Final Results
Independent Resources plc
Final Results for the year to 30th September 2008
* Successful £6.91 million fundraising
* Final profit before taxation of £2,665,438 (2007 (15 months): £656,359 loss)
* Liquid resources at 30 September of £8.46 million
* Additional €7.12 million (£5.7 million) of committed cash available for Rivara subsidiary
* Agreement to sell 15% of Rivara for €9.5 million
* Clearance for Fiume Bruna production testing
Chairman's statement
Against a background of steadily increasing turmoil in world financial markets, it is at least pleasing to report a
milestone year for Independent Resources during the 12 month period to 30 September. The Company achieved
significant progress with its planned underground gas storage ("UGS") project at Rivara in Italy's Po Valley,
bringing in a major Italian partner and securing a politically significant, long-term anchor customer. It also made
strong advances with its plans for the development of the proposed coal bed methane ("CBM") project at Fiume Bruna
in Grosseto Province, Italy's first CBM project. In August, we successfully raised £6.91 million from institutional
investors. With these solid achievements behind us, and liquid resources of £8.46 million, the Board has every
confidence that the Company is now strongly positioned to move forward steadily through what threatens to continue
as a period of difficult global economic conditions. Our confidence is further underpinned by the knowledge that
our cash resources do not take account of the remaining €7.12 million (£5.7 million) to be invested by our new
Italian partner at Rivara in line with the investment agreement.
Rivara underground gas storage project
As in the past, Independent Resources continued to work carefully through the year within the complex framework
laid down by the regulatory and environmental processes in Italy, where Rivara remains its key project. The Board
characterises Rivara as a much-needed infrastructural investment in an extremely under-supplied market, and as a
project that is relatively insensitive to short-term fluctuations in market conditions. This deeply-buried, highly-
fractured limestone structure has inherent geological characteristics that make it ideal for summer gas storage and
rapid winter withdrawal, using the benefit of a natural water drive. It is also located right at the hub of Italy's
gas transmission system, along the main trunkline corridor from North Africa into Southern Europe.
The signing in June of a €9.5 million agreement to sell 15% of Rivara to the major Italian energy group ERG ranked
as a crucial step forward for Independent Resources - not only because it marked the arrival of a heavyweight
Italian energy partner, but also because it brought additional expertise to the Company's delicate negotiations
with the relevant Italian authorities and other stakeholders. Aided by ERG, the Company continues at a deliberately
measured pace in its discussions with Italy's Ministry of the Environment and other interested parties. Rivara's
planning approval process involves an Environmental Impact Study ("VIA") reviewed by national and regional
As we reported to shareholders at the time of our August fundraising, the recently-elected Italian government has
declared a relatively pro-business and pro-development platform which we expect to improve efficiency within
certain ministries key to Rivara. The Ministry of Environment itself has inherited a new VIA process from the
outgoing government that is proclaimed to be more transparent and purely technical than previously, as well as more
efficient in its interaction with the public. We are of course encouraged by this stated approach, but continue to
remain aware of the need for the careful involvement of all the parties affected by the planned development of
Rivara, at all levels of government.
For the Italian gas system, disrupted during recent winters by severe supply shortages, the importance of Rivara
can be judged from the fact that the project will provide an expected nameplate working gas capacity of 3.2 billion
cubic metres (113 billion cubic feet) and the ability to deliver in excess of 32 million cubic metres (1.13 billion
cubic feet) of gas per day. For Independent Resources, the arrival of ERG as an operating partner just a few months
ago valued our 85% share in the project at €53.83 million (£43.07 million), equivalent to 106p per share. That
important transaction was followed during July by an announcement that we had reached formal agreement with
Confindustria Ceramica to provide it with up to 4% of Rivara's working gas capacity for gas storage. Confindustria
Ceramica is not only one of Northern Italy's biggest gas consumers, but is also a federation of
vitally-important industrial employers and producers in the region around Rivara. Moreover, we are continuing
preliminary discussions with a small group of major energy companies with a view to welcoming a second strategic
development partner into the Rivara project alongside ERG at the appropriate time.
During the year, the Company also appointed Schlumberger, the oilfield services group, to advise on and manage the
Rivara subsurface development programme. The Board believes that the appointment of Schlumberger reflects the need
to bring world-class project management skills and technology to the planned development of Rivara. We have begun
work to construct an integrated project model ahead of eventual drilling operations and data acquisition to provide
information that will allow us to optimise the project's development using best available technology. It remains
our intention to develop the safest, least invasive, most reliable, and highest performance storage facility in
Europe. Based on an estimated development cost of €400 million, this onshore project provides potentially
significant scale savings and obvious comparative value, with an estimated capital cost of €0.13 per cubic metre
(£0.0028 per cubic foot) of storage capacity or €12.50 per cubic metre (£0.28 per cubic foot) per day of
Fiume Bruna coal bed methane project
Our other ongoing project in Italy, the planned CBM development at Fiume Bruna (owned 100% by Independent
Resources) also moved forward steadily during the year. Shortly before the financial year-end, the Italian
government approved plans for production testing, following earlier approval during April from the Tuscan regional
government for the Company's environmental submission. We will conduct 2D seismic acquisition work over the coming
weeks, following which we intend to drill one well and conduct long-term tests to prove flow rates of gas and
water. As at Rivara, we intend at Fiume Bruna to operate to the highest standards, and are working alongside
Norwest Questa Engineering, a leading US consultancy group with specialist CBM expertise. We also plan to drill the
balance of wells in the first pod, producing gas into local markets.
Fiume Bruna has an estimated 4.8 billion cubic metres (167 billion cubic feet) of in-place resource, and results
from initial testing, announced in July 2007, indicated an estimated recoverable resource of 2.6 billion cubic
metres (91.4 billion cubic feet). Drilling work to date has identified a single seam of gas-active coal
approximately 7 metres thick. The main purpose of the planned production test is to determine gas production and
any water flow rates from the coal in place. Longer-term, Fiume Bruna also has potential for carbon sequestration,
permanently disposing of carbon dioxide ("CO2") from nearby sources. At the same time, an estimated additional 1.8
billion cubic metres (63.6 billion cubic feet) of methane would be produced as a result of this injection of CO2.
The Board estimates that the net present value of the project would be increased significantly as a result.
Independent Resources intends to apply for a full development concession when commercial production rates have been
proven, and may seek a development partner to bring the project on stream following a declaration and subsequent
permitting of commercial operations. A new extension to the south of Fiume Bruna has obtained its initial award,
and the Company is now turning to its environmental impact assessment. Against the overall background of falling
regional gas production and robust growth in demand, Fiume Bruna and its extension remain very attractive elements
within our project portfolio.
Ksar Hadada permit
Our third active project, the onshore exploration acreage at Ksar Hadada in south-east Tunisia, lies on a permit
that was renewed by the Tunisian government for a period of three years from April 2008. The permit is operated by
Petroceltic, with Independent Resources holding a 40% interest. The Board believes the concession holds a potential
recoverable resource in excess of 150 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe) net to the Company, before applying
production sharing contract terms. Remapping of this 5,600 sq km permit area during the year under review not only
confirmed the existing prospects, but also defined several new structures and identified a new hydrocarbon play in
the block - the Acacus Sandstone - to add to the previously known Cambro-Ordovician play. Encouragingly, third
parties have announced a Cambro-Ordovician discovery adjacent to the block to the south and this has now
highlighted the potential of the Ksar Hadada structures. Discussions to farm-out part of the Company's interest in
this concession continue with several potential partners.
New business opportunities
With these advances during the year, the Board is now also looking forward to new business development
opportunities, drawing on our experience to date and the expertise we have developed over the past six years. We
reported at the time of our fundraising during August that Independent Resources has filed an application for the
award of an exploration permit covering an area onshore Italy as part of our continued business development plan.
We are also studying opportunities to become involved in the development of another underground gas storage
facility elsewhere in Europe, which would dovetail well with our existing operational and corporate structure.
These new initiatives are at an early stage but we look forward to updating our shareholders as we make progress.
Because it is a natural extension of the specialist expertise we have developed in-house, another area where we
feel it is time to consider practical solutions is in the field of geological carbon sequestration of "greenhouse"
CO2 emissions. Many large power producers are investigating carbon capture and storage ("CCS"), a process that
captures CO2 from power stations, so that it is prevented from entering the Earth's atmosphere. It is a technology
that is developing all the time and could well make fossil-fuelled generation a viable low-carbon option for the
future. The Company can offer power producers practical solutions to permanently store (sequester) their CO2 in
suitable underground reservoirs, and is seeking joint ventures to generate economic as well as environmental
benefits from this technology in the form of carbon tax allowances and emission credits.
These potential new developments are highly promising in terms of our future growth, but our first priority is to
deliver maximum shareholder value from our existing projects. Moreover, our focus will remain limited to supplying
and operating in our current markets. We are aware that many of our peers have adopted an opportunistic strategy,
some more successfully than others, but we believe that focusing on the markets where we have a real presence will
yield more value to shareholders. We will not walk away from opportunities arising from consolidation in this
market and nor will we compromise with the objective of maximising returns to invested capital.
Looking forward
In such trying times for the world economy, the Board of course remains cautious about the outlook for the coming
12 months. However, we are bolstered by the recognition received during our drive towards the end of the financial
year to raise our profile among institutional investors, which culminated in our successful fundraising. Since
then, widely reported setbacks for two planned gas storage projects in the UK, while unfortunate for the companies
involved, have served to underscore the long-term value of our key project at Rivara. Our strong cash position
means we are well positioned to move forward in line with our planned cautious approach. With a strengthened
institutional shareholder base, we have also reported to shareholders that the Company's directors, including
myself, increased their own shareholdings in the Company before the year end. This is a clear expression of our own
confidence in the business moving forward, and we shall continue to work in the best interest of all of our
shareholders during the months ahead.
Grayson Nash
Executive Chairman
19 November 2008
Independent Resources plc
Consolidated income statement
Year ended 30 September 2008
15 month period
2008 2007
Continuing operations £ £
Revenue 16,737 2,220
Cost of sales - -
---------------- ---------------
Gross profit 16,737 2,220
Administrative expenses (1,147,259) (882,746)
---------------- ---------------
Operating loss (1,130,522) (880,526)
Profit on dilution to minority interest 3,684,229 -
---------------- ---------------
2,553,707 (880,526)
Net financial income 111,731 224,167
---------------- ---------------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
before taxation 2,665,438 (656,359)
Taxation (30,000) -
---------------- ---------------
Profit/(loss) for the period 2,635,438 (656,359)
Attributable to:
Minority interests (23,230) -
Shareholders' equity 2,658,668 (656,359)
---------------- ---------------
---------------- ---------------
Earnings per share (pence)
From continuing operations
Basic 7.8 (2.0)
---------------- ---------------
---------------- ---------------
Diluted 7.3 (2.0)
---------------- ---------------
---------------- ---------------
Independent Resources plc
Consolidated balance sheet
As at 30 September 2008
2008 2007
£ £
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 62,516 122,497
Goodwill 4,604,965 2,044,146
Other intangible assets 3,715,788 2,444,320
----------------- ---------------
8,383,269 4,610,963
Current assets
Trade and other receivables 4,869,125 338,590
Cash and cash equivalents 8,455,204 2,557,212
----------------- ---------------
13,324,329 2,895,802
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables (711,741) (142,959)
Current taxation liabilities (65,386) (22,752)
----------------- ---------------
(777,127) (165,711)
Net current assets 12,547,202 2,730,091
----------------- ---------------
Net assets 20,930,471 7,341,054
----------------- ---------------
----------------- ---------------
Equity attributable to equity holders
of the parent
Share capital 407,115 334,333
Share premium account 12,444,974 5,843,828
Shares to be issued 4,602,634 2,041,815
Share option reserve 368,185 238,237
Foreign currency translation reserve 290,596 (6,109)
Profit and loss reserve 1,547,618 (1,111,050)
----------------- ---------------
Total equity 19,661,122 7,341,054
Minority interests 1,269,349 -
----------------- ---------------
20,930,471 7,341,054
----------------- ---------------
----------------- ---------------
Independent Resources plc
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Year ended 30 September 2008
Profit Shares Share difference
and loss Share Share to be option on
reserve capital premium issued reserve investment Total
£ £ £ £ £ £ £
1 July 2006 (454,691) 334,333 5,843,828 2,041,815 75,802 (1,297) 7,839,790
Loss for the period (656,359) - - - - - (656,359)
Share-based payments- - - - - 162,435 - 162,435
Exchange difference on
investment - - - - - (4,812) (4,812)
---------- -------- --------- --------- -------- ----------- -----------
30 September 2007 (1,111,050) 334,333 5,843,828 2,041,815 238,237 (6,109) 7,341,054
1 October 2007 (1,111,050) 334,333 5,843,828 2,041,815 238,237 (6,109) 7,341,054
Profit for the year 2,658,668 - - - - - 2,658,668
Revision of estimate of
cost of acquisition - - - 2,560,819 - - 2,560,819
New shares issued - 72,782 6,841,468 - - - 6,914,250
Transaction costs - - (240,322) - - - (240,322)
Share-based payments - - - - 129,948 - 129,948
Exchange difference on
investment - - - - - 296,705 296,705
30 September 2008 1,547,618 407,115 12,444,974 4,602,634 368,185 290,596 19,661,122
---------- -------- --------- --------- -------- ---------- -----------
---------- -------- --------- --------- -------- ---------- -----------
Independent Resources plc
Consolidated cash flow statement
Year ended 30 September 2008
15 month period
2008 2007
£ £
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit/(loss) before taxation
2,665,438 (656,359)
Adjustments for:
Depreciation of property, plant and
equipment 24,385 24,981
Loss on disposal of property, plant and
equipment 30,604 -
Financial income (111,731) (224,324)
Financial costs - 157
---------------- ---------------
2,608,696 (855,545)
Increase in trade and other receivables (4,530,535) (228,406)
Increase in trade and other payables 581,416 45,890
Share based payments 129,948 162,435
Exchange rate difference on investments 52,765 (7,631)
---------------- ---------------
Cash used in operations (1,157,710) (883,257)
Interest paid - (157)
---------------- ---------------
Net cash used in operating activities (1,157,710) (883,414)
Cash flows from investing activities
Interest received 111,731 224,324
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant
and equipment 15,421 -
Purchase of intangible assets (1,035,278) (1,808,398)
Purchases of property, plant and
equipment (2,679) (42,430)
Issue of share capital to minority 1,292,579 -
---------------- ---------------
Net cash from/(used in) investing
activities 381,774 (1,626,504)
Cash flows from financing activities
Issue of share capital 6,914,250 -
Share issue costs (240,322) -
---------------- ---------------
Net cash from financing activities 6,673,928 -
---------------- ---------------
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and
cash equivalents 5,897,992 (2,509,918)
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 October
2007 2,557,212 5,067,130
---------------- ---------------
Cash and cash equivalents at 30
September 2008 8,455,204 2,557,212
---------------- ---------------
---------------- ---------------
Year ended 30 September 2008
Year ended 30 September 2008
1. The Directors submit their Report and Accounts for the year to 30 September 2008. The comparative period is
from 1 July 2006 to 30 September 2007.
2. Basis of Presentation
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as
adopted by the European Union and using accounting policies which are consistent with those applied in the
financial statements for the period ending 30 September 2007.
The financial information set out in this announcement, which does not constitute the statutory accounts of the
Group, is extracted from the Group's statutory accounts for the period ended 30th September 2008, which were
approved by the Board on 19 November 2008. The auditors have reported on those accounts and their report was
The financial information for the period ending 30 September 2007 is derived from the financial statements for that
period. The company's auditors have reported on the 2007 financial statements; the report was unqualified.
The financial information set out in this announcement was approved by the board on 19 November 2008.
The directors do not recommend the payment of a final dividend.
The full statutory accounts will be included in the Group's annual report, which will be mailed to shareholders on
25 November 2008. Additional copies will be available at the Group's offices The Hollow, Penn Lane, Melbourne,
Derbyshire DE73 8EP after that date. The accounts will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies after the
Company's Annual General Meeting, which is scheduled for 18 December 2008.
3. Revenue and Segmental information
The Group's operations are located in England, Italy and Tunisia.
The Group has generated £2,200 (2007: £2,220) of revenue during the period in its Tunisian operations and £14,537
(2007: nil) in its Italian operations.
The following is an analysis of the carrying amount of segment assets, and additions to property, plant and
equipment, analysed by the geographical area in which the assets are located.
Kingdom Italy Tunisia Total
£ £ £ £
Carrying amount of
segment assets 8,233 54,283 - 62,516
Additions to
property, plant and
equipment in the
year - 2,679 - 2,679
Depreciation charges 10,614 13,771 - 24,385
Carrying amount of
liabilities 563,705 100,720 112,702 777,127
Results for the year (371,548) 3,008,623 (1,637) 2,635,438
Carrying amount of
segment assets 18,847 103,650 - 122,497
Additions to
property, plant and
equipment in the
period 20,666 21,764 - 42,430
Depreciation charges 9,823 15,158 - 24,981
Carrying amount of
liabilities 103,688 32,836 29,187 165,711
Results for the
period (337,602) (316,444) (2,313) (656,359)
4. Earnings per share
The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share at 30 September 2008 was based on the profit attributable
to ordinary shareholders of £2,658,668. The weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year
ending 30 September 2008 and the effect of the potentially dilutive ordinary shares to be issued, without market
conditions, in connection with the previous purchase of Independent Gas Management srl, are shown below.
Share options have also been added to the diluted weighted average ordinary shares for the purpose of calculating
diluted earnings per share in accordance with IAS 33.
In accordance with IAS 33 and as the Group reported a loss for the period to 30 September 2007, the shares to be
issued in relation to the purchase of Independent Gas Management srl were not treated as dilutive. Contingently
issuable shares such as included within the share option scheme or in connection with the acquisition of
Independent Gas Management srl have not been treated as dilutive as the market conditions have not been met at 30
September 2008.
2008 2007
£ £
Net profit/(loss) for the period 2,658,668 (656,359)
-------------- ---------------
-------------- ---------------
Basic weighted average ordinary shares
in issue during the period 34,149,217 33,433,333
-------------- ---------------
-------------- ---------------
Diluted weighted average ordinary shares
in issue during the period 36,401,828 33,433,333
-------------- ---------------
-------------- ---------------
5. Non-cash transactions
Exceptional item
On 24 June 2008, the Group reorganised its interests in the Rivara gas management project as follows:
ERG Rivara Storage srl was formed as a 100% subsidiary of Independent Gas Management srl with €1 share capital;
Independent Gas Management srl transferred its interest in the Rivara gas management project to ERG Rivara Storage srl
at an independently valued amount of €53,833,339 in exchange for shares in ERG Rivara Storage srl;
ERG Rivara Storage srl issued further ordinary shares of €9,500,000 to a third party such as to reduce the Group's interest to 85%.
The third party paid up 25% (€2,375,000) upon the issue of the shares. The balance outstanding is legally payable
and is therefore included within amounts receivable in note 15 (Trade and other receivables). The balance is to be
payable when called upon by the board of ERG Rivara Storage srl. The amount due to be received has been discounted
by £1,468,000 to reflect the directors' estimates of the timing and amounts of those calls.
As a result of the above, the Group has recognised an exceptional profit on the deemed disposal of a 15% interest
in ERG Rivara Storage srl of £3,684,229 after deducting related costs of brokerage and commission of £1,071,015
paid by the Group.
6. Share capital
2008 2007
Group Company Group Company
£ £ £ £
80,000,000 ordinary
shares of 1p 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000
-------- -------- -------- --------
-------- -------- -------- --------
Issued, called up
and fully paid
40,711,491 ordinary
shares of 1p 407,115 407,115 334,333 334,333
-------- -------- -------- --------
The holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends from time to time and are entitled to one vote
per share at meetings of the company.
On 26 August 2008, a further 7,278,158 ordinary shares of 1p were issued at a placing price of 95p each giving
rise to a share premium of £6,841,468.
7. Share premium account
2008 2007
Group Company Group Company
£ £ £ £
1 October 2007 5,843,828 5,843,828 5,843,828 5,843,828
Premium arising on
issue of equity
shares 6,841,468 6,841,468 - -
Transaction costs (240,322) (240,322) - -
----------- ----------- --------- ---------
30 September 2008 12,444,974 12,444,974 5,843,828 5,843,828
----------- ----------- --------- ---------
----------- ----------- --------- ---------
8. Other
This announcement can be viewed in full on the Company web-site
Grayson Nash, Executive Chairman, Independent Resources plc: +39 339 635 8634
Stephen Staley, Managing Director UK, Independent Resources plc: +44 1332 865 253
Jonathan Wright, Seymour Pierce +44 207 107 8000
David Smith, Deloitte Corporate Finance +44 207 936 3000
Allan Piper, Tavistock Communications Ltd +44 207242 2666
Independent Resources plc