Ninety One plc Ninety One Limited
Incorporated in England and Wales Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration number 12245293 Registration number 2019/526481/06
Date of registration: 4 October 2019 Date of registration: 18 October 2019
LSE share code: N91 JSE share code: NY1
JSE share code: N91 ISIN: ZAE000282356
2022 Annual General Meeting - voting results update
17 January 2023
At the Annual General Meeting of Ninety One plc and Ninety One Limited (together 'Ninety One') held on 26 July 2022 all resolutions were passed with the requisite majority of votes. The Board acknowledged that the ordinary resolution 24, the general authority to issue ordinary shares for cash in terms of the Listings Requirements of the JSE, received votes against (21.25%).
The Board recognises shareholder concerns regarding the dilution of their rights and investments and reiterates that it currently has no intention to issue new shares under the general authority. Notwithstanding this, the Board believes that the general authority is important for maintaining flexibility and optionality in Ninety One's capital management.
The Board will continue to engage with a wide range of shareholders in the coming months to further understand their position on the matter of share issuance under the general authority and will provide an update in the Integrated Annual Report 2023.
For enquiries please contact:
Investor relations
Varuni Dharma +44 (0) 203 938 2486
Eva Hatfield +44 (0) 203 938 2908
Date of release: 17 January 2023
JSE Sponsor: J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa (Pty) Ltd