Interim Results
Draft Stock Exchange announcement.continued
To: Stock Exchange For immediate release
25 February 2003
Martin Currie High Income Trust plc interim report
Over the six-month period to 31 January 2003 the FTSE All-Share index
fell by 16.0%. Over the same period, the total assets of the Company
fell from £7.5m to £3.9m, after the repayment of a further £2.3m of
debt. However, with remaining bank borrowings of £5m, there are no
assets available to shareholders and, as a result, the ordinary shares
have a net asset value of nil.
The focus of the underlying portfolio remains on yield generation and
capital growth. As at 31 January 2003, the Company's portfolio comprised
96.2% in UK equities - of which 8.6% was invested in split capital
investment companies - and 3.8% in cash. Income from investments for the
half-year reduced from £1.5m in 2002 to £0.1m in 2003. The company has
suspended the payment of dividends since 20 March 2002, and the revenue
generated from the Company's portfolio is less than the operational
expenses of the Company, largely due to the remaining indebtedness of
£5m, on which interest is payable at an annual rate of 7.51%. It has
therefore been necessary to sell UK equities to meet interest payments.
The Company remains in default under the terms of its banking agreement
with Bank of Scotland, but it has been confirmed by the bank that it has
no intention of demanding immediate repayment of the outstanding loan
made by the bank to the Company. However, as the financial position of
the Company has not improved markedly, the ordinary shares of the
Company remain suspended from the Official List of the UK Listing
Authority and have ceased to trade on the London Stock Exchange.
Notwithstanding the current economic and geopolitical uncertainty, your
board remains of the opinion that it is in the best interests of
shareholders to maintain the existing level of market exposure in order
to benefit from any improvement in the UK market in an effort to achieve
some value for shareholders.
- ends -
Mike Woodward
Martin Currie Investment Management Ltd 0131 229 5252
Statement of total return (incorporating the revenue account)*
for the six months ended 31 January 2003
Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Losses on - realised - (75) (75)
- unrealised - (823) (823)
Income - franked 73 - 73
- unfranked 28 - 28
Investment - -
management fee -
Other expenses (74) - (74)
Net return on ordinary activities
before finance costs and taxation 27 (898) (871)
Interest payable and similar (211) (220) (431)
charges _____ _____ _____
Net return on ordinary activities (184) (1,118) (1,302)
before and after taxation
Dividends in respect of equity - - -
shares _____ _____ _____
Transfer from reserves
(184) (1,118) (1,302)
_____ _____ _____
Returns per ordinary share (0.49p) (2.98p) (3.47p)
* The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account
of the company.
All revenue and capital items derive from continuing operations.
Statement of total return (incorporating the revenue account)*
for the six months ended 31 January 2002
Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Losses on - realised - (3,348) (3,348)
- unrealised - (5,997) (5,997)
Income - franked 1,392 - 1,392
- unfranked 90 - 90
Investment (150) - (150)
Other (106) (616) (722)
Net return on ordinary activities
before finance costs and taxation 1,226 (9,961) (8,735)
Interest payable and similar (768) - (768)
charges _____ _____ _____
Net return on ordinary activities 458 (9,961) (9,503)
before and after taxation
Dividends in respect of equity (656) - (656)
shares _____ _____ _____
Transfer from reserves
(198) (9,961) (10,159)
_____ _____ _____
Returns per ordinary share 1.22p (26.56p) (25.34p)
* The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account
of the company.
All revenue and capital items derive from continuing operations.
Balance Sheet
As at 31 As at 31
January 2003 January 2002
£000 £000 £000 £000
Investments at bid value
Listed on the Stock 3,672 15,640
Exchange in the UK
Current assets
Debtors 39 196
Short term deposits and 140 5,765
bank balances
______ ______
179 5,961
Amounts falling due (5,121) (406)
within one year
_______ _______
Net current assets (4,942) 5,555
_______ _______
Total assets less current (1,270) 21,195
Amounts falling due - (15,400)
outwith one year _______ _______
Total net assets (1,270) 5,795
_______ _______
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 1,875 1,875
Share premium - -
Capital reserves - (13,858) 46
Capital reserves - (9,691) (151)
Revenue reserve (116) (1,981)
Special reserve 20,520 6,006
_______ _______
Total shareholders' funds (1,270) 5,795
_______ _______
Net asset value per (3.39)p 15.5p
ordinary share of 5p
* As at 31 January 2002, investments were valued at mid market price.
Statement of cash flow for the six months ended 31 January 2003
£000 £000
Operating Activities
Net dividends and interest received 104
from investments
Interest received from deposits 13
Investment management fee (30)
Other payments (41)
Net cash inflow from operating 46
Servicing of finance
Interest paid (470)
Net cash outflow from servicing of (470)
Net taxation received -
Capital expenditure and financial
Payments to acquire investments (227)
Receipts from disposal of investments 364
Net cash inflow from capital 137
expenditure and financial investment
Dividends paid -
Net cash inflow before financing (287)
Movement in long term borrowings (2,300)
Net cash outflow from financing (2,300)
Decrease in cash for period (2,587)
Statement of cash flow for the six months ended 31 January 2002
£000 £000
Operating Activities
Net dividends and interest received 1,463
from investments
Interest received from deposits 34
Investment management fee (167)
Cash paid to and on behalf of directors (26)
Other payments (694)
Net cash inflow from operating 610
Servicing of finance
Interest paid (1,113)
Net cash outflow from servicing of (1,113)
Net taxation received 71
Capital expenditure and financial
Payments to acquire investments (2,489)
Receipts from disposal of investments 26,143
Net cash inflow from capital 23,654
expenditure and financial investment
Dividends paid (1,762)
Net cash inflow before financing 21,460
Movement in long term borrowings (21,000)
Net cash outflow from financing (21,000)
Increase in cash for period 460