Final Results

Newmark Security PLC 31 October 2003 NEWMARK SECURITY PLC FINAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 2003 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Overview During the year we completed the acquisition of Grosvenor Technology that was detailed in last year's annual report, and progressed with the buy back of the minority interest in Vema N.V. The Grosvenor acquisition is in line with the Board's strategy of creating an integrated high value security solutions group in both mechanical and electronic products. Grosvenor is an established access control and security management systems company with a strong experienced management team. It sells a sophisticated range of proprietary products through a network of dealers and installers who supply a predominantly blue chip customer base. Grosvenor has a high research and development team which is responsive to market demands and has a proven track record of product innovation and introduction. It also has a technical support team. The businesses of Grosvenor and Newmark Technology have been amalgamated and run by Grosvenor's management, creating economies of scale and reducing the combined total overhead. Financial Results The operating loss for the year for continuing operations before exceptional items and goodwill amortisation was £1,034,000 (2002 - £550,000), £624,000 of this loss was incurred by Drion Security where failure to obtain a major export order referred to before led to substantial losses and since the year end this company has been disposed of. Losses were also incurred, as expected, at Newmark Security Products which recorded a loss of £365,000, whilst the business was moving from a start up position as it incurred expenditure in building up the business. Safetell and Grosvenor both contributed profits although in the latter case only from its acquisition in September 2002. There are a number of exceptional items in the year relating to the under-provision of costs for the disposal of the Vema business and the closure of our operation at Redhill and the closure of our sales and marketing operation in the USA. Turnover for the year for continuing operations was £6.6 million (2002: £6.5 million). The reasons for the more significant factors affecting the results of the divisions are set out below. Electronic Division With the acquisition of Grosvenor Technology now complete, that company has taken control of the Electronic Division. Since its acquisition in September 2002, Grosvenor has evaluated the entire product portfolio and the individual company structures within the Division, both UK and US based. Rationalisation has been the result which has included the closure of the previous Newmark Technology head-office in Redhill, the assembly plant at Rainton Bridge and the US operations. The Omni, Midi CE and TransAsset have been pulled from production and reduced to being sold for spares and supporting existing sites only. Since September 2002 the rationalisation has made cost savings in excess of £500,000 per annum and Newmark Technology is now cash positive. The core products for the Electronic Division are: • JANUS Access Control - Grosvenor Technology • C-Cure Access Control - Newmark Technology • ParSec Asset Management and Personnel Tracking - Newmark Technology JANUS and ParSec are 'own-brand' systems and developed 'in-house' directly under the control of Grosvenor. C-Cure is a very well respected product and is properly supported via Tyco and Sensormatic so we now have a very stable and easily manageable product portfolio. Of the two in-house products, ParSec has previously suffered from not having a software management package. The product has always been sold as component parts to be controlled and managed by other company's software which has never been forthcoming. JANUS is constantly being developed to remain at the forefront of technology and continues to be a leader in its class. The latest release includes a complete integration with ParSec which will benefit both products. With the new control and management functionality afforded by JANUS, it is the company's intention to re-launch the ParSec range. Although not redesigned in itself, it has been completely re-structured with a newly designed reader PCB and firmware, offering additional functionality. It also boasts new, stylish, and more modern labelling and brand new literature including manuals and datasheets. With this news there has been positive and renewed interest from Tyco in the UK and Honeywell/Ademco in the US, both of which are keen to revisit a revitalised product complete with the JANUS software integration. Grosvenor will also include the complete integration of ParSec with Siteguard, the Tyco access control product developed specifically by Grosvenor for Tyco in the UK. This will also further enhance the ongoing relationship between the two companies. Grosvenor and Newmark Technology have made substantial investments in time and money during the year on new office systems and infrastructure that will consolidate the rationalisation and bring about further efficiencies and tangible benefits to our customers. With the introduction of Exchequer Enterprise, sales order processing, purchase order processing, stock control with integrated accounting and connectivity functionality with the internet, the company has been able to introduce its first eCommerce web site specifically timed for the re-launch of the ParSec product range. The new web site is a fully integrated eCommerce site where customers with a Newmark trading account can log on and: • Browse the ParSec catalogue • View and download technical information and specifications • View our stock/inventory status in real-time • Create, print, save and email their own quotations • Convert quotations into purchase orders • Print, save and email purchase order acknowledgements • Check the status of purchase orders with real-time tracking and POD from our couriers • Save transactions for future reference Many other features will be added over time. It is our intention to offer this method of trading to all of our account customers across the entire product range. It will produce even more efficiencies within the company whilst at the same time provide immediate attention and information to our customers 24/365. The evaluation and subsequent realignment and re-branding of the ParSec product has been the reason to close the office in USA. With so few sales into the US it was not economical to keep a physical presence. The eCommerce site is now our shop window on the world and has meant that we can still trade with the US in 'real-time'. An added bonus is that eCommerce is fast becoming the preferred method of business to business trading in the US so we are ahead of the game as well. The advent of our more efficient systems and immediate accessibility of our staff to the customers has rebuilt our reputation as a credible added-value re-seller providing first class product training, technical support and product knowledge for the C-Cure range. It is our intention to recover the lost ground as we are now set on a solid footing for the future to build upon and expand the Electronic Division with the people, the systems, and the products all in place, ready for a new era of positive and purposeful trading. Asset Protection Division Drion Security Turnover in the home market was on course in the banking sector but did not meet our expectations of a major breakthrough in the commercial sector. The shortfall against budget was mainly due to the lack of export contracts in particular the cancellation of the tender for the Algerian national bank. Despite many assurances that the placing of that order was imminent, it has recently been announced that the entire project has been postponed for an indefinite period. This affected our performance further as CNEP (the Algerian national bank) had demanded a lot of co-operation with the company especially in the second part of the year and we had incurred costs in preparing the tender. Margins were also affected as the company was moving out of the non core activities it had been engaged with over the last two years and a demand from one of Drion's main customers to provide services as general contractor as part of the security service and products. Safetell The first part of Safetell's financial year continued the healthy trading situation in the early months of 2002. From September onwards there was a further marked improvement in both traditional and new business resulting in full year sales being 23% better than the previous year. The volume of work improved operating efficiencies and gross margins so that operating profit rose by 50% compared to last year. The Eclipse rising screen programmes were maintained with long-term customers in retail finance and petrol retailing. A number of police authorities and local governments are re-entering the market for rising screens as the best defence against violence in the front office/reception areas. The newer screen products of InterScreen, CounterShield, Eye2Eye and MaxiView are all becoming established in their respective niche markets with a number of multiple site and/or repeat orders. The imminent application of the Disability Discrimination Act in October 2004 is obliging public bodies to make adjustments to their service areas which is increasing the available market for these products. The sales force has been expanded by 50% to take advantage of these opportunities. The demand for RollerCash and BiDi Safe cash handling equipment is very dependent on the roll-out programmes of established customers. New customers are being introduced to the product and new applications are being implemented, although this is a long term process. The Post Office contract has been extended to July 2004 and volumes are expected to rise in line with its suburban network reorganisation. The service and maintenance business increases pro rata to the installed base of primary equipments. Other service related work for third party suppliers is also being secured to improve operational efficiency of the service technicians. The early months of the current year are trading ahead of plan but the customer/ product mix remains predominantly reliant on historical situations. The intended expansion of new products to new customers is still proving to be slow and difficult. Secure Locking Division As reported last year Newmark Security Products (NSP) has been building up the infrastructure of the company for anticipated growth in sales. The company has moved from the Group's former head office to its own premises at Milton Keynes where we have been establishing our sales and support team. Turnover in the year increased substantially from £100,000 to nearly £350,000 but this was insufficient to meet the higher level of overheads. A further substantial increase in turnover is anticipated in the current year. NSP is now one of the most complete and comprehensive electronic locking suppliers in the UK with an extensive range of products, from Strikes to Video Entry Systems, from Access Control to Cabinet Locks. The NSP name and brand are being recognised by a wider audience. Having recently developed and launched our own XK range of electric strikes which is proving very successful in the UK, we have now started to launch our full portfolio including the XK range and this has been met with enthusiasm which is now being translated into orders. NSP has also recently been assessed and accredited with ISO 9001, which with our full and extensive product range, dedicated team of professionals and an eye for the future will continue to increase market share and keep NSP amongst the leaders in its field. Balance Sheet and Cash Flow The balance sheet shows significant variations from last year in many areas due to the acquisition of Grosvenor Technology. In particular, there is the increase in intangible assets due to the goodwill arising on the acquisition. We have assumed that there would be the full deferred consideration of £3.5 million based on the projected level of profits arising over the next few years, and this is included within creditors due after more than one year after discounting for the net present value in accordance with Financial Reporting Standards. The unwinding of the discount factor is required to be charged to the profit and loss account as notional interest. For the year under review this amounted to £106,000. The acquisition of the Vema shares by share exchange has caused the increase in share capital, creation of merger reserve and reduction of minority interest. The cash flow in the year reflects the initial cash consideration paid for Grosvenor together with associated costs. However, the cash flow also reflects the payment in the year of the last element of the deferred consideration for an acquisition made in previous years, plus the payments of the costs associated with the sale of the Vema business at the end of the previous year. Board Sassie Rajwan left the Group in August this year after over six years as Chief Executive of the Group, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank him on your behalf for all his efforts. He has left to pursue other business interests, and we have subsequently reached agreement for the sale of Drion Security to him. We wish him every success for the future. Post Balance Sheet Events Since the year end the Group has agreed terms for the issue of secured loan notes to raise up to £1.5 million. The Loan Note Holders have committed to subscribe in cash for £1 million, and on agreement between the parties, the Loan Note Holders can subscribe in cash for up to a further £0.5 million of Loan Notes. The Loan Notes bear interest at a rate of 6% per annum payable quarterly in arrears and are repayable three years after the date of the instrument constituting the Loan Notes with an option for early repayment. As part of the fundraising, the Company issued warrants to the Loan Note Holders to subscribe for ordinary shares of 1p each in the Company at any time between 24 July 2003 and 24 July 2008 at a price of 1p per ordinary share. With the losses incurred by the company for the last two years and the loss of the prospect for the Algerian export markets, we decided to sell Drion Security to our former Chief Executive who left the Group in August to pursue other business interests. This has necessitated the write off of the unamortised goodwill capitalized on the original acquisition of the company. Employees The Board wishes to thank all employees for their efforts during the year. In particular we send our best wishes for the future to the employees of Drion, and to welcome the employees of Grosvenor to the Group. The Future With the closure of our operations at Redhill and Rainton Bridge last autumn, we had looked forward to the rest of the year under review with some confidence. The turnover and profit performance of Drion in the year was therefore very disappointing. Both Grosvenor and Safetell have for the current year to date performed ahead of plan and in the case of Grosvenor there are some very interesting potential orders in sight. Overall I look forward to reporting an improved result for the first six months, after excluding the financial effects of Drion. The outlook for the full year at the current time is positive. M DWEK Chairman 31 October 2003 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the year ended 30 April 2003 2003 2003 Before Goodwill goodwill and and exceptional exceptional items 2003 2002 items Total Total £000 £000 £000 £000 Turnover Continuing operations 6,622 - 6,622 6,479 Acquisitions 1,748 - 1,748 - Discontinued operations 23 - 23 5,548 8,393 - 8,393 12,027 Cost of sales (5,720) - (5,720) (7,785) -------- ------- ------- ------- Gross profit 2,673 - 2,673 4,242 -------- ------- ------- ------- Administrative expenses pre amortisation of (3,932) - (3,932) (5,194) goodwill and exceptional items Reorganisation and restructuring costs - - - (391) Amortisation of goodwill - (1,093) (1,093) (128) Administrative expenses - total (3,932) (1,093) (5,025) (5,713) -------- ------- ------- ------- Other operating income - - - 597 -------- ------- ------- ------- Operating (loss)/ profit Continuing operations (1,146) (1,093) (2,239) (1,431) Acquisitions 112 - 112 - Discontinued operations (225) - (225) 557 (1,259) (1,093) (2,352) (874) Profit on part disposal of investment in - - - 182 subsidiary company (Loss)/profit on closure /disposal of business - (373) (373) 3,007 and net trading assets -------- ------- ------- ------- (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities (1,259) (1,466) (2,725) 2,315 before interest Interest receivable 67 - 67 - Interest - discount charge on deferred (106) - (106) - consideration Interest payable (34) - (34) (55) -------- ------- ------- ------- (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities (1,332) (1,466) (2,798) 2,260 before taxation Tax on (loss)/profit on ordinary activities - - - (1,517) -------- ------- ------- ------- (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities (1,332) (1,466) (2,798) 743 after taxation Minority interest 78 - 78 (1,702) -------- ------- ------- ------- Loss for the financial year (1,254) (1,466) (2,720) (959) Dividends - - - - -------- ------- ------- ------- Amount withdrawn from reserves (1,254) (1,466) (2,720) (959) ======== ======= ======= ======= Pence pence Loss per share - basic and diluted (1.6p) (0.8p) - before exceptional items and goodwill (0.8p) (0.5p) amortisation BALANCE SHEETS As at 30 April 2003 Group Group Company 2003 Company 2002 2003 2002 £000 £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 5,585 2,014 - - Tangible assets 1,844 1,344 19 - Investments - - 15,214 7,218 ------- ------- ------- ------- 7,429 3,358 15,233 7,218 ------- ------- ------- ------- Current assets Stocks 1,239 773 - - Debtors: amounts falling due within one year 2,389 1,994 71 2,601 Debtors: amounts falling due after more than one year - - 751 - Cash at bank and in hand 806 6,409 - - ------- ------- ------- ------- 4,434 9,176 822 2,601 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (4,706) (5,022) (9,728) (2,662) ------- ------- ------- ------- Net current (liabilities)/ assets (272) 4,154 (8,906) (61) ------- ------- ------- ------- Total assets less current liabilities 7,157 7,512 6,327 7,157 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one (3,263) (525) (2,798) - year Provisions for liabilities and charges (217) (453) - - ------- ------- ------- ------- 3,677 6,534 3,529 7,157 ======= ======= ======= ======= Capital and reserves Called up share capital 6,963 6,060 6,963 6,060 Share premium 5,151 5,194 5,151 5,194 Merger reserve 801 - 801 - Profit and loss reserve (9,585) (6,750) (9,386) (4,097) ------- ------- ------- ------- Equity shareholders' funds 3,330 4,504 3,529 7,157 Minority interests 347 2,030 - - ------- ------- ------- ------- 3,677 6,534 3,529 7,157 ======= ======= ======= ======= CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the year ended 30 April 2003 2003 2002 £000 £000 Net cash outflow from operating activities (3,172) (458) ------- ------- Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 67 - Interest paid (34) (55) ------- ------- Net cash inflow/(outflow) from returns on investments and servicing of finance 33 (55) ------- ------- Taxation - (145) ------- ------- Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (349) (200) Receipts from sale of tangible fixed assets 31 - ------- ------- Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial investment (318) (200) ------- ------- Acquisitions Purchase of subsidiary undertakings (3,870) - Net cash acquired on purchase of subsidiary undertakings 1,104 - ------- ------- Net cash outflow from acquisitions (2,766) - ------- ------- Disposals Proceeds on sale of subsidiary undertaking, and business and trading assets - 5,525 Net overdraft disposed of with business - 61 ------- ------- Net cash inflow from disposals - 5,586 ------- ------- Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing (6,223) 4,728 ------- ------- Financing Proceeds from flotation of Vema - 2,880 Costs related to flotation of subsidiary - (705) New finance loans 58 - Repayment of loans (151) (1,029) ------- ------- (93) 1,146 Expenses paid in connection with share issues (43) - ------- ------- Net cash inflow from financing (136) 1,146 ------- ------- (Decrease)/increase in cash (6,359) 5,874 ======= ======= STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES For the year ended 30 April 2003 2003 2002 £000 £000 Loss for the financial year (2,720) (959) Exchange difference on translation of net assets and results of subsidiary undertakings (115) (66) ------- ------- Total recognised gains and losses relating to the year (2,835) (1,025) ======= ======= Notes: 1. The financial information for 30 April 2002 and 30 April 2003 has been extracted from the statutory financial statements for the years then ended. The auditors' reports on those financial statements are unqualified and do not contain any statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2002 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2003 will be filed with the Registrar of Companies in due course. 2. No final dividend is proposed. 3. Loss per share The calculation of the basic loss per ordinary share is based on a loss of £2,720,000 (2002: loss £959,000) and the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year of 174,364,102 (2002: 121,208,952). The options in issue have no dilutive effect. The basic loss per share before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items has also been presented since, in the opinion of the directors, this providesshareholders with a more appropriate measure of earnings derived from the Group's businesses. It can be reconciled to basic loss per share as follows: 2003 2002 Basic loss per share (pence) (1.6) (0.8) Goodwill amortisation and exceptional items per 0.8 0.3 share ____ ____ Loss per share before goodwill amortisation and (0.8) (0.5) exceptional items ==== ==== 4. Copies of the Report and Accounts are available from the offices of Seymour Pierce Limited, Bucklersbury House, 3 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4N 8EL for atleast one month. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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