Results to 5 May 2000

Jupiter Investment Trust PLC 4 August 2000 Preliminary Announcement of unaudited results for the period ended 5th May 2000. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Your Company was launched on 2nd May 2000. By 30th June 2000, the net asset value per share had increased to 104.86p. This represents a rise of 5.3% since launch and compares to rises of 0.1% in the FTSE All-Share Index and 3.3% in the FT World Index over the same period. As was stated in the prospectus in April, your Company would not satisfy the conditions for approval by the Inland Revenue as an investment trust in respect of the accounting period in which it was launched. The first accounting period was therefore shortened so as to end on 5th May 2000 (three days after your Company's admission to listing on the London Stock Exchange). It is for this reason that the Company is now required to produce accounts for that period and to hold its first Annual General Meeting in August of this year. Since 6th May your board has directed the affairs of your Company so as to satisfy the conditions necessary for its approval by the Inland Revenue as an investment trust. In future years annual accounts will be made up to 30th June and copies of the annual report and accounts are expected to be despatched to shareholders in the following October. Since launch, the investment manager of your Company has adopted a cautious approach in light of the current volatility in the market. As at 5th May 2000 the Company had invested 22.7% of the cash raised under the placing and offer for subscription, of which the majority was invested in unit trusts managed by Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Limited. It is your directors' intention to review the position when the portfolio is 50% invested. J L Duffield Chairman 3rd August 2000 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN (INCORPORATING THE REVENUE ACCOUNT) 5th April 2000 to 5th May 2000 Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 Realised gains on investments - 433 433 Unrealised appreciation of investments - 298 298 Exchange gains - 411 411 Deposit interest 72 - 72 _____ _____ _____ GROSS REVENUE AND CAPITAL GAINS 72 1,142 1,214 Management fees (inc VAT) (7) - (7) Other expenses (17) - (17) _____ _____ _____ RETURN ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 48 1,142 1,190 _____ _____ _____ Tax on ordinary activities (14) (253) (267) _____ _____ _____ RETURN ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAX FOR THE PERIOD 34 889 923 _____ _____ _____ RETURN PER ORDINARY SHARE (p) 0.04 0.95 0.99 The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Group. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. The Company was incorporated on 5th April 2000 and the shares were listed on the London Stock Exchange on 2nd May 2000, on which date it commenced business. Consequently, the Consolidated Statement of Total Return above reflects the returns from 2nd May 2000 to 5th May 2000. 5th May 2000 £'000 Shareholders Fund 93,692 ______ Net Asset Value per Ordinary share 100.57 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET as at 5th May 2000 5th May 2000 £'000 FIXED ASSETS Investments 21,298 ______ CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 32 Cash at bank 94,043 ______ 94,075 CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year (21,681) ______ Net current assets 72,394 ______ Total assets less current liabilities 93,692 ______ CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 932 Share premium account 91,837 Capital reserve - unrealised 298 Capital reserve - realised 591 Revenue reserve 34 ______ EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 93,692 ______ Net Asset Value per Ordinary share (p) 100.57 ______ CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the period to 5th May 2000 5th April to 5th May 2000 £'000 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net cash inflow from operating activities 430 ______ CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Purchase of fixed asset investments (92,813) Proceeds from the sale of fixed asset investments 93,246 ______ Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and financial investment 433 ______ Net cash inflow before financing 863 ______ FINANCING Issue of loan notes 92,813 Issue of shares under offer 346 Costs of share issue (390) ______ Net cash inflow from financing 92,769 ______ Increase in cash 93,632 ______ RECONCILIATION OF CONSOLIDATED REVENUE TO NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 5th April to 5th May 2000 £'000 Revenue before interest payable and taxation 48 Increase in prepayments and accrued income (32) Increase in accruals 24 Increase in other creditors 390 ______ Net cash inflow from operating activities 430 ______ The figures for the period ended 5th May 2000 do not constitute full accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The report and accounts will be posted to shareholders shortly and copies will be available from the registered office of the Company at 1 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7JJ. The Annual General Meeting is to be convened for 30th August 2000. By Order of the Board Jupiter Asset Management Limited Secretaries
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