Interim Results
Edinburgh US Tracker Trust PLC
31 August 2001
31 August 2001
Edinburgh US Tracker Trust aims to achieve long term growth of capital and
income by tracking the performance of the S&P Composite Index.
- Net asset value per share ('NAV') fell by 8.8% to 699.35p compared to a
fall of 9.1% in the index (in sterling terms)
- The company's share price fell by 5.2% to 708.50p, representing a premium
of 1.3% to NAV, which reflects the consistent demand for the company's
- An interim dividend of 2.00p per share for the year to 31 January 2002 has
been declared
- END -
For further information, please contact:-
David McCraw, Director
Edinburgh Fund Managers plc 0131 313 1000
Alex Gowans, Director
Edinburgh Fund Managers plc 0131 313 1000
I am pleased to report that the company continues to meet the objective of
tracking the performance of the S&P Composite Index. During the period to 31
July 2001, the net asset value per share fell by 8.8% to 699.35p compared to a
fall of 9.1% in the index (in sterling terms). The company's share price fell
by only 5.2% to 708.5p, which represents a small premium of 1.3% to the net
asset value.
The share price at the start of the current year stood at a discount of 2.5%
to the net asset value and the gradual elimination of the discount reflects
consistent demand for the company's shares. With the company's shares trading
at a premium to net asset value, 1,000,000 new shares were issued at a premium
to the net asset value during the period.
Edinburgh US Tracker trust is the only UK investment trust to track the
performance of the S&P Composite Index and provides shareholders with a
broadly diversified portfolio which invests in the top 500 companies in the
USA. The strategy employed by the company to track the index is full
replication of the index constituents. This means that the company holds
every stock making up the index in an amount that equals the stocks weight in
the index. At 31 July 2001, the portfolio consisted of 502 stocks compared
with 500 stocks in the S&P Composite Index. Since the investment objective of
the company was revised in June 1997, the capital performance has matched that
of the index to within 0.5% per annum. This close tracking of the index
confirms the reliability of the tracking methodology employed by the company.
The revenue per share rose slightly from 2.24p to 2.32p per share. This
increase was attributable mainly to the favourable movement in the value of
sterling. The directors have declared an interim dividend of 2.00p (2000 -
2.00p) per share for the year to 31 January 2002 payable on 5 October 2001 to
shareholders on the register on 14 September 2001.
Continuation Vote
Your board was encouraged by the continued support for the company as
expressed by the vote for continuation at the Annual General Meeting in June.
Of the 14.2 million shares voted by proxy (17.1% of the issued share capital),
98% were cast in favour.
Investment Activity
The level of activity in the portfolio was relatively low and this reflected
the changes to the constituents of the index. The level of takeovers and
mergers in the US stock market has fallen sharply in the last 12 months and
this had resulted in fewer changes to the constituents of the index. Only 10
new stocks were added to the portfolio during the period with the largest of
these being John Hancock Financial Services. Additional portfolio activity
was generated from the investment of £7.3 million arising from the issue of
new shares. The total value of purchases amounted to £12.6 million while
sales totalled £5.5 million.
In response to the sharp slowdown in the US economy, the Federal Reserve Board
has cut US interest rates on seven occasions so far this year taking short
term interest rates down from 6.5% to 3.5%. This monetary stimulus, in
conjunction with the significant cuts in personal taxation over the summer
months, is intended to help a recovery in the US economy later this year.
Equity prices have been under pressure following a number of high profile
profits warnings and, until evidence emerges that economic recovery is
underway, investor sentiment remains cautious.
Sir Angus Grossart, Chairman
30 August 2001
for the six months to 31 July 2001 (unaudited)
Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Realised gains on investments - 1,856 1,856
Decrease in unrealised appreciation on investments - (58,403) (58,403)
Foreign exchange gains - 148 148
Income from investments 3,694 - 3,694
Interest receivable 42 - 42
Investment management fee (744) - (744)
Administrative expenses (203) - (203)
______ ______ ______
Return on ordinary activities before taxation 2,789 (56,399) (53,610)
Taxation (834) - (834)
______ ______ ______
Return attributable to equity shareholders 1,955 (56,399) (54,444
______ ______ ______
Return per ordinary share 2.32p (66.93p) (64.61p)
______ ______ ______
For the six months to 31 July 2000 (unaudited) Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Realised gains on investments - 10,860 10,860
Increase in unrealised appreciation on investments - 54,564 54,564
Foreign exchange gains - 171 171
Income from investments 3,643 - 3,643
Interest receivable 66 - 66
Investment management fee (803) - (803)
Administrative expenses (238) (2) (240)
______ _____ ______
Return on ordinary activities before taxation 2,668 65,593 68,261
Taxation (801) - (801)
______ ______ _____
Return attributable to equity shareholders 1,867 65,593 67,460
______ ______ ______
Return per ordinary share 2.24p 78.77p 81.01p
______ ______ ______
For the year to 31 January 2001 (audited)
Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Realised gains on investments - 15,692 15,692
Increase in unrealised appreciation on investments - 38,562 38,562
Foreign exchange gains - 273 273
Income from investments 7,507 - 7,507
Interest receivable 161 - 161
Investment management fee (1,623) - (1,623)
Administrative expenses (463) - (463)
______ ______ ______
Return on ordinary activities before taxation 5,582 54,527 60,109
Taxation (1,636) - (1,636)
______ ______ ______
Return attributable to equity shareholders 3,946 54,527 58,473
______ ______ ______
Return per ordinary share 4.74p 65.48p 70.22p
______ ______ ______
At 31 July At 31 January At 31 July 2000
2001 2001
£000 £000 £000
Fixed assets
Investments 588,476 637,898 647,757
Current assets
Debtors 738 829 6,001
Cash and short term deposits 2,907 3,248 3,599
---------- ---------- ----------
3,645 4,077 9,600
Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year 2,601 3,609 7,644
Net current assets/ 1,044 468 1,956
______ ______ ______
589,520 638,366 649,713
Provision for liabilities and (169) (155) (141)
______ ______ ______
589,351 638,211 649,572
______ ______ ______
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 21,066 20,816 20,816
Other reserves 568,285 617,395 628,756
______ ______ ______
Total equity shareholders' 589,351 638,211 649,572
______ ______ ______
Net asset value per equity 699.35p 766.43p 780.07p
6 months to 6 months to 12 months to
31 July 2001 31 July 2000 31 January 2001
£000 £000 £000
Net cash inflow from operating 2,579 2,616 5,568
Net cash outflow from servicing of - - -
Total tax paid (731) (843) (1,748)
Net cash outflow from financial (7,234) 1,029 193
Equity dividends paid (2,373) (2,373) (4,039)
______ ______ ______
Net cash outflow before financing (7,759) 429 (26)
Net cash inflow from financing 7,270 (2) --
______ ______ ______
(489) 427 (26)
______ ______ ______
1. The accounts are prepared under the same accounting policies used for the
year to 31 January 2001.
2. The interim dividend for the year ended 31 January 2002 will be paid on 5
October 2001 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 14
September 2001. The ex-dividend date is 12 September 2001.
3. The financial statements set out above do not represent full accounts in
accordance with Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial
information for the year ended 31 January 2001 has been extracted from the
Annual Report and Accounts of the Company which have been filed with the
Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was
4. The Interim Report will be posted to shareholders on 14 September 2001 and
copies will be available from the investment manager.
Please note that past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future and
that the value of investments and the income from them may fall as well as
rise and may be affected by exchange rate movements. Investors may not get
back the amount they originally invested.
For Edinburgh US Tracker Trust plc
Edinburgh Fund Managers plc, Secretary
David Holland, Deputy Group Company Secretary