Interim Results
Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC
07 August 2002
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m Increase £m
Total income 8,182 6,822 20% 14,558
-------- -------- --------
Operating expenses 3,740 3,284 14% 6,841
-------- -------- --------
Profit before tax, goodwill amortisation
and integration costs 3,151 2,751 15% 5,778
-------- -------- --------
Profit before tax 2,325 2,072 12% 4,252
-------- -------- --------
Cost:income ratio 45.7% 48.1% - 47.0%
-------- -------- --------
Adjusted earnings per ordinary share 69.8p 62.6p 12% 127.9p
-------- -------- --------
Dividends per ordinary share 12.7p 11.0p 15% 38.0p
-------- -------- --------
Sir George Mathewson, Chairman of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, said:-
'Strong income growth and improved efficiency are key factors in these results.
Our focus on satisfying customers continues to reap rewards with increased
customer numbers across the Group and in particular in Citizens, Direct Line,
Retail Banking and Retail Direct.
Provisions remain at a level consistent with the second half of 2001, influenced
both by growth in our book and particular corporate situations. Overall credit
quality remains strong.
The strength, diversity and flexibility of our Group has enabled us to grow our
profit before tax, goodwill amortisation and integration costs by 15% and the
Board is pleased to increase the interim dividend also by 15%.'
• Profit up 15% to £3,151 million*.
• Income up 20% to £8,182 million, expenses up 14% to £3,740 million.
• Excluding acquisitions, income up 15%, expenses up 8%.
• Customer growth in all divisions.
• Net interest margin stable at 3.1%.
• Further efficiency gains - cost:income ratio 45.7%, improved from 48.1%.
• Profit and loss charge for provisions £652 million, against £622 million
in the second half of 2001 and £369 million in the first half of 2001.
• Credit quality remains strong.
• Balance sheet provision coverage of risk elements in lending maintained at
• Increased targets for NatWest integration being met.
• Accelerated delivery of Mellon Regional Franchise integration benefits.
• Adjusted earnings per share up 12%, basic earnings per share up 13%.
• Interim dividend 12.7p per share, up 15%.
* before tax, goodwill amortisation and integration costs
Review of results 4
Restatements and recent developments 7
Summary consolidated profit and loss account 8
Divisional performance 9
Corporate Banking and Financial Markets 10
Retail Banking 11
Retail Direct 12
Manufacturing 13
Wealth Management 14
Direct Line Group 15
Ulster Bank 16
Citizens 17
Central items 18
Average balance sheet 19
Average interest rates, yields, spreads and margins 20
Integration information 21
Statutory consolidated profit and loss account 23
Consolidated balance sheet 25
Overview of consolidated balance sheet 26
Statement of consolidated total recognised gains and losses 28
Reconciliation of movements in consolidated shareholders' funds 28
Consolidated cash flow statement 29
Notes 30
Asset quality 37
Analysis of loans and advances to customers 37
Cross border outstandings 38
Selected country exposures 38
Risk elements in lending 39
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts 40
Market risk 42
Regulatory ratios and other information 43
Additional financial data for US investors 44
Forward-looking statements 46
Independent review report by the auditors 47
Contacts 48
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group ('RBS') continued to make substantial progress
in the first half of 2002. Key features of these interim results include strong
growth in income and further improvements in efficiency and margins. The charge
for bad debt provisions is similar to the second half of 2001. The increased
targets for NatWest integration benefits are being met and excellent progress is
being made by Citizens on the integration of the Mellon Regional Franchise.
RBS increased its first half profit before tax, goodwill amortisation and
integration costs by 15%, or £400 million, from £2,751 million to £3,151
million. All divisions contributed to this increase.
After goodwill amortisation and integration costs, profit before tax was up by
12%, from £2,072 million to £2,325 million. Integration costs relating to
NatWest and the Mellon Regional Franchise were £461 million in the first half of
2002, against £361 million in the first half of 2001.
Total income
RBS continued to achieve strong growth in income. Total income was up by 20%, or
£1,360 million, to £8,182 million. Excluding acquisitions, total income was up
by 15%.
Of the £1,360 million growth in total income, £620 million was net interest
income and £740 million non-interest income.
Citizens increased its income by 69% (17% underlying growth, excluding the
Mellon Regional Franchise), Direct Line Group by 46% and Retail Direct by 19%.
Corporate Banking and Financial Markets income was up by 15% over the first half
of 2001 and maintained the level achieved in the second half of 2001, when
Financial Markets benefited from market volatility and falling interest rates.
Retail Banking grew its income by 8% and Ulster Bank by 11%. The small fall in
Wealth Management income reflected lower stock market values.
Net interest income
Net interest income increased by 19%, or £620 million, to £3,873 million. Net
interest income accounted for 47% of first half total income. Average
interest-earning assets of the banking business increased by 15%.
Net interest margin
The Group net interest margin increased slightly, from 3.0% to 3.1%. Improved
lending margins offset the downward pressure on deposit margins arising from
lower interest rates.
Non-interest income
Non-interest income increased by 21%, or £740 million, to £4,309 million.
Non-interest income accounted for 53% of first half total income.
Fees and commissions receivable were up 18%, or £400 million. General insurance
premium income, after reinsurance, rose by 47%, or £284 million reflecting
Direct Line Group's organic growth and acquisitions in Continental Europe.
Continued strong growth in fee paying current accounts also contributed to the
increase in fees and commissions.
Operating expenses
Operating expenses, excluding goodwill amortisation and integration costs, rose
by 14%, or £456 million, to £3,740 million. Excluding acquisitions, operating
expenses were up by 8%, £263 million in support of strong growth in business
Cost:income ratio
As a result of the relative movements in total income and operating expenses,
the Group achieved a further improvement in its cost:income ratio, to 45.7% from
Net insurance claims
General insurance claims, after reinsurance, increased by 53%, or £221 million,
to £639 million. This reflects significant increases in customer numbers.
The profit and loss charge for provisions was £652 million in the first half of
2002, against £622 million in the second half of 2001 and £369 million in the
first half of 2001.
The charge for bad debt provisions amounted to £611 million in the first half of
2002, compared with £617 million in the second half of 2001 and £367 million in
the first half of 2001. The charge for bad debts reflects overall growth in
lending and is particularly influenced by provisions required against a number
of specific corporate situations. Amounts written off fixed asset investments
were £41 million in the first half of 2002, against £5 million in the second
half of 2001 and £2 million in the first half of 2001.
Total balance sheet provisions amounted to £3,856 million at 30 June 2002, up
from £3,653 million at 31 December 2001 and £3,236 million at 30 June 2001.
Credit quality
Overall credit quality remains strong, with no material change to the
distribution by grade of the Group's total risk assets compared with the
position at the previous year end.
Risk elements in lending amounted to £4,791 million at 30 June 2002, against
£4,493 million at 31 December 2001 and £4,045 million at 30 June 2001.
Total provision coverage (the ratio of total balance sheet provisions to risk
elements in lending) was 80% at 30 June 2002, against 81% at 31 December 2001
and 80% at 30 June 2001.
The integration of NatWest continues on track and the increased targets for
integration benefits, announced in February 2002, are being met.
In the first half of 2002, the contribution to profit before tax of revenue
benefits amounted to £222 million, against the revised target of £460 million
for the full year, and the effect of cost savings amounted to £618 million,
against the revised target of £1,280 million for the full year.
By June 2002, the cumulative total of integration costs was £1,767 million - up
from £1,394 million at December 2001. It is still expected that the full amount
of integration costs will be £2.3 billion, as indicated in February 2002.
Excellent progress is being made by Citizens on the integration of the Mellon
Regional Franchise and the transaction benefits are being delivered more quickly
than was envisaged. RBS is on track to achieve the full amount of the expected
transaction benefits.
Earnings and dividends
Earnings per share, adjusted for goodwill amortisation and integration costs,
increased by 12%, from 62.6p to 69.8p.
Basic earnings per share increased by 13%, from 41.1p to 46.6p.
An interim dividend of 12.7p per ordinary share has been declared, an increase
of 15%. The interim dividend is covered 5.4 times by earnings before goodwill
amortisation and integration costs.
Balance sheet
Total assets were £397 billion at 30 June 2002, 8% higher than total assets of
£369 billion at 31 December 2001 and 16% higher than total assets of £341
billion at 30 June 2001. Within the 30 June 2002 total, £294 billion (74%)
related to banking business and £103 billion (26%) to trading business.
Loans and advances to customers amounted to £210 billion at 30 June 2002, up 10%
from £190 billion at 31 December 2001. Compared with 30 June 2001, loans and
advances to customers were up 17%, £30 billion. Customer deposits increased by
3%, from £199 billion at 31 December 2001 to £205 billion at 30 June 2002 and
were up 13% from £181 billion at 30 June 2001.
Capital ratios at 30 June 2002 were 7.4% (tier 1) and 11.8% (total), against
7.1% (tier 1) and 11.5% (total) at 31 December 2001 and 7.2% (tier 1) and 11.4%
(total) at 30 June 2001.
In May 2002, Lombard completed the acquisition of Dixon Motors PLC for a
consideration of £118 million.
In June 2002, Citizens announced the acquisition of the Massachusetts savings
bank, Medford Bancorp, Inc, for a cash consideration of US$273 million. It is
expected that this acquisition will be completed in the final quarter of 2002.
As ever, the outlook for the economies in which we operate is difficult to
predict with any certainty. However, as our interim results have demonstrated,
the strength, diversity and flexibility of our Group enables us to adopt a
cautious stance relative to market conditions, whilst still being able to
deliver superior business performance through the provision to our customers of
the support, products and services which they want and need.
We anticipate continuing with a cautious stance in the short term, however we
remain confident in our ability to continue to deliver superior performance for
our shareholders.
The Group has implemented Financial Reporting Standard 19 'Deferred Tax' ('FRS
19') which requires recognition of deferred tax assets and liabilities on all
timing differences, with specified exceptions. Previously, provision was made
for deferred tax only to the extent that timing differences were expected to
reverse and the deferred tax liability crystallise in the foreseeable future.
Prior periods have been restated resulting in a decrease in profit and loss
account reserves of £117 million at 30 June 2001 and 31 December 2001; an
increase in the deferred tax liability of £182 million at 30 June 2001 and £194
million at 31 December 2001; and an increase in the deferred tax asset of £65
million at 30 June 2001 and £77 million at 31 December 2001. The tax charge for
2001 is unchanged.
Following the issuance of Urgent Issues Task Force Abstract 33 'Obligations in
capital instruments' ('UITF 33') in February 2002, the Group has reclassified
its perpetual regulatory tier one securities, issued in August 2001, from
non-equity shareholders' funds to subordinated liabilities and the interest on
these securities is now included in interest payable rather than non-equity
dividends. Comparative figures have been restated resulting in an increase in
interest payable of £23 million in the second half of 2001, a reduction in
non-equity shareholders' funds of £835 million, an increase in undated loan
capital of £820 million and an increase in accruals and deferred income of £15
million as at 31 December 2001.
Following the transfer of certain businesses from Ulster Bank to Corporate
Banking and Financial Markets with effect from 1 January 2002, prior period
information for these divisions has been restated. The Group results are not
Recent developments
The Competition Commission published its report on the supply of banking
services by clearing banks to small and medium-sized enterprises (SME's) in
March 2002. The report recommended a number of pricing and behavioural remedies.
The Group has, along with three other major clearing banks, given undertakings
to implement the pricing remedies with effect from 1 January 2003. These
undertakings require the Group to offer its SME customers either interest on
current accounts at a prescribed rate or free core money transmission services
or a choice between the two. The Group is also actively discussing with the
Office of Fair Trading the proposed behavioural remedies with a view to reaching
agreement on these expeditiously.
FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2002 (unaudited)
The profit and loss account set out below shows goodwill amortisation and
integration costs separately. In the statutory profit and loss account on page
23, these items are included in the captions prescribed by the Companies Act.
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
(restated) (restated)
£m £m £m
Net interest income 3,873 3,253 6,846
-------- -------- --------
Dividend income 29 24 54
Fees and commissions receivable 2,609 2,209 4,735
Fees and commissions payable (481) (459) (930)
Dealing profits 724 689 1,426
Other operating income 543 505 1,052
-------- -------- --------
3,424 2,968 6,337
General insurance premium income 885 601 1,375
-------- -------- --------
Non-interest income 4,309 3,569 7,712
-------- -------- ---------
Total income 8,182 6,822 14,558
-------- -------- ---------
Staff costs 1,930 1,659 3,461
Other operating expenses 1,810 1,625 3,380
-------- -------- --------
Operating expenses 3,740 3,284 6,841
-------- -------- --------
Profit before other operating charges 4,442 3,538 7,717
General insurance claims 639 418 948
-------- -------- --------
Operating profit before provisions 3,803 3,120 6,769
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts 611 367 984
Amounts written off fixed asset investments 41 2 7
-------- -------- --------
Profit before goodwill amortisation and
integration costs 3,151 2,751 5,778
Goodwill amortisation 365 318 651
Integration costs 461 361 875
-------- -------- --------
Profit before tax 2,325 2,072 4,252
Tax 781 746 1,537
-------- -------- --------
Profit after tax 1,544 1,326 2,715
Minority interests (including non-equity) 49 44 90
Preference dividends 159 178 358
-------- -------- --------
1,336 1,104 2,267
Additional Value Shares dividend - - 399
-------- -------- --------
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders 1,336 1,104 1,868
Ordinary dividends 368 313 1,085
-------- -------- --------
Retained profit 968 791 783
-------- -------- --------
Basic earnings per ordinary share (Note 4) 46.6p 41.1p 67.6p
-------- -------- ---------
Adjusted earnings per ordinary share (Note 4) 69.8p 62.6p 127.9p
-------- -------- ---------
The contribution of each division before goodwill amortisation and integration
costs and, where appropriate, Manufacturing costs is detailed below.
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 Increase 2001
£m £m % £m
Corporate Banking and Financial Markets* 1,554 1,509 3 3,024
Retail Banking 1,488 1,377 8 2,807
Retail Direct 330 241 37 551
Manufacturing (850) (778) (9) (1,568)
Wealth Management 235 234 - 459
Direct Line Group 153 112 37 261
Ulster Bank* 125 115 9 229
Citizens 384 233 65 501
Central items (268) (292) 8 (486) **
-------- -------- --------
Group operating profit before goodwill
amortisation and integration costs 3,151 2,751 15 5,778
-------- -------- --------
* Prior periods have been restated to reflect the transfer of certain businesses
from Ulster Bank to
Corporate Banking and Financial Markets.
** Restated following the implementation of UITF 33.
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
(restated) (restated)
£m £m £m
Net interest income 1,179 1,011 2,138
Non-interest income 1,755 1,531 3,319
-------- -------- --------
Total income 2,934 2,542 5,457
Direct expenses
- staff costs 622 552 1,131
- other 185 154 366
- operating lease depreciation 217 193 434
-------- -------- --------
Contribution before provisions 1,910 1,643 3,526
Provisions 356 134 502
-------- -------- --------
Contribution 1,554 1,509 3,024
-------- -------- --------
Direct cost:income ratio (%) 34.9 35.4 35.4
Total assets - Corporate Banking (£bn) 100.6 91.3 96.1
- Financial Markets (£bn) 135.7 115.6 120.4
Loans and advances to customers - gross (£bn) 110.8 93.5 95.1
Customer deposits excluding repos (£bn) 58.0 54.6 56.4
Weighted risk assets (£bn) 130.0 110.8 118.3
Corporate Banking and Financial Markets ('CBFM') is the largest provider of
banking services to medium and large businesses in the UK and the leader in the
UK in asset finance. It provides an integrated range of products and services to
mid-sized and large corporate and institutional customers in the UK and
overseas, including corporate and commercial banking, treasury and capital
markets products, structured and leveraged finance, trade finance, leasing and
factoring. In May 2002, Lombard, the leasing arm of CBFM, completed the
acquisition of Dixon Motors PLC. Lombard and Ulster was transferred to CBFM from
Ulster Bank on 1 January 2002; prior periods have been restated to reflect this.
Contribution increased over the first half of 2001 by 3% or £45 million to
£1,554 million. Contribution before provisions was up by 16%, £267 million to
£1,910 million.
Total income was up by 15% or £392 million to £2,934 million. Excluding
acquisitions, which added £22 million, total income was still up by 15%.
Net interest income rose by 17% or £168 million to £1,179 million, reflecting
lending growth in Corporate Banking and continued good performance by Financial
Markets. Average loans and advances to customers of the banking business
increased by 15% or £10.8 billion to £85.1 billion.
Non-interest income rose by 15% or £224 million to £1,755 million, mainly as a
result of fees earned on higher customer advances and on increased payments and
electronic banking activities. There were also significant increases in
operating lease income and in rental income from investment properties.
Direct expenses increased by 14% or £125 million to £1,024 million. Excluding
acquisitions, which added £20 million, expenses were up by £105 million or 12%.
Of this increase of £105 million, £24 million was higher operating lease
depreciation, and the balance reflects support for higher business volumes and
expansion of offices in Continental Europe.
The direct cost:income ratio improved from 35.4% to 34.9%.
Provisions amounted to £356 million in the first half of 2002 compared with £368
million in the second half of 2001 and £134 million in the first half of 2001.
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Net interest income 1,376 1,280 2,622
Non-interest income 661 609 1,277
-------- -------- --------
Total income 2,037 1,889 3,899
Direct expenses
- staff costs 349 339 702
- other 98 89 226
-------- -------- --------
Contribution before provisions 1,590 1,461 2,971
Provisions 102 84 164
-------- -------- --------
Contribution 1,488 1,377 2,807
-------- -------- --------
Direct cost:income ratio (%) 21.9 22.7 23.8
Total assets (£bn) 62.7 59.2 61.1
Loans and advances to customers - gross
- mortgages (£bn) 30.0 26.8 28.5
- other (£bn) 21.4 19.2 20.5
Customer deposits (£bn) 59.3 55.0 56.8
Weighted risk assets (£bn) 36.5 33.2 35.2
Retail Banking provides a wide range of banking, insurance and related financial
services to individuals and small businesses. These services are delivered from
a network of Royal Bank of Scotland and NatWest branches throughout Great
Britain and through the telephone, ATMs and the internet.
Contribution increased over the first half of 2001 by 8% or £111 million to
£1,488 million.
Total income was up by 8% or £148 million to £2,037 million. This increase in
income was supported by continued growth in customer numbers. The number of
personal current accounts increased by 130,000 to 10.43 million over the first
half of the year. Similarly, the number of small business customers increased by
13,000 to 1.09 million.
Net interest income rose by 8% or £96 million to £1,376 million, reflecting
strong growth in customer loans and deposits. Average loans to customers,
excluding mortgages, grew by 10% or £2.0 billion to £20.8 billion. Average
mortgage lending grew by 11% or £2.9 billion to £29.0 billion. Average customer
deposits increased by 6% or £3.4 billion to £56.8 billion.
Non-interest income rose by 9% or £52 million to £661 million, reflecting the
growth in packaged current accounts, increased volumes of general insurance
products sold to NatWest and Royal Bank customers and a strong sales performance
in Bancassurance with new business up 36% year on year. The fall in equity
markets reduced Bancassurance income by £7 million.
Direct expenses increased by 4% or £19 million to £447 million.
The direct cost:income ratio improved from 22.7% to 21.9%.
Provisions increased by £18 million to £102 million, reflecting growth in
lending over recent years.
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Net interest income 370 319 674
Non-interest income 386 317 696
----- ----- -------
Total income 756 636 1,370
Direct expenses
- staff costs 88 79 164
- other 198 192 400
----- ----- -----
Contribution before provisions 470 365 806
Provisions 140 124 255
----- ----- -----
Contribution 330 241 551
----- ----- -----
Direct cost:income ratio (%) 37.8 42.6 41.2
Total assets (£bn) 17.9 15.7 17.2
Loans and advances to customers - gross
- mortgages (£bn) 6.6 5.2 5.9
- other (£bn) 11.4 10.3 11.2
Customer deposits (£bn) 4.2 3.3 4.3
Weighted risk assets (£bn) 13.1 11.5 12.5
Retail Direct issues a comprehensive range of credit, charge and debit cards to
personal and corporate customers and engages in merchant acquisition and
processing facilities for retail businesses. It also includes: Tesco Personal
Finance ('TPF'), Virgin Direct Personal Finance ('VDPF'), Direct Line Financial
Services ('DLFS'), Lombard Direct, the Group's internet banking platform and
Comfort Card European businesses, all of them offering products to customers
through direct channels.
Contribution increased over the first half of 2001 by 37% or £89 million to £330
Total income was up by 19% or £120 million to £756 million, reflecting continued
strong growth in the Cards Business and in TPF. The number of active credit card
accounts increased since December 2001 by 350,000 to 9.51 million at June 2002.
The number of customers of TPF increased since December 2001 by 400,000 to 3.0
million at June 2002.
Net interest income was up by 16% or £51 million to £370 million. Average credit
card and store card balances were up by 8% to £8.0 billion. In TPF, average
personal loans rose by 24% to £1.1 billion and average customer deposits by 32%
to £1.8 billion. In addition, average mortgage lending was 41% higher in VDPF at
£3.9 billion and 13% higher in DLFS at £2.3 billion, while average personal
lending in DLFS and Lombard Direct increased by 14% to £1.9 billion.
Non-interest income was up by 22% or £69 million to £386 million mainly as a
result of higher fee income reflecting growth in volumes, particularly in TPF,
where the total number of insurance policies increased to 950,000 from 700,000
at December 2001.
Direct expenses increased by 6% or £15 million to £286 million, to support
business expansion.
The direct cost:income ratio improved from 42.6% to 37.8%.
Provisions increased by £16 million to £140 million, reflecting the growth in
lending volumes.
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Staff costs 235 194 428
Other costs 615 584 1,140
----- ----- -------
Total manufacturing costs 850 778 1,568
----- ----- -------
Group Technology 327 299 632
Group Purchasing and Property Operations 279 255 467
Customer Support and other operations 244 224 469
----- ----- -------
Total manufacturing costs 850 778 1,568
----- ----- -------
Manufacturing supports the customer facing businesses, mainly Corporate Banking
and Financial Markets, Retail Banking and Retail Direct, and provides
operational technology, account management, money transmission, property and
other services.
Total manufacturing costs amounted to £850 million in the first half of 2002, 9%
or £72 million higher than the first half of 2001.
The increase in costs reflects support for growth in business volumes arising
from new customer accounts opened, mortgage applications, new personal loans and
ATM transactions, and for initiatives to enhance customer service, particularly
in NatWest telephony.
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Net interest income 228 231 464
Non-interest income 236 241 469
----- ----- -----
Total income 464 472 933
- staff costs 155 150 298
- other 82 92 181
----- ----- -----
Contribution before provisions 227 230 454
Net release of provisions 8 4 5
----- ----- -----
Contribution 235 234 459
----- ----- -----
Cost:income ratio (%) 51.1 51.3 51.3
Total assets (£bn) 13.8 12.1 12.5
Investment management assets - excluding
deposits (£bn) 21.3 22.6 21.4
Customer deposits (£bn) 28.9 28.3 29.1
Weighted risk assets (£bn) 8.9 7.0 7.8
Wealth Management comprises Coutts Group, Adam & Company and the offshore
banking businesses, The Royal Bank of Scotland International and NatWest
Offshore. The Coutts Group focuses on private banking through the Coutts, The
Royal Bank of Scotland and NatWest Private Banking brands. Adam & Company is a
private bank operating primarily in Scotland. The offshore businesses provide
retail banking services to local and expatriate customers, and corporate banking
and treasury services to corporate, intermediary and institutional clients.
Contribution was £235 million, £1 million higher than the first half of 2001.
Total income was down by 2% or £8 million to £464 million.
Net interest income declined by 1% or £3 million to £228 million, as a result of
a small reduction in deposit margins associated with lower interest rates.
Non-interest income declined by 2% or £5 million to £236 million, reflecting the
impact of lower equity markets on fees and commissions. However, despite lower
equity markets, new business inflow ensured that the amount of investment
management assets was maintained at a level similar to December 2001.
Expenses were down by 2% or £5 million to £237 million with certain processes
now performed by the Manufacturing division.
The cost:income ratio improved slightly from 51.3% to 51.1%.
There was a net release of provisions of £8 million in the first half of 2002,
against a net release of £4 million in the first half of 2001.
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Earned premiums 1,111 817 1,804
Reinsurers' share (226) (216) (429)
------- ------- -------
Insurance premium income 885 601 1,375
Other income 104 78 168
------ ------- -------
Total income 989 679 1,543
- staff costs 90 68 152
- other 107 81 182
Gross claims 787 585 1,263
Reinsurers' share (148) (167) (315)
------- ------ ------
Contribution 153 112 261
------- ------ ------
In-force policies (000)
- motor: UK 4,376 3,617 4,017
- motor: International 782 335 601
- home: UK 1,552 1,143 1,360
Combined operating ratio - UK (%) 89.1 87.0 88.0
Insurance reserves - UK (£m) 1,787 1,336 1,541
Direct Line Group sells and underwrites retail and wholesale insurance on the
telephone and the internet. The Direct Division sells general insurance and
motor breakdown services direct to the customer and Green Flag is a leading
wholesale provider of insurance and motoring related services. Through its
International Division, Direct Line sells insurance in Spain, Germany, Italy and
Japan. The acquisition of Royal & Sun Alliance's direct motor insurance
operation in Italy is expected to be completed by the end of 2002. This will
make Direct Line the second largest direct insurer in Italy with over 300,000
Contribution increased over the first half of 2001 by 37% or £41 million to £153
Total income was up by 46% or £310 million to £989 million. Excluding
acquisitions, which added £28 million, total income was up by 42% or £282
After reinsurance, insurance premium income was up by 47% or £284 million to
£885 million, reflecting strong growth in customer numbers. The number of UK
in-force motor insurance policies increased since December 2001 by 360,000 to
4.38 million at June 2002, while the number of UK in-force home insurance
policies increased since December 2001 by 190,000 to 1.55 million at June 2002.
Expenses increased by 32% or £48 million to £197 million. Excluding
acquisitions, which added £20 million, expenses were up by 19% or £28 million.
Net claims, after reinsurance, increased by 53% or £221 million to £639 million,
mainly as a result of higher business volumes.
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
(restated) (restated)
£m £m £m
Net interest income 165 149 313
Non-interest income 92 83 170
----- ----- -----
Total income 257 232 483
- staff costs 69 65 135
- other 52 46 104
----- ----- -----
Contribution before provisions 136 121 244
Provisions 11 6 15
----- ----- -----
Contribution 125 115 229
----- ----- -----
Cost:income ratio (%) 47.1 47.8 49.5
Total assets (£bn) 11.6 11.1 10.8
Loans and advances to customers - gross (£bn) 8.3 7.1 7.6
Customer deposits (£bn) 8.1 7.2 7.7
Weighted risk assets (£bn) 8.4 7.4 7.7
Average exchange rate - €/£ 1.609 1.605 1.609
Spot exchange rate - €/£ 1.543 1.660 1.637
Ulster Bank provides a comprehensive range of retail and wholesale financial
services in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Retail Banking has a
network of branches throughout Ireland and operates in the personal, commercial
and wealth management sectors. Corporate Banking and Financial Markets provides
a wide range of services in the corporate and institutional markets. Lombard &
Ulster was transferred from Ulster Bank to CBFM on 1 January 2002; prior periods
have been restated to reflect this.
Contribution increased over the first half of 2001 by 9%, or £10 million to £125
Total income increased by 11%, £25 million to £257 million.
Net interest income rose by 11% or £16 million to £165 million, reflecting good
growth in both loans and deposits. Average customer loans and advances and
deposits of the banking business increased by 15%, £1.0 billion, to £7.7
billion, and by 8%, £0.6 billion, to £7.6 billion respectively. The net interest
margin was unchanged. The number of customers increased since December 2001 by
20,000 to 762,000 at June 2002.
Non-interest income rose by 11% or £9 million to £92 million. Net fees and
commissions increased by £5 million, while other operating income was £4 million
Expenses increased by 9% or £10 million to £121 million, to support higher
business volumes.
The cost:income ratio improved from 47.8% to 47.1%.
Provisions were up by £5 million to £11 million. The increase reflected a small
number of specific situations.
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Net interest income 640 370 814
Non-interest income 236 147 306
----- ----- --------
Total income 876 517 1,120
- staff costs 243 146 305
- other 198 110 245
----- ----- -----
Contribution before provisions 435 261 570
Provisions 51 28 69
----- ----- -----
Contribution 384 233 501
----- ----- -----
Cost:income ratio (%) 50.3 49.5 49.1
Total assets ($bn) 54.3 31.7 52.4
Loans and advances to customers - gross ($bn) 27.1 18.9 26.3
Customer deposits ($bn) 44.4 26.0 42.8
Weighted risk assets ($bn) 36.5 24.4 35.8
Average exchange rate - US$/£ 1.445 1.440 1.440
Spot exchange rate - US$/£ 1.528 1.405 1.450
Citizens is engaged in retail and corporate banking activities through its
branch network in the states of Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts and New
Hampshire and is the second largest bank in New England. The acquisition of the
Mellon Regional Franchise in December 2001 extended Citizens presence to the
states of Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey. In June 2002, Citizens
announced the acquisition of the Massachusetts savings bank, Medford Bancorp,
Inc, subject to approval by Medford shareholders and US regulators.
Contribution increased over the first half of 2001 by 65% or £151 million to
£384 million. Excluding the Mellon Regional Franchise, which contributed £114
million, and the £1 million adverse impact of exchange rate fluctuations,
contribution increased by 16% or £38 million.
Total income was up by 69% or £359 million to £876 million. Excluding the Mellon
Regional Franchise and exchange rate fluctuations, total income increased by 17%
or £89 million. Net interest income rose by 73% or £270 million to £640 million.
Excluding the Mellon Regional Franchise, which added £205 million, and exchange
rate fluctuations, net interest income was up by 18% or £66 million, as a result
of strong growth in personal loans and deposits.
Non-interest income rose by 61% or £89 million to £236 million. Excluding the
Mellon Regional Franchise, which added £67 million, and exchange rate
fluctuations, non-interest income was up by 16% or £23 million, as a result of
growth in deposit service charges and mortgage banking.
Expenses increased by 72% or £185 million to £441 million. Excluding the Mellon
Regional Franchise, which added £153 million, and exchange rate fluctuations,
expenses increased by 13% or £33 million, to support higher business volumes and
expansion of Citizens' supermarket banking.
The cost:income ratio increased from 49.5% to 50.3%. However, excluding the
Mellon Regional Franchise the cost:income ratio improved from 49.5% to 47.7%.
Provisions were up from £28 million to £51 million. Excluding the Mellon
Regional Franchise, which added £5 million, provisions of £46 million were
consistent with provisions in the second half of 2001 and the growth in lending
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Funding costs 113 102 211
Central department costs
- staff costs 51 48 99
- other 48 37 93
Other corporate items - net 56 105 83
------ ------ ------
Total Central items 268 292 486
------ ------ ------
The Centre comprises group and corporate functions which provide services to the
operating divisions.
Total Central items decreased by £24 million to £268 million, compared with the
first half of 2001.
Funding costs at £113 million, including £31 million interest payable on
perpetual regulatory tier one securities, were 11%, £11 million higher.
Departmental and other costs reduced to £155 million compared with £190 million
reflecting certain one off items in both years.
First half 2002 First half 2001
Average Interest Rate Average Interest Rate
balance balance
Assets £m £m % £m £m %
Treasury and other eligible bills
UK 935 9 1.9 174 5 5.7
Overseas 271 2 1.5 84 2 4.8
Loans and advances to banks
UK 13,733 254 3.7 17,542 452 5.2
Overseas 10,767 171 3.2 9,314 282 6.1
Loans and advances to customers
UK 134,530 3,879 5.8 117,689 4,259 7.2
Overseas 33,444 917 5.5 26,060 945 7.3
Instalment credit and finance lease
UK 15,498 628 8.1 14,311 596 8.3
Overseas 1,253 41 6.5 1,510 52 6.9
Debt securities
UK 16,919 335 4.0 16,165 476 5.9
Overseas 18,750 472 5.0 10,892 331 6.1
----------- -------- ----------- --------
Interest-earning assets - banking business 246,100 6,708 5.5 213,741 7,400 6.9
- trading business 75,941 -------- 68,661 --------
----------- -----------
Total interest-earning assets 322,041 282,402
Non-interest-earning assets 65,188 59,345
----------- -----------
Total assets 387,229 341,747
----------- -----------
Percentage of assets applicable to
overseas operations 31.7% 26.5%
---------- ----------
Deposits by banks
UK 19,112 253 2.6 17,191 388 4.5
Overseas 10,496 129 2.5 7,828 205 5.2
Customer accounts
UK 118,123 1,499 2.5 112,250 2,318 4.1
Overseas 34,940 413 2.4 25,325 521 4.1
Debt securities in issue
UK 24,096 470 3.9 19,887 528 5.3
Overseas 9,032 129 2.9 8,257 228 5.5
Loan capital
UK 12,847 322 5.0 10,186 357 7.0
Overseas 173 9 10.4 342 14 8.2
Internal funding of trading business (22,075) (389) 3.5 (17,903) (412) 4.6
----------- -------- ----------- --------
Interest-bearing liabilities - banking business 206,744 2,835 2.8 183,363 4,147 4.5
- trading business 72,095 -------- 65,508 --------
----------- -----------
Total interest-bearing liabilities 278,839 248,871
Non-interest-bearing liabilities
- demand deposits 28,309 24,363
- other liabilities 53,207 44,743
Shareholders' funds 26,874 23,770
----------- -----------
Total liabilities and shareholders' funds 387,229 341,747
----------- -----------
Percentage of liabilities applicable to
overseas operations 30.2% 25.4%
----------- ---------
The analysis between UK and Overseas has been compiled on the basis of location
of office.
Interest receivable and interest payable on trading assets and liabilities are
included in dealing profits.
First half 2002 First half 2001
Average Average
rate Rate
% %
The Group's base rate 4.0 5.6
London inter-bank offered rate:
three month sterling 4.1 5.5
three month eurodollar 1.9 4.8
three month euro 3.4 4.7
Yields, spreads and margins of the banking business:
Gross yield (1)
Group 5.5 6.9
UK 5.6 7.0
Overseas 5.0 6.7
Interest spread (2)
Group 2.7 2.4
UK 2.8 2.5
Overseas 2.5 2.1
Net interest margin (3)
Group 3.1 3.0
UK 3.2 3.1
Overseas 2.9 2.9
1) Gross yield is the interest rate earned on average interest-earning
assets of the banking business.
2) Interest spread is the difference between the gross yield and the
interest rate paid on average interest-bearing liabilities of the
banking business.
3) Net interest margin is net interest income of the banking business as a
percentage of average interest-earning assets of the banking business.
In the Offer Document for NatWest issued on 16 December 1999, the Group made
various estimates in respect of revenue benefits, cost savings and staff
reductions. Those estimates were based on the latest available published
information at that time, namely NatWest interim accounts for the half year to
30 June 1999 and the Group's accounts for the year to 30 September 1999. On 19
April 2000, the Group revised its estimates upwards as a consequence of the
experience gained by having detailed access to NatWest following the acquisition
on 6 March 2000. These revised estimates are shown in the tables below as
Subsequently, the Group further revised the integration targets upwards in
February 2002 for the remainder of the programme based on actual achievements.
These targets are shown in the tables below as 'revised plan'.
Period ending
REVENUE BENEFITS December December June December March
2000 2001 2002 2002 2003
• Cumulative gross revenue
initiatives implemented at the
end of each period (£m)
plan 120 350 550 595
revised plan 800 890
actual 147 605 707
• Impact on profit before tax (£m)
plan 50 120 240 390
revised plan 460 590
actual 52 312 222
The gross revenue initiatives generated income of £337 million in the six months
to 30 June 2002 which, net of costs, claims and provisions, added £222 million
to profit before tax.
Period ending
COST SAVINGS December December June December March
2000 2001 2002 2002 2003
• Cumulative cost savings
implemented at the end of each
period (£m)
plan 550 900 1,200 1,340
revised plan 1,340 1,440
actual 653 1,205 1,280
• Impact on profit before tax (£m)
plan 290 700 1,050 1,300
revised plan 1,280 1,400
actual 448 1,008 618
Period ending
STAFF REDUCTIONS December December June December March
2000 2001 2002 2002 2003
• Cumulative total
plan 9,000 14,000 16,000 18,000
revised plan 18,000 18,000
actual 13,000 17,000 17,250
Period ending
INTEGRATION COSTS December December June December March
2000 2001 2002 2002 2003
• Cumulative charge (£m)
plan 650 1,150 1,350 1,400
revised plan 2,200 2,300
actual 547 1,394 1,767
In the Group announcement relating to the acquisition of the Mellon Regional
Franchise issued on 17 July 2001, the Group made various estimates in respect of
cost savings and revenue benefits. Those estimates were based on the unaudited
management accounts of the Mellon Regional Franchise for the four months ended
20 April 2001 and Citizen's financial statements for the year ended 31 December
2000. These estimates were confirmed as part of the Group's year end reporting
on 28 February 2002.
Period ending
REVENUE BENEFITS June December December December
2002 2002 2003 2004
• Cumulative gross revenue initiatives
implemented at the end of each
period (US$m)
plan 57 136 242
actual 40
• Impact on profit before tax (US$m)
plan 2 34 104
actual 6
The gross revenue initiatives generated income of US$15 million in the six
months to 30 June 2002 which, net of costs, claims and provisions, added US$6
million to profit before tax.
Period ending
COST SAVINGS June December December December
2002 2002 2003 2004
• Cumulative cost savings implemented
at the end of each period (US$m)
plan 71 95 101
actual 54
• Impact on profit before tax (US$m)
plan 46 83 98
actual 26
Period ending
INTEGRATION COSTS December June December December December
2001 2002 2002 2003 2004
• Cumulative charge (US$m)
plan 101 241 260 267
actual 41 167
The above discussion of the NatWest and Mellon Regional Franchise integrations
should be read in the light of the 'forward-looking statements' discussed on
page 46.
FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2002 (unaudited)
In the consolidated profit and loss account set out below, goodwill amortisation
and integration costs are included in the captions prescribed by the Companies
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Interest receivable 6,708 7,400 14,421
Interest payable 2,835 4,147 7,575
-------- -------- --------
Net interest income 3,873 3,253 6,846
-------- -------- --------
Dividend income 29 24 54
Fees and commissions receivable 2,609 2,209 4,735
Fees and commissions payable (481) (459) (930)
Dealing profits 724 689 1,426
Other operating income 543 505 1,052
-------- -------- --------
3,424 2,968 6,337
General insurance
- earned premiums 1,111 817 1,804
- reinsurance (226) (216) (429)
-------- -------- --------
Non-interest income 4,309 3,569 7,712
-------- -------- ---------
Total income 8,182 6,822 14,558
-------- -------- ---------
Administrative expenses
- staff costs* 2,192 1,882 4,059
- premises and equipment* 485 419 873
- other* 1,096 915 1,903
Depreciation and amortisation
- tangible fixed assets* 428 429 881
- goodwill 365 318 651
-------- -------- --------
Operating expenses 4,566 3,963 8,367
-------- -------- --------
Profit before other operating charges 3,616 2,859 6,191
General insurance
- gross claims 787 585 1,263
- reinsurance (148) (167) (315)
-------- -------- --------
Operating profit before provisions 2,977 2,441 5,243
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts 611 367 984
Amounts written off fixed asset investments 41 2 7
-------- -------- --------
Profit on ordinary activities before tax 2,325 2,072 4,252
-------- -------- --------
FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2002 (unaudited) (continued)
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Profit on ordinary activities before tax 2,325 2,072 4,252
Tax on profit on ordinary activities 781 746 1,537
-------- -------- --------
Profit on ordinary activities after tax 1,544 1,326 2,715
Minority interests (including non-equity) 49 44 90
-------- -------- --------
Profit after minority interests 1,495 1,282 2,625
Preference dividends 159 178 358
-------- -------- --------
1,336 1,104 2,267
Additional Value Shares dividend - - 399
-------- -------- --------
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders 1,336 1,104 1,868
Ordinary dividends 368 313 1,085
-------- -------- --------
Retained profit 968 791 783
-------- -------- --------
Basic earnings per ordinary share (Note 4) 46.6p 41.1p 67.6p
-------- -------- --------
Adjusted earnings per ordinary share (Note 4) 69.8p 62.6p 127.9p
-------- -------- --------
Diluted earnings per ordinary share (Note 4) 46.0p 40.4p 66.3p
-------- -------- --------
* Operating expenses include the following integration costs:
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Staff costs 262 223 598
Premises and equipment 52 15 64
Other administrative expenses 146 103 188
Depreciation 1 20 25
-------- -------- --------
461 361 875
-------- -------- --------
AS AT 30 JUNE 2002 (unaudited)
30 June 31 December 30 June
2002 2001 2001
(restated) (restated)
£m £m £m
Cash and balances at central banks 3,037 3,093 2,639
Items in the course of collection from
other banks 3,925 3,288 3,799
Treasury bills and other eligible bills 8,184 10,136 3,882
Loans and advances to banks 39,172 38,513 39,748
Loans and advances to customers 209,884 190,492 179,389
Debt securities 68,829 64,040 53,721
Equity shares 1,794 1,557 1,609
Interests in associated undertakings 110 108 115
Intangible fixed assets 12,981 13,325 11,821
Tangible fixed assets 9,136 8,813 6,934
Other assets 26,070 21,550 22,520
Prepayments and accrued income 4,487 3,696 4,422
----------- ----------- -----------
387,609 358,611 330,599
Long-term assurance assets attributable to
policyholders 9,530 10,248 10,344
----------- ----------- -----------
Total assets 397,139 368,859 340,943
----------- ----------- -----------
Deposits by banks 47,015 40,038 35,627
Items in the course of transmission to
other banks 1,942 2,109 1,851
Customer accounts 204,800 198,995 180,964
Debt securities in issue 32,451 30,669 29,847
Other liabilities 48,990 37,357 37,234
Accruals and deferred income 8,156 7,669 7,448
Provisions for liabilities and charges
- deferred taxation 1,672 1,650 1,480
- other provisions 306 341 316
Subordinated liabilities
- dated loan capital 7,247 6,681 6,404
- undated loan capital including convertible debt 6,215 5,849 4,255
Minority interests
- equity 32 5 (15)
- non-equity 1,383 580 618
Shareholders' funds
- equity 23,743 22,287 20,098
- non-equity 3,657 4,381 4,472
----------- ----------- -----------
387,609 358,611 330,599
Long-term assurance liabilities to policyholders 9,530 10,248 10,344
----------- ----------- -----------
Total liabilities 397,139 368,859 340,943
----------- ----------- -----------
Memorandum items
Contingent liabilities and commitments 146,249 138,844 115,343
----------- ----------- -----------
This overview compares the balance sheets at 30 June 2002 and 31 December 2001.
Total assets of £397.1 billion at 30 June 2002 were up £28.3 billion, 8%,
compared with
31 December 2001, reflecting business growth.
Treasury bills and other eligible bills decreased by £2.0 billion, 19%, to £8.2
billion reflecting liquidity management.
Loans and advances to banks rose £0.7 billion, 2%, to £39.2 billion. Growth in
bank placings, up £2.2 billion, 11% to £23.0 billion, was partially offset by
decreased reverse repurchase agreements and stock borrowing ('reverse repos'),
down £1.5 billion, 9%, to £16.2 billion, reflecting a switch to customer reverse
Loans and advances to customers were up £19.4 billion, 10%, to £209.9 billion.
Within this, reverse repos increased by 69%, £8.0 billion to £19.6 billion.
Excluding reverse repos, lending increased by £11.4 billion, 6% (7% at constant
US$ exchange rate for Citizens) to £190.3 billion. Growth was reflected across
all divisions except for Citizens, which was adversely affected by the
depreciation of the US$. In US$ terms, customer lending in Citizens was up 3%.
Debt securities increased by £4.8 billion, 7%, to £68.8 billion, principally due
to increased positions in Financial Markets, due to a switch from bank placings,
together with growth in Wealth Management's investment portfolio of investment
grade asset-backed securities.
Intangible fixed assets declined by £0.3 billion, 3% to £13.0 billion,
reflecting amortisation in the period.
Tangible fixed assets were up £0.3 billion, 4% to £9.1 billion, primarily due to
growth in operating lease assets.
Other assets rose by £4.5 billion, 21% to £26.1 billion, mainly due to higher
settlement balances, up £3.8 billion and growth in the mark-to-market value of
trading derivatives, up £0.5 billion, both as a result of increased trading
Long term assurance assets declined £0.7 billion, 7% to £9.5 billion reflecting
the fall in equity markets partially offset by increased investments.
Deposits by banks increased by £7.0 billion, 17% to £47.0 billion to fund
business growth, with repurchase agreements and stock lending ('repos') up £4.3
billion, 41%, to £14.7 billion and inter-bank deposits up £2.7 billion, 9% to
£32.3 billion.
Customer accounts were up £5.8 billion, 3% at £204.8 billion. Within this, repos
were up by £1.9 billion, 11% to £19.4 billion. Excluding repos, deposits rose
£3.9 billion, 2% (3% at constant US$ exchange rate for Citizens) to £185.4
billion with growth in Corporate Banking and Financial Markets, Retail Banking
and Ulster Bank, partly offset by small declines in Retail Direct, Wealth
Management and Citizens, although in US$ terms, Citizens grew by 4%.
Debt securities in issue were up £1.8 billion, 6%, at £32.5 billion primarily to
meet the Group's funding requirements.
Other liabilities increased by £11.6 billion, 31% to £49.0 billion mainly due to
higher settlement balances, up £4.7 billion, short positions, up £5.7 billion,
and mark-to-market value of trading derivatives, up £1.3 billion.
Subordinated liabilities were up £0.9 billion, 7% to £13.5 billion. The issue of
£0.1 billion (€130 million) euro denominated and £0.6 billion (US$ 850 million)
US$ denominated, dated loan capital and £0.5 billion sterling denominated
undated loan capital was partially offset by the effect of exchange rate
movements of £0.2 billion and a £40 million redemption of loan capital.
Minority interests increased by £0.8 billion to £1.4 billion reflecting the
issue of £0.8 billion (€1.25 billion) trust preferred securities by a subsidiary
of the Group.
Shareholders' funds were up £0.7 billion, 3% to £27.4 billion principally due to
retentions of £1.0 billion and the issue of £0.5 billion of equity shares,
mainly in respect of the scrip dividend, partly offset by the redemption of £0.6
billion non-equity shares in January 2002 and the effect of exchange rate
movements on the share premium account, £0.1 billion.
FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2002 (unaudited)
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders 1,336 1,104 1,868
Currency translation adjustments and other
movements 13 (13) (3)
Revaluation of premises - - 72
------- ------- -------
Total recognised gains and losses in the period 1,349 1,091 1,937
------- -------
Prior year adjustment on the implementation
of FRS 19 (117)
Total recognised gains and losses since
31 December 2001 1,232
FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2002 (unaudited)
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Profit attributable to ordinary
shareholders 1,336 1,104 1,868
Ordinary dividends (368) (313) (1,085)
-------- -------- --------
Retained profit for the period 968 791 783
Issue of ordinary and preference shares 481 643 2,759
Perpetual regulatory tier one securities - - 835
Redemption of preference shares (600) - -
Other recognised gains and losses 13 (13) 69
Currency translation adjustment on
share premium account (130) 150 58
-------- -------- --------
Net increase in shareholders' funds as
previously reported 732 1,571 4,504
Perpetual regulatory tier one securities - - (835)
-------- -------- --------
Net increase in shareholders' funds as restated 732 1,571 3,669
-------- -------- --------
Opening shareholders' funds as
previously reported 27,620 23,116 23,116
Prior year adjustments:
- FRS 19 (117) (117) (117)
- UITF 33 (835) - -
--------- --------- ---------
Opening shareholders' funds as restated 26,668 22,999 22,999
--------- --------- ---------
Closing shareholders' funds 27,400 24,570 26,668
--------- --------- ---------
FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2002 (unaudited)
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Net cash inflow from operating activities 4,597 6,183 7,287
------- ------- -------
Dividends received from associated undertakings - 1 1
------- ------- -------
Returns on investments and servicing of
Preference dividends paid (175) (185) (353)
Additional Value Shares dividend paid - - (399)
Dividends paid to minority shareholders in
subsidiary undertakings (22) (21) (43)
Interest paid on subordinated liabilities (313) (341) (652)
------- ------- ---------
Net cash outflow from returns on investments and
servicing of finance (510) (547) (1,447)
------- ------- ---------
UK tax paid (349) (181) (790)
Overseas tax paid (142) (188) (419)
------- ------- ---------
Net cash outflow from taxation (491) (369) (1,209)
------- ------- ---------
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of investment securities (13,957) (11,941) (27,537)
Sale and maturity of investment securities 11,957 12,496 20,578
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (1,344) (1,582) (4,245)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 615 364 867
---------- ---------- ----------
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and
financial investment (2,729) (663) (10,337)
---------- ---------- ----------
Acquisitions and disposals
Purchases of businesses and subsidiary
undertakings (net of cash acquired) (173) - (1,614)
Investment in associated undertakings (2) (45) (47)
Sale of subsidiary and associated
undertakings (net of cash sold) - 8 8
------- -------- --------
Net cash outflow from acquisitions and disposals (175) (37) (1,653)
------- -------- --------
Ordinary equity dividends paid (381) (353) (653)
-------- -------- ---------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 311 4,215 (8,011)
-------- -------- ---------
Proceeds from issue of ordinary share capital 22 22 2,131
Proceeds from issue of trust preferred securities 802 - -
Proceeds from issue of preference share capital - 281 281
Issue of subordinated liabilities 1,167 689 2,705
Redemption of preference shares (600) - -
Repayment of subordinated liabilities (40) (693) (693)
Increase/(decrease) in minority interests 21 14 (13)
-------- -------- --------
Net cash inflow from financing 1,372 313 4,411
-------- -------- --------
Increase/(decrease) in cash 1,683 4,528 (3,600)
-------- -------- ---------
1. Accounting policies
There have been no changes to the Group's principal accounting policies
as set out on pages 49 to 51 of the 2001 Report and Accounts, except as
noted under 'Restatements' on page 7 in respect of FRS 19 ' Deferred
Tax'. As discussed on page 7, publication of UITF 33 has resulted in
the reclassification of the Group's perpetual regulatory tier one
2. Provisions for bad and doubtful debts
Operating profit is stated after charging provisions for bad and
doubtful debts of £611 million (30 June 2001 - £367 million). The
balance sheet provisions for bad and doubtful debts increased in the
six months to 30 June 2002 from £3,653 million to £3,856 million, and
the movements thereon were:
2002 2001
Specific General Total Total
£m £m £m £m
At 1 January 3,039 614 3,653 3,153
Currency translation and other adjustments (16) (2) (18) 34
Amounts written off (424) - (424) (354)
Recoveries of amounts previously written off 34 - 34 36
Charge to profit and loss account 609 2 611 367
-------- -------- -------- --------
At 30 June 3,242 614 3,856 3,236
-------- -------- -------- --------
3. Taxation
The charge for taxation is based on a UK corporation tax rate of 30%
and comprises:
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Tax on profit before goodwill
and integration costs 942 847 1,798
Tax relief on goodwill
amortisation and
integration costs (161) (101) (261)
------- ------- -------
781 746 1,537
------- ------- -------
The tax charge of £781 million, equivalent to 34% of pre-tax profit, is
higher than the standard UK tax rate of 30% mainly due to goodwill
amortisation, which is not allowable for UK tax.
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
(restated) (restated)
£m £m £m
Expected tax charge 698 622 1,276
Goodwill amortisation 92 89 188
Contributions to employee share
ownership trust (3) (3) (48)
Non-deductible items 5 39 166
Non-taxable items (3) (8) (51)
Taxable foreign exchange - - 16
Foreign profits taxed at other (7) 12 (13)
Losses brought forward utilised (1) (9) (10)
Prior year items - 4 13
-------- -------- --------
781 746 1,537
-------- -------- --------
NOTES (continued)
4. Earnings per share
The earnings per share have been calculated based on the following:
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders 1,336 1,104 1,868
------- ------- --------
Number of shares - millions
Weighted average number of
ordinary shares
In issue during the period 2,866 2,687 2,762
Effect of dilutive share options and
convertible non-equity shares 39 48 55
-------- -------- --------
In issue during the period - diluted 2,905 2,735 2,817
-------- -------- --------
Basic earnings per share 46.6p 41.1p 67.6p
AVS dividend - - 14.5p
-------- -------- --------
46.6p 41.1p 82.1p
Goodwill amortisation 12.1p 11.6p 23.2p
Integration costs 11.1p 9.9p 22.6p
-------- -------- ---------
Adjusted earnings per share 69.8p 62.6p 127.9p
-------- -------- --------
Diluted earnings per share 46.0p 40.4p 66.3p
-------- -------- ---------
Adjusted earnings are calculated by excluding from the profit
attributable to ordinary shareholders the after tax effect of goodwill
amortisation and integration costs, and the AVS dividend.
5. Interim dividend
The directors have declared an interim dividend of 12.7p per share on
the ordinary shares. The interim dividend will be paid on
11 October 2002 to shareholders registered on 16 August 2002. As an
alternative to cash, a scrip dividend election is to be offered and
shareholders will receive details of this by letter.
6. Analysis of repurchase agreements
30 June 31 December 30 June
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Reverse repurchase agreements and
stock borrowing
Loans and advances to banks 16,166 17,721 15,285
Loans and advances to customers 19,582 11,588 14,593
Repurchase agreements and stock
Deposits by banks 14,748 10,446 10,596
Customer accounts 19,401 17,455 15,665
NOTES (continued)
7. Contingent liabilities and commitments
30 June 31 December 30 June
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Contingent liabilities
Acceptances and endorsements 2,246 2,814 2,275
Guarantees and assets pledged as
collateral security 4,970 4,653 4,240
Other contingent liabilities 5,829 6,106 6,247
---------- ---------- ----------
13,045 13,573 12,762
---------- ---------- ----------
Documentary credits and other short-
term trade related transactions 2,098 2,107 1,600
Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit
lines and other commitments to lend 130,761 122,826 100,597
Other commitments 345 338 384
----------- ----------- -----------
133,204 125,271 102,581
----------- ----------- -----------
Total contingent liabilities and commitments 146,249 138,844 115,343
----------- ---------- ----------
8. Derivatives
Replacement cost of over-the-counter contracts (trading and
The following table shows the gross replacement cost, which is the sum
of the fair values, of all over-the-counter contracts with third
parties (trading and non-trading) with positive value. This
measure makes no allowance for netting arrangements.
30 June 31 December 30 June
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Exchange rate contracts 21,134 12,638 15,598
Interest rate contracts 37,732 36,853 24,560
Equity and commodity contracts 228 188 143
---------- ---------- ----------
59,094 49,679 40,301
---------- ---------- ----------
NOTES (continued)
8. Derivatives (continued)
Derivatives held for trading purposes
The table below shows the notional principal amounts of trading
instruments entered into with third parties.
30 June 31 December 30 June
2002 2001 2001
£bn £bn £bn
Exchange rate contracts 883.4 788.6 891.2
Interest rate contracts 3,817.4 3,658.7 3,449.0
Equity and commodity contracts 16.2 18.6 4.0
The table below shows the fair values (which, after netting, are the
balance sheet values) of trading instruments entered into with third
30 June 2002 31 December 2001 30 June 2001
Fair value Fair value Fair value
Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities
£m £m £m £m £m £m
Exchange rate contracts 21,110 21,799 12,586 12,595 15,583 15,679
Interest rate contracts 37,366 37,715 36,638 36,851 24,416 25,405
Equity and commodity
contracts 259 268 472 475 134 130
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
58,735 59,782 49,696 49,921 40,133 41,214
Netting (47,417) (47,417) (38,846) (38,846) (30,000) (30,000)
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
11,318 12,365 10,850 11,075 10,133 11,214
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Derivatives held for purposes other than trading
The Group uses derivatives to manage specific interest rate positions
relating to assets and liabilities and to hedge foreign currency
exposures. The Group establishes non-trading derivative positions with
third parties and through intra-company and intra-Group transactions
with the Group's independent trading operations. The table below shows
the notional principal amounts of the Group's non-trading derivatives
(third party and internal).
30 June 31 December 30 June
2002 2001 2001
£bn £bn £bn
Exchange rate contracts 13.8 13.9 9.0
Interest rate contracts 115.2 108.7 104.5
Equity and commodity contracts 0.9 0.8 1.5
NOTES (continued)
9. Analysis of consolidated shareholders' funds
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
(restated) (restated)
Called-up share capital £m £m £m
At beginning of period 893 848 848
Shares issued during the period 7 7 45
Preference shares redeemed during the period (150) - -
-------- -------- --------
At end of period 750 855 893
-------- -------- --------
Share premium account
At beginning of period 7,465 6,530 6,530
Currency translation adjustments (130) 150 58
Shares issued during the period 485 647 870
Preference shares redeemed during the period (268) - -
Other movements 6 6 7
-------- -------- --------
At end of period 7,558 7,333 7,465
-------- -------- --------
Merger reserve
At beginning of period 12,029 12,604 12,604
Shares issued to finance the Mellon Regional
Franchise acquisition - - 2,007
Transfer to profit and loss account (287) (285) (2,582)
--------- --------- ----------
At end of period 11,742 12,319 12,029
--------- --------- ----------
At beginning of period 212 191 191
Redemption of preference shares 150 - -
Transfer of increase in value of long-term
assurance business 3 8 17
Other movements - - 4
--------- --------- ------
At end of period 365 199 212
--------- --------- ------
Revaluation reserve
At beginning of period 113 40 40
Revaluation of premises - - 72
Transfer (to)/from profit and loss account - (1) 1
-------- -------- --------
At end of period 113 39 113
-------- -------- --------
Profit and loss account
As previously reported 6,073 2,903 2,903
Prior year adjustment (117) (117) (117)
-------- -------- --------
At beginning of period, as restated 5,956 2,786 2,786
Currency translation adjustments and other
movements 7 (19) (14)
Retention for the period 968 791 783
Employee share option payments (11) (11) (163)
Redemption of preference shares (332) - -
Transfer from merger reserve 287 285 2,582
Transfer of increase in value of long-term
assurance business (3) (8) (17)
Transfer from/(to) revaluation reserve - 1 (1)
-------- -------- --------
At end of period 6,872 3,825 5,956
-------- -------- --------
Closing shareholders' funds 27,400 24,570 26,668
---------- ---------- ----------
NOTES (continued)
10. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Operating profit 2,325 2,072 4,252
(Increase)/decrease in prepayments and
accrued income (791) (240) 486
Interest on subordinated liabilities 333 371 674
Increase in accruals and deferred income 473 246 490
Amortisation of and provisions against
investment securities 59 8 39
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts 611 367 984
Loans and advances written off net of
recoveries (390) (318) (755)
Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets (11) (9) (55)
Loss from associated undertakings - 2 6
Profit on sale of investment securities (36) (87) (48)
Provisions for liabilities and charges 2 19 67
Provisions utilised (35) (10) (37)
Depreciation and amortisation of tangible
and intangible fixed assets 793 747 1,532
Increase in value of long-term assurance
business (5) (25) (55)
---------- ---------- ----------
Net cash inflow from trading activities 3,328 3,143 7,580
Increase in items in the course of collection (637) (838) (327)
Decrease/(increase) in treasury and other
eligible bills 1,952 (566) (6,796)
Decrease/(increase) in loans and advances to
banks 1,082 (2,745) (4,785)
Increase in loans and advances to customers (19,596) (11,400) (18,038)
(Increase)/decrease in securities (3,864) 4,248 760
Increase in other assets (4,398) (4,396) (3,327)
(Decrease)/increase in items in the course
of transmission (167) 144 402
Increase in deposits by banks 6,918 497 4,604
Increase in customer accounts 5,805 3,662 11,584
Increase in debt securities in issue 1,782 10,440 11,262
Increase in other liabilities 11,693 4,298 4,271
Effects of other accruals/deferrals and other
non-cash movements 699 (304) 97
---------- ---------- ----------
Net cash inflow from operating activities 4,597 6,183 7,287
---------- ---------- ----------
NOTES (continued)
11. Litigation
Members of the Group are engaged in litigation in the United Kingdom
and a number of overseas jurisdictions, including the United States,
involving claims by and against them which arise in the ordinary
course of business. The directors of the company, after reviewing the
claims pending and threatened against Group undertakings and taking
into account the advice of the relevant legal advisers, are satisfied
that the outcome of these claims will not have a material adverse
effect on the net assets of the Group.
12. Statutory accounts
Financial information contained in this document does not constitute
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies
Act 1985 ('the Act'). The statutory accounts for the year ended
31 December 2001 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and
have been reported on by the auditors under Section 235 of the Act.
The report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a
statement under 237(2) or (3) of the Act.
13. Auditors' review
The interim results have been reviewed by the Group's auditors,
Deloitte & Touche, and their review report is set out on page 47.
14. Form 6-K
This interim report will be filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission in the US on Form 6-K.
15. Final results
The Group's results for the year ended 31 December 2002 will be
announced on Thursday 27 February 2003.
Analysis of loans and advances to customers
The following table analyses loans and advances to customers (including reverse
repurchase agreements and stock borrowing, instalment credit and finance lease
receivables) by geographical area and type of customer.
30 June 31 December 30 June
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Central and local government 1,300 706 1,543
Manufacturing 6,730 7,401 6,655
Construction 3,235 3,018 2,931
Finance 15,208 8,517 10,801
Service industries 20,770 19,169 16,742
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2,511 2,391 2,362
Property 13,558 12,274 10,516
Business and other services 6,407 5,864 4,094
Individuals - home mortgage 39,501 36,976 34,362
- other 21,366 20,076 19,438
Instalment credit and other loans 5,457 5,347 5,174
Finance leases 6,167 5,911 5,966
----------- ----------- -----------
142,210 127,650 120,584
Overseas residents 24,737 24,164 24,111
----------- ----------- -----------
Total UK offices 166,947 151,814 144,695
----------- ----------- -----------
USA 31,646 29,230 25,881
Rest of the World 15,141 13,093 12,039
----------- ----------- -----------
Total overseas offices 46,787 42,323 37,920
----------- ----------- -----------
Loans and advances to customers - gross 213,734 194,137 182,615
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (3,850) (3,645) (3,226)
----------- ----------- -----------
Total loans and advances to customers 209,884 190,492 179,389
----------- ----------- -----------
ASSET QUALITY (continued)
Cross border outstandings
The table below sets out the Group's cross border outstandings in excess of
0.75% of Group total assets (including acceptances) of £399.4 billion
(31 December 2001 - £371.6 billion; 30 June 2001 - £343.3 billion). None of
these countries have experienced repayment difficulties which have required
refinancing of outstanding debt.
30 June 31 December 30 June
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Germany 9,424 7,969 8,336
USA 7,986 8,901 6,364
Cayman Islands 6,333 5,501 4,555
Netherlands 4,996 4,596 4,520
France 4,563 4,930 4,706
Spain 3,476 * *
Switzerland * 3,646 3,422
* less than 0.75% of Group total assets (including acceptances).
Selected country exposures
The Group devotes particular attention to exposures to countries that have been
adversely affected by global economic pressure. The table below details
exposures to countries that are sometimes considered as having a higher credit
and foreign exchange risk.
30 June 2002 31 December 2001 30 June 2001
Bank Non-bank Total Bank Non-bank Total Bank Non-bank Total
£m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m
Argentina 35 16 51 39 12 51 61 52 113
Brazil 42 22 64 158 22 180 202 56 258
Mexico 76 70 146 108 62 170 193 85 278
Turkey 29 103 132 38 102 140 145 77 222
Uruguay - - - 3 - 3 4 - 4
Venezuela - 111 111 - 99 99 - 105 105
ASSET QUALITY (continued)
Risk elements in lending
The Group's loan control and review procedures do not include the classification
of loans as non-accrual, accruing past due, restructured and potential problem
loans, as defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission ('SEC') in the US.
The following table shows the estimated amount of loans which would be reported
using the SEC's classifications. The figures incorporate estimates and are
stated before deducting the value of security held or related provisions.
30 June 31 December 30 June
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Loans accounted for on a non-accrual basis (2):
Domestic 3,085 2,829 2,555
Foreign 897 737 400
-------- -------- --------
3,982 3,566 2,955
-------- -------- --------
Accruing loans which are contractually overdue
90 days or more as to principal or interest (3):
Domestic 494 643 770
Foreign 145 142 143
-------- -------- --------
639 785 913
-------- -------- --------
Loans not included above which are 'troubled
debt restructurings' as defined by the SEC:
Domestic 78 26 37
Foreign 92 116 140
-------- -------- --------
170 142 177
-------- -------- --------
Total risk elements in lending 4,791 4,493 4,045
-------- -------- --------
Closing provisions for bad and doubtful debts
as a % of total risk elements in lending 80% 81% 80%
-------- -------- --------
Risk elements in lending as a % of gross loans
and advances to customers 2.24% 2.31% 2.22%
-------- -------- --------
Potential problem loans (4)
Domestic 897 801 832
Foreign 333 279 48
-------- -------- --------
1,230 1,080 880
-------- -------- --------
1. For the analysis above, 'Domestic' consists of the United Kingdom domestic
transactions of the Group. 'Foreign' comprises the Group's transactions
conducted through offices outside the UK and through those offices in the UK
specifically organised to service international banking transactions.
2. The Group's UK banking subsidiary undertakings account for loans on a
non-accrual basis from the point in time at which the collectability of
interest is in significant doubt. Certain subsidiary undertakings of the
Group generally account for loans on a non-accrual basis when interest or
principal is past due 90 days.
3. Overdrafts generally have no fixed repayment schedule and consequently are
not included in this category.
4. Loans that are current as to payment of principal and interest but in respect
of which management has serious doubts about the ability of the borrower to
comply with contractual repayment terms. Substantial security is held in
respect of these loans and appropriate provisions have already been made in
accordance with the Group's provisioning policy for bad and doubtful debts.
ASSET QUALITY (continued)
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts
First half 2002 Full year 2001 First half 2001
Specific General Specific General Specific General
£m £m £m £m £m £m
Provisions at beginning of period
Domestic 2,123 344 2,034 336 2,034 336
Foreign 916 270 551 232 551 232
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
3,039 614 2,585 568 2,585 568
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Currency translation and other
Domestic 7 3 4 - 1 -
Foreign (23) (5) 10 3 26 7
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
(16) (2) 14 3 27 7
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Acquisitions of businesses
Domestic - - 83 - - -
Foreign - - 138 33 - -
-------- -------- -------- --------- -------- --------
- - 221 33 - -
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Amounts written-off
Domestic (313) - (645) - (267) -
Foreign (111) - (190) - (87) -
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
(424) - (835) - (354) -
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Recoveries of amounts written-off in
previous periods
Domestic 20 - 54 - 22 -
Foreign 14 - 26 - 14 -
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
34 - 80 - 36 -
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Charged to profit and loss account
Domestic 474 1 593 8 274 5
Foreign 135 1 381 2 86 2
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
609 2 974 10 360 7
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Provisions at end of period (2)
Domestic 2,311 348 2,123 344 2,064 341
Foreign 931 266 916 270 590 241
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
3,242 614 3,039 614 2,654 582
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
ASSET QUALITY (continued)
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (continued)
30 June 31 December 30 June
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Gross loans and advances to customers
Domestic 142,210 127,650 120,584
Foreign 71,524 66,487 62,031
----------- ---------- -----------
213,734 194,137 182,615
----------- ---------- -----------
Closing customer provisions as a % of gross
loans and advances to customers (3)
Domestic 1.87% 1.93% 1.99%
Foreign 1.67% 1.77% 1.32%
Total 1.80% 1.88% 1.77%
Customer charge against profit (annualised) as
a % of gross loans and advances to customers
Domestic 0.67% 0.47% 0.46%
Foreign 0.38% 0.58% 0.28%
Total 0.57% 0.51% 0.40%
1. For the analysis above, 'Domestic' consists of the United Kingdom domestic
transactions of the Group. 'Foreign' comprises the Group's transactions
conducted through offices outside the UK and through those offices in the UK
specifically organised to service international banking transactions.
2. Includes closing provisions against loans and advances to banks of
£6 million (31 December 2001 - £8 million; 30 June 2001 - £10 million).
3. Closing customer provisions exclude closing provisions against loans and
advances to banks.
The Group manages the market risk in its trading and treasury portfolios through
value-at-risk (VaR) limits as well as stress testing, position and sensitivity
limits. VaR is a technique that produces estimates of the potential negative
change in the market value of a portfolio over a specified time horizon at a
given confidence level. The table below sets out the VaR for the Group, which
assumes a 95% confidence level and a one-day time horizon.
Six months to 30 June
At 30 June Maximum Minimum Average
£m £m £m £m
2002 9.7 11.3 7.0 8.9
2001 12.1 15.2 8.8 11.3
2002 4.1 4.8 3.6 4.1
2001 5.3 5.3 4.0 4.4
The Group's VaR should be interpreted in the light of the assumptions underlying
the methodologies adopted and their limitations as discussed in the 2001 Report
and Accounts and Annual Report on Form 20-F. Historical data used in computing
VaR may not be indicative of future market conditions.
30 June 31 December 30 June
2002 2001 2001
Capital base (£m)
Tier 1 capital 16,804 15,052 13,715
Tier 2 capital 12,644 11,734 10,632
Tier 3 capital 164 172 178
---------- ---------- ----------
29,612 26,958 24,525
Less: investments in insurance companies,
associated undertakings and other
supervisory deductions (2,980) (2,698) (2,707)
------------ ---------- -----------
26,632 24,260 21,818
------------ ----------- -----------
Weighted risk assets (£m)
Banking book
- on-balance sheet 185,300 176,000 159,600
- off-balance sheet 29,700 22,000 17,700
Trading book 10,800 12,500 13,600
----------- ----------- -----------
225,800 210,500 190,900
----------- ----------- -----------
Risk asset ratio
- tier 1 7.4% 7.1% 7.2%
- total 11.8% 11.5% 11.4%
Share price £18.60 £16.72 £15.67
Number of shares in issue 2,888m 2,860m 2,705m
Market capitalisation £53.7bn £47.8bn £42.4bn
Net asset value per ordinary share £8.22 £7.79* £7.43*
Employee numbers
Corporate Banking and Financial Markets** 18,500 14,400 13,400
Retail Banking 29,500 30,500 29,300
Retail Direct 6,500 6,200 6,000
Manufacturing 20,700 20,700 19,300
Wealth Management 6,900 7,100 6,800
Direct Line Group 10,300 9,200 7,500
Ulster Bank** 4,700 4,500 4,400
Citizens 12,700 11,500 7,300
Centre 1,700 1,600 1,600
------------ ---------- ----------
Group total 111,500 105,700 95,600
Effect of acquisitions
- Corporate Banking and Financial Markets 4,100 300 -
- Direct Line Group 600 700 -
- Citizens 4,800 3,800 -
------------ ------------ ------------
Underlying employee numbers 102,000 100,900 95,600
------------ ------------ ------------
* Restated to reflect the implementation of FRS 19.
** Prior periods have been restated to reflect the transfer of certain
businesses from Ulster Bank to Corporate Banking and Financial Markets.
Reconciliation between UK and US GAAP
The following tables summarise the significant adjustments to consolidated net
income available for ordinary shareholders and shareholders' equity which would
result from the application of US generally accepted accounting principles ('US
GAAP') instead of UK GAAP.
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
Consolidated statement of income £m £m £m
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders - UK GAAP 1,336 1,104 1,868
Adjustments in respect of:
Acquisition accounting - 29 (113)
Amortisation of goodwill 339 (23) (48)
Property depreciation (5) 2 (13)
Property disposals - - 1
Loan fees and costs (47) (44) (95)
Pension costs (42) 114 242
Long-term assurance business (17) (7) (25)
Leasing (33) (24) (68)
Derivatives 104 36 (125)
Software development costs 163 203 442
Taxation (84) (79) (4)
---------- ---------- ----------
Net income available for ordinary shareholders -
US GAAP 1,714 1,311 2,062
---------- ---------- ----------
Dividend per ordinary share - paid during the period 27.0p 23.5p 34.5p
---------- ---------- ----------
As a result of implementing FRS 19, accounting for deferred tax under UK GAAP is
now consistent with US GAAP.
The Group has fully implemented Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 142
'Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets' ('SFAS 142'), with effect from 1 January
2002. Under this standard, goodwill and intangible assets deemed to have
indefinite lives are not amortised and are subject to annual impairment tests.
Other intangible assets continue to be amortised over their useful lives. The
Group has completed the impairment tests required under SFAS 142 and no
impairment has been recognised as a result.
The table below sets out reported net income for comparative periods reconciled
to net income adjusted to comply with SFAS 142.
First half First half Full year
2002 2001 2001
£m £m £m
Net income as above 1,714 1,311 2,062
Goodwill amortisation - 322 657
-------- -------- --------
Adjusted net income 1,714 1,633 2,719
-------- -------- --------
Basic earnings per share 59.8p 48.8p 74.7p
Goodwill amortisation - 12.0p 23.7p
-------- -------- ---------
Adjusted basic earnings per share 59.8p 60.8p 98.4p
-------- -------- ---------
Diluted earnings per share 59.0p 47.9p 73.2p
Goodwill amortisation - 11.8p 23.3p
-------- -------- --------
Adjusted diluted earnings per share 59.0p 59.7p 96.5p
-------- -------- --------
30 June 31 December 30 June
2002 2001 2001
(restated) (restated)
Consolidated shareholders' equity £m £m £m
Shareholders' funds - UK GAAP 27,400 26,668 24,570
Adjustments in respect of:
Acquisition accounting 418 418 560
Goodwill 1,199 860 885
Elimination of revaluation surplus on properties
less depreciation (297) (292) (184)
Proposed dividend 368 772 313
Loan fees and costs (216) (169) (118)
Pension costs 358 400 272
Long-term assurance business (101) (84) (66)
Leasing (127) (94) (50)
Net unrealised gains on available-for-sale
securities 326 272 426
Derivatives (5) (112) 25
Perpetual regulatory tier one securities 793 835 -
Software development costs 840 677 438
Taxation (328) (228) (343)
---------- ---------- ----------
Shareholders' equity - US GAAP 30,628 29,923 26,728
---------- ---------- ----------
As explained on page 7, following the issuance of UITF 33, the Group's perpetual
regulatory tier one securities are classified as subordinated liabilities rather
than shareholders' funds under UK GAAP. This change does not affect their
classification as shareholders' equity under US GAAP.
Total assets
Total assets under US GAAP, adjusted to reflect the inclusion of acceptances and
the grossing-up of certain repurchase balances offset under UK GAAP, together
with the affect of adjustments made to net income and shareholders' funds were
£416,693 million (31 December 2001 - £386,696 million; 30 June 2001 - £346,157
Exchange rates
The following table shows rates for cable transfers in sterling as certified for
customs purposes by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (the 'Noon Buying
Rate') and the rates used by the Group in the preparation of its consolidated
financial statements.
30 June 2002 31 December 2001 30 June
US$ per £1 2001
Noon Buying Rate
Period end rate 1.525 1.454 1.408
Average rate for the period (1) 1.449 1.440 1.440
High 1.529 1.505 1.505
Low 1.407 1.373 1.373
Consolidation rate (2)
Period end rate 1.528 1.450 1.405
Average rate for the period 1.445 1.440 1.440
1. The average of the Noon Buying Rates on the last business day of each month
during the period.
2. The rates used by the Group for translating dollars into sterling in the
preparation of its consolidated financial statements.
3. On 5 August 2002, the Noon Buying Rate was £1.00 = $1.566.
Certain sections in this document contain 'forward-looking statements' as that
term is defined in the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995, such as statements that include the words 'expect', 'estimate', 'project',
'anticipate', 'should', 'intend', 'plan', 'probability', 'risk', 'Value-at-Risk
('VaR')', 'target', 'goal', 'objective', 'will', 'endeavour' and similar
expressions or variations on such expressions and sections such as 'Chairman's
comments', 'Review of results - Integration', 'Restatements and recent
developments - Recent developments' and 'Integration information'. In
particular, this document includes forward-looking statements relating, but not
limited, to the Group's potential exposures to various types of market risks,
such as interest rate risk, foreign exchange rate risk and commodity and equity
price risk. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties. For example,
certain of the market risk disclosures are dependent on choices about key model
characteristics and assumptions and are subject to various limitations. By their
nature, certain of the market risk disclosures are only estimates and, as a
result, actual future gains and losses could differ materially from those that
have been estimated. Other factors that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those estimated by the forward-looking statements contained in
this document include, but are not limited to: general economic conditions in
the UK and in other countries in which the Group has significant business
activities or investments, including the United States; the monetary and
interest rate policies of the Bank of England, the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System and other G-7 central banks; inflation; deflation;
unanticipated turbulence in interest rates, foreign currency exchange rates,
commodity prices and equity prices; changes in UK and foreign laws, regulations
and taxes; changes in competition and pricing environments; natural and other
disasters; the inability to hedge certain risks economically; the adequacy of
loss reserves; acquisitions or restructurings; technological changes; changes in
consumer spending and saving habits; and the success of the Group in managing
the risks involved in the foregoing.
The forward-looking statements contained in this document speak only as of the
date of this report, and the Group does not undertake to update any
forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date
hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.
We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 30 June 2002 which comprises the statutory consolidated
profit and loss account, the consolidated balance sheet, the statement of
consolidated total recognised gains and losses, the reconciliation of movements
in consolidated shareholders' funds, the consolidated cash flow statement, the
divisional performance disclosures and related notes 1 to 15. We have read the
other information contained in this interim results announcement and, solely on
that basis, have considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or
material inconsistencies with the financial information.
Directors' responsibilities
The interim results announcement, including the financial information contained
therein, is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The
directors are responsible for preparing the interim results announcement in
accordance with the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority which
require that the accounting policies and presentation applied to the interim
figures should be consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding
annual accounts except where any changes, and the reasons for them, are
Review work performed
We conducted our review in accordance with the guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A
review consists principally of making enquiries of management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with United Kingdom auditing standards and therefore
provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.
Review conclusion
On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 June 2002.
Deloitte & Touche
Chartered Accountants
6 August 2002
Fred Goodwin Group Chief Executive 020 7427 8145
0131 523 2033
Fred Watt Group Finance Director 020 7427 8412
0131 523 2028
Jonathan Atack Head of Investor Relations 020 7427 9574
7 August 2002
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange