Trading Statement

Northamber PLC 8 November 2001 Northamber plc - Statement on Current Trading - Following the events in the USA of 11th September and the preliminary announcement on 24th September, the Company has not seen the traditional upward trend in trading activity during late September and October within the commercial IT market sector. The very recent Microsoft XP product launch has also, as yet, failed to have any beneficial effect on sales. The steps taken since last July to re-align costs, as referred to in the preliminary announcement with improvements to operating efficiencies, are beginning to have the intended beneficial effect. However, it is difficult to predict the length of this further downturn in trading activity. Therefore the Board believes it likely that the Group will continue to mark time and trade at or around a break-even position for the first half of the year. The Company's cash position and balance sheet have remained very strong as we have taken a prudent attitude to trading and have significantly reduced the level of trade debtors. We continue to be cash generative as our working capital needs decline. With an uncertain trading environment the Board finds it very difficult to anticipate the likely outcome for the year to 30 June 2002. However, the Board considers that after a period of marking time, the company will be very well positioned to benefit from the upturn when it finally arrives. 8th November 2001 Enquiries: David Phillips Chairman Northamber plc 020 8296 7000 Robert Corden Charles Stanley & Company Limited 020 7739 8200


Northamber (NAR)
UK 100