Final Results

Murray International Trust PLC 27 February 2008 MURRAY INTERNATIONAL TRUST PLC Preliminary Announcement of Results for the Year to 31 December 2007 The Directors announce the preliminary results of Murray International Trust PLC for the year ended 31 December 2007. Highlights In its 100th year the Trust: • produced a Net Asset Value Total Return of 14.9% versus a Benchmark Total Return of 8.7%; • increased the total proposed dividend payment by 10.5% versus 2006; and • remained cautious regarding the UK and US stock markets, but sanguine on Asia and Latin America. Background The economic factors affecting the decisions of our Manager in 2007 were very different from those existing in 1907 when the Trust was founded. Economies and stock markets are now affected by global events rather than being dominated by domestic conditions as was the case one hundred years ago. Globalisation as witnessed, for example, by increasing trade between nations, has been a force for good in overall terms but in 2007 we saw evidence of the downside of globalisation as the problem of sub prime loans in the United States affected banks throughout the world. The difficulties spread to a wider range of financial instruments with any form of structured product coming under suspicion. In the UK the problems of Northern Rock highlighted the reluctance of banks to lend to each other, which in turn led to sharp rises in interest rates in the inter-bank market. A prolonged period of very low interest rates and lax lending by banks over the last few years has led to a significant increase in indebtedness in both public and private sectors in the UK and US. Tough times are ahead for these indebted nations and it is clear that the balance of economic power is shifting to developing nations, such as China, India and Brazil and those fortunate enough to possess the resources of energy and raw materials which the rest of the world needs. Despite the uncertainty, equity markets performed relatively well but most of the improvement took place in the first half of the year. Weakness in Sterling also boosted overseas returns in our portfolio, the first time this has occurred in many years. Under the circumstances, the positive double-digit total return surpassed our expectations. Performance The total return on Net Asset Value was 14.9%, significantly ahead of the return on the benchmark index of 8.7% whilst the share price total return of 10.5% reflected a slight increase over the year in the level of discount at which the shares trade in the stock market. The Investment Manager's Report in the annual report contains an attribution analysis which shows the factors affecting net asset performance. Key positive influences were significant overweights in Asia ex Japan and Latin America. The large underweighting in the United States contributed positively to relative outperformance, while strong stock selection in the UK enhanced capital returns. Dividends I am pleased to report that revenue generation from the Company's portfolio has again remained strong during the year and we have been able to increase the level of the three interim dividends that have been paid to 4.3p (2006: 3.8p). Your Board is now recommending a final dividend of 8.1p (2006: 7.6p) which, subject to the approval of shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, will be paid on 16 May 2008 to shareholders on the register on 4 April 2008. If approved, the total dividend for the year will amount to 21.0p, an increase of 10.5% from last year (2006: 19p). B Ordinary shares now receive their capitalisation issue of B Ordinary shares at the same time as each dividend is paid. Accordingly, subject to approval at the AGM on 16 May 2008, B Ordinary shareholders will be issued with new B Ordinary shares equivalent in Net Asset Value to the recommended final dividend for the year just ended. VAT on Management Fees Update During the year under review the Association of Investment Companies ('AIC') announced its success in the case against HM Revenue and Customs ('HMRC'), which sought to remove VAT from the payment of investment trust management fees. The European Court of Justice has confirmed that investment trust management fees should be exempt from VAT in the same way as unit trusts and open ended investment companies and HMRC has recently advised that it does not intend to appeal this decision. Accordingly, VAT is now no longer charged by the Manager on management fees and in due course a rebate will be due to the Company in respect of the VAT paid since 2001. The timing and quantum of this repayment together with the status of pre-2001 VAT payments are being discussed with the Manager and are still to be determined. The Company will update shareholders in due course. Centenary Year As I have mentioned above, the Company is in its Centenary Year, having been incorporated originally in December 1907. We have marked this centenary with the publication of a booklet tracing the life of the Company since launch and the key events that have affected it. Accompanying the Annual Report you will find a copy of this publication and further copies may be obtained by writing to the registered office of the Company. I hope that you find the booklet interesting and enjoyable. Annual General Meeting ('AGM') The AGM has been convened for Tuesday 22 April 2008 at 12.30 p.m. in the Strathclyde Suite of the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall and the Board looks forward to meeting shareholders. As at previous AGMs, there will be a presentation from the Manager and an opportunity to meet the Directors and Manager and ask questions. I would be grateful if you would confirm your attendance by completing the notice that will accompany the Annual Report and returning it together with an indication of any particular questions that you would like to ask. Electronic Communications with Shareholders At the last AGM shareholders authorised the Company to communicate to its shareholders electronically. The Board is keen to reduce the number of Annual Reports that are required to be printed each year and to reduce the associated cost and impact upon the environment. Accordingly, I would urge shareholders to consider whether they require a paper copy of the Annual Report and other mailings. If you do not need paper reports, you may advise the Company's registrars by completing the form that will accompany the Annual Report and in conjunction with the registrars, we will arrange for you to receive an e-mail notification when the Annual Report or other shareholder documents have been published on the Company's website. Those shareholders who elect for electronic communications will also be able to vote electronically on resolutions to be proposed at future AGMs. I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that we will only use electronic communications to communicate to those shareholders who positively elect for such a method of communication. If you take no further action, you will continue to receive the usual paper copies by post. Investment Objectives The FSA Listing Rules require the Company to make clear to shareholders the investment policies of the Trust and how it hopes to meet its objective. We aim to achieve a total return greater than the Trust's benchmark by investing predominantly in equities worldwide. Within this objective the Manager seeks to increase the Company's revenues to maintain an above average dividend yield. Further information, including the Company's policies relating to asset allocation, risk diversification and gearing, as well as a description of the investment process adopted by the Manager, is included in the Annual Report and Accounts. Circular This year the Directors are proposing to make amendments to the Company's Articles of Association to reflect changes required as a result of the staged implementation of the Companies Act 2006. Accompanying the Annual Report and Accounts shareholders will receive a circular which incorporates the Notice of Annual General Meeting and the resolutions to be proposed at that meeting and at separate Class Meetings of the Ordinary and B Ordinary shareholders. The proposed changes to the Articles will be described in greater detail in the circular. Outlook Since the year end we have seen a sharp downward move in markets accompanied by increasing volatility. The increased liquidity of the Trust reflecting the Manager's cautious attitude towards markets, particularly the US and the UK in the second half of last year, has been of benefit to the Trust, with this liquidity being enhanced by a cash take-over of our largest holding Atrium. Corporate profits in the US and UK will remain under pressure as the excessive levels of debt in these two countries unwind. However, there may well come a stage when markets begin to discount current problems and start looking towards recovery. The Trust with its high level of liquidity will be in a position to take advantage of such conditions should they arise. Meanwhile, we expect growth rates in Asia and Latin America to remain positive although at somewhat lower levels than those seen recently. We are comfortable to remain well represented in these areas. J F H Trott Chairman 26 February 2008 Murray International Trust PLC Income Statement For the year ended 31 December 2007 Year ended 31 December 2007 Year ended 31 December 2006 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investments - 68,348 68,348 - 61,182 61,182 Income 26,776 - 26,776 24,566 - 24,566 Investment management fees (966) (2,253) (3,219) (2,124) (910) (3,034) Performance fees - (2,151) (2,151) - (2,565) (2,565) Currency losses - (3,550) (3,550) - (4,087) (4,087) Other expenses (1,251) - (1,251) (1,313) - (1,313) Net return before finance costs 24,559 60,394 84,953 22,343 52,406 74,749 and taxation Finance costs of borrowing (609) (1,422) (2,031) (610) (1,424) (2,034) Return on ordinary activities 23,950 58,972 82,922 21,733 50,982 72,715 before tax Tax on ordinary activities (5,550) 3,625 (1,925) (4,603) 3,147 (1,456) Return attributable to equity 18,400 Shareholders 62,597 80,997 17,130 54,129 71,259 Return per Ordinary share 21.2 72.3 93.5 19.8 62.5 82.3 (pence) Return per Ordinary share 21.0 71.4 92.4 19.5 61.8 81.3 assuming full conversion of the B Ordinary shares (pence) The total column of this statement represents the profit and loss account of the Company. A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared as all gains and losses are recognised in the Income Statement. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Ordinary dividends on equity 14,028 - 14,028 15,623 - 15,623 shares (£'000) The above dividend information does not form part of the Income Statement. Balance Sheet As at 31 December 2007 As at As at 31 December 2007 31 December 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Non-current assets Investments listed at fair value through 679,577 655,634 profit or loss Current assets Debtors 4,376 3,694 Cash and short term deposits 44,687 3,870 49,063 7,564 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Bank loans and debentures (18,662) - Other creditors (3,213) (8,167) (21,875) (8,167) Net current assets/(liabilities) 27,188 (603) Total assets less current liabilities 706,765 655,031 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Loans (56,931) (72,159) Other creditors (3,597) (3,604) (60,528) (75,763) Net assets 646,237 579,268 Capital and reserves Equity Shareholders' interests: Called-up share capital 21,926 21,919 Share premium account 22 22 Capital redemption reserve 8,230 8,230 Capital reserve - realised 366,239 298,874 Capital reserve - unrealised 211,796 216,571 Revenue reserve 38,024 33,652 Equity Shareholders' funds 646,237 579,268 Net Asset Value per Ordinary and B 736.8 660.7 Ordinary share (pence) Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds For the year ended 31 December 2007 Share Capital Capital Capital Share premium redemption reserve reserve Revenue capital account reserve - realised - unrealised reserve Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Balance at 31 December 2006 21,919 22 8,230 298,874 216,571 33,652 579,268 Return on ordinary 18,400 activities after - - - 67,372 (4,775) 80,997 taxation Dividends paid - - - - - (14,028) (14,028) Issue of new shares 7 - - (7) - - - Balance at 31 December 2007 21,926 22 8,230 366,239 211,796 38,024 646,237 For the year ended 31 December 2006 Share Capital Capital Capital Share premium redemption reserve reserve Revenue capital account reserve - realised - unrealised reserve Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Balance at 31 December 2005 21,911 23 8,230 286,597 174,727 32,145 523,633 Return on ordinary activities after - - - 12,285 41,844 17,130 71,259 taxation Dividends paid - - - - - (15,623) (15,623) Issue of new shares 8 (1) - (8) - - (1) Balance at 31 33,652 December 2006 21,919 22 8,230 298,874 216,571 579,268 The revenue reserve represents the amount of the Company's reserves distributable by way of dividend. Cash Flow Statement For the year ended 31 December 2007 Year ended Year ended 31 December 2007 31 December 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 19,666 17,879 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (1,998) (2,233) Net cash outflow from servicing of finance (1,998) (2,233) Corporation tax paid (414) - Financial investment Purchases of investments (135,699) (100,174) Sales of investments 179,642 108,267 Net cash inflow from financial investment 43,943 8,093 Equity dividends paid (17,317) (15,404) Net cash inflow before financing 43,880 8,335 Financing Expense of share issue - (1) Loans repaid - (7,708) Loans drawn down - 7,708 Net cash outflow from financing - (1) Increase in cash 43,880 8,334 Notes: 1. No changes to the accounting policies of the Company have been made in the year to 31 December 2007. 2. A summary of the investment changes during the year and a list of the twenty largest investments at 31 December 2007 are attached. 3. The issued share capital at 31 December 2007 was 86,612,772 Ordinary shares of 25p each and 1,090,350 B Ordinary shares of 25p each. 4 Returns per share have been based on the following weighted average number of Ordinary shares in issue during each year. Weighted average number of Ordinary shares 86,598,500 Weighted average number of B Ordinary shares 1,089,525 5. The net asset value per Ordinary and B Ordinary share has been calculated after deducting prior charges at nominal values. 6. The next date for conversion of the B Ordinary shares to Ordinary shares is 30 June 2008. The last date for receipt of certificates with the conversion notice signed on the reverse is 23 June 2008. 7. If approved: (1) the proposed final dividend of 8.1p per share will be paid on 16 May 2008 to holders of Ordinary shares on the register at the close of business on 4 April 2008; and (2) definitive certificates in respect of the B Ordinary capitalisation issue will be posted on 16 May 2008 to B Ordinary Shareholders on the register at the close of business on 4 April 2008. 8. The financial information contained within this Preliminary Announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory financial statements as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2006 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and contained an audit report which was unqualified and did not constitute statements under Sections 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The annual results will be circulated to Shareholders in the form of an Annual Report, copies of which will be available at the Company's registered office, 40 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2BY. 9. The Annual General Meeting will be held on 22 April 2008 at The Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. ABERDEEN ASSET MANAGEMENT PLC SECRETARY 26 February 2008 MURRAY INTERNATIONAL TRUST PLC SUMMARY OF INVESTMENT CHANGES Valuation Appreciation/ Valuation 31 December 2006 Transactions (depreciation) 31 December 2007 £'000 % £'000 £'000 £'000 % Equities United Kingdom 151,209 23.1 (45,820) 14,456 119,845 16.5 North America 46,259 7.0 7,427 1,372 55,058 7.6 Europe ex UK 101,050 15.4 (2,276) 12,196 110,970 15.3 Japan 77,883 11.9 (28) (9,718) 68,137 9.4 Asia Pacific ex Japan 117,725 18.0 (24,020) 28,108 121,813 16.8 Latin America 73,873 11.3 1,142 21,754 96,769 13.4 567,999 86.7 (63,575) 68,168 572,592 79.0 Fixed income United Kingdom 57,512 8.0 10,245 (635) 67,122 9.3 North America 11,617 1.8 7,891 312 19,820 2.7 Europe ex UK 4,765 0.7 26 445 5,236 0.7 Asia Pacific ex Japan 7,553 1.2 1,127 128 8,808 1.2 Latin America 6,188 0.9 (119) (70) 5,999 0.8 87,635 13.4 19,170 180 106,985 14.7 Other net (liabilities)/ (603) (0.1) 46,569 (116) 45,850 6.3 assets* Total assets** 655,031 100.0 2,164 68,232 725,427 100.0 * Figure for 2007 excludes bank loan of £18,662,000 which was shown as a current liability. ** Total Assets less current liabilities (before deducting prior charges). Valuation 31 December 2007 £'000 % Equities 572,592 88.6 Fixed income 106,985 16.6 Other net assets 45,850 7.1 Prior charges (75,593) (11.7) Other long term liabilities (3,597) (0.6) Equity Shareholders' funds 646,237 100.0 Twenty Largest Investments As at 31 December 2007 Valuation Total 2007 assets Company Country £'000 % 1 (2) Petrobras ADR* Brazil 36,822 5.1 2 (3) Resolution Life UK 22,784 3.1 3 (4) Tenaris ADR Mexico 17,928 2.5 4 (5) British American Tobacco* UK & Malaysia 17,534 2.4 5 (-) PTT Exploration Thailand 13,370 1.8 6 (18) Souza Cruz Brazil 12,923 1.8 7 (8) Aeroportuario del Sureste ADS Mexico 12,276 1.7 8 (-) Total Fina France 11,046 1.5 9 (-) ENI Italy 10,750 1.5 10 (-) E.ON Germany 10,687 1.5 Top ten investments 166,120 22.9 11 (-) Swire Pacific B Hong Kong 10,643 1.5 12 (11) Vodafone Group UK 10,517 1.4 13 (20) Weir Group UK 10,119 1.4 14 (-) Wing Hang Bank Hong Kong 9,777 1.3 15 (-) Intesa Sanpaolo Italy 9,528 1.3 16 (-) Altria Group USA 9,105 1.3 17 (-) Unilever Indonesia Indonesia 9,026 1.2 18 (-) Reynolds American USA 8,933 1.2 19 (-) Centrica UK 8,610 1.2 20 (-) Zurich Financial Services Switzerland 8,404 1.2 Top twenty investments 260,782 35.9 * Holding comprises equity and fixed income securities or holdings in more than one country. The value of the 20 largest investments represents 35.9% (2006 - 32.8%) of total assets. The figures in brackets denote the position at the previous year end. (-) denotes not previously in 20 largest investments. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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