Block listing Interim Review
1. Name of company
Mothercare plc
2. Name of scheme
The Mothercare plc SAYE Scheme
The Mothercare plc 2000 Share option Plan (Executive scheme)
3. Period of return:   From       to
 1 July 2009 to 1 January 2010.
3. Number and class of shares(s)
 (amount of stock/debt security)
 not issued under scheme
 See Schedule below
5. Number of shares issued/allotted
 under scheme during period
 388,055 ordinary 50p shares. Mothercare plc 2000 Share Option Plan
  8,998 ordinary 50p shares. Mothercare plc SAYE scheme
6. Balance under scheme not yet issued/allotted
 at end of period
 See Schedule below
7. Number and class of share(s)
 (amount of stock/debt securities)
 originally listed and the date of admission
 See Schedule below
Please confirm total number of shares in issue at the end of the period
in order for us to update our records
88,100,506 (as at 01.01.10) Ordinary 50p shares and Voting Rights.
Mothercare plc Block Listing Return as at 1 January 2010.
| Total | SAYE Scheme | Executive Scheme | Reference |
| |Opening |Allocated|Balance |Opening |Allocated|Balance | |
| |balance |in period|Â |balance |in period|Â | |
|(Para.7) |(Para.4) |(Para.5) |(Para.6) |(Para.4)|(Para.5) |(Para.6)|(Para.7) |
|252,434 |261,432 |8,998 |252,434 |0 |0 |0 |0-906-744)(GB0009067447)of 19.07.2001.|
|338,983 |338,983 |Nil |338,983 |0 |0 |0 |0-906-744)(GB0009067447)of 24.07.2001.|
|298,507 |298,507 |Nil |298,507 |0 |0 |0 |0-906-744)(GB0009067447)of 26.07.2001.|
|589,517 |327,868 |Nil |327,868 |261,649 |261,649 |0 |0-906-744)(GB0009067447)of 30.07.2001.|
|655,737 |327,868 |Nil |327,868 |327,869 |126,406 |201,463 |0-906-744)(GB0009067447)of 02.08.2001.|
|1,747,123|1,554,658|8,998 |1,545,660|589,518 |388,055 |201,463 | |
All Queries to Clive E. Revett
Company Secretary
Mothercare plc
01923 206185 <>
Dated: 13 January 2010.