Final Results
National Grid Transco PLC
19 May 2005
19 May 2005
National Grid Transco plc
Results for the year ended 31 March 2005
Sustained earnings growth. Key strategic transactions. Positive outlook.
• Good operating performance, especially in the US
• A year of significant strategic achievement
- Gas distribution network sales completion expected 1 June 2005
- Acquisition of Crown Castle UK - performance in line with expectations
• 20% increase in full year dividend
• Positive outlook for medium term growth through organic investment
Financial highlights - £ million (except where indicated) Years ended 31 March
2005 2004 - restated % change
(Note A)
Underlying business results (Note B)
Operating profit - constant
currency basis (Note C) 2,212 2,148 3
Operating profit - actual
exchange rate 2,212 2,213 0
Pre-tax profit 1,429 1,391 3
Earnings 1,106 1,039 6
Earnings per share 35.9p 33.9p 6
Statutory results
Operating profit 1,852 1,837 1
Pre-tax profit 1,152 1,337 (14)
Earnings 908 1,074 (15)
Earnings per share * 29.5p 35.0p (16)
Dividend per share 23.7p 19.78p 20
Underlying business results exclude goodwill amortisation and exceptional items.
For notes A, B and C - see REVIEW OF GROUP RESULTS below.
* Statutory EPS last year included a 7.4p exceptional gain related to the
Energis EPICs bond.
Sir John Parker, Chairman, said:
'Once again the Group has had a good year. This set of financial results
demonstrates the strength of the Group's strategy aimed at delivering premium
returns. The business is performing well. Our safety record has improved on our
already very high standards and we were pleased to be ranked 2nd in the
prestigious Business in the Community's 2004 Corporate Responsibility Index.
'Investment in our businesses, including acquisitions, has reached £3.0bn this
year. Our organic and strategic investments are set to deliver further
significant medium-term growth for shareholders. The process to obtain the final
regulatory approvals required to complete the planned sales of four of our UK
gas distribution networks is nearing completion, enabling us to return £2bn to
'All of these achievements are to the credit of our management and employees.
'The Board is recommending a 28% increase in the final dividend, leading to a
20% increase in the full year dividend and an almost 40% increase in the last 2
years. Reflecting the Group's financial strength and future prospects, we are
also retaining our 7% per annum dividend growth target for the three years to
March 2008.'
The Group's strategy is based on driving strong operational performance,
effective management of regulation and disciplined capital management. This
strategy has delivered another good set of financial results, with underlying
earnings per share increasing 6% since last year, resulting in a total increase
of 32% since the merger of National Grid Group and Lattice Group.
Underlying operating profit on a constant currency basis was up 3%. This
primarily reflected the increases in underlying operating profit from
Transmission and US Distribution, and the contribution from Crown Castle UK.
These factors have more than offset the expected reduction in profits from UK
Gas Distribution, caused largely by the planned increase in expenditure in the
iron mains replacement programme (£86m) and the year-on-year reduction in
transportation prices.
The Group is making good progress towards obtaining the required regulatory
approvals to complete the sales of four of its UK gas networks, which are now
expected to complete on 1 June 2005. With cash proceeds of £5.8bn, the sales
represent a major step in value creation. Completion will enable both a £2.0bn
return of value to the Group's shareholders and the repayment of around £2.3bn
of debt.
The return of value will be by way of a B share scheme under which shareholders
may opt to receive the return either as income or capital. It is planned that
the Extraordinary General Meeting seeking shareholder approval for the B share
scheme and the associated ordinary share capital consolidation will be held on
the same day as the Annual General Meeting, 25 July 2005, with the return of
value occurring during August.
Turnover from continuing activities was £8.5bn, up £0.1bn, on a constant
currency basis.
Underlying operating profit was £2,212m, up £64m from £2,148m, on a constant
currency basis.
Despite the increases in interest rates during the year, the Group's net
interest expense decreased by £7m to £783m on a constant currency basis.
Underlying profit before tax was up 5% from £1,358m to £1,429m on a constant
currency basis.
The tax charge on underlying profit for the year was £324m and includes a credit
in respect of prior years of £30m. The effective tax rate on underlying profits
before the prior year tax credit was 25% while the effective tax rate, including
the credit in respect of prior years, was 23%.
The weaker US dollar reduced underlying operating profit by £65m but, the net
exchange rate impact on underlying earnings, after interest, tax, and minority
interests, was £21m.
Underlying earnings and underlying earnings per share were both up 6% from last
year, underlying earnings to £1,106m, up from £1,039m last year, and underlying
earnings per share to 35.9p, up from 33.9p last year.
There were net exceptional charges (including both operating and non-operating
exceptional items) totalling £168m before tax, comprising:
• Restructuring costs of £210m (£158m after tax), primarily in UK gas
distribution, relating to both planned cost reduction programmes and the gas
distribution network sales process
• Environmental charges of £41m (£26m after tax)
• Gains on sales of tangible fixed assets and businesses of £83m (£82m
after tax)
After exceptional items and goodwill amortisation, basic earnings per share were
29.5p, down from 35.0p last year, when the Group had a significant net
exceptional gain arising from the settlement of the Energis-related EPICs bond,
which enhanced last year's earnings per share by 7.4p.
The Group generates strong cash flows and underlying cash flow from operations
of £3.1bn was over £3bn for the third consecutive year since the completion of
the merger between National Grid Group and Lattice Group.
The Group maintained its high levels of investment, with capital expenditure for
the year of £1.4bn, including £187m relating to the Isle of Grain and Basslink
projects. In addition, the Group invested £474m in replacement expenditure in UK
gas distribution. With the Group's acquisition of the UK operations of Crown
Castle International Corp. of £1.1bn, total investment was £3.0bn for the year.
Group net debt was up £0.9bn to £13.5bn at 31 March 2005. This mainly reflects
the £1.1bn acquisition of the UK operations of Crown Castle International Corp.
A final dividend of 15.2p per ordinary share ($1.3869 per American Depositary
Share (ADS)) will be paid on 24 August 2005 to shareholders on the register as
at 10 June 2005.
Note A: During 2004/05 the Group implemented FRS 20 (Share-based Payment). The
figures for 2003/04 shown in the table have been restated for the impact of FRS
Note B: 'Underlying business results' represent the primary measures used by the
Board and are presented before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items. The
Board believes that exclusion of these items provides a better comparison of
results from year to year as well as with other UK companies where it is
customary to exclude goodwill amortisation. Unless otherwise stated, all
financial commentaries in this announcement are on an 'underlying business
results' basis and are preceded by the word 'underlying'. Reconciliations of
these measures to statutory measures are provided in the Group Profit & Loss
Account, Notes 5(a) and 5(b), and the Group Cash Flow Statement.
Note C: 'Constant currency basis' refers to the reporting of the actual current
year results against the prior year analogous results which, in respect of any
US$ currency denominated activity, have been retranslated using the average US$
exchange rate for the year ended 31 March 2005, which was $1.87 to £1.00. The
average rate for the year ended 31 March 2004 was $1.68 to £1.00.
Year ended 31 March 2005 (£m) 2004 (£m) (restated) % Change
Underlying operating profit
UK electricity transmission 538 478 13
UK gas transmission 271 281 (4)
UK electricity and gas
transmission 809 759 7
US electricity transmission
- constant currency basis 123 119 3
- actual exchange rate 123 133 (8)
Underlying operating profit from UK electricity and gas transmission was up 7%
at £809m compared with £759m last year. This reflected the beneficial timing
impacts from the connections charging reform ('Plugs') of £54m and the
collection of the under-recovery of electricity transmission owner revenue of
£26m. These increases were partially offset by pension deficit charges, higher
by £11m, and incentive profits, lower by £16m, against the backdrop of tougher
regulatory targets in both the electricity and gas system operator incentive
schemes. Transmission operator controllable costs, which exclude increases in
ongoing pension costs, were reduced by 1% in real terms during the year.
The British Electricity Transmission and Trading Arrangements were successfully
introduced on 1 April 2005. These extend the Group's System Operator role into
Scotland. A new incentive scheme for network reliability was introduced on 1
January 2005, the initial period of which covers the 15 months through to 31
March 2006. Reliability performance since this scheme began has been
The Group is working closely with Ofgem on the mini-review to extend the
electricity transmission price control by one year to April 2007, with final
proposals expected this autumn. It is anticipated that this review and the main
5-year review next year, will recognise the increased levels of investment that
have already been committed and which will be necessary in the future on both
asset replacement and new infrastructure. The Group also anticipates gas
transmission investment rising sharply, with several major gas transmission
pipelines over the next few years, reflecting required infrastructure changes as
the UK increases imports of gas.
In the US, underlying operating profit from US electricity transmission was up
£4m to £123m on a constant currency basis. This was primarily due to reduced
The Group continues to support the recently created New England regional
transmission organisation and has filed with FERC requesting an increased return
on equity for both existing operations and new transmission investment. In April
2005, following a strategic review, GridAmerica announced that it would cease
operations with effect from 1 November 2005. The Group will be looking to
reapply the skills and knowledge brought to its participation in GridAmerica as
it seeks to develop transmission interests in North America. GridAmerica
contributed £2m of underlying operating profit during the year.
Year ended 31 March 2005 (£m) 2004 (£m) (restated) % Change
Underlying operating profit 570 716 (20)
Replacement expenditure 474 388 22
Underlying operating profit from UK gas distribution was down £146m at £570m
compared with £716m last year. Formula income declined £53m, primarily from
reduced transportation prices, due to the timing of allowed revenue recoveries,
exacerbated by a very mild winter. Revenues would have been some £70m higher if
seasonal normal temperatures had occurred. The planned increase of replacement
expenditure (repex), which is fully expensed, was £86m. The remainder of the
year-on-year variance was due to a £17m increase in charges relating to gas
commodity prices and a reduction in pension costs of £9m primarily due to
deficit charges.
Further cost efficiencies have been achieved against the backdrop of substantial
organisational change and the significant volume of work required to design and
implement a new industry structure as a result of the planned network sales.
Controllable costs, which exclude increases in ongoing pension costs and
shrinkage gas commodity prices, decreased by 3% in real terms during the year
and have now decreased 23% in real terms since March 2002.
The restructuring programme in the four retained networks is well advanced. This
centralises many business processes on two key centres in the Midlands and is
intended to facilitate improvements in efficiency and reduce controllable costs.
This is particularly focused on bringing overheads into line with the smaller
size of the retained business. The Group has also entered into 8-year alliances
with key contractors to enhance the safe, efficient and sustainable delivery of
the repex programme.
Year ended 31 March 2005 (£m) 2004 (£m) (restated) % Change
Underlying operating profit (constant currency basis)
US electricity and gas
distribution 374 325 15
US stranded cost recoveries 121 121 -
495 446 11
Underlying operating profit (actual exchange rate)
US electricity and gas
distribution 374 362 3
US stranded cost recoveries 121 134 (10)
495 496 -
The performance of US electricity and gas distribution was particularly strong.
Underlying operating profit was up 15% at £374m on a constant currency basis
compared with £325m last year.
Electricity delivery volumes increased 0.5% compared to the prior year. On a
weather adjusted basis, total electricity delivery volumes increased by 1.4% and
by 1.7% in the important domestic sales category, adding £17m to underlying
operating profit. The year-on-year weather effect reduced underlying operating
profit by some £9m, primarily due to a cooler than normal summer.
US controllable costs have been reduced by 20% in real terms since 2001/02,
including a £35m reduction since last year, due primarily to staffing reductions
and the improved management of bad debts.
Good progress has been made on implementing a new contract reached last autumn
with the labour union in New York. Together with the 2003 agreement with the New
England unions, this will enable the business to increase productivity still
further through more efficient working practices alongside additional benefits
in terms of safety and service standards.
The Group's US operations generated very strong cash flow of £902m, almost £300m
more than in 2003/04 due to lower pension and post retirement funding and the
recovery of commodity costs.
Year ended 31 March 2005 (£m) 2004 (£m) (restated) % Change
Underlying operating profit 46 6 667
Underlying operating profit for the Group's Wireless Infrastructure business was
up £40m at £46m due to the acquisition of the UK operations of Crown Castle
International Corp. on 31 August 2004. The business is performing in line with
the Group's expectations and the integration with the Group's existing business,
Gridcom UK, is on schedule. More than half of the £18m annualised cash savings
targeted for March 2006 have already been realised. With continued demand for
new mobile tenancies and attractive prospects in broadcast, the business is on
track to deliver strong profit growth.
Year ended 31 March 2005 (£m) 2004 (£m) (restated) % Change
Underlying operating profit 169 103 64
Underlying operating profit from the Group's Other activities (including joint
ventures), was up £66m at £169m compared with £103m last year. This reflects
increased property stock sales by SecondSite, the elimination of losses at
Fulcrum Connections and items relating to insurance. These were only partially
offset by the expected impact of lower prices charged by the Group's Metering
business under new contracts signed with its gas supply customers.
The first phase of the Group's Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) import terminal at
the Isle of Grain is targeted to commence commissioning next month. Cumulative
investment has now reached £111m. In March, the Group announced a £355m
investment to expand the terminal. This will see capacity triple by the end of
2008, providing around 12% of the UK's expected annual gas demand. These
investments are underpinned by 20-year contracts signed with BP, Centrica, Gaz
de France and Sonatrach. Completion of the Group's Basslink project in Australia
, supported by a long term contract with Hydro Tasmania, has been delayed due to
several transformers being damaged en route to Australia. Commissioning is now
expected in the second quarter of 2006, but this delay will not impact the
expected returns of the project.
These are the final set of results the Group will report under UK GAAP as next
year's results will be reported under International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS). To aid understanding of the Group's transition to IFRS,
summary results under UK GAAP and IFRS are presented here. The IFRS figures are
unaudited and may change as the Group finalises its analysis of the effects of
The adoption of IFRS in the Group accounts represents an accounting change only,
and will not affect the operations, cash flows or distributable reserves of the
Group. Similarly, there will be no impact on the regulatory asset values or
regulatory agreements of any of the Group's businesses.
The Group has adopted IAS 39 (Financial Instruments: Recognition and
Measurement) from 1 April 2005 and therefore, the results presented under IFRS
do not include any effects of that standard.
Unaudited impacts of IFRS adoption for the year ended 31 March 2005
£ million (except where indicated)
UK GAAP IFRS (unaudited) % change
Underlying business results (Note B)
Operating profit 2,212 2,866 30
Pre-tax profit 1,429 2,155 51
Earnings 1,106 1,601 45
Earnings per share 35.9p 51.9p 45
Statutory results
Operating profit 1,852 2,570 39
Pre-tax profit 1,152 1,880 63
Earnings 908 1,424 57
Earnings per share 29.5p 46.2p 57
As set out in the Group's presentation and announcement earlier this year, the
most significant impacts from the adoption of IFRS arise from the change in
accounting treatments for repex and regulatory assets. Other key areas that are
affected include the treatment of pensions and other post-retirement benefits,
profits on disposals of properties, deferred taxation and goodwill. These
adjustments would have resulted in a higher underlying operating profit than
that reported under UK GAAP in 2004/05 by some £654m and higher underlying
earnings per share by around 16.0p.
The underlying effective tax rate under IFRS in 2004/05 would have been 27%.
Going forward, the increase in underlying pre-tax profit from IFRS and the
change in the mix of Group pre-tax profits following the sales of the gas
distribution networks will result in an increase to the Group's underlying
effective tax rate to around 30%. Draft legislation proposed by the UK
government before the election but not due to be enacted until July may further
impact the Group's effective tax rate.
Further detail on the Group's 2004/05 results under IFRS is included in appendix
A to this release.
Following James Ross's retirement on 21 October 2004, the Board is delighted to
welcome John Allan, Chief Executive of Exel plc, who has been appointed to the
Board as a Non-Executive Director with effect from 1 May 2005.
The Board remains confident in the Group's future prospects based upon the
fundamental strengths of its businesses and the delivery of value from its
strategy. The Group has strong medium term prospects with specific growth
factors in each of the businesses, including revenue growth, capital investment
opportunities and continued cost efficiencies. The Group will continue to
maintain its disciplined approach to both organic and strategic investment.
With this confidence in future growth prospects, coupled with the Group's strong
financial position and the planned network sales, the Board is recommending a
28% increase in the final dividend to 15.2p per ordinary share, ($1.3869 per
American Depositary Share (ADS)). The final dividend will be paid on 24 August
2005 to shareholders on the register as at 10 June 2005. Looking ahead, the
Group retains its target to increase dividends per ordinary share expressed in
sterling by 7% in each financial year up to 31 March 2008.
National Grid Transco:
Alexandra Lewis +44 (0)20 7004 3170 +44 (0)7768 554879(m)
David Campbell +44 (0)20 7004 3171 +44 (0)7799 131783(m)
Richard Smith +44 (0)20 7004 3172 +44 (0)7747 006321(m)
Bob Seega (US) +1 508 389 2598
Clive Hawkins +44 (0)20 7004 3147 +44 (0)7836 357173(m)
Citigate Dewe Rogerson +44 (0)20 7638 9571
Anthony Carlisle +44 (0)7973 611888(m)
An analyst presentation will be held at City Presentation Centre, 4 Chiswell
Street, London EC1Y 4UP at 9:00 am (UK time) today.
Live telephone coverage of the analyst presentation - password National Grid
Dial in number +44 (0)20 7081 9429
US call in number +1 866 432 7186
Telephone replay of the analyst presentation (available until 2 June 2005)
Dial in number +44 (0)20 7081 9440
Account number 869448
Recording number 452121
A live web cast of the presentation will also be available at
Photographs are available on
Cautionary statement
This announcement contains certain statements that are neither reported
financial results nor other historical information. These statements are
forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities
Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended. Because these forward-looking statements are subject to assumptions,
risks and uncertainties, actual future results may differ materially from those
expressed in or implied by such statements. Many of these assumptions, risks and
uncertainties relate to factors that are beyond National Grid Transco's ability
to control or estimate precisely, such as delays in obtaining, or adverse
conditions contained in, regulatory approvals, competition and industry
restructuring, changes in economic conditions, currency fluctuations, changes in
interest and tax rates, changes in energy market prices, changes in historical
weather patterns, changes in laws, regulations or regulatory policies,
developments in legal or public policy doctrines, the impact of changes to
accounting standards, technological developments, the failure to retain key
management, the availability of new acquisition opportunities or the timing and
success of future acquisition opportunities. Other factors that could cause
actual results to differ materially from those described in this announcement
include the ability to continue to integrate the US and UK businesses acquired
by or merged with National Grid Transco, the failure for any reason to achieve
reductions in costs or to achieve operational efficiencies, unseasonable weather
impacting on demand for electricity and gas, the behaviour of UK electricity
market participants on system balancing, the timing of amendments in prices to
shippers in the UK gas market, the performance of National Grid Transco's
pension schemes and the regulatory treatment of pension costs, the impact of the
separation and planned sales by National Grid Transco of four of its UK gas
distribution networks and any adverse consequences arising from outages on or
otherwise affecting energy networks owned and/or operated by National Grid
Transco. For a more detailed description of these assumptions, risks and
uncertainties, together with any other risk factors, please see National Grid
Transco's filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (and in
particular the 'Risk Factors' and 'Operating and Financial Review' sections in
its most recent annual report on Form 20-F). Recipients are cautioned not to
place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of
the date of this announcement. National Grid Transco does not undertake any
obligation to release publicly any revisions to these forward-looking statements
to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this announcement.
YEARS ENDED 31 MARCH 2005 2004
Notes £m £m
============ ============
Group turnover - continuing operations
before acquisition 8,373 8,875
Group turnover - acquisition 2a 148 -
------------ ------------
Group turnover - continuing operations 2a 8,521 8,875
Group turnover - discontinued operations 2a - 158
------------ ------------
Group turnover 8,521 9,033
Operating costs (6,676) (7,203)
------------ ------------
Operating profit of Group undertakings -
continuing operations before acquisition 1,829 1,830
Operating profit of Group undertakings -
acquisition 2c 16 -
------------ ------------
Operating profit of Group undertakings -
continuing operations 2c 1,845 1,830
------------ ------------
Share of joint ventures' operating profit
- continuing operations 2c 6 7
Share of joint ventures' operating profit
- discontinued operations 2c 1 -
------------ ------------
Share of joint ventures' operating profit 7 7
------------ ------------
Operating profit
- Before exceptional items and
goodwill amortisation 2b 2,212 2,213
- Exceptional items 3a (251) (277)
- Goodwill amortisation (109) (99)
------------ ------------
Total operating profit 1,852 1,837
Non-operating exceptional items 3b 83 322
Net interest 4 (783) (822)
------------ ------------
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation
- Before exceptional items and
goodwill amortisation 1,429 1,391
- Exceptional items and (277) (54)
goodwill amortisation
------------ ------------
1,152 1,337
- Excluding exceptional items (324) (350)
- Exceptional items 3c 79 89
------------ ------------
(245) (261)
------------ ------------
Profit on ordinary activities 907 1,076
after taxation
Minority interests 1 (2)
------------ ------------
Profit for the year
- Before exceptional items and
goodwill amortisation 1,106 1,039
- Exceptional items and goodwill (198) 35
goodwill amortisation ------------ ------------
908 1,074
Dividends 6 (731) (609)
------------ ------------
Profit transferred to profit and loss
account reserve 177 465
============ ============
Notes Pence Pence
=========== ===========
Basic earnings (including exceptional items
and goodwill amortisation) 5a 29.5 35.0
Adjusted basic earnings (excluding
exceptional items and 5a 35.9 33.9
goodwill amortisation)
=========== ===========
Dividends per ordinary share 6 23.7 19.78
=========== ===========
£m £m
============ ============
Profit for the year 908 1,074
Exchange adjustments (73) (417)
Tax on exchange adjustments - (12)
------------ ------------
Total recognised gains and losses relating to
the year 835 645
------------ ------------
Prior year adjustment (i) (140)
Total recognised gains and losses since last
annual report 695
i) During the year ended 31 March 2005, the Group adopted Financial Reporting
Standard (FRS) 20 'Share-based Payment' - see note 1.
£m £m
============ ============
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 2,003 1,537
Tangible assets 17,746 16,706
Investments in joint ventures 17 19
Other investments 131 132
------------ ------------
19,897 18,394
------------ ------------
Current assets
Stocks 101 91
Debtors (amounts falling due within one year) 1,545 1,588
Debtors (amounts falling due after more than
one year) 2,498 2,708
Cash and investments 670 616
------------ ------------
4,814 5,003
Creditors (amounts falling due within one year) (6,148) (4,513)
------------ ------------
Net current (liabilities)/assets (1,334) 490
------------ ------------
Total assets less current liabilities 18,563 18,884
Creditors (amounts falling due after more than
one year) (12,800) (13,464)
Provisions for liabilities and charges (4,372) (4,149)
------------ ------------
Net assets employed 1,391 1,271
============ ============
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 309 309
Share premium account 1,289 1,280
Other reserves (5,131) (5,131)
Profit and loss account 4,892 4,763
------------ ------------
Equity shareholders' funds 1,359 1,221
Minority interests 32 50
------------ ------------
Total shareholders' funds 1,391 1,271
============ ============
Net debt included above 13,549 12,632
------------ ------------
£m £m
============ ============
Profit for the year 908 1,074
Dividends (731) (609)
------------ ------------
177 465
Issue of ordinary shares 9 34
Movement in shares held by employee share trust 5 5
Employee option scheme issues 16 25
Deferred tax on employee option schemes 4 -
Exchange adjustments (73) (417)
Tax on exchange adjustments - (12)
------------ ------------
Net increase in equity shareholders' funds 138 100
------------ ------------
Opening shareholders' funds as previously
reported 1,213 1,113
Restatement of opening equity shareholders'
funds on adoption of FRS 20 (i) 8 8
------------ ------------
Opening equity shareholders' funds as restated 1,221 1,121
------------ ------------
Closing equity shareholders' funds 1,359 1,221
============ ============
i) During the year ended 31 March 2005, the Group adopted Financial Reporting
Standard (FRS) 20 'Share-based Payment' - see note 1.
ENDED 31 MARCH 2005 2004
Notes £m £m
============ ============
Net cash inflow from operating activities
before exceptional items 8 3,103 3,058
Expenditure relating to exceptional items (194) (248)
------------ ------------
Net cash inflow from operating activities 2,909 2,810
Dividends from joint ventures 5 8
Net cash outflow for returns on
investments and servicing of finance (758) (692)
Net corporate tax paid (150) (18)
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Net payments to acquire intangible and
tangible fixed assets (1,354) (1,400)
Receipts from disposals of tangible fixed
assets 92 146
------------ ------------
Net cash outflow for capital expenditure
and financial investment (1,262) (1,254)
Acquisitions and disposals
Payments to acquire Group undertakings 7 (1,151) -
Less: Cash acquired with Group undertaking 29 -
------------ ------------
(1,122) -
Payments to acquire investments (16) (26)
Receipts from disposal of investments 8 33
------------ ------------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow for acquisitions
and disposals (1,130) 7
Equity dividends paid (628) (560)
------------ ------------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before the
management of liquid resources and financing (1,014) 301
Net cash outflow from the management of
liquid resources 9 (54) (48)
Issue of ordinary shares 13 38
Termination of cross-currency swaps 9 - 148
Increase/(decrease) in borrowings 9 1,068 (426)
------------ ------------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing 1,081 (240)
------------ ------------
Movement in cash and overdrafts 9 13 13
============ ============
1. Basis of preparation
The financial information contained in this announcement, which does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act
1985, has been derived from the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March
2005, which will be filed with the Registrar of Companies in due course. The
auditors' report on these accounts is unqualified and did not contain a
statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
New accounting standards
Adoption of Financial Reporting Standard (FRS) 20
During the year the Group adopted FRS 20 'Share-based Payment'. The adoption of
this standard constitutes a change in accounting policy. Therefore, the impact
has been reflected as a prior year adjustment in accordance with FRS 3
'Reporting Financial Performance'.
The standard requires that where shares or rights to shares are granted to third
parties, including employees, a charge should be recognised in the profit and
loss account based on the fair value of the shares at the date the grant of
shares or right to shares is made.
For the year ended 31 March 2005, the adoption of FRS 20 has reduced both basic
and adjusted operating profit by £16m, reduced basic and adjusted profit for the
year by £9m and increased net assets employed by £19m. Adjusted profit is
reported before including the impact of exceptional items and amortisation of
The effect of the adoption of FRS 20 on prior year comparatives is as follows:
31 March
Year ended 31 March 2004 2004
--------------------------------------------------- ---------
Operating profit Profit for the year employed
---------------------- ---------------------- ---------
Before After Before After
exceptional exceptional exceptional exceptional
items and items and items and items and
goodwill goodwill goodwill goodwill
amortisation amortisation amortisation amortisation
£m £m £m £m £m
-------- -------- -------- -------- --------
As previously
reported 2,238 1,862 1,064 1,099 1,263
Impact of FRS20 (25) (25) (25) (25) 8
-------- -------- -------- -------- --------
As restated 2,213 1,837 1,039 1,074 1,271
======== ======== ======== ======== ========
The prior year adjustment recorded in the Group Statement of Total Recognised
Gains and Losses reflects the cumulative profit and loss impact of FRS 20 at 31
March 2004 of £140m after deferred tax (£148m before deferred tax). The
corresponding entry to the pre-tax FRS 20 charge is recorded through the profit
and loss account reserve. Therefore, the impact of restatements for FRS 20 on
the profit and loss account reserve at 31 March 2004 represents only the
deferred tax credit of £8m.
This preliminary results announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on
18 May 2005.
2. Segmental analysis
Segmental information is presented in accordance with the management
responsibilities and economic characteristics of the Group's business
As a result of the acquisition of the UK operations of Crown Castle
International Corp. (Crown Castle UK), as described in note 7, a new business
segment has been presented for the first time. The results of Crown Castle UK
have been combined with similar activities of the existing operations of the
Group and presented as a new segment, 'Wireless infrastructure', below. The
related comparative numbers of this segment were previously included within
'Other activities'.
We have changed the segments in our US operations, combining our US electricity
distribution and US gas distribution activities to form a new segment, 'US
electricity and gas distribution'. The Directors believe that their economic
characteristics are similar as they receive revenues under similar regulatory
schemes. We have also created a new segment, 'US stranded cost recoveries', in
order to enhance the visibility of this activity.
Included within the continuing operations of the UK gas distribution activity
are amounts relating to four gas distribution networks that the Group has agreed
to sell. These amounts have been disclosed in the analyses of continuing
operations of Group undertakings below as 'Existing businesses - businesses to
be disposed'.
a) Group turnover
Years ended 31 March 2005 2004
£m £m
============ ============
Continuing operations
UK electricity and gas transmission 1,930 1,867
US electricity transmission 283 318
UK gas distribution 2,215 2,245
US electricity and gas distribution 3,114 3,494
US stranded cost recoveries 420 507
Wireless infrastructure 208 72
Other activities 844 834
Sales between businesses (493) (462)
------------ ------------
8,521 8,875
Discontinued operations - 158
------------ ------------
8,521 9,033
============ ============
Geographical analysis
UK 4,723 4,736
US 3,798 4,297
------------ ------------
8,521 9,033
============ ============
Continuing operations of Group undertakings
Existing businesses - businesses to be disposed 1,102 1,115
Existing businesses - other 7,271 7,760
Acquisition (Crown Castle UK) 148 -
------------ ------------
8,521 8,875
============ ============
2. Segmental analysis (continued)
b) Operating profit - before exceptional items and goodwill amortisation
Years ended 31 March 2005 2004
£m £m
============ ============
Group undertakings - continuing operations
UK electricity and gas transmission 809 759
US electricity transmission 123 133
UK gas distribution 570 716
US electricity and gas distribution 374 362
US stranded cost recoveries 121 134
Wireless infrastructure 46 6
Other activities 162 96
------------ ------------
Operating profit of Group undertakings 2,205 2,206
------------ ------------
Joint ventures - continuing operations
Electricity activities 6 7
Joint ventures - discontinued operations 1 -
------------ ------------
Operating profit of joint ventures 7 7
------------ ------------
Total operating profit 2,212 2,213
============ ============
Geographical analysis
UK 1,583 1,576
US 623 631
Latin America 1 -
Rest of the World 5 6
------------ ------------
2,212 2,213
============ ============
Continuing operations of Group undertakings
Existing businesses - businesses to be disposed 345 407
Existing businesses - other 1,821 1,799
Acquisition (Crown Castle UK) 39 -
------------ ------------
2,205 2,206
============ ============
2. Segmental analysis (continued)
c) Operating profit - after exceptional items and goodwill amortisation
Years ended 31 March 2005 2004
£m £m
============ ============
Group undertakings - continuing operations
UK electricity and gas transmission 807 745
US electricity transmission 102 105
UK gas distribution 390 627
US electricity and gas distribution 286 194
US stranded cost recoveries 121 136
Wireless infrastructure 10 (6)
Other activities 129 29
------------ ------------
Operating profit of Group undertakings 1,845 1,830
------------ ------------
Joint ventures - continuing operations
Electricity activities 6 7
Joint ventures - discontinued operations 1 -
------------ ------------
Operating profit of joint ventures 7 7
------------ ------------
Total operating profit 1,852 1,837
============ ============
Geographical analysis
UK 1,336 1,416
US 510 415
Latin America 1 -
Rest of the World 5 6
------------ ------------
1,852 1,837
============ ============
Continuing operations of Group undertakings
Existing businesses - businesses to be disposed 271 351
Existing businesses - other 1,558 1,479
Acquisition (Crown Castle UK) 16 -
------------ ------------
1,845 1,830
============ ============
3. Exceptional items
a) Operating
Years ended 31 March 2005 2004
£m £m
============ ============
Continuing operations
Restructuring costs (i) 210 249
Environmental provision (ii) 41 28
------------ ------------
Total operating exceptional items 251 277
============ ============
i) Restructuring costs relate to costs incurred in cost reduction
programmes in the UK and US businesses (2005: £158m after tax, 2004: £170m
after tax). Restructuring costs include £62m of costs associated with the
proposed disposal of UK-based distribution networks (2004: £24m).
ii) During the year ended 31 March 2005, a review of the environmental
provision was undertaken to take into account the impact of recent changes
to UK regulations on waste disposal. This review together with related
revisions to the expected expenditure profile has resulted in a charge of
£41m (26m after tax). The 2004 charge of £28m resulted from the completion
of site investigations in the UK during that year (£28m after tax).
b) Non-operating
Years ended 31 March 2005 2004
£m £m
============ ============
Continuing operations
Profit on disposal of tangible fixed assets
(iii) (70) (96)
------------ ------------
Discontinued operations
Gain on assets held for exchange (iv) - (226)
Profit on sale or termination of operations (v) (13) -
------------ ------------
(13) (226)
------------ ------------
Total non-operating exceptional items (83) (322)
============ ============
iii) The after tax profit on disposal of tangible fixed assets was £69m
(2004: £96m).
iv) The gain on assets held for exchange related to the profit recognised on
Energis shares delivered to Equity Plus Income Convertible Securities
(EPICs) bondholders on 6 May 2003 in settlement of all EPICs outstanding at
that date that had a carrying value of £243m. This transaction represented
the culmination of a deferred sale arrangement entered into in February
1999. The after tax gain on assets held for exchange was £226m.
v) The credit for 2005 represents the profit on sale of the joint venture
investment in Compania Inversora En Transmicion Electrica S.A. (Citelec)
(£13m after tax).
c) Taxation
The exceptional tax credit for 2005 of £79m includes a credit amounting to £22m
associated with the prior period disposal of Energis, a former associate
company; a £3m credit associated with the prior period write down of
investments; and a £12m charge relating to the settlement of the liabilities
arising from operating the Group's Qualifying Employee Share Ownership Trust.
In 2004, the exceptional tax credit of £89m included a credit amounting to £10m
relating to investments disposed of in prior periods.
4. Net interest
Years ended 31 March 2005 2004
£m £m
=========== ============
Interest payable and similar charges 891 920
Unwinding of discount on provisions 7 11
Interest capitalised (63) (55)
----------- ------------
Interest payable and similar charges net of
interest capitalised 835 876
Interest receivable and similar income (62) (58)
----------- ------------
773 818
Joint ventures 10 4
----------- ------------
783 822
=========== ============
5. Earnings per share and adjusted profit on ordinary activities before taxation
a) Earnings per share
Year ended 31 March 2005
Earnings Profit average
per for the number
share year of shares
pence £m million
=========== =========== ==========
Basic, including exceptional
items and goodwill amortisation 29.5 908 3,082
Exceptional operating items
(note 3(a)) 8.1 251 -
Exceptional non-operating items
(note 3(b)) (2.7) (83) -
Exceptional tax credit (note 3(c)) (2.5) (79) -
Goodwill amortisation 3.5 109 -
----------- ----------- ----------
Adjusted basic, excluding
exceptional items and goodwill
amortisation 35.9 1,106 3,082
Dilutive impact of employee share
options (0.2) - 14
----------- ----------- ----------
Adjusted diluted, excluding
exceptional items and goodwill
amortisation 35.7 1,106 3,096
Exceptional operating items
(note 3(a)) (8.1) (251) -
Exceptional non-operating items
(note 3(b)) 2.7 83 -
Exceptional tax credit (note 3(c)) 2.5 79 -
Goodwill amortisation (3.5) (109) -
----------- ----------- ----------
Diluted, including exceptional
items and goodwill amortisation 29.3 908 3,096
=========== =========== ==========
a) Earnings per share (continued)
Year ended 31 March 2004
Earnings Profit average
per for the number
share year of shares
(restated) (restated) (restated)
pence £m million
=========== =========== ===========
Basic, including exceptional
items and goodwill amortisation 35.0 1,074 3,070
Exceptional operating items
(note 3(a)) 9.0 277 -
Exceptional non-operating items
(note 3(b)) (10.4) (322) -
Exceptional tax credit (note 3(c)) (2.9) (89) -
Goodwill amortisation 3.2 99 -
----------- ----------- -----------
Adjusted basic, excluding
exceptional items and goodwill
amortisation 33.9 1,039 3,070
Dilutive impact of employee share
options (0.1) - 7
----------- ----------- -----------
Adjusted diluted, excluding
exceptional items and goodwill
amortisation 33.8 1,039 3,077
Exceptional operating items
(note 3(a)) (9.0) (277) -
Exceptional non-operating items
(note 3(b)) 10.4 322 -
Exceptional tax credit
(note 3(c)) 2.9 89 -
Goodwill amortisation (3.2) (99) -
----------- ------------ -----------
Diluted, including exceptional
items and goodwill amortisation 34.9 1,074 3,077
=========== ============ ===========
b) Reconciliation of adjusted profit on ordinary activities before taxation to
profit on ordinary activities before taxation
Years ended 31 March 2005 2004
£m £m
============ ============
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 1,152 1,337
Exceptional operating items (note 3(a)) 251 277
Exceptional non-operating items (note 3(b)) (83) (322)
Goodwill amortisation 109 99
------------ ------------
Adjusted profit on ordinary activities before
taxation 1,429 1,391
============ ============
6. Dividends
The National Grid Transco plc dividend for the year ended 31 March 2005 of £731m
(2004: £609m) has been calculated on the basis of the number of National Grid
Transco plc ordinary shares in issue and eligible for dividend, based on an
ordinary interim dividend per share of 8.5p (2004: 7.91p) and the proposed 2005
final dividend per share of 15.2p (2004: 11.87p). This amounts to a total
dividend per share for the year ended 31 March 2005 of 23.7p (2004: 19.78p).
7. Acquisitions
On 31 August 2004, the Group acquired the UK operations of Crown Castle
International Corp. (Crown Castle UK) for consideration of £1,138m (including
£14m of costs). A fair value of £516m has been ascribed to the net assets
acquired, resulting in goodwill of £622m being recognised, which is being
amortised over 20 years.
During the year, the Group also acquired a telecommunications tower operation in
the US for £13m. The fair value of assets acquired was £10m, resulting in
additional goodwill of £3m being recognised, which is being amortised over 20
Total cash outflows for the acquisition of these businesses amounted to £1,151m.
8. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
activities before exceptional items
Years ended 31 March 2005 2004
£m £m
============ ============
Operating profit of Group undertakings 1,845 1,830
Exceptional operating items 251 277
Depreciation and amortisation 1,132 1,117
Increase in working capital (106) (96)
Decrease in provisions (35) (95)
Share-based payment charges 16 25
------------ ------------
Net cash inflow from operating activities before
exceptional items 3,103 3,058
============ ============
9. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
Years ended 31 March 2005 2004
£m £m
============ ============
Movement in cash and overdrafts 13 13
Net cash outflow from the management of
liquid resources 54 48
(Increase)/decrease in borrowings (1,068) 426
------------ ------------
Change in net debt resulting from cash flows (1,001) 487
Exchange adjustments 112 534
Settlement of EPICs (note 3(b)) - 243
Other non-cash movements (28) (18)
------------ ------------
Movement in net debt in the year (917) 1,246
Net debt at start of year (12,632) (13,878)
------------ ------------
Net debt at end of year (13,549) (12,632)
============ ============
During the year ended 31 March 2004 certain cross-currency swaps were terminated
and £209m of cash was received. £61m of this cash flow was reported in the cash
flow statement within the total of net cash outflow for returns on investments
and servicing of finance amounting to £(692)m and £148m was reported within net
cash inflow from financing. Termination of these cross-currency swaps also
necessitated a retranslation of Euro denominated debt at new swapped rates
amounting to £(140)m, which was reported within the exchange adjustments of
£534m reported above.
10. Net debt
At 31 March 2005 2004
£m £m
============ ============
Cash and investments 670 616
Short-term debt including bank overdrafts (3,256) (1,706)
Long-term debt (10,963) (11,542)
------------ ------------
(13,549) (12,632)
============ ============
11. Exchange rates
The Group's results are affected by the exchange rates used to translate the
results of its US operations and US dollar transactions. The US dollar to
sterling exchange rates applied were:
2005 2004
============ ============
Closing rate applied at year end 1.89 1.83
Average rate applied for the year 1.87 1.68
============ ============
12. Differences between UK and US Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles ('GAAP')
Summarised financial statements on a US GAAP basis are set out in the Annual
Report and Accounts. Details of the principal differences between UK and US GAAP
are shown below.
a) Reconciliation of net income to US GAAP
The following is a summary of the material adjustments to net income that would
have been required if US GAAP had been applied instead of UK GAAP:
Years ended 31 March 2005 2004
(restated) (i)
£m £m
============ ============
Net income under UK GAAP 908 1,074
------------ ------------
Adjustments to conform with US GAAP
Fixed assets - purchase of Lattice (356) (364)
Replacement expenditure (net of 459 383
Pensions and other post-retirement benefits 59 7
Impairment of goodwill and other
intangible assets - (31)
Financial instruments 254 82
Carrying value of EPICs liability - (226)
Severance and integration costs 62 -
Recognition of income 13 (9)
Goodwill amortisation 109 99
Intangibles amortisation (8) -
Restructuring - purchase of Lattice 2 2
Deferred taxation (188) (24)
Other (10) 5
------------ ------------
Total US GAAP adjustments 396 (76)
------------ ------------
Net income under US GAAP 1,304 998
============ ============
Basic earnings per share - US GAAP 42.3p 32.5p
Diluted earnings per share - US GAAP 42.1p 32.4p
============ ============
i) During the year ended 31 March 2005, the Group adopted FRS 20 'Share-based
Payment'. As a result prior year UK GAAP comparatives have been restated - see
note 1.
(b) Reconciliation of equity shareholders' funds to US GAAP
The following is a summary of the material adjustments to equity shareholders'
funds that would have been required if US GAAP had been applied instead of UK
At 31 March 2005 2004
(restated) (i)
£m £m
============ ============
Equity shareholders' funds under UK GAAP 1,359 1,221
------------ ------------
Adjustments to conform with US GAAP
Fixed assets - impact of Lattice purchase
accounting and replacement expenditure 7,421 7,318
Goodwill - purchase of Lattice 3,820 3,820
Pensions and other post-retirement benefits (1,001) (1,069)
Financial instruments 117 (285)
Severance and integration liabilities 65 3
Recognition of income (21) (35)
Goodwill - other acquisitions 233 245
Intangibles - other acquisitions 212 -
Restructuring - purchase of Lattice (2) (4)
Ordinary dividends 469 366
Tangible fixed assets - reversal of partial
release of impairment provision (29) (32)
Regulatory assets 162 128
Deferred taxation (2,224) (1,876)
Other 10 21
------------ ------------
Total US GAAP adjustments 9,232 8,600
------------ ------------
Equity shareholders' funds under US GAAP 10,591 9,821
============ ============
i) During the year ended 31 March 2005, the Group adopted FRS 20 'Share-based
Payment'. As a result prior year UK GAAP comparatives have been restated - see
note 1.
Appendix A - Impact of conversion from UK GAAP to IFRS
A summary of the changes in operating profit, earnings (or net income), EPS and
net assets from UK GAAP to IFRS for the year ended 31 March 2005 is provided on
a summarised basis in the tables below:
(a) Unaudited operating profit reconciliation from UK GAAP to IFRS
For the year ended Underlying (i) Goodwill Statutory
31 March 2005 amortisation
£m £m £m
============ ============ ============
Operating profit - UK GAAP 2,212 (360) 1,852
IFRS adjustments:
Replacement expenditure 336 - 336
Regulatory assets 269 (60) 209
Pensions and other
post-retirement benefits 6 15 21
Goodwill amortisation - 109 109
Profits on disposal of
properties 62 - 62
Reclassification of share of
JVs (7) - (7)
Other (12) - (12)
------------ ------------ ------------
Operating profit - IFRS 2,866 (296) 2,570
============ ============ ============
(b) Unaudited pre-tax profit reconciliation from UK GAAP to IFRS
For the year ended Underlying (i) Goodwill Statutory
31 March 2005 amortisation
£m £m £m
============ ============ ============
Pre-tax profit - UK GAAP 1,429 (277) 1,152
IFRS adjustments:
Replacement expenditure 336 - 336
Regulatory assets 306 (60) 246
Pensions and other
post-retirement benefits 42 15 57
Goodwill amortisation - 109 109
Profits on disposal of
properties 62 (62) -
Reclassification of share of
JVs (2) - (2)
Other (18) - (18)
------------ ------------ ------------
Pre-tax profit - IFRS 2,155 (275) 1,880
============ ============ ============
(i) The Group will report 'underlying' and 'statutory' performance measures
under IFRS, in order to continue to provide a better illustration of the
underlying business performance of the Group. Under UK GAAP, 'underlying'
results exclude goodwill amortisation and exceptional items. Under IFRS, there
is no goodwill amortisation and hence no need to exclude it for the purposes of
showing 'underlying' results. IFRS 'underlying' results include profits or
losses arising on the disposal of properties by SecondSite, the Group's property
management business, which is considered to be part of the normal recurring
operating activities of the Group. IFRS 'underlying' results exclude other
material and significant non-recurring items or transactions that are similar in
concept to exceptional items under UK GAAP. The impact of adjusting for goodwill
amortisation and other material and significant non-recurring items is shown in
the tables reconciling from UK GAAP to their equivalent IFRS measures.
(c) Unaudited earnings reconciliation from UK GAAP to IFRS
For the year ended Underlying (i) Goodwill Statutory
31 March 2005 amortisation
£m £m £m
============ ============ ============
Earnings - UK GAAP 1,106 (198) 908
IFRS adjustments:
Replacement expenditure 236 - 236
Regulatory assets 187 (36) 151
Pensions and other
post-retirement benefits 31 10 41
Goodwill amortisation - 109 109
Deferred taxation (11) - (11)
Profits on disposal of
properties 62 (62) -
Other (10) - (10)
------------ ------------ ------------
Net income - IFRS 1,601 (177) 1,424
============ ============ ============
(d) Unaudited EPS reconciliation from UK GAAP to IFRS
For the year ended Underlying (i) Goodwill Statutory
31 March 2005 amortisation
£m £m £m
============ ============ ============
EPS - UK GAAP 35.9 (6.4) 29.5
IFRS adjustments:
Replacement expenditure 7.7 - 7.7
Regulatory assets 6.0 (1.1) 4.9
Pensions and other
post-retirement benefits 1.0 0.3 1.3
Goodwill amortisation - 3.5 3.5
Deferred taxation (0.4) - (0.4)
Profits on disposal of
properties 2.0 (2.0) -
Other (0.3) - (0.3)
------------ ------------ ------------
EPS - IFRS 51.9 (5.7) 46.2
============ ============ ============
(i) The Group will report 'underlying' and 'statutory' performance measures
under IFRS, in order to continue to provide a better illustration of the
underlying business performance of the Group. Under UK GAAP, 'underlying'
results exclude goodwill amortisation and exceptional items. Under IFRS, there
is no goodwill amortisation and hence no need to exclude it for the purposes of
showing 'underlying' results. IFRS 'underlying' results include profits or
losses arising on the disposal of properties by SecondSite, the Group's property
management business, which is considered to be part of the normal recurring
operating activities of the Group. IFRS 'underlying' results exclude other
material and significant non-recurring items or transactions that are similar in
concept to exceptional items under UK GAAP. The impact of adjusting for goodwill
amortisation and other material and significant non-recurring items is shown in
the tables reconciling from UK GAAP to their equivalent IFRS measures.
(e) Unaudited net assets reconciliation from UK GAAP to IFRS
As at 31 March 2005
Net assets - UK GAAP 1,391
IFRS adjustments:
Replacement expenditure 4,305
Regulatory assets (2,663)
Pensions and other post-retirement benefits (1,741)
Intangible assets other than goodwill (ii) 182
Goodwill (ii) 18
Deferred taxation 179
Proposed final dividend 469
Non-equity minority interests (22)
Other (23)
Net assets - IFRS 2,095
The adjustments to net assets as summarised above are 'measurement' adjustments
only. These are not intended to represent adjustments relating to balance sheet
reclassifications, which will arise as a result of conversion to IFRS.
The unaudited differences between UK GAAP and IFRS as at 31 March 2005 set out
above, do not reflect the impact of IAS39 which is being adopted by the Group
with effect from 1 April 2005.
(ii) Business combinations - IFRS3 requires fair values to be attributed to
certain items (e.g. intangibles) on a business combination, which are not
recognised under UK GAAP. A corresponding reduction in goodwill (net of any
deferred tax) arises as a result of this. The acquisition of the UK operations
of Crown Castle International Corp. (Crown Castle UK) has resulted in
recognition of certain intangibles, amounting to £188m at the date of
acquisition, which are being amortised over the weighted average related assets
useful lives of 17 years. In accordance with IFRS1, the Group has not restated
any business combinations that occurred prior to 31 March 2004.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange