1 July 2015
NB Global Floating Rate Income Fund Limited
Transactions in a Close Period - Listing Rule 15.5.1 (4)
In accordance with Listing Rule 15.5.1(4) NB Global Floating Rate Income Fund Limited (the "Company") announces it is satisfied that all inside information which the Directors and the Company may have in the period leading up to the announcement of its half yearly results has previously been and will continue to be notified via a regulatory information service ("RIS") and, therefore, the dealings referred to in Listing Rule 15.5.1(3) are permitted.
If, in the period leading up to the announcement of the half yearly results, the Directors or the Company come into possession of any inside information, this will be notified to an RIS before any such transactions are undertaken.
The close period to which this relates is in respect of the half-year ended 30 June 2015.
For further information please call:
Company Secretary
Claire McSwiggan Telephone: +44 (0) 1481 737281
Carey Group