Board Proposals

Nokia Corporation 1 February 2000 PROPOSAL BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO AMEND THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 1 Split of the nominal value of the share The market value of the Company's shares is presently considered excessive for the effective function of the market. A split of the nominal value is to increase the liquidity of the share and, therefore, to support a stable development of the market value of the share. The Board of Directors proposes that the nominal value of the share be split on a four-for-one basis and amended to 6 cents, and that Section 2 of the Articles of Association be amended correspondingly. 2 Reduction of the number of auditors to one ordinary auditor According to established international practices, companies tend to have only one auditor being an audit firm. Also the Finnish Companies Act allows a public company to have only one ordinary auditor provided that it is approved of by the Finnish Central Chamber of Commerce. Once an ordinary auditor is an audit firm, there is no need to elect a deputy auditor. To clarify responsibilities of the auditors it is appropriate to determine the term of the auditor as the fiscal year. The Board of Directors proposes that pursuant to the Articles of Association the Company shall have one ordinary auditor, which is an audit firm approved of by the Finnish Central Chamber of Commerce, that the term of the auditor is the fiscal year, and that Sections 7 and 12 of the Articles of Association be amended correspondingly. Espoo, February 1, 2000 The Board of Directors PROPOSAL BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO RESOLVE ON INCREASE OF THE SHARE CAPITAL In the Annual General Meeting held on March 17, 1999 the shareholders authorized the Board of Directors to resolve on increase of the share capital by a maximum of 120 million new shares each with a nominal value of 24 cents to be used in financing of business acquisitions or other arrangements. During 1999 the share capital was increased on the basis of the authorization by 529,530 shares in connection with the acquisition of Rooftop Communications Corporation. The Board of Directors anticipates that also during the current financial period the Nokia Group will develop and expand its business activities by acquiring ownership of businesses or parts thereof or by engaging in co-operation arrangements. The continued strong interest in the Nokia share, the favorable development on the stock market or conditions set by contracting parties continue to provide opportunities and more and more commonly to create needs to finance a business acquisition or another arrangement, partly or in total, with Nokia shares. A continuous authorization offers Nokia flexibility in financing and other arrangements. Therefore, the Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the shareholders authorize the Board of Directors to resolve to increase the share capital of the Company by a maximum of 28,800,000 euros in one or more issues. A maximum of 480,000,000 new shares each with a nominal value of 6 cents would be offered for subscription at a price and on terms determined by the Board of Directors. The proposed amount corresponds to approximately 10.3 per cent of the current registered share capital and the total amount of votes. It is also proposed that the Board of Directors be authorized to decide on the bases for determining the subscription price. The Board of Directors proposes to be also authorized to deviate from the shareholders' pre-emptive rights to the share subscription, provided that from the Company's perspective important financial grounds exist such as financing of a business acquisition or another arrangement. The Board of Directors is entitled to decide on persons entitled to subscription. However, the decision to increase the share capital may not be made to the benefit of the persons referred to in the Companies Act, Chapter 1, Section 4, Paragraph 1. It is proposed that the Board of Directors be authorized to decide that a share subscription may be made in kind or otherwise on certain terms. It is proposed that the authorization is effective for a period of one year as of the resolution of the Annual General Meeting, i.e. until March 22, 2001. Espoo, February 1, 2000 The Board of Directors PROPOSAL BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO RESOLVE TO REPURCHASE NOKIA SHARES In the Extraordinary General Meeting held on December 13, 1999 the shareholders authorized the Board of Directors until December 13, 2000 to resolve to repurchase the maximum of 56 million Nokia shares each with a nominal value of 24 cents to be used to further develop the capital structure of the Company, to finance business acquisitions or other arrangements, to be disposed in other ways, or to be cancelled. A continuous authorization offers Nokia flexibility in financing and other arrangements. Therefore, the Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting repeal the authorization to repurchase Nokia shares given by the Extraordinary General Meeting and replaces it by an authorization to resolve to repurchase Nokia shares by using funds available for distribution of profits as follows. The shares could be repurchased under the proposed authorization in order to further develop the capital structure of the Company, to finance business acquisitions or other arrangements, to be disposed in other ways, or to be cancelled. The authorization is proposed to concern the maximum of 224,000,000 shares each with a nominal value of 6 cents corresponding to less than 5 % of the total number of shares issued by the Company. The authorization is proposed to concern repurchases of Nokia shares as resolved by the Board either a) through a tender offer made to all the shareholders with equal terms determined by the Board of Directors, in relation to the holdings of the shareholders, and for an equal price determined by the Board of Directors; or b) in public trading through exchanges the rules of which entitle companies to trade with their own shares. In this case the shares would be repurchased at the market price publicly quoted at the time of the repurchase and in another proportion than that of the shareholdings of the current shareholders. The repurchase price would be paid to the sellers of the shares within the time period determined by the rules of the respective exchange and other applicable regulations such as, e.g. the Rules of the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd. Repurchases will reduce the Company's distributable retained earnings. As the maximum number of shares to be repurchased pursuant to the proposed authorization is less than 5 % of the total number of shares and the total voting rights, the repurchase would have no significant effect on the division of the holdings of the other shareholders of the Company or of the voting powers among them. The aggregate amount of shares held on January 24, 2000 by the persons belonging to the category referred to in the Companies Act, Chapter 1, Section 4, Paragraph 1, together with the shares they are entitled to subscribe for on the basis of existing stock options, corresponds to approximately 1.1 % of the share capital of the Company and the total voting rights. If the holdings of these persons remain unchanged during the authorization and the Company repurchases the maximum number of the authorization, the corresponding figures would after the repurchase be approximately 1.1 % of the share capital and approximately 1.2 % of all the voting rights. It is proposed that the authorization expire on March 22, 2001 or on any earlier date on which the Board of Directors specifically and irrevocably resolves that it will not repurchase any further shares under the authorization. Espoo, February 1, 2000 The Board of Directors PROPOSAL BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO RESOLVE ON DISPOSAL OF NOKIA SHARES HELD BY THE COMPANY In the Extraordinary General Meeting held on December 13, 1999 the shareholders authorized the Board of Directors until December 13, 2000 to resolve on disposal of the maximum of 56 million Nokia shares each with the nominal value of 24 cents. A continuous authorization offers Nokia flexibility in financing and other arrangements. The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the shareholders repeal the authorization to dispose of Nokia shares given by the Extraordinary General Meeting and replaces it by an authorization to resolve on disposal of Nokia shares as follows. The number of shares subject to the authorization is the maximum of 224,000,000 Nokia shares each with a nominal value of 6 cents corresponding to less than 5 % of the total number of shares and the voting rights related thereto. The authorization is proposed to include the right to resolve to whom and in which order the shares are disposed as well as the right to resolve to dispose the shares in another proportion than that of the shareholders' pre-emptive rights to acquire the Company's shares provided that from the Company's perspective important financial grounds exist. The authorization is not proposed to include disposal of shares to the benefit of persons belonging to the category referred to in the Companies Act, Chapter 1, Section 4, Paragraph 1. The shares may be disposed in one or several occasions. The shares may be disposed as consideration in connection with business acquisitions or other arrangements in ways, on terms and to the extent determined by the Board of Directors. Business acquisitions or other arrangements may be regarded from the Company's perspective as important financial grounds to deviate from the shareholders' pre-emptive rights to acquire the Company's shares. It is also proposed that the shares may otherwise be disposed in public trading through exchanges the rules of which entitle companies to trade with their own shares. The authorization is proposed to concern disposal of shares at the market value at the time of disposal determined in public trading. The resolution is also proposed to concern an authorization to decide on disposal of Nokia shares for a payment in kind. It is proposed that the authorization is effective for a period of one year as of the resolution of the Annual General Meeting, i.e. until March 22, 2001. Espoo, February 1, 2000 The Board of Directors


Nokia OYJ (0HAF)
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