Interim Results - 6 Months to 31 March 2000
Northern Venture Trust PLC
15 May 2000
Highlights are as follows (comparative figures as at 31 March 1999 in
* Net asset value per share 105.7p (91.2p)
* Net assets £39,441,000 (£34,049,000)
* Investment income £805,000 (£883,000)
* Net revenue before tax £527,000 (£588,000)
* Revenue return per share 1.2p (1.1p)
* Interim dividend per share 1.0p (0.8p)
The Chairman of Northern Venture Trust, Professor Sir Frederick Holliday, made
the following statement to shareholders:
I am pleased to report an encouraging performance during the six months to
March 2000, a period in which our venture capital investments have begun to
show the results of much effort expended in earlier years. Whilst we have
benefited to a certain extent from the upturn in the technology sector, our
portfolio remains a broadly based one.
Balance sheet
The net asset value per share as at 31 March 2000 was 105.7p. This represents
an increase of 15.9% from the corresponding figure of 91.2p at 31 March 1999
and 17.3% from the audited figure of 90.1p at 30 September 1999. Net realised
gains on sale of investments amounted to just over £1 million, a good start to
the process of eliminating the adverse balance brought forward on the realised
capital reserve. The unrealised surplus on the revaluation of investments
rose by £4.8 million, helped by a strong showing from some of our quoted
venture capital investments. Funds held in the listed fixed-interest
portfolio continued to reduce as new unquoted investments were completed.
Revenue and dividend
The revenue return per share in the half year was 1.2p, slightly up from the
corresponding figure of 1.1p at 31 March 1999. The revenue surplus before tax
fell from £588,000 to £527,000, again reflecting the withdrawal of income-
earning funds from the listed fixed-interest portfolio, but this was more than
offset by the lower effective tax rate (the preceding period's tax charge
included a write-off of irrecoverable advance corporation tax). An interim
dividend of 1.0p per share (last year 0.8p) will be paid on 8 June 2000 to
shareholders on the register on 26 May 2000. The final dividend will, as
usual, be determined in the light of the results for the full year.
During the period six new venture capital investments totalling £3.8 million
were completed. A further £1.1 million was invested in further financing
rounds for existing portfolio companies. The new investments were:
* CQC (Barnstaple), manufacturer of load-carrying equipment for military
personnel - £602,000
* Chorus Application Software (Barnstaple), financial management software
developer - £546,000
* Tolwood (Newton Aycliffe), manufacturer of pressed steel car parts -
* Barony Universal Products (Auchinleck), producer of aerosol packaged
products - £315,000
* Scipher (Hayes), developer of intellectual property rights - £420,000
* T&D Packaging (Bradford/Liverpool), manufacturer of metal drums -
We invested in Scipher in December ahead of a planned flotation in February.
The flotation was well timed to catch the strong demand for technology
investments in the first quarter of 2000 and we took advantage of a strong
after-market to sell our holding for total proceeds of £808,000. The other
new investments are making good progress so far.
Elsewhere in the portfolio there were a number of encouraging events. Indigo
Active Vision Systems completed a new £5 million financing round involving a
number of new institutional investors, at a price almost three times our
previous valuation. In the biopharmaceutical sector, Alizyme and BioFocus
both announced a series of promising commercial developments and the resulting
growth in the respective share prices means that these are currently our two
largest investments by value. XKO Group moved from AIM to a full listing on
the London Stock Exchange and saw its share price more than triple between
October and February. In total, the portfolio at 31 March 2000 comprised 45
holdings with an aggregate value of £29.5 million.
VCT qualifying status
Your board and its advisers continue to monitor carefully the company's
compliance with the VCT qualifying investment conditions laid down by the
Inland Revenue and are satisfied that the company continues to meet the
relevant requirements.
Share price
After reaching a low point of 65p in November, the company's share price rose
to 85p during March before falling back to its present level of 77.5p. This
represents a discount of over 26% to the net asset value at 31 March, a level
which your directors do not consider is justified in the light of the
company's improving position and prospects.
Although few shares have been traded in recent months, we appreciate that the
market price is an important value indicator to shareholders. We are also
mindful that by the end of 2000, some of the original investors in the
company's 1995 share issue will be free to sell their shares without
forfeiting their initial income tax relief. Whilst it is likely that many
shareholders will wish to continue to hold the shares, it is obviously
desirable that there should be a genuine market for those who wish to sell.
We expect that judicious use of the company's power to purchase its own shares
in the market will help to make this possible. With this in mind, the
directors intend in the near future to use their limited authority to allot
shares by placing up to 3.7 million new shares at a small premium to the
current net asset value, so as to ensure that the company's liquid resources
are maintained at an adequate level. Any shareholder who is interested in
subscribing for new shares should contact the company secretary on 0191 244
The future
Despite the upward trend in interest rates, we remain positive about the
general economic outlook for the UK. The investment portfolio is making good
progress and Northern Venture Managers are receiving a strong flow of new
enquiries; we will aim to maintain a sensible balance between technology
investments and the more traditional industry sectors. We have as a high
priority the realisation of further investment gains so that we can clear our
past losses and make gains available for distribution to shareholders by way
of dividend.
The unaudited interim financial statements for the six months ended 31 March
2000 are set out below.
Six months ended Six months ended Year ended
31 March 2000 31 March 1999 30 September 1999
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Realised on - 1,030 1,030 - (2,035) (2,035) - (2,698)(2,698)
Unrealised - 4,868 4,868 - (1,037) (1,037) - (496) (496)
- 5,898 5,898 - (3,072) (3,072) - (3,194)(3,194)
Income 805 - 805 883 - 883 1,677 - 1,677
fee (158) (237) (395) (175) (262) (437) (335) (502) (837)
Other expenses(120) - (395) (120) - (120) (229) - (229)
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------------
Return on
activities 527 5,661 6,188 588 (3,334) (2,746) 1,113 (3,696)(2,583)
before tax
Tax on ordinary
activities (85) 71 (14) (173) 81 (92) (289) 151 (138)
------ ------ ---- ------ ------ ------- ------ --------
Return on
ordinary 442 5,732 6,174 415 (3,253)(2,838) 824 (3,545)(2,721)
activities after
Dividends (373) - (373) (299) - (299) (299) - (299)
- interim
- final - - - - - - (522) - (522)
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------
------Transfer to 69 5,732 5,801 116 (3,253) (3,137) 3
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------ ------
Return per
share 1.2p 15.4p 16.6p 1.1p (8.7)p (7.6)p 2.2p (9.5)p (7.3)p
Dividends per share
Interim 1.0p 0.8p 0.8p
Final - - 1.4p
31 March 31 March 1999 30 September
2000 £000 1999
£000 £000
Fixed assets
Venture capital investments
-unlisted 21,356 13,811 17,374
-listed 8,179 3,745 3,974
------------ ------------- -------------
Total venture capital
investments 29,535 17,556 21,348
Listed fixed-interest 6,557 13,100 9,248
------------ ------------- -------------
Total fixed asset 36,092 30,656 30,596
Net current assets 3,349 3,393 3,048
------------ ------------- -------------
Net assets 39,441 34,049 33,644
------------ ------------- -------------
Share capital 9,329 9,330 9,330
Share premium 10,457 10,457 10,457
Capital redemption reserve 1 - -
Share purchase reserve 16,996 17,000 17,000
Capital reserve-realised (2,273) (2,304) (3,137)
-unrealised 4,827 (582) (41)
Revenue reserve 104 148 35
------------ ------------- -------------
Total equity 39,441 34,049 33,644
shareholders' funds
------------ ------------- -------------
Net asset value per 105.7p 91.2p 90.1p
The statements of total return for the six months ended 31 March 1999 and the
year ended 30 September 1999 have been re-stated so as to show franked
investment income net of the attributable tax credit, in accordance with
Financial Reporting Standard 16. As a result the figures shown in the revenue
column in respect of income and tax on ordinary activities have each been
reduced by £46,000 for the six months ended 31 March 1999 and by £70,000 for
the year ended 30 September 1999; there has been no change to the previously
reported return on ordinary activities after tax and return per share.
The above summary of results for the six months ended 31 March 2000 does not
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985 and has not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
The figures for the year ended 30 September 1999 have been extracted from the
financial statements for that year, which have been delivered to the Registrar
of Companies; the auditors' report on those financial statements under
Section 235 of the Companies Act 1985 was unqualified.
The interim dividend for the year ending 30 September 2000 will be paid on 8
June 2000 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 26 May
A copy of the full interim report to shareholders for the six months ended 31
March 2000 is expected to be posted to shareholders on 22 May 2000 and will be
available to the public at the registered office of the company at
Northumberland House, Princess Square, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ER.
For further information contact:
Christopher Mellor 0191 244 6000
(Northern Venture Trust PLC)
Neil Baldwin 0113 241 0130
(Brewin Dolphin Securities Ltd.)
15 May 2000