Final Results

Edinburgh US Tracker Trust PLC 9 March 2001 9 March 2001 EDINBURGH US TRACKER TRUST PLC RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JANUARY 2001 Edinburgh US Tracker Trust aims to achieve long term growth of capital and income by tracking the performance of the S&P Composite Index. HIGHLIGHTS * Net asset value per share up 9.3% to 766.43p compared with a rise of 8.7% in the benchmark index. * Share price up by 15.2% to 747.5p * Board proposes a final dividend of 2.85p per share which, when combined to the interim dividend, provides a total dividend for the year of 4.85p per share For further information, please contact: David McCraw, Director Edinburgh Fund Managers plc 0131 313 1000 Ian Massie, Director Edinburgh Fund Managers plc 0131 313 1000 Chairman's Statement I am pleased to report that the company continues to meet the objective of tracking the performance of the S&P Composite Index. The net asset value per share (NAV) increased by 9.3% to 766.43p compared with a rise of 8.7% in the index (in sterling terms). Following a series of increases in US interest rates, US share prices made mixed progress last year and the S&P Composite Index fell by 2.0% in local currency terms. The index return in sterling terms reflected the fall in the value of sterling in relation to the US dollar. The difference in the NAV return relative to the index was attributable to the timing of the sales of non-index stocks received in take over situations and through spin-offs from constituents of the index. Since the investment objective of the company was revised in June 1997, the capital performance has matched that of the Index to within 0.5% per annum. This close tracking of the Index confirms the reliability of the tracking methodology employed by the company. Revenue Revenue per share rose from 4.45p to 4.74p per share. The increase was attributable mainly to the favourable movement in the value of sterling. Your board is recommending a final dividend of 2.85p which will take the total dividends for the year to 4.85p, which is unchanged from last year. Share Price Over the year under review, the share price rose by 15.2% to 747.5p, which represented a discount to the net asset value at the year-end of 2.5%. The share price started the year on a discount of 7.4% and the gradual improvement in the discount reflects consistent demand for the company's shares from private investors and private client stockbrokers. Your board has authority to purchase the company's shares for cancellation should the shares persistently trade on an excessive discount. A special resolution proposing an extension of this facility will be put to shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. Marketing Your board continues to promote the company through the manager's marketing initiative. This provides a series of savings schemes by which savers can invest in Edinburgh US Tracker Trust in a low cost and convenient manner. The company contributed £32,000 to this initiative during the past year. Up to date information about the company is available on the company's website on Annual General Meeting The company's Articles of Association require shareholders to vote on the continuation of the company at every Annual General Meeting. Accordingly, a resolution to this effect will be proposed as Special Business at the Annual General Meeting to be held on Tuesday 5 June 2001. If this resolution is not passed, the company will be liquidated later this year. Liquidation would result in a disposal of the company's shares for capital gains tax purposes and therefore shareholders should consider carefully whether they wish the company to be wound up. The economic strength of the US lies in the strength of the economy, the size of the market place, the mobility of labour and an entrepreneurial culture. These factors have combined to create an environment where a large number of US companies have emerged as world leaders in many industries. Edinburgh US Tracker Trust provides shareholders with a broadly diversified portfolio which covers the top 500 companies in the United States of America. I believe that our investment performance, aided by low management and administration costs, as evidenced by the total expense ratio of 0.3%, underlines the attractions of the index tracking approach to investors. Your board therefore strongly recommends all shareholders to vote in favour of the resolution. Sir Angus Grossart Chairman 8 March 2001 STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN for the year ended 31 January 2001 (audited) Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 Gains on investments - 54,527 54,527 Premium on redemption of preference shares and - - - associated costs Income from investments 7,507 - 7,507 Interest receivable 161 - 161 Investment management fee (1,623) - (1,623) Administrative expenses (463) - (463) ---- ---- ---- Net return before taxation 5,582 54,527 60,109 Taxation (1,636) - (1,636) ---- ---- ---- Return on ordinary activities after taxation 3,946 54,527 58,473 Dividends in respect of non-equity shares - - - ---- ---- ---- Return attributable to equity shareholders 3,946 54,527 58,473 Dividends in respect of equity shares (4,039) - (4,039) ---- ---- ---- Transferred from reserves (93) 54,527 54,434 ---- ---- ---- Return per ordinary share 4.74p 65.48p 70.22p ---- ---- ---- for the year ended 31 January 2000 (audited) Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 Gains on investments - 56,118 56,118 Premium on redemption of preference shares and - (70) (70) associated costs Income from investments 7,134 - 7,134 Interest receivable 67 - 67 Investment management fee (1,422) - (1,422) Administrative expenses (403) - (403) ---- ---- ---- Return on ordinary activities before taxation 5,376 56,048 61,424 Taxation (1,630) - (1,630) ---- ---- ---- Return on ordinary activities after taxation 3,746 56,048 59,794 Dividends in respect of non-equity shares (39) - (39) ---- ---- ---- Return attributable to equity shareholders 3,707 56,048 59,755 Dividends in respect of equity shares (4,039) - (4,039) ---- ---- ---- Transferred from reserves (332) 56,048 55,716 ---- ---- ---- Return per ordinary share 4.45p 67.31p 71.76p ---- ---- ---- BALANCE SHEET (audited) At 31 January 2001 At 31 January 2000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Investments 637,898 584,263 Current assets Debtors 829 1,936 Cash and short term deposits 3,248 3,001 ---- ---- 4,077 4,937 Creditors: amounts falling due 3,609 5,285 within one year Net current assets 468 (348) ---- ---- 638,366 583,915 Provision for liabilities and (155) (138) charges ---- ---- 638,211 583,777 ---- ---- Capital and reserves Share capital 20,816 20,816 Other reserves 617,395 562,961 ---- ---- Total equity shareholders' funds 638,211 583,777 ---- ---- Net asset value per share 766.43p 701.06p CASHFLOW STATEMENT (audited) For the year ended For the year ended 31 January 2001 31 January 2000 £000 £000 Revenue before taxation 5,582 5,376 Increase in accrued income (61) 267 Increase in other debtors (19) (6) Increase in creditors 66 134 ---- ---- Net cash inflow from operating activities 5,568 5,771 Net cash outflow from servicing of - (39) finance Total tax paid (1,748) (412) Net cash inflow from financial investment 193 1,942 Equity dividends paid (4,039) (4,039) ---- ---- Net cash outflow before financing (26) 3,223 Net cash outflow from financing - (1,128) ---- ---- DECREASE IN CASH (26) 2,095 ---- ---- NOTES : 1. The accounts are prepared under the same accounting policies used for the year to 31 January 2000. 2. The proposed final dividend, subject to shareholder approval, will be paid on 7 June 2001 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 11 May 2001. The ex-dividend date is 9 May 2001. 3. The statement of total return, the balance sheet and the cash flow statement set out above do not represent full accounts in accordance with Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the year ended 31 January 2000 has been extracted from the Annual Report and Accounts of the Company which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified. The statutory accounts for 2001 are unqualified and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting which will be held on Tuesday, 5 June 2001 at 11.00am. 4. The Annual Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders on 30 March 2001 and copies will be available from the investment manager. Please note that past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future and that the value of investments and the income from them may fall as well as rise and may be affected by exchange rate movements. Investors may not get back the amount they originally invested. For Edinburgh US Tracker Trust plc Edinburgh Fund Managers plc, Secretary David Holland Company Secretary END
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