Interim Results
The Directors of Murray International Trust PLC report the unaudited results of
the company for the six months ended 30 June 2004.
·Net Asset Value Total Return, with net income reinvested, for the six
months ended 30 June 2004 was +2.0% compared with a return of +2.3% on the
composite benchmark.
·Equities continue to outperform bonds as financial markets begin
discounting the prospects of higher interest rates.
·The Board intends to recommend a maintained final dividend of 5.95p in
respect of the year ending 31 December 2004, payable in May 2005.
Financial markets struggled to make much progress over the past six months.
Weighed down by soaring oil prices, concerns over booming property prices and
fears over the rapid pace of credit expansion, the consensus opinion became
increasingly bearish about the prospects for interest rates. Government bonds
suffered a difficult six months as rising commodity prices concentrated the
"inflation sensitive" minds of fixed interest investors. Longer-dated bond
yields moved higher as additional inflation premiums were priced into fixed
income markets, causing many yield curves to steepen. Bond markets remained
uncertain as to the scope and magnitude of interest rate rises deemed necessary
by policy makers to reduce the amount of stimulus in the financial system.
Against this backdrop, equity markets also traded nervously. Market returns, as
ever, were influenced by currency movements, most notably the strength of
sterling versus the euro and the yen, although the pound/US dollar exchange rate
remained relatively flat over the period. In sterling terms, the US market
returned 2.1%, the UK 1.9%, Europe 1.7% and the Pacific ex Japan -0.3%. The only
notable returns came from Japan, where the equity market rose 9.6% over the
period. On a sectoral basis there was a somewhat defensive bias with consumer
staples, energy and utilities all outperforming. Sectors judged to be cyclically
sensitive to rising interest rates, such as financials, technology and commodity
materials, all underperformed.
The Net Asset Value total return, with net income reinvested for the six months
to 30 June 2004 was 2.0% compared with a return of 2.3% on the composite
benchmark (40% of the FTSE World-UK and 60% of the FTSE World ex UK indices).
Asset allocation towards equities was broadly neutral for the portfolio over the
period, with the negative effects of being overweight Asian markets being offset
by being overweight in Japan. Relative asset allocation positions in the US,
Europe and the UK had virtually no impact. Stock selection was positive in every
geographical region except for Asia, with the UK and Japan contributing
significantly to outperformance. However, the total portfolio was negatively
impacted by the asset allocation towards bonds. Although the fixed interest
portfolio was defensively positioned in high quality, short duration bonds and
therefore performed relatively well, it still experienced capital losses in what
proved to be an extremely tough period for the asset class.
Share Buy-backs
During the six months ended June 2004, the Company did not repurchase any
Ordinary shares, although it retains the authority to do so. The discount at
which the shares traded to their Net Asset Value widened slightly during the six
months from 8.5% to 10.6%.
Portfolio activity during the period was directed towards capitalising on
opportunities that arose during periods of increased market volatility. On a
geographic basis, exposure to the Pacific region was increased during bouts of
risk-aversion induced weakness, as was exposure to Emerging markets. On a
sectoral basis, exposure to energy was slightly reduced having served the
portfolio particularly well over the past eighteen months, but the overweight
position has been retained. The process of reducing the portfolio's pro-cyclical
bias towards industrials continued with the proceeds being reinvested in "late
cycle" sectors such as Telecoms, where strong balance sheets and strong cash
flows offer attractive yields and above-average dividend growth.
For the current year the Board has already declared that three interim dividends
of 3.45p per share be paid on 16 August and 17 November 2004 and 16 February
2005. The Board intends to recommend a maintained final dividend of 5.95p in
respect of the year ending 31 December 2004, payable in May 2005.
The unequivocal improvement in global economic activity over the past six months
has prompted financial markets to respond, up till now at least, in a fairly
typical cyclical manner. The relative returns from equities and bonds over the
period are testimony to this. However, as the current global economic cycle
evolves against an uncertain backdrop of escalating terrorism, historically high
oil prices and rising trade tensions, a definitive distinction between the
developed and developing world is emerging as key to future prospects: namely
that of debt. Forty percent of present global GDP (mainly the US and UK) is
based in highly indebted economies, stretched by the burdens of credit based
growth policies, debt cultures and future prospects dictated by debt servicing
demands. With burgeoning budget deficits and household debt at record levels,
these nations find themselves living beyond their means, dependent on foreign
capital, vulnerable to exogenous shocks and pressures. Confined to an outlook of
sub-trend growth, lower consumption, lack of fiscal flexibility and declining
currencies, equity markets in the US and UK offer little appeal from a global
Conversely, the outlook is much brighter for the surplus savings nations of the
developing world. Cyclical and secular growth improvement remain intact.
Stronger domestic economies, reduced dependency on traditional export markets,
robust commodity prices and supportive global liquidity remain cyclical
positives. Also secular improvements, such as declining capital costs, rising
real incomes, competitive currencies, high domestic savings and huge foreign
exchange reserves dramatically reduce the sensitivity to global capital flows.
Indeed, as major lenders to the developed world, the developing world is
increasingly becoming an integral part of the global financial system. However,
at the current juncture, the most compelling case for the developing world
remains growth, earnings and market values. Forecast to grow at twice the rate
of the developed world in 2004 and 2005, this should translate into high
double-digit earnings growth. Such profitability at current market levels
strongly supports the investment case for staying overweight Asian and Emerging
market equities.
Finally, in addition to these structural factors, there are the basic issues of
expectations and valuation. Where high expectations and high valuations prevail,
as in the US market, the manager will continue to be cautious. Conversely, in
markets such as Japan and Europe, where expectations remain low and valuations
are attractive, the portfolio will continue its overweight stance. Moreover, the
portfolio will maintain its strict adherence to those companies throughout the
world, where strong balance sheets, decent dividend yields with good dividend
growth, achievable returns and quality assets are dominant characteristics.
Statement of Total Return
(Incorporating the Revenue Account of the Company)
Six months
to 30 June 2004
Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000
Gains/(losses) on sales - 3,331 3,331
Unrealised (losses)/gains - (268) (268)
--------- --------- --------
Gains on investments - 3,063 3,063
Income from investments 10,376 - 10,376
Other income 159 - 159
Investment management fees (329) (768) (1,097)
Currency (losses)/gains - (2,168) (2,168)
Other expenses (581) - (581)
--------- --------- --------
Net return before finance costs and 9,625 127 9,752
Finance costs of borrowing (388) (1,313) (1,701)
--------- --------- --------
Return on ordinary activities before tax 9,237 (1,186) 8,051
Tax on ordinary activities (1,688) 1,208 (480)
--------- --------- --------
Return attributable to equity 7,549 22 7,571
Ordinary dividends on equity shares (8,943) - (8,943)
--------- --------- --------
Transfer (from)/to reserves (1,394) 22 (1,372)
--------- --------- --------
Return per Ordinary share (pence) 8.7 0.0 8.7
--------- --------- --------
Return per Ordinary share assuming full
conversion of the B Ordinary shares (pence) 8.6 0.0 8.6
--------- --------- --------
Statement of Total Return
(Incorporating the Revenue Account of the Company)
Six months
to 30 June 2003
Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000
Gains/(losses) on sales - (15,178) (15,178)
Unrealised (losses)/gains - 39,391 39,391
-------- -------- -------
Gains on investments - 24,213 24,213
Income from investments 9,708 - 9,708
Other income 124 - 124
Investment management fees (454) (1,059) (1,513)
Currency (losses)/gains - 571 571
Other expenses (408) - (408)
-------- -------- -------
Net return before finance costs and 8,970 23,725 32,695
Finance costs of borrowing (462) (1,078) (1,540)
-------- -------- -------
Return on ordinary activities before tax 8,508 22,647 31,155
Tax on ordinary activities (1,330) 944 (386)
-------- -------- -------
Return attributable to equity 7,178 23,591 30,769
Ordinary dividends on equity shares (8,939) - (8,939)
-------- -------- -------
Transfer (from)/to reserves (1,761) 23,591 21,830
-------- -------- -------
Return per Ordinary share (pence) 8.3 27.3 35.6
-------- -------- -------
Return per Ordinary share assuming full
conversion of the B Ordinary shares 8.2 26.9 35.1
(pence) -------- -------- -------
Statement of Total Return
(Incorporating the Revenue Account of the Company)
Year ended
31 December 2003
Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000
Gains/(losses) on sales - (14,991) (14,991)
Unrealised (losses)/gains - 83,814 83,814
-------- -------- -------
Gains on investments - 68,823 68,823
Income from investments 16,278 - 16,278
Other income 515 - 515
Investment management fees (852) (1,994) (2,846)
Currency (losses)/gains - (1,321) (1,321)
Other expenses (995) - (995)
-------- -------- -------
Net return before finance costs and 14,946 65,508 80,454
Finance costs of borrowing (946) (2,208) (3,154)
-------- -------- -------
Return on ordinary activities before tax 14,000 63,300 77,300
Tax on ordinary activities (2,493) 1,918 (575)
-------- -------- -------
Return attributable to equity 11,507 65,218 76,725
Ordinary dividends on equity shares (14,081) - (14,081)
-------- -------- -------
Transfer (from)/to reserves (2,574) 65,218 62,644
-------- -------- -------
Return per Ordinary share (pence) 13.3 75.5 88.8
-------- -------- -------
Return per Ordinary share assuming full
conversion of the B Ordinary shares 13.1 74.5 87.6
(pence) -------- -------- -------
Balance Sheet
At 31
At 30 June At 30 June December
2004 2003 2003
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Investments 466,905 402,946 455,872
Current assets
Debtors 4,694 3,645 3,085
Cash and short-term 8,510 29,530 22,177
deposits --------- ---------- ---------
13,204 33,175 25,262
Amounts falling due within (25,338) (20,901) (34,367)
one year --------- ---------- ---------
Net current (liabilities)/ (12,134) 12,274 (9,105)
assets --------- ---------- ---------
Total assets less current 454,771 415,220 446,767
Amounts falling due after (84,751) (84,641) (75,375)
more than one year
--------- ---------- ---------
Net assets 370,020 330,579 371,392
--------- ---------- ---------
Capital and reserves
Equity shareholders'
Ordinary called up share 21,901 21,890 21,890
Share premium account 23 23 23
Capital redemption reserve 8,230 8,230 8,230
Capital reserve - realised 280,455 283,847 286,358
Capital reserve - 34,283 (10,746) 28,369
Revenue reserve 25,128 27,335 26,522
--------- ---------- ---------
Equity shareholders' funds 370,020 330,579 371,392
--------- ---------- ---------
Diluted Net Asset Value per
Ordinary and B Ordinary
share (pence) 422.4 377.5 424.2
--------- ---------- ---------
Cash Flow Statement
Six months Six months Year ended
to to 31 December
30 June 2004 30 June 2003 2003
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Operating activities
Investment income received 8,982 9,408 15,961
Deposit interest received 156 124 514
Underwriting commission - - 3
Investment management fees (1,082) (1,452) (2,800)
Secretarial fees paid (49) (48) (98)
Cash paid to and on behalf of (38) (23) (51)
Other cash payments (394) (510) (1,007)
---------- ---------- ---------
Net cash inflow from 7,575 7,499 12,522
operating activities
Returns on investment and
servicing of finance
Interest paid (1,383) (1,545) (3,139)
Break costs on repayment of (407) - -
Financial investment
Purchases of investments (63,615) (33,411) (86,371)
Sales of investments 60,197 61,368 106,367
---------- ---------- ---------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow (3,418) 27,957 19,996
from financial investment
Equity dividends paid (8,121) (8,119) (14,079)
---------- ---------- ---------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow (5,754) 25,792 15,300
before financing
Loans repaid (11,545) - -
Loans received 11,545 - -
Repurchase of Ordinary - (2) -
shares ---------- ---------- ---------
Net cash outflow from - (2) -
financing ---------- ---------- ---------
(Decrease)/increase in cash (5,754) 25,790 15,300
---------- ---------- ---------
Note 1
The number of B ordinary shares converted into ordinary shares on 30 June 2004
was 84,635. The allotted ordinary share capital as of 30 June 2004 was:
86,497,234 Ordinary shares of 25p
1,107,088 B Ordinary shares of 25p
Note 2
6 months 6 months Year to
to to 31 December
30 June 2004 30 June 2003 2003
Dividends on ordinary shares £'000 £'000 £'000
Interims of
- 3.45p payable 16.8.04 (2003 - 2,981 2,980 2,980
- 3.45p payable 17.11.04 (2003 - 2,981 2,980 2,980
- 3.45p payable 16.2.05 (2003 - 2,981 2,980 2,980
Final dividend (2003 - 5.95p) - - 5,141
Over accrual of previous year's - (1) -
dividends due to share buybacks
----------- ----------- -----------
8,943 8,939 14,081
----------- ----------- -----------
Note 3
A summary of investment changes during the period and a schedule of the twenty
largest equity investments at 30 June 2004 are attached.
Note 4
The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2004 and 30 June 2003
comprises non-statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the
Act 1985. The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2003 has been
abridged from published accounts that have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies and on which the report of the Auditors was unqualified. The interim
accounts have been prepared on the same basis as the annual accounts.
By order of the Board
5 August 2004
Copies of this announcement will be printed and issued to shareholders and will
be available to the public at the registered office of the Company, 123 St
Vincent Street, Glasgow.
Valuation Appreciation Valuation
31 December 2003 Transactions (depreciation) 30 June 2004
£'000 % £'000 £'000 £'000 %
United Kingdom 145,035 31.6 3,329 627 148,991 32.8
Americas 74,638 16.3 4,321 1,282 80,241 17.6
Europe & Africa 72,310 15.8 (3,643) 989 69,656 15.3
Japan 34,440 7.5 (691) 4,329 38,078 8.4
Middle East, Far
East & 45,111 9.8 1,085 (1,490) 44,706 9.8
Australasia -------- ------ --------- --------- ------- -------
371,534 81.0 4,401 5,737 381,672 83.9
-------- ------ --------- --------- ------- -------
Fixed income
United Kingdom 45,656 10.0 10,314 (913) 55,057 12.1
Europe & Africa 38,682 8.4 (10,652) (1,654) 26,376 5.8
Americas - - 3,907 (107) 3,800 0.9
-------- ------ --------- --------- ------- -------
84,338 18.4 3,569 (2,674) 85,233 18.8
-------- ------ --------- --------- ------- -------
Other net
assets/ 2,884 0.6 (10,237) (4,781) (12,134) (2.7)
(liabilities) -------- ------ --------- --------- ------- -------
Total assets 458,756 100.0 (2,267) (1,718) 454,771 100.0
-------- ------ --------- --------- ------- -------
Summary of Net Assets 30 June 2004
£000 %
Equities 381,672 103.2
Fixed income 85,233 23.0
Other net liabilities (12,134) (3.3)
Borrowings and prior capital (84,751) (22.9)
------- -------
Equity shareholders' interest 370,020 100.0
======= =======
Twenty Largest Equity Investments
As at 30 June 2004
Investment Valuation % of total
Security Area £'000 assets+
Atrium Underwriting UK 18,223 4.0
September 2004 S&P Index Future USA 15,721 3.5
BP UK 11,201 2.5
Shell Transport & Trading * UK & 10,184 2.2
GlaxoSmithKline UK 9,988 2.2
Vodafone Group UK 7,728 1.7
The Royal Bank of Scotland UK 6,987 1.5
AstraZeneca UK 6,185 1.4
British American Tobacco * UK & 5,869 1.3
Petrobras ADR Brazil 5,547 1.2
Unilever * UK & 4,835 1.1
Aviva UK 4,768 1.0
BT Group UK 4,764 1.0
Barclays UK 4,298 0.9
Volvo Sweden 4,223 0.9
United Health Group US 3,947 0.9
HSBC Holdings UK 3,903 0.9
Tenaris ADR Mexico 3,818 0.8
Land Securities UK 3,767 0.8
San Paolo - IMI Italy 3,665 0.8
-------- -------
Top twenty investments 139,621 30.6
-------- -------
* Holding also comprises associated companies.
+ Represents total assets less current liabilities.
In addition to the equity exposure detailed above, as at 30 June 2004 the
portfolio also included the related fixed interest holdings detailed below:
Valuation % of total
Security £'000 assets+
Vodafone Group 5.75% 27/10/06 1,419 0.3
BAT International Finance 5.75% 9/12/13 957 0.2
Barclays Bank PLC 5.75% 8/3/11 1,453 0.3
HSBC Capital Funding 5.3687% 1,705 0.4