we purchased the building. Out of London, the
strong market has enabled us to move ahead with a partnering
agreement on our property in Chatham, and we are noting interest in
some of the undeveloped sectors of our industrial estate in
Primary Medical Property, our joint venture business which develops
and retains primary medical buildings, has had another successful
year adding a further seven properties to its portfolio. Whilst it is
still premature to expect capital growth from rent reviews, it is
clear that yields are already improving as appreciation of this type
of investment broadens amongst private and institutional investors.
Discontinued Activity
On 3 November 1999 we announced the closure of our tendered term
maintenance business for housing associations. Although the demand
was evident we were unable to find satisfactory bases for trading.
This business has adversely affected 1999 results by £3.8m. We will
continue to monitor this market through our other relationship with
housing associations and Lovell Partnerships.
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 1999
Future Prospects
The market remains strong and our Fit Out and Regional Construction
companies entered 2000 with order books higher than last year, both
in absolute terms and budget cover. Lovell Partnerships has
strengthened its senior management team and is benefiting from the
Group's financial backing. I remain confident of the long term
growth potential of this business. Overall therefore I believe the
Group is in a great position to move forward.
John Morgan
Chief Executive
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 1999
Group Profit and Loss Account (unaudited)
for the year ended 31 December 1999
1999 1998
£'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s
Continuing operations 454,320 423,169
Acquisitions 65,065 -
Discontinued operations 1,900 3,235
Less share of joint (658) (1,837)
venture turnover
Group turnover 520,627 424,567
Cost of sales (465,584) (379,084)
Gross profit 55,043 45,483
Administrative expenses (44,299) (38,081)
Other operating income 983 1,045
Operating profit
Continuing operations 11,320 8,705
Acquisitions 1,057 -
Discontinued operations (650) (258)
Total operating profit 11,727 8,447
Exceptional loss on (3,129) -
closure of discontinued
Share of profits of 51 67
joint venture
Net interest receivable 1,426 1,246
Profit on ordinary 10,075 9,760
activities before
Tax charge on profit on (1,910) (2,046)
ordinary activities
Profit on ordinary 8,165 7,714
activities after
Dividends on equity and (3,439) (2,464)
non-equity shares
Retained profit for the 4,726 5,250
Earnings per ordinary 22.17p 22.15p
Earnings per ordinary
share before exceptional 28.30p 22.15p
Diluted earnings per 21.34p 21.11p
ordinary share
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 1999
Group Balance Sheet (unaudited)
at 31 December 1999
1999 1998
£'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s
Fixed Assets
Intangible assets 11,768 3,970
Tangible assets 12,637 11,384
Share of joint venture gross 13,697 6,754
Share of joint venture gross (12,904) (6,570)
Investment in joint venture 793 184
Investment in own shares 1,170 690
26,368 16,228
Current Assets
Stocks 24,812 7,155
Debtors 88,820 67,828
Cash at bank and in hand 22,042 28,386
135,674 103,369
Creditors: amounts falling (124,113) (96,415)
due within one year
Net current assets 11,561 6,954
Net assets 37,929 23,182
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 6,714 6,619
Share premium account 11,794 3,419
Revaluation reserve 3,963 2,620
Profit and loss account 15,458 10,524
Total shareholders' funds 37,929 23,182
Shareholders' funds are
attributable to:
Equity shareholders' funds 33,076 18,247
Non-equity shareholders' 4,853 4,935
37,929 23,182
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 1999
Group Cash Flow Statement (unaudited)
for the year ended 31 December 1999
1999 1998
£'000s £'000s
Net cash inflow from operating activities 12,648 9,276
Returns on investments and servicing of
Interest received 1,494 1,358
Interest paid (395) (412)
Dividends paid to preference shareholders (275) (278)
824 668
Corporation tax paid (2,191) (1,264)
Capital expenditure and financial
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (3,286) (2,000)
Receipts from sale of tangible fixed assets 778 6,687
Payments to acquire fixed asset investments (480) (190)
(2,988) 4,497
Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings (20,689) (424)
Net cash/(overdrafts) acquired with 9 (888)
subsidiary undertakings
Sale of subsidiary undertaking - 35
Net cash disposed of with subsidiary - (90)
(20,680) (1,367)
Equity dividends paid (2,427) (1,889)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing (14,814) 9,921
Issue of shares, net of expenses 8,470 79
Loans repaid - (4,334)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing 8,470 (4,255)
(Decrease)/ increase in cash (6,344) 5,666
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 1999
Combined Statement of Movements in Reserves and Shareholders' Funds
for the year ended 31 December 1999
1999 1998
Share Revalua- Profit Share- Share-
premium tion and loss Total Share holders holders
account reserve account Reserves capital funds funds
Group £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s
Balance at 3,419 2,620 10,524 16,563 6,619 23,182 17,398
1 January
Retained - - 4,726 4,726 - 4,726 5,250
profit for
New shares
issued 7,989 - - 7,989 162 8,151 124
net of
Converted 81 - - 81 (81) - -
Options 305 - - 305 14 319 79
realised on - - 68 68 - 68 -
d operation
Transfer of
realised - (140) 140 - - - -
Surplus on - 1,483 - 1,483 - 1,483 331
Balance at 11,794 3,963 15,458 31,215 6,714 37,929 23,182
31 December
Included within the profit and loss account balance at 31 December 1999 is an
amount for unrealised goodwill totaling £7,034,000 (1998: £7,102,000).
1999 1998
Share Revalua- Profit Share- Share-
premium Special tion & loss Total Share holders holders
account reserve reserve account reserve capital funds funds
Company £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s
Balance at 3,419 13,644 2,289 14,528 33,880 6,619 40,499 37,945
1 January
Retained - - - 10,285 10,285 - 10,285 2,351
profit for
New shares 7,989 - - - 7,989 162 8,151 124
Converted 81 - - - 81 (81) - -
Options 305 - - - 305 14 319 79
Transfer of
realised - - (140) 140 - - - -
Surplus on - - 925 - 925 - 925 -
Balance at 11,794 13,644 3,074 24,953 53,465 6,714 60,179 40,499
31 December
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 1999
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses (unaudited)
for the year ended 31 December 1999
1999 1998
£'000s £'000s
Profit for the financial year before 8,165 7,714
Share of joint venture's surplus on 558 331
revaluation of investment property
Surplus on revaluation of investment 925 -
Total recognised gains and losses 9,648 8,045
Note of Historical Cost Profits and Losses (unaudited)
for the year ended 31 December 1999
1999 1998
£'000s £'000s
Profit on ordinary activities before 10,075 9,760
Realisation of property valuation gains of 140 4,032
prior years
Difference between the historical cost
depreciation charge and the actual 6 19
depreciation charge for the year calculated
on the revalued amount
Historical cost profit on ordinary 10,221 13,811
activities before taxation
Historical cost profit on ordinary
activities 4,872 9,301
after taxation and dividends
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 1999
1. Analysis of turnover, gross profit, operating profit and net assets
1999 1998
Profits/ Net Profits/ Net
Turnover (losses) assets Turnover (losse assets
£'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s
Regional 274,516 3,097 (684) 251,365 2,360 (2,033)
Fit out 174,146 7,564 (4,427) 162,967 6,306 (11,005)
Affordable 65,065 1,057 8,546 - - -
Property 5,000 2,235 14,866 7,000 1,548 14,404
Group - (1,576) (4,190) - (1,509) (8,595)
Ongoing 518,727 12,377 14,111 421,332 8,705 (7,229)
Discontinued 1,900 (650) 1,776 3,235 (258) 2,025
520,627 11,727 15,887 424,567 8,447 (5,204)
Net cash 22,042 28,386
Net assets 37,929 23,182
Segmental net assets are stated after deducting interest bearing net cash
Continuing Acquist- Discontiued 1999 1998
operation ions operations Total Total
£'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s
Group turnover 453,662 65,065 1,900 520,627 424,567
Cost of sales (403,989) (59,403) (2,192) (465,584) (379,084)
Gross profit 49,673 5,662 (292) 55,043 45,483
Administrative (39,336) (4,605) (358) (44,299) (38,081)
Other operating 983 - - 983 1,045
Operating 11,320 1,057 (650) 11,727 8,447
2. Tax charge on profit on ordinary activities
1999 1998
£'000s £'000s
Corporation tax payable at 30.25% (1998: 31%) 3,000 1,773
(Over)/under provision in prior years (143) 273
Share of tax of joint venture - -
Tax on exceptional loss (947) -
1,910 2,046
The tax charge for the year is lower than the standard rate due to the
availability of tax losses brought forward.
3. Dividends on equity and non-equity shares
1999 1998
£'000s £'000s
Non-equity dividends on preference shares
Paid 219 219
Accrued 56 59
275 278
Equity dividends on ordinary shares
Interim paid 2.50p (1998: 2.05p) 929 688
Final proposed 6.00p (1998: 4.45p) 2,235 1,498
3,164 2,186
3,439 2,464
The proposed final dividend will be paid on 13 April 2000 to shareholders
on the register at 17 March 2000.
4. Earnings per ordinary share
The calculation of the earnings per share is based on the weighted average
number of 35,591,000 ordinary shares in issue during the year (1998:
33,575,000) and on the profits for the year attributable to shareholders of
£7,890,000 (1998: £7,436,000).
In calculating the earnings per share before exceptional loss, earnings are
adjusted for the exceptional loss of £3,129,000 (1998: nil) and the tax on
exceptional loss of £947,000 (1998: nil) making adjusted earnings of
£10,072,000 (1998: £7,436,000).
In calculating the diluted earnings per share, earnings are adjusted for the
preference dividend of £275,000 (1998: £278,000) making adjusted earnings of
£8,165,000 (1998: £7,714,000). The weighted average number of ordinary
shares are adjusted for the dilutive effect of the convertible preference
shares by 1,941,000 (1998: 1,974,000) and share options by 722,000 (1998:
999,000) giving an adjusted number of ordinary shares of 38,254,000 (1998:
5. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
1999 1998
£'000s £'000s
Operating profit 11,727 8,447
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets 1,660 1,507
Amortisation of goodwill 379 191
Profit on disposal of business - (40)
Loss/(profit) on sale of fixed assets 28 (494)
Increase in stocks and work in progress (242) (285)
Increase in debtors (8,177) (8,444)
Increase in creditors 10,334 8,394
Exceptional loss (3,061) -
Net cash inflow from operating activities 12,648 9,276
6. Reconciliation and analysis of net cash flow to movement in net cash
1998 Cash 1999
£'000s £'000s £'000s
Cash at bank and in hand 28,386 (6,344) 22,042
7. Accounting policies
This announcement is prepared on the basis of accounting policies as
stated in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December
1998, except for the change noted below.
By adopting Financial Reporting Standard 15, non-investment
properties are now held at cost. Under the transitional rules of the
Standard, the Group has retained the book amounts of certain revalued
properties and the valuation has not been updated.
8. The financial information set out above does not constitute the
Companys's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 1999
and 1998. No accounts for the Company or its subsidiaries in resect
of the year ended 31 December 1999 have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies, nor have the auditors of the Company or its
subsidiaries made a report under Section 236 of the Companies Act
1985 in respect of any accounts for that financial year. Full
accounts for the Group for the year ended 31 December 1998 have been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies and contain an unqualified
audit report, and did not contain a statement under Section 237 (2)
or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
9. The annual report for the year ended 31 December 1999 will be posted
to shareholders by 9 March 2000.