Return of Capital

nanoUniverse PLC 4 May 2001 NANOUNIVERSE PLC ('nanoUniverse' or 'the company') PROPOSED RETURN OF £18 MILLION VIA A REDUCTION IN SHARE CAPITAL AND CHANGE OF BUSINESS nanoUniverse, which floated on the Alternative Investment Market in March 2000, announced on 13 March 2001, that it was exploring ways of returning capital to shareholders, together with a strategic review of the Company's business going forward. Details of the Capital Reduction and Consolidation and a full description of the Company's new strategy are contained in a circular being posted to shareholders today. Highlights * Immediate return of £18 million of the Company's cash to shareholders by way of a reduction of the Company's share capital. * Capital Reduction is being effected at 65p which is a premium of 48% to the closing mid-market price of nanoUniverse's ordinary shares of 44p per share on 12 March 2001, the day before the original announcement. * Change of business to become a media, entertainment and leisure company. Alan Buggy, Chairman, commented: 'Today's announcement is the culmination of several months work towards a revised strategy for nanoUniverse. This revised strategy has been developed by the Board in order to both provide a new focus on the media, entertainment and leisure industries in order to enhance shareholder value, whilst at the same time recognizing the requests of shareholders for a significant return of capital. 'Fortunately our Board recognized early on that numerous adverse market and business conditions in the Internet industry made the Company's initial strategy too risky to pursue. We therefore made the decision to focus on what we have identified as significant opportunities in the more traditional areas of media, entertainment and leisure, where the Board believes the company can develop a substantial and profitable business. At the same time, we recognize that shareholders have expressed a desire for a significant return of capital in addition to this change of strategy. As a result, the Board has decided to retain only a small portion of its initial capital in order to fully develop its new strategy, and intends to seek additional new capital for such strategy at the appropriate time. Upon receiving all necessary approvals for this proposal the Board intends to fully review its operating costs in light of both the requirements of the new strategy and the Company's reduced capital base.' 4 May 2001 Enquiries: College Hill Tel: 020 7457 2020 Nicola Weiner Email: Clare Warren Email: nanoUniverse plc Tel: 020 7920 7120 Alan Buggy, Executive Chairman Email: Kiran Sidhu, Chief Financial Officer Email: NANOUNIVERSE PLC ('nanoUniverse' or 'the company') PROPOSED RETURN OF £18 MILLION VIA A REDUCTION IN SHARE CAPITAL AND CHANGE OF BUSINESS Introduction On 13 March 2001 the Company announced that the Board had conducted a detailed review of its investment opportunities, set against the background of greatly altered market conditions since the date of the Company's flotation and, as a result, was close to finalising a proposal to put to shareholders for a strategic repositioning of the Company. The Board has now finalised this proposal and the background to, reasons for and details of the proposal are set out in detail in the re-admission document being posted to shareholders to day ('the Circular'). The Board no longer believes it to be in the best interests of the Company for it to continue to follow its original strategy. The Board is therefore recommending a new Proposal with two principal elements. Firstly, the Board is recommending an immediate return to shareholders of the majority of the Company's capital. The Board's prudent investment approach, together with a focus on overhead control, has preserved the Company's valuable capital. The Company's financial position therefore remains strong with net current assets at the date of this announcement of approximately £24.3 million, comprised principally of cash and liquid short term deposits. The Board is recommending a return of capital of in aggregate £18 million to be effected by way of a reduction of nanoUniverse's share capital. Secondly, as part of the proposal, the Board is also recommending to shareholders that the Company adopt the Change of Business. The Board's proposal is that nanoUniverse becomes a media, entertainment and leisure company and invests in, produces and distributes film and television content, together with other new forms of entertainment content that will have added value as broadband technologies are deployed worldwide. Initially the Board intends the Company to focus on content that fulfils the current and near term needs of established media companies. The Board believes that this strategy will offer significant potential for growth in shareholder value. Reduction of Share Capital As the first part of the Proposal the Board is recommending a reduction of nanoUniverse's share capital in order to return £18 million in aggregate to shareholders. The Capital Reduction and Consolidation in the form being proposed will effectively enable shareholders to realise the majority of their investment at a premium to the current market price. Given that the Company has no distributable profits and is not currently intending to raise further equity capital other than for nU Entertainment, it is precluded by the Companies Act 1985 from returning cash to its shareholders by way of dividend or buyback. The Board therefore believes that the proposed Capital Reduction and Consolidation represents the most appropriate way of returning cash to shareholders. An illustrative pro-forma balance sheet of the Company following the Capital Reduction and Consolidation is set out at the end of this announcement. Under the proposed Capital Reduction, the nominal value of each issued 1p share will be reduced to 0.2p by cancelling paid-up capital of 0.8p on each share. Upon the proposed Consolidation, every five ordinary Shares of 0.2p each will then be consolidated into a single ordinary Share of 1p each. Accordingly, following the implementation of the Capital Reduction and Consolidation: for every 5 Ordinary Shares a member will hold 1 New Ordinary Share held on the Record Date and receive £2.60 in cash and so in proportion for any other number of Ordinary Shares then held. The effect of the Capital Reduction and Consolidation for each shareholder will be equivalent to the cancellation of four out of every five of his Ordinary Shares held on the Record Date at a price of 65p per share. This represents a premium of 48 per cent. over the closing mid-market price for Ordinary Shares being 44p per share on 12 March 2001, which was the last trading day prior to the announcement made by the Company which indicated that the Board was close to finalising the Proposal. Under the Act the Capital Reduction requires the approval of a special resolution of shareholders and, following such approval, a Court order confirming the Capital Reduction. Accordingly, after the Capital Reduction and Consolidation have been effected, although each shareholder will hold fewer ordinary shares than before, the proportion of the share capital held by each shareholder will not be affected. The rights and conditions and nominal value attaching to the New Ordinary Shares will be identical in all respects to the Ordinary Shares. Application has been made for the New Ordinary Shares to be re-admitted to AIM. It is expected that dealings in the New Ordinary Shares will commence at opening of business on 21 June 2001. The Change of Business nanoUniverse is proposing as the part of the Proposal to change the Company's business so that nanoUniverse becomes a media, entertainment and leisure company. Specifically, nanoUniverse initially intends to launch a new operating business, to be known initially as nU Entertainment, which will focus primarily on 'A' movie and television content production, acquisition, and distribution, along with other new forms of entertainment content, for both traditional and, when appropriate, emerging content delivery companies. At the same time, nanoUniverse also intends to pursue investments in other types of entertainment, media and leisure related ventures as opportunities arise. These may involve investments in such areas as film, television, sport, location based entertainment and casino gaming (internet and/or location based). The Board has developed a business plan and financial model for nU Entertainment over the past several months, and has reviewed these with a number of investment banks with a view to targeting as potential strategic and financial investors a number of the clients of these banks. nanoUniverse intends potentially to invest all of its capital remaining after the Capital Reduction and Consolidation in nU Entertainment. It may, however, invest a lesser amount depending upon the circumstances at the time of launch, which is intended to be within approximately 12 months of the Capital Reduction and Consolidation becoming effective. In view of nanoUniverse's intention to raise significant additional capital for nU Entertainment from significant strategic or financial partners either the investment criteria of these partners, or alternatively market conditions, may result in nanoUniverse ending up with significant, but not a controlling interest in all nU Entertainment. In addition to its own investment, nanoUniverse is seeking to raise in the region of £50 to £150 million of further capital for nU Entertainment through the following potential sources: * Equity and production pre-payments from strategic investors, including TV delivery companies, traditional investors in entertainment content and the potential new entrants to the home entertainment delivery industry outlined above, such as Telecommunications Companies, Internet Service Providers and Internet Portals; * Equity from financial investors; * Debt raised publicly or privately from financial institutions. The Company is ready to commence this fund raising process, upon receiving Shareholder approval for the Change of Business. While the Board's principal focus after the Capital Reduction and Consolidation becomes effective will be on raising the capital for and developing nU Entertainment, the Board will continue to be open to other investment opportunities in the media, entertainment and leisure sectors and will pursue those opportunities if it believes that they can deliver significant growth in shareholder value. Given the reduced capital base of the Company after the Capital Reduction and Consolidation becomes effective, the Board will seek to further reduce its overheads. As a result of these potential changes the Company may incur restructuring charges. The Board will also seek more actively to manage its treasury operations to enhance the return on its capital in whatever manner the Board consider appropriate and prudent including (but not limited to), if appropriate, by way of investing in equity securities, corporate bonds, derivatives, or other investments. Extraordinary General Meeting A notice convening an EGM to be held at 9.30am on Tuesday, 29 May 2001 is set out in the Circular. Copies of the Circular are available from the Company and from Peel Hunt plc. Recommendation The Directors, who have been advised by Peel Hunt, consider the Proposal to be in the best interests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole. In advising the Directors, Peel Hunt have taken account of the Directors' commercial assessment of the Proposal. Accordingly the Directors unanimously recommend shareholders to vote in favour of the resolution to be proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting, as they intend to do in respect of their own beneficial holdings amounting in aggregate to 4,505,000 Ordinary Shares (representing approximately 13 per cent of the Company's issued share capital). Alan R Buggy Executive Chairman 4 May 2001
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