Final Results
MS International PLC
19 June 2002
Date: Under embargo until 7.00am - Wednesday June 19th 2002
Contacts: Michael Bell, Chairman, MS INTERNATIONAL plc
Tel: 01302 322133
Terry Garrett, Weber Shandwick Square Mile
Tel: 0207 950 2800
Full Year Results to April 27th 2002
• Pre-tax profits rose by 16% to £2.51m (2001: £2.17m)
• Sales increased by 9% to £35.69m (2001: £32.87m)
• Earnings per share climbed by 23% to 8.1p (2001: 6.6p)
• 17% increase in final dividend to 1.17p (2001: 1.00p) making
1.55p (2001: 1.33p) total per share
• Net cash at a record £3.48m, 25% up on the comparable figure,
(2001: £2.79m) even after considerable capital expenditure and
the share buy back
Michael Bell, Executive Chairman, commented:
'The Group has made excellent progress. In a year when we faced global weakness
in the markets we serve we enlarged our market share and maintained the momentum
of our progress. All the key figures on sales, margins, profits and earnings
per share are ahead of the previous year while our net cash position advanced to
record levels.'
'All divisions performed well despite the challenging markets and, indeed, we
perceive that our real successes in commercial terms have stretched beyond the
achievements that the actual numbers indicate.'
'Focusing on the strengths of the Group has resulted in delivering enhanced
shareholder value over the past two years. We will strive to build on our
success but, given the economic background at this point, it seems prudent and
realistic to temper expectations for the coming year.'
Chairman's Statement
In 2002 we faced up to, and overcame with remarkable success, the many
challenges that arose in the world-wide markets that we serve. In the
circumstances, it is pleasing to report that the Group maintained its forward
We enlarged our market share during a period of global economic weakness and
achieved growth in both sales and profit margins, which resulted in a healthy
advance in pre-tax profits and earnings per share. In addition, the Group's net
cash position was at a record year-end level. Such are the clear tangible
indicators of the progress that the Group has attained.
Accordingly, for the period ended April 27th 2002, the Group's continuing
businesses produced a 16% increase in profit before tax to £2.51m (2001-£2.17m),
on sales 9% higher at £35.69m (2001-£32.87m). Earnings per share rose by 23% to
8.1p (2001-6.6p).
The consolidated net cash position of the Group advanced yet again, this time by
25% to £3.48m (2001-£2.79m). This was after considerable capital expenditure on
the upgrading of our manufacturing capabilities, development work and the
programmed refurbishment of our freehold properties. Added to that, we purchased
1,257,719 of the Company's own shares for cancellation at a cost of £0.65m.
In all, the year has produced a satisfying set of results. Furthermore, we
perceive that our real successes in commercial terms have stretched beyond the '
snap-shot' financial figures for the year.
Operating Divisions
The defence division's phased bulge in its order book provided the basis for a
record sales figure much higher than earlier years. The outcome was an excellent
performance. The order book is now returning to a more regular and sustainable
level. The growing political uncertainties in the world have led to defence
becoming more important on the international agenda, and yet individual
government budget restraints invariably lead to frustrating delays in the
placing of defence contracts.
The forgings division demonstrated increased sales levels, despite the
prevailing soft trading conditions, particularly in the United States. Whilst
steadfastly defending our market positions against competitors driven by a need
to fill under utilised capacity, there were occasions when unacceptable margins
necessitated a resolute 'walking away' from some business that had become
unattractive in the short term. The order book of this division is traditionally
short-term and makes the future somewhat difficult to predict. Nevertheless, the
division is a world leader in its chosen markets and will respond quickly to
take advantage of any upturn.
Global-MSI, our joint venture company that designs, manufactures and constructs
petrol station canopies for retailers across Europe, traded strongly, producing
an outstanding performance. Although the order book is relatively strong, it is
again short term, and when coupled with the vagaries of the oil industry offers
little in the way of certainty over a twelve month period. That said, Global-MSI
is the market leader in the industry.
We have focused the Group on its strengths and the resulting achievements of the
past two years have successfully enhanced shareholder value. It would be very
disappointing after such progress, if the persistent weakness within our markets
continued for too long.
Nevertheless we will strive to continue building on the progress of last year
although, given the economic background at this point, it seems prudent and
realistic to temper expectations for the coming year.
All matters considered, the Board recommends the payment of a 17% increase in
the final dividend to 1.17p (2001-1.00p) making a total for the year of 1.55p
Michael Bell
Executive Chairman
June 19th 2002
Group Profit and Loss Account
For the 52 weeks ended April 27th, 2002
2002 2001 2001 2001
Year 2001 comparatives have been restated
for the adoption of FRS19* As restated As restated As restated*
Total Continuing Discontinued Total
£000 £000 £000 £000
Turnover: Group and share of joint venture 35,687 32,866 2,994 35,860
Less: Share of joint venture turnover (5,250) (5,648) - (5,648)
------------------------------------------ ------ ------ ----- ------
Group turnover 30,437 27,218 2,994 30,212
------------------------------------------ ------ ------ ----- ------
Operating profit/(loss) 2,106 1,948 (2,293) (345)
Share of operating profit of joint venture 405 197 - 197
2,511 2,145 (2,293) (148)
Exceptional items:
Profit/(loss) on sale of tangible fixed
Group - 9 (18) (9)
Joint venture - 1 - 1
(Loss) on sale/closure of businesses:
Net assets less sale proceeds/closure
costs - - (305) (305)
Goodwill previously written off to
reserves - - (488) (488)
------------------------------------------ ------ ------ ----- ------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before
interest 2,511 2,155 (3,104) (949)
Interest receivable:
Group 108 144 - 144
Joint venture 6 1 - 1
Interest payable:
Group (114) (130) - (130)
------------------------------------------ ------ ------ ----- ------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
before taxation 2,511 2,170 (3,104) (934)
Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities (818) (782) 850 68
------------------------------------------ ------ ------ ----- ------
Profit on ordinary activities after
taxation 1,693 1,388 (2,254) (866)
------------------------------------------ ------ ------ ----- ------
Dividends (298) (292)
------------------------------------------ ------ ------ ----- ------
Retained profit/(loss) for the Group and
its share of joint venture 1,395 (1,158)
------------------------------------------ ------ ------ ----- ------
Earnings/(loss) per share - basic and
fully diluted 8.1p 6.6p (10.8p) (4.2p)
------------------------------------------ ------ ------ ----- ------
Group Statement of Recognised Gains and Losses
2002 2001
As restated*
£000 £000
Profit/(loss) for the financial period 1,693 (866)
Translation differences on foreign currency net investments 2 (67)
Prior year adjustment (463) -
----------------------------------------------------------- ----- ----
Total gains/(losses) recognised since last annual report 1,232 (933)
----------------------------------------------------------- ----- ----
Historical cost profits and losses
There is no material difference between the result as disclosed in the profit
and loss account and the result which would have been reported had the Group
prepared the accounts on an unmodified historical cost basis.
The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's
statutory accounts for the periods ended April 27th, 2002 or April 28th, 2001
but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2001 have been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies, and those for 2002 will be delivered
following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on
those accounts: their reports were unqualified and did not contain a statement
under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
The accounts for the year ended April 27th, 2002 include a prior year adjustment
relating to the adoption of FRS 19 ' Deferred Tax'. The effect of the prior
year adjustment is to increase the deferred tax provision for the year ended
April 28th, 2001 by £463,000 and at April 29th, 2000 by £454,000 and to increase
the tax charge for the year ended April 28th, 2001 by £9,000.
The earning per share is calculated dividing the profit after taxation of
£1,693,000 by the weighed average of 21,040,016 shares in issue in the year.
Copies of this announcement are available from the Companies registered office
at MS INTERNATIONAL plc, Balby Carr Bank, Doncaster, DN4 8DH, England. The
full Annual Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders shortly and will
be delivered to the Registrar of Companies after it has been laid before the
Company in general meeting.
Dividend warrants will be posted on September 6th, 2002 to members on the books
of the Company at August 9th, 2002
Balance Sheets
At April 27th, 2002
2002 2001
Year 2001 comparatives have been restated for the adoption of FRS 19* As restated*
£000 £000
Assets employed
-------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 7,671 6,222
Investment in joint venture:
Share of gross assets 1,712 1,621
Share of gross liabilities (1,196) (1,284)
Investment in own shares 759 266
-------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------
8,946 6,825
-------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------
Current assets
Stocks 2,745 2,666
Debtors 4,233 7,041
Group pension scheme prepayment
- due after more than one year 6,888 6,938
Cash at bank and in hand 4,763 2,789
-------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------
18,629 19,434
Creditors - amounts falling due within one year 10,547 9,944
-------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------
Net current assets 8,082 9,490
-------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------
Total assets less current liabilities 17,028 16,315
Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year 209 217
Provisions for liabilities and charges 3,076 3,107
-------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------
Total assets less liabilities 13,743 12,991
-------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 2,217 2,343
Capital redemption reserve 524 398
Revaluation reserve 1,853 1,853
Other reserves 4,654 4,652
Special reserve 1,487 1,487
Profit and loss account 3,008 2,258
-------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------
Equity shareholders' funds 13,743 12,991
-------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------
Group Cash Flow Statement
For the 52 weeks ended April 27th, 2002
2002 2002 2001 2001
£000 £000 £000 £000
Operating profit/(loss) 2,106 (345)
Closure costs - (305)
Depreciation charge 619 625
Foreign exchange gains - (33)
RSA grant release (38) (37)
(Increase)/decrease in stocks (614) 1,320
Decrease/(increase) in debtors 2,780 (1,187)
Increase in creditors 379 550
Decrease in progress payments (1,367) (25)
Increase in provisions 65 117
Provisions utilitised (180) (65)
---------------------------------------------------- ----- -----
Cash flow from operating activities 3,750 615
Dividends received from joint venture 155 50
Interest paid (11) (8)
Taxation received/(paid) 31 (236)
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (2,077) (556)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 9 58
Shares purchased by ESOT (518) (160)
Loan repaid by joint venture - 75
---------------------------------------------------- ----- -----
Capital expenditure and financial investment (2,586) (583)
Dividends paid (289) (254)
Cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 1,050 (416)
Cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 1,050 (416)
Purchase of own shares (467) -
Increase in short term bank loans 1,286 -
Repayments of capital element of finance leases
and hire purchase contracts (216) (83)
New leases 296 322
Share options exercised 25 492
----- -----
924 731
Increase in cash 1,974 315
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
2002 2001
£000 £000
Increase in cash 1,974 315
Increase in short term bank loans (1,286) -
Repayments of capital element of finance leases
and hire purchase contracts 216 83
------- -----
Changes in net funds resulting from cash flow 904 398
New leases (296) (322)
------- -----
Movement in net funds 608 76
Net funds at April 28th, 2001 2,441 2,365
------- -----
Net funds at April 27th, 2002 3,049 2,441
------- -----
Analysis of net funds
2002 Cash flows 2001
£000 £000 £000
Cash at bank and in hand 4,763 1,974 2,789
Bank loans and overdrafts (1,286) (1,286) -
------ ------- -----
3,477 688 2,789
Finance leases and hire
purchase contracts (428) (80) (348)
------ ------- -----
Net funds at April 27th, 2002 3,049 608 2,441
------ ------- -----
Movement on reserves and reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
Movements in reserves are as follows:
Capital Profit
Share redemption Revaluation Other Special and loss
capital reserve reserve reserves reserves account Total
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
------- --------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ------
At April 28th, 2001 2,343 398 1,853 4,652 1,487 2,721 13,454
Prior year adjustment - - - - - (463) (463)
As restated 2,343 398 1,853 4,652 1,487 2,258 12,991
Profit attributable to members - - - - - 1,693 1,693
Dividends - - - - - (298) (298)
Foreign exchange adjustments
in retranslation of
overseas investments - - - 2 - - 2
Repurchase of shares (126) 126 - - - (645) (645)
------- --------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ------
At April 27th, 2002 2,217 524 1,853 4,654 1,487 3,008 13,743
------- --------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ------
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange