Preliminary Results
MS International PLC
26 June 2001
Contacts: Michael Bell, Chairman, MS International plc
Tel: 01302 322133
Terry Garrett, Square Mile BSMG Worldwide
Tel: 020 7601 1000
Full Year Results to April 28th, 2001
* Pre-tax profits from continuing businesses increased
by 32% to £2.17m (2000: £1.65m)
* Turnover from continuing businesses increased by 15%
to £32.87m (2000: £28.63m)
* Net cash increased to £2.79m (2000: £2.47m)
* Order book for continuing businesses improved to
£26.19m (2000: £24.32m)
* Final dividend of 1.00p per share (2000: 0.90p) for
an 11% increase for the full year at 1.33p (2000: 1.20p)
* EPS for continuing businesses 29% higher at 6.7p
(2000: 5.2p)
Michael Bell, Chairman, commented:
'The good underlying progress achieved in the first six
months continued strongly in the second half of the year.
Each division performed well, generating profits and
cash, and clearly demonstrating the benefits of sharper
focus on business sectors where we enjoy prime trading
The order book has increased and, with further
concentration on our known strengths, and the closure of
a loss-making subsidiary behind us, we look forward to
further achievements in the coming year'.
Chairman's Statement
In my interim statement I commented on the underlying
progress of MS International plc and the closure of a
loss-making subsidiary. I am pleased to reaffirm that the
progress has followed through strongly in the second half
of the year. Furthermore, I perceive that we have
enhanced the opportunities for the Group to attain a more
rapid upgrade in both the amount and quality of earnings,
despite the short-term implication of the closure on this
year's consolidated profit and loss account. To amplify
the scale of the achievements, we have constructed the
profit and loss account in a format that compares the
results of both the continuing and discontinued
businesses of the Group.
Accordingly, for the year ending April 2001, the Group's
continuing businesses produced a 32% increase in profit
before tax of £2.17m (2000 - £1.65m) on sales 15% higher
at £32.87m (2000 - £28.63m), and a 29% increase in EPS of
6.7p (2000 - 5.2p). The ensuing combined trading loss and
one-off costs associated with the winding-up of the
discontinued businesses amounted to £3.10m.
The Group's consolidated net cash position has remained
robust throughout and advanced by 13% to £2.79m (2000 -
£2.47m), despite a cash outflow of £1.8m relating to the
discontinued businesses.
The accomplishment of the continuing businesses has
proven highly satisfying. Each division generated both
profit and cash and the results illustrate clearly the
benefits of a sharper focus in business sectors where we
enjoy prime trading niches.
On April 27th, 2001, I, together with my two executive
board directors, exercised options to purchase a total of
2,283,350 ordinary shares in the Company at an average
price of 21.6p each. It is our intention to hold these
shares as a long-term investment.
Operating divisions
The defence division achieved a creditable performance,
increasing profit margins on sales that were at a level
similar to the previous year. The changing nature of
defence procurement, continues to heighten the challenges
facing our industry. I believe that we are responding
positively and effectively to the task, whilst balancing
carefully the needs of our business, as evidenced by the
increase in profits. The division's order book remains
sound and well balanced, reflecting a good level of order
intake for our proprietary products and services, plus
augmented participation in major defence procurement
programmes through teaming arrangements with other
The forgings division enjoyed a year that was full of
very positive activity. Further investment in plant and
equipment for both fork-arm manufacture and general
forging production, broadened and enhanced our
capabilities, the benefits of which permeated through in
greater efficiencies, added market penetration, and
notable gains in profitability. Demand for our products
in our principal markets around the world remained
buoyant, although towards the end of the period there was
a softening in activity in North America, indicative of
the general economic climate in that large and important
Global-MSI plc, our joint venture company that holds a
leading market position in the design, manufacture and
construction of petrol station canopies for fuel
retailers across Europe, confirmed our expectations of a
good recovery as the market improved, from the previous
year's low level. Added to that, our status was
strengthened by the successful integration into our
business of Conder, a former sizeable though loss-making
competitor, acquired last year.
The manufacturing and administrative buildings vacated by
the discontinued business have been refurbished and
upgraded to a high standard, to provide cost effective
production and office space. These facilities are now
gainfully occupied by the continuing businesses,
relieving past constraints and also creating room for
The Group order book for each of the continuing
businesses is higher than at this time last year, and
when consolidated amounts to £26.19m (2000 - £24.32m).
With intensifying concentration on our known strengths,
and the closure of the loss-making subsidiary behind us,
we look forward to further achievements, in the coming
year. The Board therefore recommends the payment of an
increased final dividend of 1.00p per share (2000 -
0.90p), making a total for the year of 1.33p (2000 -
1.20p), payable to shareholders on September 10th, 2001.
Michael Bell
June 26th, 2001
Group Profit and Loss Account
For the 52 weeks ended April 28th, 2001
2001 2001 2001
Continuing Discontinued Total
£000 £000 £000
Turnover: Group and share
of joint venture 32,866 2,994 35,860
Less: Share of joint
venture turnover (5,648) - (5,648)
___________________________ _________ ________ ________
Group turnover 27,218 2,994 30,212
___________________________ _________ ________ ________
Operating profit/(loss) 1,948 (2,293) (345)
Share of operating profit
of joint venture 197 - 197
___________________________ _________ _________ _________
2,145 (2,293) (148)
Exceptional items
Profit/(loss) on sale of
tangible fixed assets:
Group 9 (18) (9)
Joint venture 1 - 1
(Loss) on sale/closure of
Net assets less sale
proceeds/closure costs - (305) (305)
Goodwill previously
written off to reserves - (488) (488)
__________________________ _________ __________ __________
Profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities before interest 2,155 (3,104) (949)
Interest receivable:
Group 144 - 144
Joint venture 1 - 1
Interest payable:
Group (130) - (130)
__________________________ _________ __________ __________
Profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities before taxation 2,170 (3,104) (934)
Tax on profit/(loss) on
ordinary activities (773) 850 77
__________________________ _________ __________ _________
Profit on ordinary
activities after taxation 1,397 (2,254) (857)
Dividends (292)
__________________________ _________
Retained (loss)/profit for
the Group and its share
of joint venture (1,149)
__________________________ _________
Earnings/(loss) per share
- basic and fully diluted 6.7p (10.8p) (4.1p)
__________________________ _______ _________ ________
Group Profit and Loss Account (Cont)
For the 52 weeks ended April 28th, 2001
2000 2000 2000
Continuing Discontinued Total
£000 £000 £000
Turnover: Group and share
of joint venture 28,630 3,605 32,235
Less: Share of joint
venture turnover (3,797) - (3,797)
___________________________ __________ _________ _________
Group turnover 24,833 3,605 28,438
___________________________ __________ _________ _________
Operating profit/(loss) 1,648 (436) 1,212
Share of operating profit
of joint venture 10 - 10
___________________________ __________ __________ _________
1,658 (436) 1,222
Exceptional items
Profit/(loss) on sale of tangible
fixed assets:
Group 5 - 5
Joint venture 3 - 3
(Loss) on sale/closure of businesses:
Net assets less sale proceeds/closure
costs - - -
Goodwill previously written off to
reserves - - -
______________________________ _________ __________ _________
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
before interest 1,666 (436) 1,230
Interest receivable:
Group 126 - 126
Joint venture 9 - 9
Interest payable:
Group (151) - (151)
_______________________________ _________ __________ _________
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
before taxation 1,650 (436) 1,214
Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities (499) 128 (371)
_______________________________ _________ __________ ________
Profit on ordinary activities after
taxation 1,151 (308) 843
_________ __________
Dividends (249)
_______________________________ ________
Retained (loss)/profit for the Group
and its share of joint venture 594
_______________________________ ________
Earnings/(loss) per share - basic and
fully diluted 5.2p (1.4p) 3.8p
_______________________________ _________ _________ ________
Group Statement of Recognised Gains and Losses
2001 2000
£000 £000
(Loss)/profit for the financial
period (857) 843
Translation differences on
foreign currency net
investments (67) 4
_______________________________ _______ ______
Total (losses)/gains recognised (924) 847
since last annual report
_______________________________ _______ ______
Historical cost profits and losses
There is no material difference between the result as disclosed in the
profit and loss account and the result which would have been reported had
the Group prepared the accounts on an unmodified historical cost basis.
The financial information set out above does not constitute the
Company's statutory accounts for the periods ended April
28th, 2001 or April 29th, 2000 but is derived from those
accounts. Statutory accounts for 2000 have been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies, and those for
2001 will be delivered following the Company's Annual
General Meeting. The auditors have reported on those
accounts: their reports were unqualified and did not
contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 1985.
Copies of this announcement are available from the Company's
registered office at MS International plc. Balby Carr
Bank, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN4 8DH. The full
Annual Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders
shortly and will be delivered to the Registrar of
Companies after it has been laid before the Company in
general meeting.
Dividend warrants will be posted on September 7th, 2001 to members
registered on the books of the Company at August 10th,
Group Balance Sheet
At April 28th, 2001
2001 2000
£000 £000
Assets employed
_______________________________________ _______ _______
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 6,222 6,358
Joint venture:
Share of gross assets 1,621 1,587
Share of gross liabilities (1,284) (1,184)
Investment in own shares 266 598
_______________________________________ _______ _______
6,825 7,359
_______________________________________ _______ _______
Current assets
Stocks 2,666 3,870
Debtors 7,041 5,717
Group pension scheme
- due after more than one year 6,938 6,990
Cash at bank and in hand 2,789 3,165
_______________________________________ ________ _______
19,434 19,742
Creditors - amounts falling
due within one year 9,944 10,229
_______________________________________ ________ ________
Net current assets 9,490 9,513
_______________________________________ ________ ________
Total assets less current
liabilities 16,315 16,872
Creditors - amounts falling
due after more than one year 217 78
Provisions for liabilities and
charges 2,644 2,612
_______________________________________ _________ ________
Total assets less liabilities 13,454 14,182
_______________________________________ _________ ________
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 2,343 2,343
Capital redemption reserve 398 398
Revaluation reserve 1,853 2,368
Other reserves 4,652 4,719
Special reserve 1,487 1,487
Profit and loss account 2,721 2,867
_______________________________________ _________ ________
Equity shareholders' funds 13,454 14,182
_______________________________________ _________ _________
Group Cash Flow Statement
For the 52 weeks ended April 28th, 2001
2001 2001 2000 2000
£000 £000 £000 £000
Operating (loss)/profit (345) 1,212
Closure costs (305) -
Depreciation charge 625 533
Foreign exchange (gains)/losses (33) 4
RSA grant release (37) (38)
Decrease in stocks 1,320 2,212
(Increase)/decrease in debtors (1,187) 674
Increase/(decrease) in creditors 550 (1,081)
(Decrease) in progress payments (25) (274)
Increase in provisions 117 119
Provisions utilised (65) (151)
_________________________________ _______ ________
Cash flow from operating activities 615 3,210
Dividend received from joint
venture 50 51
Interest (paid)/received (8) 26
Taxation paid (236) (417)
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (556) (469)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 58 11
Shares purchased by ESOT (160) -
Loan repaid/(paid) by/to joint
venture 75 (75)
_______________________________ _______ ________
Capital expenditure and financial
investment (583) (533)
Dividends paid (254) (268)
______________________________ _______ ________
Cash (outflow) / inflow before
financing (416) 2,069
_____________________________ _______ ________
Cash (outflow) / inflow before
financing (416) 2,069
Purchase of own shares - (1,032)
Long term bank loans repaid - (111)
Repayments of capital element of
finance leases and
hire purchase contracts (83) (75)
New leases 322 94
Share options exercised 492 -
________ _______
731 (1,124)
Increase in cash 315 945
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
2001 2000
£000 £000
Increase in cash 315 945
Cash flow from decrease in bank loans - 111
Repayments of capital element of
finance leases and hire purchase
contracts 83 75
__________________________________________ ________ ______
Changes in net funds resulting
from cash flow 398 1,131
New leases (322) (94)
__________________________________________ _________ _______
Movement in net funds 76 1,037
Net funds at April 29th, 2000 2,365 1,328
_________________________________________ __________ ________
Net funds at April 28th, 2001 2,441 2,365
________________________________________ __________ _______
Analysis of net funds 2001 Cash flows 2000
£000 £000 £000
Cash at bank and in hand 2,789 (376) 3,165
Bank overdraft - 691 (691)
_______ _______ _______
2,789 315 2,474
Finance leases
and hire purchase contracts (348) (239) (109)
_______ _______ ________
2,441 76 2,365
_______ _______ ________
Movement on reserves and reconciliation of movements in shareholders'funds
Movements in reserves are as follows:
Share redemption Revaluation Other
capital reserve reserve reserves
£000 £000 £000 £000
At April 29th, 2000 2,343 398 2,368 4,719
(Loss)attributable to members - - - -
Dividends - - - -
Transfer - - (515) -
Foreign exchange
adjustments in retranslation of
overseas investments - - - (67)
Goodwill adjustments - - - -
________________________________ _______ _______ _______ _______
At April 28th, 2001 2,343 398 1,853 4,652
________________________________ _______ _______ _______ _______
Movement on reserves and reconciliation of movements in shareholders'funds
Movements in reserves are as follows:
Special and loss
reserves account Total
£000 £000 £000
At April 29th, 2000 1,487 2,867 14,182
(Loss) attributable to members - (857) (857)
Dividends - (292) (292)
Transfer - 515 -
Foreign exchange adjustments in
retranslation of overseas investments - - (67)
Goodwill adjustments - 488 488
_____________________________________ ________ ________ _______
At April 28th, 2001 1,487 2,721 13,454
_____________________________________ ________ ________ _______