EGM Requisition

nanoUniverse PLC 2 July 2001 NANOUNIVERSE PLC ('nanoUniverse' or 'the Company') EGM Requisition On the evening of Thursday 28 June a notice was served on the Board of nanoUniverse Plc (the 'Company') by Laxey Partners Limited and Laxey Investors Limited requiring the Board to convene an extraordinary general meeting of the Company to consider:- 1. a special resolution to:- a. reduce the share premium account of the Company to create a new special reserve to be available to the Company to fund a purchase of its own ordinary shares; b. take authority for the Company to make market purchases of up to 90% of its ordinary shares; and c. authorise and instruct the directors of the Company to conduct a tender offer for 90% of its issued ordinary shares at a price representing the net asset value of each such share (after allowing for costs and subject to the rules of any relevant Stock Exchange); 2. ordinary resolutions to:- a. appoint each of Andrew Pegge, Colin Kingsnorth, Andrew Leasor and Rupert Lea to the Board of the Company; and b. remove from the Board Stuart Ells and any director that may be appointed to the Board after 28 June but prior to the date of the resolution (other than those named in (a) above). The Board will be sending shareholders the full text of the proposed resolutions and its response in the near future. 02 July 2001 Enquiries: College Hill Tel: 020 7457 2020 Nicola Weiner Email: Clare Warren Email:
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