NB Global Floating Rate Income Fund Limited (the "Company")
23 May 2011
A block listing application has been made to the UK Listing Authority for 22,343,944 Sterling Shares and 13,593,954 US Dollar Shares (together "Shares") to be admitted to the Official List under a share block listing facility. An application has also been made for the Shares to be admitted to the main market for listed securities of the London Stock Exchange plc.
Shares may be issued under the block listing facility for general corporate purposes subject to guidelines laid down by the Board and in accordance with the Company's articles of incorporation. Any Shares issued pursuant to the block listing facility will, when issued, rank pari passu with the existing shares of the Company in issue.
BNP Paribas Fund Services (Guernsey) Limited
Sara Bourne
+44 (0)1481 750858