Final Results - Replacement

Murray International Trust PLC 13 February 2004 The following replaces the Preliminary Results announcement released on 5 February 2004 at 07:00 hrs under RNS: 0335V. In the preliminary announcement of the results, the year ended 31 December 2003 there was an error regarding the dividend payment date. In the text under the heading Dividend the payment date for the Ordinary Shares is 21 May 2004 whereas in Note 6 it is 24 May 2004. The correct date for payment of the dividend on the Ordinary Shares is 21 May 2004 to shareholders on the register on 23 April 2004. In addition, the record date for the dividend payable on 16 February 2005 is 21 January 2005 and not 21 January 2004. The full amended version appears below. MURRAY INTERNATIONAL TRUST PLC Results for the Year to 31 December 2003 Highlights •Net Asset Value Total return of 25.5% compared with benchmark return of 19.9% •Share Price Total return of 36.5% •2003 total dividend and 2004 interim dividends maintained •Proposed changes to Management fee and Articles •Cautious optimism for the coming year The Directors announce the results of Murray International Trust PLC, subject to audit finalisation, for the year ended 31 December 2003. Background The year 2003 was particularly eventful. It is not often, thankfully, that war, mounting terrorist risks and the threat of a serious global epidemic such as SARS happen simultaneously, accompanied by extreme volatility in equity markets and major movements in currency markets, especially the dollar. To highlight the impact of the latter a US investor in the German DAX index would have seen a 65% gain on his investment, whilst a German investor in the S&P 500 would only have seen a 6% return! Most Asian currencies showed some strength against the dollar but were weak against the euro. It seems likely that the dollar would have been weaker had it not been for intervention in favour of the dollar by Asian governments, as well as the willingness of these countries to recycle their balance of payments surpluses into US Treasuries. Whether Asian countries will be prepared to continue to support the dollar on the scale needed in the future, remains an open question. Global equity markets were extremely weak in the early part of the year but rallied strongly after the eventual outbreak of hostilities in Iraq and it became clear that the US fiscal and monetary authorities were committed to engineering economic recovery with policy easing on an almost unprecedented scale. Geo-political factors will undoubtedly retain a powerful influence on financial markets. However, it is possible to draw some encouragement from recent developments in Iran and in Libya. Performance The Net Asset Value showed a total return of 25.5%, considerably ahead of the return on the benchmark index of 19.9%, whilst the share price total return of 36.5% also reflected a substantial, and welcome, reduction over the year in the level of discount at which the shares trade in the stock market. The key positive influences however were an underweighting of dollar assets and an overweighting of euro denominated assets, combined with a significant overweighting in the Asian and emerging markets. Circular Enclosed with the Annual Report will be a Circular providing more details on the following matters: Firstly, from 1 December 2003 Investment Trusts can, if their Articles allow, buy sell and hold shares in Treasury. Although the Board is not committed to use the new power, if granted, it considers that the Articles of Association should be updated to permit such dealing through Treasury, as long as this is to the benefit of Shareholders. Secondly, the Board has reviewed the present management fee arrangements and has provisionally agreed new fee arrangements with the Manager, subject to Shareholder approval at the Annual General Meeting. In summary, the proposals combine a reduction in the basic management fee from 0.6% to 0.5% per annum accompanied by the introduction of a performance related fee. Dividends The Board believes that, after two years when the level of the Company's income was felt to be somewhat at risk from dividend reductions, the outlook for dividends in the year ahead is much improved. The extent to which our dividend payment is currently uncovered should therefore substantially reduce which is a necessary pre-condition for the resumption of growth in our dividend pay-out. The Directors are therefore proposing, as previously forecast, a maintained final dividend of 5.95p per share for the year ended 31 December 2003, payable on 21 May 2004 to Shareholders on the register at close of business on 23 April 2004, making a total distribution for the year of 16.3p. The Board also now proposes that three interim dividends of 3.45p per share be paid for the year to 31 December 2004, payable on 16 August 2004, 17 November 2004 and 16 February 2005. B Ordinary Shareholders will receive a capitalisation in B Ordinary shares on 21 May 2004 amounting to 3.8449 B Ordinary shares for every hundred held at the close of business on 23 April 2004, which is equivalent in Net Asset Value to the recommended final dividend and three interim dividends for the current year. The Board As a consequence of the sad death, last year, of the Rt Hon Viscount Younger of Leckie, the Board has carried out a search for a new Director. The Board was very pleased to welcome Lady Balfour of Burleigh to the Board on 30 September 2003. Janet has a wide range of knowledge and experience. She is a writer and consultant and is also on the Board of a number of Companies, including two investment trusts. Outlook After a substantial recovery in global stockmarkets in 2003, there is a clear need to meet market expectations of growth and profits. At the time of writing, the signs seem reasonably good, as data is strong and various leading indicators, such as surveys of investment intentions, hiring plans and confidence generally, continue to improve. There are however, valid concerns over the sustainability of the growth dynamic, particularly in the United States. The issues here centre on the highly unusual starting point for this economic cycle where the scale of current imbalances suggest a need for higher domestic savings, a tightening of fiscal policy and a weaker dollar. The clear implication of the balance of payments and budget deficits is that the current means of delivering economic growth is unsustainable and a weaker dollar is only part of the solution. Nonetheless monetary and fiscal policies around the world will remain biased towards economic growth and these are not currently constrained by too many signs of inflationary pressure. It seems reasonable therefore to expect positive returns from equity markets, albeit at a more subdued level than this past year, with a preference for areas where there are fewer imbalances and therefore fewer potential impediments to growth. Murray International Trust PLC Statement of Total Return (unaudited) (incorporating the Revenue Account of the Company*) For the year ended 31 December 2003 Year ended Year ended 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains/(losses) on - 68,823 68,823 - (92,403)(92,403) investments Income from 16,278 - 16,278 17,310 - 17,310 investments Other income 515 - 515 208 - 208 Investment management (852) (1,994) (2,846) (1,033) (2,410) (3,443) fees Currency losses - (1,321) (1,321) - (4,847) (4,847) Other expenses (995) - (995) (1,226) - (1,226) -------- --------- ------- ------- -------- ------- Net return before finance costs and taxation 14,946 65,508 80,454 15,259 (99,660) (84,401) Finance costs of (946) (2,208) (3,154) (1,067) (2,490) (3,557) borrowing -------- --------- ------- ------- -------- ------- Return on ordinary activities before tax 14,000 63,300 77,300 14,192 (102,150) (87,958) Tax on ordinary (2,493) 1,918 (575) (2,141) 1,444 (697) activities -------- --------- ------- ------- -------- ------- Return attributable to equity Shareholders 11,507 65,218 76,725 12,051 (100,706) (88,655) Ordinary dividends on(14,081) - (14,081) (14,052) - (14,052) equity shares -------- --------- ------- ------- -------- ------- Transfer (from)/to (2,574) 65,218 62,644 (2,001) (100,706)(102,707) reserves -------- --------- ------- ------- -------- ------- Return per ordinary 13.3 75.5 88.8 13.8 (115.5) (101.7) share (pence) -------- --------- ------- ------- -------- ------- Return per ordinary share Assuming full conversion of the B ordinary shares 13.1 74.5 87.6 13.6 (114.0) (100.4) (pence) -------- --------- ------- ------- -------- ------- * The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the company. Murray International Trust PLC Balance Sheet (unaudited) As at 31 December 2003 As at As at 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Investments 455,872 406,040 Current assets Debtors 3,085 4,374 Cash and short term deposits 22,177 4,298 -------- ------- 25,262 8,672 Creditors Amounts falling due within one 34,367 18,239 year -------- ------- Net current liabilities (9,105) (9,567) ------- ------- Total assets less current 446,767 396,473 liabilities Creditors Amounts falling due after more 75,375 87,725 than one year ------- ------- Net Assets 371,392 308,748 ------- ------- Capital and reserves Equity shareholders' interests: Called up share capital 21,890 21,876 Share premium account 23 23 Capital redemption reserve 8,230 8,230 Capital reserve - realised 286,358 300,788 Capital reserve - unrealised 28,369 (51,265) Revenue reserve 26,522 29,096 ------- ------- Total equity Shareholders' 371,392 308,748 funds ------- ------- Net asset value per ordinary and B ordinary share (pence) 424.2 352.8 Murray International Trust PLC Cash Flow Statement (unaudited) For the year ended 31 December 2003 Year ended Year ended 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating activities Investment income received 15,961 17,594 Deposit interest received 514 193 Underwriting commission 3 17 received Investment management fees (2,800) (3,698) paid Secretarial fees paid (98) (106) Cash paid to and on behalf of (51) (55) directors Other cash movements (1,007) (1,013) ------- -------- Net cash inflow from operating 12,522 12,932 activities Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (3,138) (3,582) Financial investment Purchase of investments (86,370) (101,289) Sale of investments 106,366 146,178 ------- -------- Net cash inflow from financial 19,996 44,889 investment Equity dividends paid (14,079) (14,244) ------- ------- Net cash inflow before 15,301 39,995 financing Financing Loans repaid - (78,000) Loans drawn down - 60,000 Repurchase of ordinary shares (1) (8,021) ------- -------- Net cash outflow from (1) (26,021) financing ------- ------- Increase in cash 15,300 13,974 ------- ------- Notes: 1. A summary of the investment changes during the year and a list of the twenty largest investments at 31 December 2003 are attached. 2. The issued share capital at 31 December 2003 was 86,412,599 ordinary shares of 25p each and 1,147,599 B ordinary shares of 25p each. 3. Returns per share have been based on the following weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during each year. Weighted average number of Ordinary shares 86,391,963 Weighted average number of Ordinary shares assuming full conversion of the B Ordinary shares 87,539,611 4. The net asset value per ordinary and B ordinary share has been calculated after deducting prior charges at nominal values. 5. The next date for conversion of the B ordinary shares to ordinary shares is 30 June 2004. The last date for receipt of certificates with the conversion notice signed on the reverse is 23 June 2004. 6. If approved: (1) the proposed final dividend of 5.95p per share will be paid on 21 May 2004 to holders of ordinary shares on the register at the close of business on 23 April 2004; (2) in respect of the year ending 31 December 2004, three interim dividends of 3.45p per share on the ordinary shares of the company in issue on 25 June 2004 will be paid on 16 August 2004, 17 November 2004, and 16 February 2005 to the persons who, at the close of business on 23 July 2004, 22 October 2004, and 21 January 2005 respectively, are the holders of such shares; and (3) definitive certificates in respect of the B ordinary capitalisation issue will be posted on 21 May 2004 to B ordinary shareholders on the register at the close of business on 23 April 2004. 7. The financial information contained within this Preliminary Announcement does not constitute the company's statutory financial statements as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2002 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and contained an audit report which was unqualified and did not constitute statements under Sections 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. This preliminary announcement has been prepared on the same basis as the prior year's statutory financial statements. The annual results will be circulated to shareholders in the form of an Annual Report, copies of which will be available at the Company's registered office, 123 St Vincent Street, Glasgow. 8. The Annual General Meeting will be held on 29 April 2004. ABERDEEN ASSET MANAGEMENT PLC SECRETARY 5 February 2004 Copies of this announcement will be available to the public at the registered office of the Company, 123 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5EA. MURRAY INTERNATIONAL TRUST PLC SUMMARY OF INVESTMENT CHANGES Valuation Appreciation Valuation 31 December Transactions (depreciation) 31 December 2002 2003 £'000 % £'000 £'000 £'000 % Equities United Kingdom 126,088 31.8 (2,090) 21,037 145,035 31.6 Americas 64,061 16.2 (186) 10,763 74,638 16.3 Europe & Africa 57,043 14.4 (221) 15,488 72,310 15.8 Japan 31,773 8.0 (296) 2,963 34,440 7.5 Middle East, Far East & 23,914 6.0 6,716 14,481 45,111 9.8 Australasia ------- ------- --------- ---------- ------- ------- 302,879 76.4 3,923 64,732 371,534 81.0 ------- ------- --------- ---------- ------- ------- Fixed income United Kingdom 64,142 16.2 (17,313) (1,173) 45,656 10.0 Europe & Africa 39,019 9.8 (5,601) 5,264 38,682 8.4 ------- ------- --------- ---------- ------- ------- 103,161 26.0 (22,914) 4,091 84,338 18.4 ------- ------- --------- ---------- ------- ------- Other net assets (9,567) (2.4) 14,133 (1,682) 2,884 0.6 ------- ------- --------- ---------- ------- ------- Total Assets* 396,473 100.0 (4,858) 67,141 458,756 100.0 ------- ------- --------- ---------- ------- ------- * Represents total assets less current liabilities after excluding short-term loans of Yen 2,300,000,000 £11,989,000) at 31 December 2003 Valuation Summary of Net Assets 31 December ----------------------- 2003 £000 % Equities 371,534 100.1 Fixed Income 84,338 22.7 Other Net Assets 2,884 0.7 Borrowings and prior capital (87,364) (23.5) ------- ------- Equity shareholders' interest 371,392 100.0 ------- ------- Investment Portfolio As at 31 December 2003 Total Valuation Assets Investment £'000 (%) --------- ----------- Atrium Underwriting (UK) 18,546 4.0 GlaxoSmithKline (UK) 11,456 2.5 BP (UK) 11,325 2.5 Shell Transport & Trading (UK) 10,624 2.3 March 2004 S & P Future (USA) 10,392 2.3 Vodafone Group (UK) ** 10,366 2.2 Royal Bank of Scotland (UK) 7,242 1.6 AstraZeneca (UK) 6,700 1.5 Petrochina (China) 6,422 1.4 Barclays (UK) ** 6,093 1.3 Abbey National (UK) ** 6,022 1.3 HSBC Holdings (UK) ** 5,970 1.3 Petrobras ADR (Brazil) 5,956 1.3 British American Tobacco (UK)** 5,743 1.2 GUS (UK) ** 4,725 1.0 Volvo (Ab) Ser B ** 4,522 1.0 Aviva 4,108 0.9 Sainsbury (J) 3,941 0.9 Tenaris ADR (Mexico) 3,918 0.9 United Health Group (USA) 3,736 0.8 --------- ----------- Top Twenty Investments 147,807 32.2 --------- ----------- **Holding comprises equity and fixed income securities This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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