For immediate release Thursday 2 February 2023
NWF Group plc
NWF Group plc: Director/PDMR Shareholding
NWF Group plc ('NWF' or the 'Company'), the specialist distributor of fuel, feed and food across the UK, announces that it has been notified that on 1 February 2023, Tina Downie, connected person to Andrew Downie, Managing Director of NWF Agriculture, sold 30,000 ordinary shares of 25 pence each ("Ordinary Shares").
Following the sale, the beneficial holding of Andrew Downie and his connected persons now stands at 55,481 Ordinary Shares representing 0.11% of the Company's issued share capital.
The information below (set out in accordance with the requirements of EU Market Abuse Regulation) provides further detail:
1. |
De t a il s of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person closely associated |
a. |
Na me |
Tina Downie |
2. |
Reaso n for the notification |
a. |
Po siti on /st a t us |
PCA of Andrew Downie, Managing Director of NWF Agriculture |
b. |
I n i t ial notification / A m end m ent |
I n i t ial |
3. |
De t a il s of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor |
a. |
Na me |
NW F Group plc |
b. |
21 3 8 0 0AR R ZN N 1W VZ9M70 |
4. |
De t a il s of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type oftransaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have been conducted |
a. |
De scri p ti on of the Financial instrument, type of instrument I den t ific a ti on code |
O r d i na ry shares of 25p in the Company
GB00 065 23 608 |
b. |
Na t u re of the transaction |
Sale of shares |
c. |
P ric e ( s) and volume(s) |
P ric e ( s) |
Vo l u m e ( s) |
222p |
30,000 |
d. |
Agg re ga t ed i n f o r m a t i on • Aggregatedvolume • Price |
e. |
Da te of the transaction |
1 February 2023 |
f. |
P l a ce of the transaction |
London Stock Exchange |