Interim Results
23 September 2004
23 September 2004
Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2004
NMT Group PLC, the provider of drug delivery solutions to prevent needlestick
injury, announces its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2004.
Key points
• Reorganisation into the development and licensing business close to
completion and benefits being experienced.
• Good progress made in negotiating the development of exclusive
pre-fill needle product variants with several pharmaceutical companies.
• Discussions with potential licensing partners, for the manufacture of
2nd Generation safety syringes in the Far East, continue but remain uncertain.
Future progress conditional on securing acceptable commercial terms and
assurances on the financial standing and technical capabilities of potential
• Law suit with Retractable Technologies Inc settled for US$ 1million.
• Group's financial position remains strong. Net cash of £9.8 million
(£12.8 million at 31 December 2003). Net 'free' cash after re-organisation
provision is £7.3 million.
Commenting on the results, Tony Fletcher, Chairman, said:
'I am pleased to report demonstrable progress over the last six months. With the
major reorganisation largely completed, the Group is now able to concentrate on
the growth of its development and licensing business.
However success in the coming months, with regard to the pre-fill needle unit
and our prospective pharmaceutical partners, will be critical to the Group's
long-term future.
I continue to believe that the prospects for the Group are good.'
Tony Fletcher - Chairman Tel: 01506 445000
07836 725246
I am pleased to report that the Group has made demonstrable progress
over the last six months.
The beneficial impact of the re-organisation which was started in December 2003,
is now being experienced with a pre-exceptional operating loss for the first
six months of 2004 reduced to £0.7 million from £2.2 million in the same period
of 2003.
After several months of discussion with a number of pharmaceutical companies,
the Group has now received specific requests to initiate the detailed design
process for exclusive product variants of the pre-fill needle unit, which may
lead, in due course, to contracts for their development and licensed
There are three distinct phases prior to pharmaceutical companies entering into
a formal collaboration contract - design, prototyping and the conclusion of a
successful marketing trial. In this regard, I can report that the Group is
achieving measurable progress with some potential customers. The Group has
received from one pharmaceutical company a detailed specification, for which
design work is in progress; an initial prototype has been modelled to meet the
unique specification of a second pharmaceutical company; and the Group is
currently building several thousand units for a marketing trial to be run by a
third company. Dependent on the success of these activities, and the agreement
of satisfactory commercial terms, it is possible that first commercial sales of
the pre-fill needle unit could take place in late 2005 / early 2006.
In addition, a number of suitable European manufacturers have been identified
for these products and discussions with them are well advanced.
Securing the first customer for the NMT safety pre-fill needle unit is of
fundamental importance to the future of the Group, as it will provide a solid
foundation in gaining further business for this product range going forward.
Several visits have been made by members of the Group's development and
licensing team to the Far East in order to hold commercial and technical
discussions with several parties who have expressed interest in commencing
manufacture of 2nd Generation safety syringes. However progress in this area has
been slow and the Group is not prepared to commit significant resources and
expenditure to this project, until acceptable commercial terms can be agreed and
satisfactory assurances on both the technical capabilities and financial
standing of any nominated licensee are obtained.
The re-organisation of the Group into a development and licensing business has
now largely been completed. The manufacturing facility at Oakbank Park was
vacated in July and our team of 10 people now operates from smaller offices at
Fairways Business Park, Livingston.
Break up and sale of the remaining plant and machinery is presently in progress,
with planned completion before the end of the year.
Overall re-organisation costs to date remain in line with the provision made in
2003 Annual Accounts. The outstanding provision at 30 June 2004 of £2.5 million
is mainly related to the termination of manufacturing facility leases. It is
expected that this provision will be fully utilised in the second half of 2004.
As previously announced, the law suit for alleged patent infringement, filed by
Retractable Technologies Inc ('RTI'), was settled for US$ 1 million, which the
Board believes to represent an acceptable cost for a commercially expedient
solution in respect of the Group's 1st Generation safety syringe product range
no longer sold or manufactured.
An exceptional charge of £0.8 million has been made in the profit and loss
account, which was principally in respect of this settlement and includes £0.1
million of legal costs which were in excess of the Group's insurance cover. No
provision was made for any costs in respect of the RTI litigation at 31 December
Turnover of £nil compared with £5.4 million in the same period last year and
reflected no trading income to date in the new licensing and development
An operating loss on continuing activities before exceptional items of £0.7
million (2003: £0.8 million) resulted from on-going operating costs of the
business. Exceptional charges of £0.8 million, were offset by interest
receivable of £0.2 million (2003: £0.2 million), to result in a loss
before tax £1.3 million (2003: £2.0 million).
Net cash outflow from operating activities in the half-year to 30 June 2004 was
£3.3 million (2003:£1.8 million), of which £2.0 million was attributable to
reorganisation costs and £0.8 million to the RTI litigation.
Cash balances at 30 June 2004 stood at £9.8 million prior to the outstanding
reorganisation provision of £2.5 million. Adjustment in respect of this amount
would leave a residual cash balance of £7.3 million.
Roy Smith, Chief Executive and Gerard Cassels, Group Finance Director left the
Group during the period and I would wish to express my thanks again for their
contribution to the business over recent years. Given that the Group's Board has
been reduced to only two directors, Gerard Cassels has agreed to continue to act
as Company Secretary for the immediate future.
Share Capital Consolidation
The Board believes that it is now appropriate to consolidate the Group's share
capital in order to allow its share price to realistically reflect the
commercial status of the business. Shareholder approval will be sought to
consolidate the Group's ordinary share capital with the issue of 1 new ordinary
share (of £4) for every 100 existing ordinary shares (of 4 pence) in issue. It
is planned to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting on 3 November 2004 to vote
on the appropriate resolution. A separate circular on this issue is being sent
to shareholders with these Interim Accounts.
The Group's financial position remains strong.
The coming months are of critical importance. The immediate priority of the
development and licensing team, under the leadership of Graham Crowther, is to
ensure the successful completion of the present development activities in
respect of the pre-fill needle unit with our potential pharmaceutical partners;
and thereafter to secure commercially acceptable contracts for the development
and licensed manufacture of specific product variants. This product range is
likely to offer the most significant benefit to the Group in the short term.
The Group will continue to pursue partners for 2nd Generation syringe products,
but in accordance with a policy of securing agreement of satisfactory commercial
terms, prior to allocating significant cost and resources.
I remain optimistic on the future of the business.
Tony Fletcher
23 September 2004
For the six months ended 30 June 2004
6 months to 6 months to 30 June 2003
Continuing Discontinuing Unaudited
£'000 £'000 Interim
Turnover - - 5,433 5,433
Operating loss before
exceptional items (799) (1,422) (2,221)
Exceptional items (795) - - -
operating loss (1,491) (799) (1,422) (2,221)
Interest receivable 223 148 95 243
Interest payable - - (36) (36)
Loss on ordinary
activities before taxation (1,268) (651) (1,363) (2,014)
Taxation 38 37 - 37
Loss for the financial
period (1,230) (614) (1,363) (1,977)
Loss per ordinary share
basic and diluted (0.1)p (0.1)p (0.2)p (0.2)p
Loss per share
before exception items (0.0)p (0.1)p (0.2)p (0.2)p
12 months to 31 December 2003
Continuing Discontinued Audited
£'000 £'000 Full
Turnover - 12,285 12,285
Operating loss before
exceptional items (1,599) (873) (2,472)
Exceptional items - (14,476) (14,476)
Group operating loss (1,599) (15,349) (16,948)
Interest receivable 301 170 471
Interest payable - (72) (72)
Loss on ordinary
activities before taxation (1,298) (15,251) (16,549)
Taxation 87 - 87
Loss for the
financial period (1,211) (15,251) (16,462)
Loss per ordinary share
basic and diluted (0.1)p (1.8)p (1.9)p
Loss per share
before exceptional items (0.1)p (0.1)p (0.2)p
1. Basis of preparation
The financial information in this report does not comprise statutory accounts
for the purposes of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
The interim accounts for the six months ended 30 June 2004 and six months ended
30 June 2003, which are unaudited, have been prepared on the basis of accounting
policies consistent with those set out in the Company's full accounts for the
year ended 31 December 2003. The accounts for the year ended 31 December 2003
presented in this report are an abridged version of the full accounts which
carried an unqualified auditors' report, did not contain a statement under either
Section 237(2) or Section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985 and have been filed
with the Registrar of Companies.
There is no difference between the loss on ordinary activities before taxation
and the retained loss for the period stated above and their historical cost
2. Exceptional Items
The following exceptional items have been reflected in the accounts for the six
months ended 30 June 2004.
The lawsuit filed by Retractable Technologies Inc was resolved in April 2004.
The settlement comprised the payment of £0.6 million and admission of
non-willful infringement of RTI patents. In addition, a further £0.1 million of
uninsured legal costs were incurred.
The closure of the 1st Generation syringe facility in Livingston was announced
in December 2003 resulting in a charge of £14.5 million for the year. An
additional charge of £0.1 million was made in the period.
3. Taxation
As a result of losses brought forward there is anticipated to be no tax charge
in the current year. The tax credit reflects a research and development tax
credit for the period.
4. Loss per share
The calculation of loss per share is based on the loss for the period
attributable to ordinary shareholders and on the average number of ordinary
shares in issue during the period, which totalled 871,132,000 shares (2003
interim - 871,131,294 : full year - 871,132,794). As a loss has been incurred
during the six months ended 30 June 2004 there is no dilutive effect of
unexercised share options.
As at 30 June 2004
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Interim Interim Full year
30 June 30 June 31 December
2004 2003 2003
£'000 £'000 £'000
--------- ---------- -----------
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 338 8,867 386
--------- ---------- -----------
Current assets
Stocks - 824 -
Debtors 638 2,627 3,157
Cash at bank and in hand 9,753 13,351 12,842
------------------------ --------- ---------- -----------
10,391 16,802 15,999
--------- ---------- -----------
Creditors: amounts falling due within one
year (452) (2,389) (1,018)
--------- ---------- -----------
Net current assets 9,939 14,413 14,981
--------- ---------- -----------
Total assets less current liabilities 10,277 23,280 15,367
--------- ---------- -----------
Creditors: amounts falling due after more
one year - (232) (60)
Provisions for liabilities and charges (2,510) - (6,310)
--------- ---------- -----------
Net assets 7,767 23,048 8,997
--------- ---------- -----------
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 37,187 37,187 37,187
Share premium account 38,639 38,639 38,639
Profit and loss account (68,059) (52,778) (66,829)
--------- ---------- -----------
Total equity shareholders' funds 7,767 23,048 8,997
--------- ---------- -----------
For the six months ended 30 June 2004
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Interim Interim Full year
2004 2003 2003
Note £'000 £'000 £'000
-------- ------- --------
Net cash outflow from operating activities
Net cash outflow - continuing operation
before exceptional items (537) (785) (1.577)
Net cash outflow - discontinued
operatinin 2003 (1,956) (995) (521)
Net cash outflow - exceptional items 2 (795) - -
-------- ------- --------
Net cash outflow from operating activities (3,288) (1,780) (2,098)
-------- ------- --------
Returns on investments & servicing of
Interest received (net) 231 292 467
Taxation 195 - 114
Capital expenditure - (261) (439)
-------- ------- --------
Net cash outflow before management of liquid
and financing (2,862) (1,749) (1,956)
Management of liquid resources 2,251 2,743 2,714
-------- ------- --------
Net cash outflow from financing (227) (306) (608)
-------- ------- --------
(Decrease) / increase in cash in the period (838) 688 150
-------- ------- --------
Reconciliation of net cashflow to movement
in net funds
(Decrease) / increase in cash in the period (838) 688 150
Cashflow from finance leases-repayments of
principle 227 306 608
Cash inflow from management of liquid
resources (2,251) (2,743) (2,714)
-------- ------- --------
Decrease in net funds in period (2,862) (1,749) (1,956)
Net funds at beginning of period 12,385 14,341 14,341
-------- ------- --------
Net funds at end of period 9,523 12,592 12,385
-------- ------- --------
For the six months ended 30 June 2004
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Interim Interim Full year
2004 2003 2003
£'000 £'000 £'000
-------- -------- --------
Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (1,230) (1,977) (16,462)
Exchange adjustment on translation of
investment in subsidiary - 257 688
-------- -------- --------
Total recognised losses for the period (1,230) (1,720) (15,774)
-------- -------- --------
For the six months ended 30 June 2004
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Interim Interim Full year
2004 2003 2003
£'000 £'000 £'000
-------- -------- --------
Loss for the period (1,230) (1,977) (16,462)
Other recognised gains for the period - 257 688
-------- -------- --------
Total recognised losses for the period (1,230) (1,720) (15,774)
Share options - notional cost of share
options - 34 37
granted -------- -------- --------
Total movements during the period (1,230) (1,686) (15,737)
Shareholders' funds at start of period 8,997 24,734 24,734
-------- -------- --------
Total shareholders' funds at end of period 7,767 23,048 8,997
-------- -------- --------
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange