Interim Results

Murray International Trust PLC 11 August 2005 MURRAY INTERNATIONAL TRUST PLC INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2005 The Directors of Murray International Trust PLC report the unaudited results of the company for the six months ended 30 June 2005. • Net Asset Value Total Return, with net income reinvested, for the six months ended 30 June 2005 was 9.4% compared with a return of 7.6% on the composite benchmark. • The Board intends to recommend a final dividend of not less than 5.95p in respect of the year ending 31 December 2005, payable in May 2006. • Equity asset allocation remains overweight in high-growth Asia and Emerging Markets and underweight in the UK and United States. Background Financial markets produced some solid gains over the six month period to 30 June 2005. In the first quarter markets were held back by fears of inflation and higher interest rates but once these fears had subsided somewhat, good returns were seen in both equity and bond markets in the second quarter. Over the whole period in sterling terms, the most notable market returns came from Asia ex-Japan and Latin America, up 13.4% and 18.7% respectively. The UK and European markets also managed to produce respectable returns of 8.2% and 6.4%. Although the US market struggled to make any progress in local currency terms, dollar strength against sterling boosted equity returns to 7.2%. Japanese market returns in sterling terms were relatively poor, with only modest gains. Performance The Net Asset Value total return, with net income reinvested, for the six months to 30 June 2005 was 9.4% compared with a return of 7.6% on the composite benchmark (40% of the FTSE World-UK and 60% of the FTSE World ex UK Indices). Asset allocation towards equities was broadly neutral for the portfolio over the period, with the negative effects of being overweight Japan offset by overweight exposure in Asia and Emerging Markets. Relative asset allocations in the US, UK and Europe had virtually no impact. Stock selection was positive in all geographic regions except for Japan, with Asia and Emerging Market contributing significantly to outperformance. The total portfolio performance was also positively impacted by our allocation to bonds, resulting from our capital structure. Financial Statements for the six months to 30 June 2005 Rather than adopting International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'), the Board has elected to continue to adopt UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ('UK GAAP') and therefore to comply with the new Financial Reporting Standards issued as part of the programme to converge UK GAAP with IFRS. Figures for the 6 months ended 30 June 2004 and the year ended 31 December 2004 have been restated accordingly. Full details of the changes are provided in the Supplementary Information at the end of the Financial Statements. Dividends At last years Annual General Meeting shareholders approved three interim dividends of 3.55p per share in respect of the year ending 31 December 2005 payable on 15 August and 16 November 2005, and 15 February 2006. The Board intends to recommend that the final dividend in respect of the year ending 31 December 2005, payable in May 2006, will not be less than 5.95p. Outlook Large debt-dependent deficits in the developed world suggest that a protracted period of sub trend economic growth is required to redress Government, trade and consumer imbalances, particularly in the United States and UK. Consequently the outlook for corporate profits and equity markets in such mature markets remains relatively unappealing. Conversely, the prospects for economic growth, earnings and dividends in the saving nations in Asia and Emerging Markets remains very attractive. It is increasingly likely that the global interest rate environment will be supportive of international capital flows which in turn should maintain superior relative economic growth and upward pressure on exchange rates in selective areas of the world. The portfolio will continue to emphasise exposure to regions and stocks where valuations relative to growth prospects are most attractive in order to achieve the company's investment objectives of capital growth and above average dividend yield. Statement of Total Return Six months ended 30 June 2005 (unaudited) Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investments - 33,024 33,024 Income from investments 12,170 - 12,170 Other income 63 - 63 Investment management fees (374) (872) (1,246) Performance fees - (562) (562) Currency losses - (1,999) (1,999) Other expenses (513) - (513) _________ _________ _________ Net return before finance costs and taxation 11,346 29,591 40,937 Finance costs of borrowing (375) (875) (1,250) _________ _________ _________ Return on ordinary activities before tax 10,971 28,716 39,687 Tax on ordinary activities (2,278) 1,563 (715) _________ _________ _________ Return on ordinary activities after tax 8,693 30,279 38,972 _________ _________ _________ Ordinary dividends on equity shares 14,364 - 14,364 _________ _________ _________ Return per Ordinary share (pence) 10.0 35.0 45.0 _________ _________ _________ Return per Ordinary share assuming full conversion of the B Ordinary shares (pence) 9.9 34.6 44.5 _________ _________ _________ The total column of this statement represents the profit and loss account of the Company. All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. Statement of Total Return Six months ended 30 June 2004 (unaudited) (restated) Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investments - 3,155 3,155 Income from investments 10,376 - 10,376 Other income 159 - 159 Investment management fees (329) (768) (1,097) Currency losses - (2,168) (2,168) Other expenses (581) - (581) ____________________________________________ Net return before finance costs and taxation 9,625 219 9,844 Finance costs of borrowing (388) (1,313) (1,701) ____________________________________________ Return on ordinary activities before tax 9,237 (1,094) 8,143 Tax on ordinary activities (1,688) 1,208 (480) ____________________________________________ Return on ordinary activities after tax 7,549 114 7,663 ____________________________________________ Ordinary dividends on equity shares 14,085 - 14,085 ____________________________________________ Return per Ordinary share (pence) 8.7 0.1 8.8 ____________________________________________ Return per Ordinary share assuming full conversion of the B Ordinary shares (pence) 8.6 0.1 8.7 ____________________________________________ The total column of this statement represents the profit and loss account of the Company. All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. Statement of Total Return Year ended 31 December 2004 (audited) (restated) Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investments - 45,340 45,340 Income from investments 19,088 - 19,088 Other income 278 - 278 Investment management fees (690) (1,610) (2,300) Performance fees - (1,925) (1,925) Currency losses - (4,039) (4,039) Other expenses (1,184) - (1,184) ____________________________________________ Net return before finance costs and taxation 17,492 37,766 55,258 Finance costs of borrowing (774) (2,214) (2,988) ____________________________________________ Return on ordinary activities before tax 16,718 35,552 52,270 Tax on ordinary activities (3,070) 2,264 (806) ____________________________________________ Return on ordinary activities after tax 13,648 37,816 51,464 ____________________________________________ Ordinary dividends on equity shares 14,085 - 14,085 ____________________________________________ Return per Ordinary share (pence) 15.8 43.7 59.5 ____________________________________________ Return per Ordinary share assuming full conversion of the B Ordinary shares (pence) 15.6 43.2 58.8 ____________________________________________ The total column of this statement represents the profit and loss account of the Company. All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. Balance Sheet At 30 June At 30 June At 31 December 2005 2004 2004 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) (restated) (restated) £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Investments 541,867 466,406 508,492 Current assets Debtors 4,593 4,694 3,348 Cash and short-term deposits 5,200 8,510 9,591 _________________________________________ 9,793 13,204 12,939 Creditors Amounts falling due within one year (35,977) (25,338) (21,429) _________________________________________ Net current liabilities (26,184) (12,134) (8,490) _________________________________________ Total assets less current liabilities 515,683 454,272 500,002 Creditors Amounts falling due after more than one year (77,754) (84,751) (86,680) _________________________________________ Net assets 437,929 369,521 413,322 _________________________________________ Capital and reserves Equity Shareholders' interest: Called up share capital 21,911 21,901 21,901 Share premium account 23 23 23 Capital redemption reserve 8,230 8,230 8,230 Capital reserves 382,209 314,239 351,941 Revenue reserve 25,556 25,128 31,227 _________________________________________ Equity Shareholders' funds 437,929 369,521 413,322 _________________________________________ Net Asset Value per Ordinary and B Ordinary share (pence) 499.7 421.8 471.8 _________________________________________ Cash Flow Statement Six months ended Six months ended Year ended 31 30 June 2005 30 June 2004 December 2004 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating activities Investment income received 10,865 8,982 18,400 Deposit interest received 58 156 275 Investment management fees paid (1,746) (1,082) (2,275) Secretarial fees paid (50) (49) (99) Cash paid to and on behalf of Directors (50) (38) (78) Other cash payments (552) (394) (989) _____________________________________________ Net cash inflow from operating activities 8,525 7,575 15,234 Returns on investment and servicing of finance Interest paid (1,212) (1,383) (2,656) Break costs on repayment of loan - (407) (407) _____________________________________________ Net cash outflow from servicing of finance 1,212 1,790 3,063 Financial investment Purchases of investments (58,612) (63,615) (143,536) Sales of investments 58,905 60,197 140,329 _____________________________________________ Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financial investment 293 (3,418) (3,207) Equity dividends paid (8,121) (8,121) (14,083) _____________________________________________ Net cash outflow before financing (515) (5,754 ) (5,119) Financing Loans repaid - (11,545) (11,545) Loans drawn down - 11,545 11,545 _____________________________________________ Net cash flow from financing - - - _____________________________________________ Decrease in cash (515) (5,754) (5,119) _____________________________________________ MURRAY INTERNATIONAL TRUST PLC Six months ended 30 June 2005 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 1. The number of B Ordinary shares converted into Ordinary shares on 30 June 2005 was 64,518. The allotted Ordinary share capital as of 30 June 2005 was: 86,556,123 Ordinary shares of 25p 1,087,799 B Ordinary shares of 25p 2. Accounting policies The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified to include the revaluation of investments and in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards and with the Statement of Recommended Practice for 'Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies'. For the accounting period beginning on 1 January 2005 the Company had the option to prepare its financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'), as adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board ('IASB'). The Board has elected to continue to adopt UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ('UK GAAP') and therefore with the new Financial Reporting Standards issued as part of the programme to converge UK GAAP with IFRS. Figures for the 6 months ended 30 June 2004 and the year ended 31 December 2004 have been restated accordingly. The same accounting policies used for the year ended 31 December 2004 have been applied with the following exceptions: (a) Investments are measured initially at cost and are recognised at trade date. For financial assets acquired, the cost is the fair value of the consideration. Subsequent to initial recognition investments are valued at fair value. For listed investments this is deemed to be bid market prices or closing prices for SETS stocks sourced from The London Stock Exchange. Unlisted investments are valued by Directors at fair value, in line with the guidelines of the British Venture Capital Association. (b) Under FRS 21 'Events after the Balance Sheet Date', dividends should only be accrued in the accounts if they are a liability at the Balance Sheet Date. As the final dividend for the year and the three interims for the current financial year are approved by shareholders at the AGM each year, no provision has been made for the final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2003 or 31 December 2004. The impact of these changes are shown below. 3. Reconciliation of Balance Sheets 31 December 30 June 31 December 2004 2004 2003 (audited) (unaudited) (audited) £'000 £'000 £'000 Net assets as previously reported 408,820 370,020 371,392 Restatement of investments at bid value (645) (499) (591) Reversal of provision for final dividend 5,147 - 5,142 ___________________________________________ Restated net assets 413,322 369,521 375,943 ___________________________________________ 4 Reconciliation of the Statement of Total Return Year ended Six months 31 December ended 30 June 2004 2004 (audited) (unaudited) £000 £000 Total transfer to reserve per original reported Statement of 37,428 (1,372) Total Return Add 2004 interim dividends on ordinary shares - 8,943 Add 2004 dividends on ordinary shares 14,090 - Change from mid to bid basis at 31 December 2003 591 591 Change from mid to bid basis at 31 December 2004 (645) - Change from mid to bid basis at 30 June 2004 - (499) ____________________________ Restated total transfer to reserves 51,464 7,663 ____________________________ Ordinary dividends on equity shares deducted from reserves are analysed below: Six months Six months Year ended ended 30 June ended 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £000 £000 £000 Ordinary dividends on equity shares: 2003 final dividend - 5.95p - 5,142 5,142 2004 final dividend - 5.95p 5,147 - - Interim dividends of 3.55p for current year 9,217 8,943 8,943 payable on 15 August, 16 November 2005 and 15 February 2006 ____________________________________________ 14,364 14,085 14,085 ____________________________________________ 5. A summary of investment changes during the period and a schedule of the twenty largest equity investments and ten largest fixed interest investments at 30 June 2005 are attached. 6. The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2005 and 30 June 2004 comprises non-statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004 has been abridged from published accounts that have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the report of the Auditors was unqualified. As described above these accounts have been restated for the six months ended 30 June 2004 and the year ended 31 December 2004. By order of the Board ABERDEEN ASSET MANAGEMENT PLC, SECRETARY 11 August 2005 Copies of this announcement will be printed and issued to Shareholders and will be available to the public at the registered office of the Company, 123 St Vincent Street, Glasgow. MURRAY INTERNATIONAL TRUST PLC SUMMARY OF INVESTMENT CHANGES Valuation Transactions Appreciation/ Valuation 31 December (depreciation) 30 June 2004 2005 £'000 % £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Equities United Kingdom 143,469 28.7 (11,926) 10,113 141,656 27.5 Americas 87,905 17.6 3,948 10,661 102,514 19.9 Europe & Africa 85,542 17.1 1,436 6,319 93,297 18.1 Japan 38,639 7.7 10,051 (590) 48,100 9.3 Middle East, Far East 55,690 11.2 (206) 9,069 64,553 12.5 & Australasia ____________________________________________________________________________________ 411,245 82.3 3,303 35,572 450,120 87.3 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Fixed income United Kingdom 61,163 12.2 (4,953) 460 56,670 11.0 Europe & Africa 26,098 5.2 3,592 (1,325) 28,365 5.5 Americas 5,140 1.0 962 (2,031) 4,071 0.8 Middle East, Far East 4,846 1.0 (2,553) 348 2,641 0.5 & Australasia ____________________________________________________________________________________ 97,247 19.4 (2,952) (2,548) 91,747 17.8 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Other net liabilities (8,490) (1.7) (14,900) (2,794) (26,184) (5.1) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Total assets 500,002 100.0 (14,549) 30,230 515,683 100.0 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Note: 2004 opening position has been restated to reflect change in accounting practices. Valuation Summary of Net Assets 30 June 2005 £000 % Equities 450,120 102.8 Fixed Income 91,747 21.0 Other net liabilities (26,184) (6.0) Prior charges (77,754) (17.8) _____________________ Equity Shareholders' funds 437,929 100.0 _____________________ Twenty Largest Equity Investments As at 30 June 2005 Investment Valuation % of total Security Area £'000 assets Atrium Underwriting UK 19,772 3.8 September 2005 S&P Index Future* USA 16,674 3.2 GlaxoSmithKline UK 12,091 2.3 Petrobras Brazil 10,243 2.0 Tenaris Mexico 9,218 1.8 Vodafone Group UK 8,704 1.7 Shell Transport & Trading** UK & Netherlands 8,126 1.6 British American Tobacco** UK & Malaysia 8,063 1.6 Resolution Life UK 7,500 1.5 Aeropuertos del Sureste Mexico 5,820 1.1 AstraZeneca UK 5,778 1.1 BT Group UK 5,520 1.1 ICICI Bank India 5,404 1.0 Petrochina Co. China 5,318 1.0 Aviva UK 5,212 1.0 Hyundai Motor South Korea 4,966 1.0 Unilever** UK & Indonesia 4,854 0.9 ENI Italy 4,595 0.9 Total France 4,593 0.9 Samsung Electronics South Korea 4,575 0.9 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Top twenty investments 157,026 30.4 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Provides exposure to the S&P 500 Index in the United States ** Holding also comprises associated companies Ten Largest Fixed Interest Investments As at 30 June 2005 Security Investment Area Valuation % of total £'000 assets ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Govt. of Mexico 10.5% 14/07/2011 Mexico 4,071 0.8 Sunamerica Institutional Fund 5.375% 07/12/2009 International 3,604 0.7 General Accident 7.875% Cum Irrd Pref UK 3,463 0.7 Govt. of Poland 8.5% 12/11/2006 Europe 3,332 0.6 Abbey National 10.375% Non Cum Irrd Pref UK 3,299 0.6 PEMEX 7.75% 29/09/2049 Mexico 3,156 0.6 UK Treasury 5% 07/03/2012 UK 3,153 0.6 UK Treasury 9% 12/07/2011 UK 3,149 0.6 UK Treasury 4% 07/03/2009 UK 3,052 0.6 UK Treasury 6.25% 25/11/2010 UK 3,049 0.6 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Top ten investments 33,328 6.4 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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