Interim Results

OneMonday Group PLC 10 April 2002 Press Release Announcement 10th April 2002 OneMonday Group's Interim Results (half year to 31st January 2002) • Net revenue was £17.36 million in half year to 31st January 2002 compared with £20.31 million in first half to 31st January 2001 • Pre exceptional PBT from continuing operations of £522k (2001: £1,216k) • Net debt position of £1.071 million at 31st January 2002 in line with end of year position and has been considerably reduced since end of half as cash flow has strengthened • IBM product pr contract was commenced successfully in fourteen countries by Text 100. Recent new business wins include Sun Microsystems and Veritas (Bite Communications), TotalFinaElf (AUGUST.ONE) and WH Smith Book Awards and (Joe Public Relations). • The Group has made a stronger start to the second half, benefiting from reduced overheads, the elimination of loss-making subsidiaries and the impact of major new business wins - Text 100's US business is performing especially well. • The Board is cautiously optimistic that the outcome for the full year will be satisfactory and that once the tentative recovery in North America becomes established and spreads to Europe and beyond, the Group will return to organic revenue growth and improved profitability. For further information, contact: Tom Lewis, Chairman, OneMonday Group plc 07802 609661 David Dewhurst, Finance Director 020 8996 4154 Nick Denton, Hogarth Partnership 020 7357 9477 Chairman's Statement I am pleased to report that OneMonday Group continues to experience a slow but steady recovery from the depths of the IT industry slump that caused its specialist PR operations such difficulties over the course of the calendar year 2001. The Group returned to profitability, in comparison with the loss in the previous six month period. In the six months to 31 January 2002, the Group performed slightly better than expected, producing a profit before tax of £230k on turnover, which, at £19.45m was down 16% on the comparative period of last year. When adjusted for discontinued activities (£186k) and further restructuring costs in continuing businesses (£106k), this profit before tax rises to £522k. While the profit before tax compares unfavourably with the £1.15m recorded in the corresponding period last year (prior to the impact of the technology slump), the improvement in the Group's trading position becomes apparent when it is compared to the loss before tax of £819k in the six months to 31 July 2001. Adjusted basic earnings per share fell to 0.1p. The Board is not proposing to pay an interim dividend at this stage, but will consider a final dividend at the time of finalising the full year results in October. The improvement in the Group's profitability is very much as predicted at the time of the full-year figures in October 2001, and reconfirmed at the Group's AGM in January of this year. The global market for the Group's services remains depressed, though there are early signs of a recovery apparent in the US. Two of the Group's subsidiaries are significantly outperforming their markets, Text 100 in the US and Bite Communications in the UK, while trading generally remains patchy in Europe and depressed in Asia Pacific. This has led to some additional reorganisation costs, including the closure of EVUS, a business serving the needs of the emerging technologies market, and some further adjustments to staffing levels. On the other hand, Bite Communications has opened its second overseas operation, in Stockholm. During the last six months, Text 100 commenced work for IBM in fourteen countries around the world but in order to accommodate this it had to end its relationship with a number of significant clients. Bite Communications continues to perform well, playing an important part in the roll-out of Apple's new product line in Europe, while also securing a number of new clients including Sun Microsystems and Veritas. AUGUST.ONE has helped Microsoft achieve a successful launch of its Windows XP operating system and made further progress in extending its reach outside technology with several impressive wins that include energy giant TotalFinaElf. Joe Public Relations has also continued to develop its consumer PR business with wins that include WH Smith Book Awards and The strategies of AUGUST.ONE diversifying outside its core technology business and Joe Public Relations focusing on the consumer sector are enabling the Group to achieve some relief from the current difficult market conditions in the technology sector. As predicted at the AGM in January, the Group has made a stronger start to the second half, benefiting from reduced overheads, the elimination of loss-making subsidiaries and the impact of some major new business wins. The Board is cautiously optimistic that the outcome for the full year will be satisfactory. I am also pleased with the Group's net debt position which, at £1.1m was in line with the previous year-end position. Since 31 January cash flow has continued to improve and our net debt has been significantly reduced. The technology slump has taken substantial capacity out of the PR industry, particularly in North America where some quite significant technology PR consultancies have been seriously weakened or ceased trading altogether. Given the continued emphasis on organic growth, the Group remains free of any deferred acquisition payments in cash or stock, and has the funding available to support its recovery. Looking ahead, the Board believes that once the tentative recovery in North America becomes established and spreads eastwards to Europe and beyond the Group will return to organic revenue growth and improved profitability. On 8th April 2002 our largest client, IBM, issued an earnings warning. Whilst we have no reason to believe that this will affect our business, it seems prudent to highlight this event, which could potentially add some uncertainty to our outlook. Tom Lewis, Chairman ONEMONDAY GROUP PLC CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 JANUARY 2002 Six Months ended Six Months ended Year ended 31 January 2002 31 January 2001 31 July 2001 (UNAUDITED) (UNAUDITED) (AUDITED) £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover (Note 2) - Continuing 19,373 22,596 43,933 Operations - Discontinued Operations 78 502 859 19,451 23,098 44,792 Other external charges (2,090) (2,783) (5,215) Net Revenue 17,361 20,315 39,577 Staff costs 11,523 12,739 25,102 Depreciation 861 735 1,681 Other operating charges: Exceptional Reorganisation Costs(Note 3) 250 - 982 Other operating charges 4,378 5,603 11,290 (17,012) (19,077) (39,055) Operating Profit - Continuing Operations 527 1,309 926 - Discontinued Operations (178) (71) (404) 349 1,238 522 Interest receivable and similar income 26 26 71 Interest payable and similar charges (145) (116) (264) Profit on Ordinary Activities before Taxation (Note 2) 230 1,148 329 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (356) (458) (294) (Note 4) (Loss)/Profit on Ordinary Activities (126) 690 35 after Taxation Minority Interests (56) (34) (18) (Loss)/Profit Attributable to Members of (182) 656 17 the Holding Company Equity dividends paid and proposed (Note - (119) (122) 5) Retained (Loss)/Profit for the Period (182) 537 (105) Basic (Loss)/Earnings per Share (Note 6) (0.46)p 1.65p 0.042p Diluted (Loss)/Earnings per Share (Note (0.46)p 1.51p 0.039p 6) Adjusted Earnings per Share (Note 6) 0.1p 1.65p 1.795p ONEMONDAY GROUP PLC CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 JANUARY 2002 31 January 2002 31 July 2001 31 January 2001 (UNAUDITED) (AUDITED) (UNAUDITED) £'000 £'000 £'000 FIXED ASSETS Tangible assets 3,773 3,809 3,919 Investments (Note 7) 1,509 1,523 1,523 5,282 5,332 5,442 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 7,079 7,555 8,944 Cash at bank and in hand 1,760 2,450 1,574 8,839 10,005 10,518 CREDITORS - Amounts falling due within (5,346) (5,990) (7,411) one year NET CURRENT ASSETS 3,493 4,015 3,107 TOTAL ASSETS LESS 8,775 9,347 8,549 CURRENT LIABILITIES CREDITORS - Amounts falling due after (2,482) (2,431) (1,299) more than one year Provisions for liabilities and charges (29) (448) - NET ASSETS (Note 2) 6,264 6,468 7,250 EQUITY CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 1,121 1,121 1,121 Share premium account 2,711 2,711 2,711 Profit and loss account 2,302 2,562 3,306 TOTAL EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 6,134 6,394 7,138 MINORITY INTERESTS 130 74 112 6,264 6,468 7,250 ONEMONDAY GROUP PLC CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 JANUARY 2002 Six Months ended Six Months ended Year ended 31 January 2002 31 January 2001 31 July 2001 (UNAUDITED) (UNAUDITED) (AUDITED) £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities (Note 8 (1)) 1,053 1,746 3,829 Returns on investments and servicing of financing Interest received 26 26 71 Interest paid (145) (116) (264) Minority interest dividends paid (29) (12) (20) Net cash outflow from returns on (148) (102) (213) investments and servicing of finance Net cash inflow/(outflow) from taxation Corporation tax received/(paid) 99 (664) (1,416) Capital expenditure and investing activities Long term deposits (54) (69) - Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (936) (1,425) (2,387) Proceeds from sale of own shares 4 - 20 Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets 66 54 172 Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and investing activities (920) (1,440) (2,195) Acquisitions and disposals Purchase of minority interest - (48) (50) Equity dividends paid - - (400) Net cash inflow/(outflow) before 84 (508) (445) financing Financing Medium term bank loan - 1,117 1,409 Net capital inflow/(outflow) on hire 211 (27) (10) purchase contracts Net cash inflow from financing 211 1,090 1,399 Increase in cash 295 582 954 for the period (Note 8 (2)) NOTES TO THE INTERIM ACCOUNTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 JANUARY 2002 1) FINANCIAL INFORMATION The financial information is for the six months ended 31 January 2002 and is neither audited nor reviewed as defined by APB Bulletin 1993/1 and 1998/6. The financial information in this report does not constitute statutory financial statements within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 (as amended). The results for the year ended 31 July 2001 have been extracted from the financial statements of the Group on which an unqualified audit report has been received which did not contain a statement under section 237 of the Companies Act 1985 and which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 2) SEGMENTAL INFORMATION Analysis of turnover, profit before taxation and net assets by geographic origin and destination. Turnover Profit before Net Assets taxation £'000 £'000 £'000 Six Months ended 31 January 2002 Continuing activities: Europe, Middle East and Africa 11,074 455 4,328 North America 6,026 247 1,166 Asia Pacific 2,273 (284) (188) Non-allocated assets - (2) 1,246 19,373 416 6,552 Discontinued Activities: Europe, Middle East and Africa 71 (138) (54) North America 7 (48) (234) 78 (186) (288) 19,451 230 6,264 Year ended 31 July 2001 Continuing activities: Europe, Middle East and Africa 27,634 844 4,186 North America 11,725 (165) 1,503 Asia Pacific 4,574 59 117 Non-allocated assets - 18 1,249 43,933 756 7,055 Discontinued Activities: Europe, Middle East and Africa 567 49 77 North America 292 (476) (664) 859 (427) (587) 44,792 329 6,468 Six Months ended 31 January 2001 Continuing activities: Europe, Middle East and Africa 14,556 1,361 5,212 North America 5,884 (102) 1,085 Asia Pacific 2,156 (39) (21) Non-allocated assets - (4) 1,227 22,596 1,216 7,503 Discontinued Activities: Europe, Middle East and Africa 304 102 93 North America 198 (170) (346) 502 (68) (253) 23,098 1,148 7,250 The turnover relates to one class of business. The directors consider these regions to be separate geographic markets and the markets within which the Group operates. 3) EXCEPTIONAL REORGANISATION COSTS The exceptional reorganisation costs relate to measures taken to restructure the business in response to the difficult market conditions particularly impacting the technology industry. This has principally involved redundancies at all levels throughout the Group. The discontinued operations relate to the closure or disposal of non-core businesses. These were Inc, based in Seattle, USA, and EVUS Ltd, based in the UK. Inc was formed in response to the opportunities created by the world wide web and EVUS Ltd was involved with selling marketing services to emerging technology companies. These businesses were closed or disposed of as a result of difficult trading conditions in their respective markets. 4) TAX ON PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES The tax charge is higher than a standard UK rate as a result of profits being generated in high tax regimes and unrelieved overseas losses. 5) DIVIDENDS No interim dividend will be paid for the period (2001: 0.30p per ordinary share). 6) EARNINGS PER SHARE Earnings per share has been calculated, using a loss of £182k (2001 full year: profit of £17k and 2001 interim: profit of £656k) and the weighted average number of shares in issue of 40,038,457 (2001 year end: 39,855,390 and 2001 interim 39,767,126). There are no potentially dilutive ordinary shares at 31 January 2002 (2001 full year: 43,077,008 and 2001 interim: 43,584,159). The adjusted earnings per share has been calculated by adding £222k of exceptional reorganisation costs after tax to the loss attributable to members of £182k in 2002 and at July 2001 by adding £699k of exceptional reorganisation costs after tax to the profit attributable to members of £17k. There were no adjustments to the profit attributable to members at 31 January 2001. 7) INVESTMENTS This represents investment in own shares and is the cost of shares held by the Company Employee Share Ownership Plan Trust (ESOP) in the Company. The market value at 31 January 2002 was £2,182k (31 July 2001 was £2,217k and 31 January 2001 was £13,007k). 8) NOTES TO THE CASH FLOW STATEMENT (1) Reconciliation of Operating Profit to net cash inflow from Operating Activities. Six Months ended Six Months ended Year ended 31 January 2002 31 January 2001 31 July 2001 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating profit 349 1,238 522 Depreciation 861 735 1,681 Profit on sale of own shares (4) - (20) Loss on sale of tangible fixed assets 24 2 8 Decrease in debtors 172 201 1,731 Increase/(decrease) in creditors 56 (430) (541) Decrease in investments 14 - - (Decrease)/increase in provisions (419) - 448 Net cash inflow from operating activities 1,053 1,746 3,829 (2) Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to movement in Net Debt. Six Months ended Six Months ended Year ended 31 January 2002 31 January 2001 31 July 2001 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £'000 £'000 £'000 (Decrease)/increase in cash at bank and (657) (233) 686 in hand in the period Cash inflow from decrease in overdraft 952 815 268 Increase in cash for the period 295 582 954 Cash inflow from bank loan - (1,117) (1,409) Net movement on finance leases (211) 50 10 Changes in net funds from cash flows 84 (485) (445) Exchange movement (39) (2) (78) Movement in net debt in the period 45 (487) (523) Net debt at period beginning (1,116) (593) (593) Net debt at period end (1,071) (1,080) (1,116) This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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