Numis Corporation Plc ("Numis")
Director's Dealing
Numis was notified today by David Poutney, Executive Director of Numis, that on 18 March 2015 he entered into a standby overdraft facility with UBS Group AG, the terms of which include the pledging of 555,340 (0.49%) Numis ordinary shares of 5p in the Company as collateral.
David Poutney's total beneficial holding of 6,209,669 ordinary shares of 5p each in the Company, representing 5.53% of its issued share capital, remains unchanged.
The Numis shares referred to above are Numis' ordinary shares of 5p each and the total number of shares in issue is 112,386,019 (excluding shares held in treasury) with each ordinary share carrying the right to one vote.
The total number of shares held in Treasury is 6,052,517.
The total number of voting rights in Numis is 112,386,019.
18 March 2015
Numis Corporation:
Oliver Hemsley, Chief Executive 020 7260 1256
Simon Denyer, Group Finance Director 020 7260 1225
Gill Ackers 020 7404 5959
Simone Selzer 020 7404 5959
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (Nominated Adviser):
Simon Boadle 020 7583 5000
Jon Raggett 020 7583 5000