3rd Quarter Results

Ocean Wilsons Holdings Ld 13 November 2007 Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited Today our principal operating subsidiary, Wilson Sons Limited announced to the Brazilian and Luxembourg Stock Exchanges the results of the Company and its subsidiary companies for the nine months ending 30 September 2007. November 12, 2007 - Wilson Sons Limited (Bovespa: WSON11), through its subsidiaries in Brazil, is one of the largest integrated operators of port and maritime logistics in the Brazilian market, with 170 years of experience, offering a comprehensive line of services to participants in the international commerce area, particularly in the port and shipping sector, with activities divided into six operating segments: port terminals, towage, logistics, shipping agency, offshore and non-segmented activities - discloses the results of the third quarter of 2007 (3Q07). The interim financial and operating information below, except as otherwise indicated, is presented on a consolidated basis and in US dollars, in accordance with the International Accounting Standards number 34 (IAS 34) related to the Interim Financial Information. Operating and Financial Highlights Net revenue of US$ 104.3 million in the 3Q07, an increase of 12.3% as compared to the US$ 92.9 million recorded in the 3Q06; Operating Profit of US$ 26.3 million, 26.5% above the US$ 20.8 million in the 3Q06; EBITDA of US$ 30.8 million in the 3Q07, 28.9% above the US$ 23.9 million recorded in the 3Q06; Net income of US$ 19.2 million, 36.9% above the US$ 14.0 million in the 3Q06; The full announcement is available on the Wilson Sons website (www.wilsonsons.com.br) and the Brazilian and Luxembourg Stock Exchange websites. Wilson Sons Limited and Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the Nine-Month Periods ended September 30, 2007 and 2006 and Report of Independent Auditors Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Auditores Independentes AUDITORS' REPORT ON REVIEW OF INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS To Shareholders and Management Wilson Sons Limited and Subsidiaries Hamilton, Bermuda Introduction We have reviewed the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheet of Wilson Sons Limited and subsidiaries ('the Group') as of September 30, 2007 and the related condensed consolidated income statement for the three-month and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2007 and 2006, as well as the related condensed and consolidated statements of changes in equity and cash flows for the nine-month periods then ended, all expressed in United States Dollars. Management is responsible for the preparation and presentation of this interim financial information in accordance with International Accounting Standard No. 34 ('IAS 34'), Interim Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim financial information based on our reviews. Scope of Review We conducted our reviews in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements 2410, Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity. A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Conclusion Based on our reviews nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying interim financial information is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard No. 34 (IAS 34), Interim Financial Reporting. We have previously audited the consolidated balance sheet of Wilson Sons Limited and subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2006, presented here in condensed format for comparative purposes, and based on our audit, we issued an unqualified opinion thereon, dated March 5, 2007. Wilson Sons Limited and subsidiaries 2 Our reviews also comprehended the convenience translation of the presentation currency amounts (United States dollar) into Brazilian real amounts and, based on our reviews nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that such convenience translation has not been made in conformity with the basis stated in Note 2. The translation of the consolidated financial information amounts into the Brazilian real has been made solely for the convenience of readers in Brazil. International Financial Reporting Standards vary in certain significant respects from Brazilian accounting practices established by Brazilian Corporate Law and standards issued by the Brazilian Securities Commission ('CVM'). The application of the latter would have affected the determination of stockholders' equity and financial position as of September 30, 2007 and December 31, 2006 and the determination of net income for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2007 and 2006 to the extent summarized in Note 23. DELOITTE TOUCHE TOHMATSU Auditores Independentes Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 12 November 2007 WILSON SONS LIMITED AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE NINE-MONTH PERIODS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2007 AND 2006 (Amounts expressed in thousands, unless otherwise noted - Brazilian real amounts are the result of a Convenience Translation: See Notes 1 and 2) (UNAUDITED) 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Wilson Sons Limited (the 'Group') is a Company incorporated in Bermuda under the Companies Act 1981. The address of the register office is Clarendon House, 2 Church Street, Hamilton, HM11, Bermuda. The Group is one of the largest providers of integrated port and maritime logistics and supply chain solutions in the Brazilian market. Throughout our 170 years operating in Brazil, we have developed an extensive national network and provided a variety of services related to international trade, particularly in the port and maritime sectors. Our principal activities are divided into the following segments: operation of ports terminals, towage services, logistics, shipping assistance and support to offshore oil and natural gas platforms. These condensed financial statements are presented in United States Dollars because that is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Group operates. Amounts are also presented in the Brazilian real for the convenience of readers, computed as disclosed in Note 2. 2. ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies and most significant judgments adopted by the Group's management were not modified in relation to those presented in the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2006, disclosed on 26th of April 2007 in the Final Prospectus of the Public Offering for the Primary and Secondary Distribution of Certificates of Deposit representative of Common Shares of Wilson Sons Limited. Convenience translation The condensed financial statements, originally prepared in US Dollars, were also translated to Brazilian Reais. For purposes of this translation, the PTAX exchange rates were used as of the closing dates of the consolidated financial statements, as published by the Brazilian Central Bank. On September 30, 2007, December 31, 2006 and September 30, 2006, the applicable exchange rates were R$1.8389, R$2.1380 e R$2.1742, respectively. The difference in these exchange rates, between each of the referred closing dates, generates translation variances on the beginning balances of the amounts reported in the condensed financial statements as of the subsequent period end. The effect of such differences was disclosed in the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity and respective notes as 'Currency translation adjustment'. This translation was carried out with the sole purpose of providing the user of the condensed financial statements with a view of the reported amounts expressed in the currency of the country where the Group carries out its operations. 3. BUSINESS SEGMENTS Business segments For management purposes, the Group is separated currently into six operating activities; Towage, Port Terminals, Ship Agency, Offshore Support to the Oil & Gas industry, Logistics and Non-Segmented activities. These divisions are the basis on which the Group reports its primary segment information. Segment information relating to these businesses is presented as follow: Port Ship Non segmented September 30, 2007 Towage terminals agency Offshore Logistics activities Elimination Consolidated (Three-month period US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ ending) Income statement Revenue 41,019 40,215 5,407 3,021 18,035 (3,338) 104,359 Inter-segment sales - - - - - 27,355 (27,355) - 41,019 40,215 5,407 3,021 18,035 24,017 (27,355) 104,359 Operating profit 14,697 11,936 2,417 623 1,153 (4,553) - 26,273 Financial income - - - - - 2,232 - 2,232 Financial expenses (921) (1,002) (1) (162) (12) (112) - (2,210) Income before taxes 13,776 10,934 2,416 461 1,141 (2,433) - 26,295 Taxes - - - - - (7,083) - (7,083) Net income for the 13,776 10,934 2,416 461 1,141 (9,516) - 19,212 quarter Other information: Acquisition of fixed (2,719) (5,312) (196) (15,856) (1,022) (111) - (25,216) assets Depreciation and (1,737) (1,908) (162) (599) (435) (258) - (5,099) amortization September 30, 2006 (three-month period ending) Income statement Revenue 33,333 36,831 4,069 1,927 13,372 3,352 - 92,884 Inter-segment sales - - - - - 11,467 (11,467) - 33,333 36,831 4,069 1,927 13,372 14,819 (11,467) 92,884 Operating profit 8,503 11,159 3,267 513 1,188 (3,860) - 20,770 Financial income - - - - - (154) - (154) Financial expenses (317) (577) (4) (221) (421) (100) - (1,640) Income before taxes 8,186 10,582 3,263 292 767 (4,114) - 18,976 Taxes - - - - - (4,947) - (4,947) Net income for the 8,186 10,582 3,263 292 767 (9,061) - 14,029 quarter Other information: Acquisition of fixed (3,212) (984) (2) (6,528) (133) (1,536) - (12,395) assets Depreciation and (1,628) (1,475) (144) (595) (113) (488) - (4,443) amortization Non Port Ship segmented September 30, 2007 Towage terminals agency Offshore Logistics activities Elimination Consolidated (Nine-month period US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ ending) Income statement Revenue 105,657 107,124 15,176 7,636 47,321 4,116 287,030 Inter-segment sales - - - - - 45,881 (45,881) - 105,657 107,124 15,176 7,636 47,321 49,997 (45,881) 287,030 Operating profit 32,583 30,231 5,552 1,004 2,927 (19,012) 53,285 Financial income - - - - - 10,357 10,357 Financial expenses (2,192) (2,357) (1) (628) (218) (222) - (5,618) Income before taxes 30,391 27,874 5,551 376 2,709 (8,877) 58,024 Taxes - - - - - (17,588) - (17,588) Net income for the 30,391 27,874 5,551 376 2,709 (26,465) - 40,436 period Other information: Acquisition of fixed (10,653) (13,990) (638) (25,088) (1,428) (578) (52,375) assets Depreciation and (4,846) (4,731) (486) (1,914) (716) (694) (13,387) amortization September 30, 2006 (Nine-month period ending) Income statement Revenue 85,912 89,843 14,633 6,684 35,506 10,572 - 243,150 Inter-segment sales - - - - - 29,111 (29,111) - 85,912 89,843 14,633 6,684 35,506 39,683 (29,111) 243,150 Operating profit 21,774 22,947 6,097 776 2,394 (9,073) - 44,915 Financial income - - - - - 7,421 - 7,421 Loss on investment - - - - - (2,822) - (2,822) disposal Financial expenses (1,493) (1,093) (8) (677) (574) (2,022) - (5,867) Income before taxes 20,281 21,854 6,089 99 1,820 (6,496) - 43,647 Taxes - - - - - (12,621) - (12,621) Net income for the 20,281 21,854 6,089 99 1,820 (19,117) - 31,026 period Other information: Acquisition of fixed (5,351) (8,849) (246) (14,660) (225) (1,740) (31,071) assets Depreciation and (4,994) (4,136) (426) (1,387) (352) (686) (11,981) amortization September 30, 2007 Balance sheet Assets Segment assets 111,587 142,643 7,002 64,610 13,543 180,899 - 520,284 Liabilities Segment liabilities (75,606) (41,527) 914 (59,157) (5,785) (34,265) - (215,426) December 31, 2006 Balance sheet Assets Segment assets 103,133 132,893 8,158 43,063 11,173 28,465 - 326,885 Liabilities Segment liabilities (63,886) (46,268) (7,434) (42,039) (3,548) (18,710) - (181,885) Non Port Ship segmented Towage terminals Agency Offshore Logistics activities Elimination Consolidated R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ September 30, 2007 (Three-month period ending) Income statement Revenue 75,431 73,952 9,943 5,555 33,165 (6,140) - 191,906 Inter-segment sales - - - - - 50,303 (50,303) - 75,431 73,952 9,943 5,555 33,165 44,163 (50,303) 191,906 Operating profit 27,025 21,948 4,446 1,147 2,120 (8,373) - 48,313 Financial income - - - - - 4,104 4,104 Financial expenses (1,693) (1,843) (2) (298) (22) (206) - (4,064) Income before taxes 25,332 20,105 4,444 849 2,098 (4,475) 48,353 Taxes - - - - - (13,025) - (13,025) Net income for the 25,332 20,105 4,444 849 2,098 (17,500) - 35,328 quarter Other information: Acquisition of fixed (5,000) (9,768) (360) (29,158) (1,879) (204) (46,369) assets Depreciation and (3,194) (3,509) (298) (1,102) (800) (474) (9,377) amortization September 30, 2006 (Three-month period ending) Income statement Revenue 72,473 80,078 8,847 4,190 29,073 7,288 - 201,949 Inter-segment sales - - - - - 24,932 (24,932) - 72,473 80,078 8,847 4,190 29,073 32,220 (24,932) 201,949 Operating profit 18,488 24,261 7,104 1,115 2,583 (8,393) - 45,158 Financial income - - - - - (335) - (335) Financial expenses (689) (1,255) (9) (480) (915) (218) - (3.566) Income before taxes 17,799 23,006 7,095 635 1,668 (8,946) - 41,257 Taxes - - - - - (10,756) - (10,756) Net income for the 17,799 23,006 7,095 635 1,668 (19,702) - 30,501 quarter Other information: Acquisition of fixed (6,984) (2,139) (4) (14,193) (289) (3,340) - (26,949) assets Depreciation and (3,539) (3,207) (313) (1,294) (246) (1,061) - (9,660) amortization Non Port Ship segmented September 30, 2007 Towage terminals Agency Offshore Logistics activities Elimination Consolidated (Nine-month period R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ ending) Income Statement Revenue 194,295 196,991 27,907 14,042 87,017 7,567 - 527,819 Inter-segment sales - - - - - 84,371 (84,371) - 194,295 196,991 27,907 14,042 87,017 91,938 (84,371) 527,819 Operating Profit 59,917 55,592 10,210 1,846 5,382 (34,961) - 97,986 Financial income - - - - - 19,045 - 19,045 Financial expenses (4,030) (4,335) (2) (1,155) (401) (408) - (10,331) Income before taxes 55,887 51,257 10,208 691 4,981 (16,324) - 106,700 Taxes - - - - - (32,343) - (32,343) Net income for the 55,887 51,257 10,208 691 4,981 (48,667) - 74,357 period Other Information: Acquisition of fixed (19,591) (25,726) (1,173) (46,134) (2,626) (1,063) - (96,313) assets Depreciation and (8,910) (8,700) (894) (3,520) (1,317) (1,276) - (24,617) amortization Non Port Ship segmented September 30, 2006 Towage terminals Agency Offshore Logistics activities Elimination Consolidated (Nine-month period R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ ending) Income statement Revenue 186,790 195,337 31,815 14,532 77,197 22,986 - 528,657 Inter-segment sales - - - - - 63,293 (63,293) - 186,790 195,337 31,815 14,532 77,197 86,279 (63,293) 528,657 Operating profit 47,341 49,892 13,257 1,687 5,205 (19,727) - 97,654 Financial income - - - - - 16,135 - 16,135 Loss on investment - - - - - (6,136) - (6,136) disposal Financial expenses (3,246) (2,377) (17) (1,472) (1,248) (4,396) (12,756) - Income before taxes 44,095 47,515 13,240 215 3,957 (14,124) - 94,897 Taxes - - - - - (27,441) - (27,441) Net income for the 44,095 47,515 13,240 215 3,957 (41,565) - 67,457 period Other information: Acquisition of fixed (11,635) (19,239) (535) (31,874) (490) (3,783) - (67,556) assets Depreciation and (10,858) (8,992) (926) (3,016) (765) (1,492) - (26,049) amortization September 30, 2007 Balance sheet Assets Segment assets 205,198 262,306 12,876 118,811 24,904 332,655 - 956,750 Liabilities Segment liabilities (139,032) (76,364) 1,681 (108,784) (10,638) (63,010) - (396,147) December 31, 2006 Balance sheet Assets Segment assets 220,499 284,125 17,442 92,069 23,888 60,857 - 698,880 Liabilities Segment liabilities (136,588) (98,921) (15,894) (89,879) (7,586) (40,001) - (388,869) Financial expenses and respective liabilities were allocated to reporting segments where interest arises from loans used to finance the construction of fixed assets in that segment. Financial income arising from bank balances held in Brazilian operating segments, including foreign exchange variation on such balances, were not allocated to the business segments as cash management is performed centrally by the corporate function. 4. PERSONNEL EXPENSES Three-month period ending Nine-month period ending Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 US$ US$ US$ US$ Salaries and charges (22,122) (15,572) (63,222) (46,983) Benefits (5,598) (5,131) (14,743) (13,725) Pension costs (491) (220) (1,127) (665) Long term incentive plan (778) - (1,473) - (28,989) (20,923) (80,565) (61,373) Three-month period ending Nine-month period ending Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 R$ R$ R$ R$ Salaries and charges (40,680) (33,857) (116,259) (102,150) Benefits (10,294) (11,156) (27,111) (29,841) Pension costs (903) (478) (2,072) (1,446) Long term incentive plan (1,431) - (2,709) - (53,308) (45,491) (148,151) (133,437) 5. OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES The breakdown of other operating expenses is as follows: Three-month period ending Nine-month period ending Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 US$ US$ US$ US$ Service cost (12,493) (14,183) (33,072) (38,250) Rent of tugs (1,977) (1,971) (19,253) (17,414) Freight (6,855) (2,139) (18,978) (5,271) Other rentals (2,969) (2,339) (8,654) (6,648) Utilities (2,327) (2,288) (7,018) (6,218) Container movement (2,239) (1,980) (5,876) (5,750) Insurance (872) (970) (3,693) (3,679) Maintenance (1,793) (1,833) (4,630) (4,927) Other expenses (3,125) (5,269) (7,346) (4,016) (34,650) (32,972) (108,520) (92,173) Three-month period ending Nine-month period ending Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 R$ R$ R$ R$ Service cost (22,973) (30,837) (60,816) (83,163) Rent of tugs (3,636) (4,285) (35,404) (37,862) Freight (12,606) (4,651) (34,899) (11,460) Other rentals (5,460) (5,085) (15,914) (14,454) Utilities (4,279) (4,975) (12,905) (13,519) Container movement (4,117) (4,305) (10,805) (12,502) Insurance (1,604) (2,109) (6,791) (7,999) Maintenance (3,297) (3,985) (8,514) (10,712) Other expenses (5,746) (11,456) (13,509) (8,732) (63,718) (71,688) (199,557) (200,403) 6. LOSS ON INVESTMENT DISPOSAL The loss disposal of investments in the amount of US$2,822 (R$6,136) relates to the write-off in the first quarter of 2006 of an accounts receivable by Wilson Sons Limited from Ocean Wilsons Investments Limited. 7. INVESTMENT AND FINANCE COSTS Three-month period ending Nine-month period ending Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 US$ US$ US$ US$ Interest on investments 1,940 (131) 9,470 6,721 Other 292 (23) 887 700 2,232 (154) 10,357 7,421 Interest on bank loans and (1,687) (1,587) (4,789) (5,020) overdrafts Interest on obligations under (120) 88 (243) (422) finance leases Total borrowing costs (1,807) (1,499) (5,032) (5,442) Derivative costs (403) (141) (586) (425) (2,210) (1,640) (5,618) (5,867) Three-month period ending Nine-month period ending Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 R$ R$ R$ R$ Interest on investments 3,567 (285) 17,414 14,613 Exchange gain on loans 537 (50) 1,631 1,522 4,104 (335) 19,045 16,135 Interest on bank loans and (3,104) (3,450) (8,806) (10,914) overdrafts Interest on obligations under (219) 191 (447) (918) finance leases Total borrowing costs (3,323) (3,259) (9,253) (11,832) Derivative costs (741) (307) (1,078) (924) (4,064) (3,566) (10,331) (12,756) 8. INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION Three-month period ending Nine-month period ending Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 US$ US$ US$ US$ Current tax Income tax and social (6,699) (5,817) (20,055) (12,771) contribution Deferred tax Income tax and social (384) 870 2,467 150 contribution Total Income tax and social (7,083) (4,947) (17,588) (12,621) contribution Three-month period ending Nine-month period ending Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 R$ R$ R$ R$ Current tax Income tax and social (12,319) (12,648) (36,880) (27,767) contribution Deferred tax Income tax and social (706) 1,892 4,537 326 contribution Total Income tax and social (13,025) (10,756) (32,343) (27,441) contribution The reconciliation of the combined statutory income tax and social contribution rates with the effective income tax expense for the periods is as follows: Three-month period ending Nine-month period ending Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 US$ US$ US$ US$ Profit before tax 26,295 18,976 58,024 43,647 Tax at the standard Brazilian tax rate of 34% 8,940 6,452 19,728 14,840 Effect of permanently non-chargeable income (1,176) (2,302) (850) (3,943) and non-deductible expenses Effect of differing tax rates of subsidiaries (681) 797 (1,290) 1,724 that operate in other jurisdictions Income tax expense 7,083 4,947 17,588 12,621 Effective tax rate 27% 26% 30% 29% Three-month period ending Nine-month period ending Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 R$ R$ R$ R$ Profit before tax 48,353 41,255 106,700 94,898 Tax at the standard Brazilian tax rate of 34% 16,440 14,027 36,278 32,265 Effect of permanently non-chargeable income and non-deductible expenses (2,163) (5,005) (1,563) (8,574) Effect of differing tax rates of subsidiaries that operate in other jurisdictions (1,252) 1,734 (2,372) 3,750 Income tax expense 13,025 10,756 32,343 27,441 Effective tax rate 27% 26% 30% 29% The Group earns its taxable income primarily in Brazil. Therefore the tax rate used for tax on income on usual activities is the Brazilian standard rate of 34%, consisting of income tax of 25% and social contribution of 9%. 9. EARNINGS PER SHARE The calculation of the basic income diluted per share is based as follows: Three-month period ending Nine-month period ending Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 Sept 30,2007 Sept 30, 2006 US$ US$ US$ US$ Dividends - 7,068 8,000 7,068 Undistributed earnings 18,859 6,741 31,422 23,429 Net income for the period 18,859 13,809 39,422 30,497 Weighted average number of shares 71,144,000 5,012,000 55,145,763 5,012,000 Earnings per share 0,27 2,76 0,71 6,08 Three-month period ending Nine-month period ending Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 Sept 30,2007 Sept 30, 2006 R$ R$ R$ R$ Dividends - 15,367 14,711 15,367 Undistributed earnings 34,680 14,657 57,782 50,940 Net income for the period 34,680 30,024 72,493 66,307 Weighted average number of shares 71,144,000 5,012,000 55,145,763 5,012,000 Earnings per share 0,49 5,99 1,31 13,23 10. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT September 30, 2007 December 31, 2006 Cost Depreciation Net value Cost Depreciation Net value accumulated accumulated US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ Land and buildings 61,632 (15,813) 45,819 42,982 (9,492) 33,490 Floating craft 153,398 (65,982) 87,416 126,359 (58,065) 68,294 Vehicles, plant and equipment 91,838 (32,407) 59,431 86,742 (30,068) 56,674 Assets under construction 28,611 - 28,611 17,327 - 17,327 Total 335,479 (114,202) 221,277 273,410 (97,625) 175,785 September 30, 2007 December 31, 2006 Cost Depreciation Net value Cost Depreciation Net value accumulated accumulated R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ Land and buildings 113,335 (29,079) 84,256 91,895 (20,294) 71,601 Floating craft 282,083 (121,334) 160,749 270,156 (124,143) 146,013 Vehicles, plant and equipment 168,881 (59,593) 109,288 185,454 (64,285) 121,169 Assets under construction 52,613 - 52,613 37,045 - 37,045 Total 616,912 (210,006) 406,906 584,550 (208,722) 375,828 Assets under construction and floating craft: The decrease in assets under construction and consequent increase in the balance of floating craft refers, mainly to construction conclusion of the Platform Supplier Vessel ('PSV') by the Group shipyard in the second quarter of 2007. Guarantees: Lands and buildings with a book value of US$304 (R$559) (December 31, 2006: US$294 (R$629)) and tugs with a book value of US$3,340 (R$6,142) (December 31, 2006: US$3,500 (R$7,484)), were given in guarantee of several law suits. The Group has pledged assets at the carrying amount of approximately US$39.3 million, (approximately R$72.3 million) (December 31, 2006: approximately US$40.6 million (approximately R$86.8 million), to secure loans granted to the Group. 11. SUBSIDIARIES Place of Proportion of Method used incorporation ownership to record and operation interest the investment WILSON SONS DE ADMINISTRACAO E COMERCIO LTDA. Brazil 100% Consolidation Holding company SAVEIROS CAMUYRANO SERVICOS MARITIMOS S.A. Brazil 100% Consolidation Tug operator WILSON, SONS S.A. COMERCIO, INDUSTRIA, E AGENCIA DE NAVEGACAO Brazil 100% Consolidation Shipyard WILSON SONS AGENCIA MARITIMA LTDA. Brazil 100% Consolidation Ship agents SOBRARE-SERVEMAR S.A. Brazil 100% Consolidation Tug operator WILPORT OPERADORES PORTUARIOS LTDA. Brazil 100% Consolidation Stevedoring COMPANHIA DE NAVEGACAO DAS LAGOAS LTDA. Brazil 100% Consolidation Tug operator COMPANHIA DE NAVEGACAO DAS LAGOAS NORTE LTDA. Brazil 100% Consolidation Tug operator WILSON, SONS LOGISTICA LTDA. Brazil 100% Consolidation Logistics WILSON, SONS TERMINAIS DE CARGAS LTDA. Brazil 100% Consolidation Transport services EADI SANTO ANDRE TERMINAL DE CARGA LTDA. Brazil 100% Consolidation Bonded warehousing VIS LIMITED Guernsey 100% Consolidation Holding company TECON RIO GRANDE S.A. Brazil 100% Consolidation Port terminal TECON SALVADOR S.A. Brazil 90% Consolidation Port terminal BRASCO LOGISTICA OFFSHORE LTDA. Brazil 75% Consolidation Port operator 40% of Brasco Logistica Offshore Ltda. was proportionally consolidated as a joint venture, until it was acquired as a subsidiary in March of 2006 (see Note 19). 12. JOINT VENTURES The following amounts are included in the Group's financial statements as a result of proportionally consolidation of joint ventures. Sept 30, 2007 Dec 31, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Dec 31, 2006 US$ US$ R$ R$ Current assets 4,479 3,880 8,236 8,295 Non-current assets 6,426 5,226 11,817 11,173 Current liabilities (6,274) (4,023) (11,537) (8,601) Non-current liabilities (1,353) (1,760) (2,488) (3,763) Three-month period ending Nine-month period ending Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 US$ US$ US$ US$ Revenues 5,082 10,313 17,123 22,354 Expenses (5,755) (4,217) (17,607) (16,069) Three-month period ending Nine-month period ending Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 R$ R$ R$ R$ Revenues 9,346 22,422 31,488 48,602 Expenses (10,583) (9,170) (32,378) (34,938) The Group has the following interests in joint ventures: Place of Proportion of Method used incorporation ownership to record and operation interest the investment Consorcio de Rebocadores Baia de Sao Marcos Brazil 50% Proportional Tug operator consolidation Allink Transportes Internacionais Limitada Brazil 50% Proportional Non-vessel operating common carrier consolidation Consorcio de Rebocadores Barra de Coqueiros Brazil 50% Proportional Tug operator consolidation Dragaport Limitada Brazil 33% Proportional Dredge operator consolidation Dragaport Engenharia Brazil 33% Proportional Dredge operator consolidation On April 7, 2006 the Group disposed of its 50% of interests in WR Operadores Portuarios, a stevedoring and port operator. 13. TRADE AND OTHER RECEIVABLES Sept 30, 2007 Dec 31, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Dec 31, 2006 US$ US$ R$ R$ Accounts receivable for services 43,523 28,614 80,035 61,177 rendered Taxation recoverable 2,317 1,304 4,261 2,788 Prepayments and recoverable 27,995 23,827 51,480 50,942 taxes Provision for doubtful (1,059) (933) (1,948) (1,995) receivables 72,776 52,812 133,828 112,912 14. BANK OVERDRAFTS AND LOANS Sept 30, 2007 Dec 31, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Dec 31, 2006 Rate - % US$ US$ R$ R$ Bank overdrafts 1,432 809 2,633 1,730 Santander CDI + 0,16% p.m. 1,432 809 2,633 1,730 Bank loans 124,223 109,352 228,434 233,794 BNDES 1,5% to 6% p.y. 101,107 78,417 185,926 167,655 IFC 5,33% to 9,48% p.y. 23,116 30,935 42,508 66,139 125,655 110,161 231,067 235,524 The breakdown of bank overdrafts and loans by maturity is as follows: Within one year 15,901 14,945 29,240 31,952 In the second year 14,730 14,216 27,088 30,394 In the third year to fifth years 30,890 32,170 56,803 68,779 inclusive After five years 64,133 48,830 117,936 104,399 Total 125,654 110,161 231,067 235,524 Total current 15,901 14,945 29,240 31,952 Total non-current 109,753 95,216 201,827 203,572 The breakdown of bank overdrafts and loans by currency is as follows: $Real $Real linked to linked to $Real US Dollars US Dollars Total $Real US Dollars US Dollars Total September 30, 2007 US$ US$ US$ US$ R$ R$ R$ R$ Bank overdrafts 1,432 - - 1,432 2,633 - - 2,633 Bank loans - 101,107 23,116 124,223 - 185,926 42,508 228,434 Total 1,432 101,107 23,116 125,655 2,633 185,926 42,508 231,067 December 31, 2006 Bank overdrafts 809 - - 809 1,730 - - 1,730 Bank loans - 78,417 30,935 109,352 - 167,655 66,139 233,794 Total 809 78,417 30,935 110,161 1,730 167,655 66,139 235,524 In the third quarter of 2007, the Group obtained new loans from the BNDES for financing the construction of new vessels (platform supplier vessels. The other main characteristics of the Group's loans are as follows: The principal on the loans in Reais linked to US Dollars are subject to exchange variance on the changes in the US Dollar/Real exchange rate and bear interest between 1.5% and 6.0% per year on the US Dollar amounts. These loans are to finance the building of new tugs, platform supply vessels and the refurbishment of dredges. They are guaranteed by mortgage on the assets financed. The amounts outstanding at September 30, 2007 are repayable over periods varying up to 18 years. The loans in US Dollars bear interest at rates between six-month LIBOR plus 3.5% per year and six-month LIBOR plus 4.15% per year. The majority of these loans are to fund the expansion of the container terminal at Tecon Rio Grande and have no recourse to other companies in the Group. The amounts outstanding at September 30, 2007 are repayable over periods varying up 8 years. The fair value of debt is as follows: Sept 30, 2007 Dec 31, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Dec 31, 2006 US$ US$ R$ R$ Bank overdrafts 1,432 809 2,633 1,730 Bank loans 123,046 109,304 226,269 233,691 BNDES 101,107 78,417 185,926 167,655 IFC 21,939 30,887 40,343 66,036 Total 124,478 110,113 228,901 235,421 15. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AND RISK ASSESSMENT a) Foreign exchange risk management (Forwards and Swaps) The Group engages in forward and swap operations to mitigate and manage the exposure to change in foreign exchange rates of loan agreements denominated in foreign currency (in US Dollars and in Reais linked to US Dollars). Contracts are denominated in Reais at the notional value of US$676 (R$1,243) (December 31, 2006: US$2,038 (R$4,293)). The fair value of forward and swap operations at 30 September 2007 is US$51 (R$94) (December 31, 2006: US$782 (R$1,673)) reported under liabilities as Derivative Financial Instruments. The results of transactions with derivatives terminated in the reporting periods and still in force as of each period end is reported under Finance Costs (Note 7). b) Fair value of financial instruments The Group's financial instruments are recorded in balance sheet accounts at September 30, 2007 and December 31, 2006 at amounts compatible with those practiced in the market at those dates. These instruments are managed though operating strategies aimed to obtain liquidity, profitability and security. The control policy consists of an ongoing monitoring of rates agreed versus those in force in the market and confirmation as to whether its short-term financial investments are being properly marked to market by the institutions dealing with its funds. The Group does not make speculative investments in derivatives or any other risk assets. The determination of estimated realization values of Company's financial assets and liabilities relies on information available in the market and relevant assessment methodologies. Nevertheless, a considerable judgment was required when interpreting market data to derive the most adequate estimated realization value. Eventually, the following estimates do not necessarily indicate the amounts that can be realized in the present foreign exchange market. c) Criteria, assumptions and limitations used when computing market values Cash and cash equivalents The market values of the bank current account balances are consistent with book balances. The market value of short-term financial investments was calculated based on market quotations. Investments classified as 'available for sale' The investment available for sale is in Barcas S.A. Transportes Maritimos. Such company does not have any market quotation, and its fair value is calculated in accordance with criteria and assumptions set by Group management. Intercompany loans receivable/payable Because of the lack of similar financial instruments in the present market, the related amounts involved are shown at book balances. Trade accounts receivable and others/Suppliers and other payables In the Group management's view, the book balance of trade and other accounts receivable and suppliers and other payables approximates fair value. Investments Market values of Group investments are identical to book balances, since they do not have any market quotation. Bank Overdrafts and Loans Market values of loans arrangements were calculated at their present value determined by future cash flows and at interest rates applicable to instruments of similar nature, terms and risks or at market quotations of these securities. Market value of BNDES/FINAME financing arrangements is identical to book balances since there are no similar instruments, with comparable maturity dates and interest rates. As regards the loan arrangement with the IFC, fair value was obtained at the rate of the latest loan arrangement using the Libor rate at September 30, 2007. Derivatives The Company engages in derivatives operations ('swaps' and 'forwards') to hedge against the effects from changes in foreign currency-denominated exposure. Market value is determined at quotations reported by the financial institutions issuing the instruments. d) Credit Risk The Group's credit risk can be attributed mainly to balances such as cash and cash equivalents, investments classified as 'trading' and trade accounts receivable. The accounts receivable in the balance sheet are shown net of the provision for doubtful receivables. The valuation provision is established whenever a loss is detected, which, based on past experience, evidences impaired possibility of recovering cash flows. The Group's sales policy is subordinated to the credit sales rules set by Management, which seeks to mitigate any loss from customers' delinquency. 16. TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES Sept 30, 2007 Dec 31, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Dec 31, 2006 US$ US$ R$ R$ Suppliers 53,589 39,785 98,545 85,060 Other taxes 7,896 6,723 14,519 14,373 Accruals and other payables 8,608 5,997 15,830 12,823 70,093 52,505 128,894 112,256 The Group has financial risk management policies in place to ensure that payables are paid within the credit timeframe. 17. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES The legal situation of the Group includes labor, civil and tax processes. Management, based on the opinion of its external legal counsel, understands that legal procedures in each situation are sufficient to preserve the equity of the Group, there being no need to recognize loss provisions in addition to those entered at September 30, 2007 in the amount of US$5,665 (R$10,417), (December 31, 2006: US$5,913 (R$12,640)). Additionally, there were no significant modifications in the legal situation of the Group subsequent to that described in the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2006, as well as in the Final Prospectus of the Public Offering for the Primary and Secondary Distribution of Certificates of Deposit representative of Common Shares of Wilson Sons Limited, both reported on April 26, 2007. 18. SHARE CAPITAL Sept 30, 2007 Dec 31, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Dec 31, 2006 US$ US$ R$ R$ Issued and fully paid 60,144,000 ordinary shares of 8 1/3 p each 9,905 8,072 18,214 17,258 On February 2007, the Group performed a twelve for one share split increasing the number of shares from 5,012,000 to 60,144,000 and more 11,000,000 shares, on April 19, 2007, totalizing 71,144,000 shares. 19. ACQUISITION AND DISPOSAL OF SUBSIDIARY AND JOINT VENTURE Acquisition of subsidiary In March 2006, the Group acquired from third parties the outstanding 60% shareholding of its 40% owned affiliated onshore base manager and logistics business Brasco Logistica Offshore Ltda. The consideration paid was US$1,2 million (R$2,6 million). Immediately following this acquisition, the Group sold an interest of 25% in this Company for US$0,5 million (R$1,1 million). The surplus on acquisition of US$1,4 million (R$3,1 million) was recognized in the income statement, Prior to this reorganization the Group's interest in the acquired entity had been proportionately consolidated. Disposal of joint venture On April 7, 2006, the Group sold its 50% shareholding in WR Operadores Portuarios for US$4,2 million (R$8,1 million). 20. NOTES TO THE CASH FLOW STATEMENT Three-month period ending Nine-month period ending Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 US$ US$ R$ R$ Operating profit 53,285 44,915 97,986 97,654 Adjustments for: Depreciation of property, plant and 13,186 11,770 24,248 25,590 equipment Amortization of intangible assets 201 211 370 459 Income on disposal of property, plant and (507) 75 (932) 163 equipment Gain on disposal of joint venture - (2,965) - (6,447) Income on disposal of investment in - (1,433) - (3,116) subsidiary Increase (decrease) of provisions (248) (994) (456) (2,161) Operating cash flow before changes in working capital 65,917 51,579 121,216 112,142 Increase in inventories (5,123) 880 (9,421) 1,913 Increase in receivables (19,135) (3,678) (35,187) (7,997) Increase in payables 16,674 8,766 30,661 19,059 Increase in other assets non-current (2,513) (2,010) (4,621) (4,370) Cash generated by operations 55,820 55,537 102,648 120,747 Taxes paid (18,981) (13,663) (34,904) (29,706) Interest paid (4,209) (4,466) (7,740) (9,710) Net cash from operating activities 32,630 37,408 60,004 81,331 21. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS Transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries, which are related parties, have been eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this note. Transactions between the Group and its associates are disclosed as follows. Current Non-current Current Non-current Revenues Expenses assets assets liabilities liabilities US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ Associates: Escritorio de Advocacia Gouvea - - - - - 21 Vieira Joint ventures: Allink Transportes - - - - 224 1 Internacionais Ltda. Consorcio de Rebocadores Barra - - - 281 24 - de Coqueiros Consorcio de Rebocadores Baia - - - 2,997 1,463 4,444 de Sao Marcos Dragaport Ltda - - - 26 300 - Dragaport Engenharia Ltda - - - - - 426 Others Porto Campinas Ltda. 6 566 - - - - International Finance - - - 28,689 - 1,171 Corporation Ocean Wilson Holding Limited - - - - - - September 30, 2007 6 566 - 31,993 2,011 6,063 Three-month period ended - - - - 4,867 1,035 September 30, 2007 Year ended December 31, 2006 2,118 1,953 September 30, 2006 3,548 729 Three-month period ended 4,120 1,218 1,609 30,935 - - September 30, 2006 Current Non-current Current Non-current Revenues Expenses assets assets liabilities liabilities R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ Associates Escritorio de Advocacia - - - - - 38 Gouvea Vieira Joint ventures Allink Transportes - 1 - - 411 1 Internacionais tda. Consorcio de Rebocadores - - - 321 44 Barra de Coqueiros Consorcio de Rebocadores Baia - - - 5,511 2,691 8,172 de Sao Marcos Dragaport Ltda. - - - 48 552 Dragaport Engenharia Ltda. - - - - - 784 Others Porto Campinas Ltda. 11 1,041 - - - - International Finance - - - - - - Corporation Ocean Wilson Holding Limited - - - 52,757 - 2,153 September 30, 2007 11 1,042 - 58,637 3,698 11,148 Three-month period ended - - - - 10,534 2,241 September 30, 2007 Year ended December 31, 2006 3,894 3,591 September 30, 2006 7,679 1,577 Three-month period ended 8,809 2,604 3,440 66.139 - - September 30, 2006 22. INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING OF SHARES (IPO) On June 1, 2007, Wilson Sons Limited and its controlling shareholder, Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited (the 'Company' and the 'Selling Shareholder', respectively) concluded the Initial Public Offering consisting of a primary and secondary offering of Brazilian Depositary Receipts (the 'BDRs'), representing common shares issued by the Company in accordance with the regulations of the Brazilian Securities Commission (the 'CVM') with sales effort to international investors as defined by international regulations applied to such operation. The Initial Public Offering has been duly approved by the Company and the Selling Shareholder as per the respective corporate approvals dated April 9, 2007. Each BDR represents one common share issued by the Company and/or held by the Selling Shareholder. The BDRs have been issued by Banco Itau S.A., as depositary. The Company has applied to list and trade its BDRs on the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange (the 'Bovespa') under the type Patrocinado Nivel III and under the symbol 'WSON11'. The shares represented by the BDRs are deposited with The Bank of New York (Luxembourg) S.A., as custodian and has been listed to trading on the EURO MTF market, the exchange regulated market operated by the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. Under the primary offering 11.000.000 BDRs issued by the Company have been traded under the offering price of US$11.74/BDR (R$23,77/BDR). The net amount received by the Company with regard the primary offering was approximately US$122,289 (R$251,011). 23. SUMMARY OF DIFFERENCES BETWEEN INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING STANDARD No, 34 (IAS 34), INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORTING, AND ACCOUNTING PRACTICES ADOPTED IN BRAZIL ('BR GAAP') The consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard No. 34, Interim Financial Reporting, ('IFRS'), which differs significantly from accounting practices adopted in Brazil: a) Reconciliation of differences between net equity reported under IFRS and net equity reported under BR GAAP: Sept 30, 2007 Dec 31, 2006 R$ R$ Equity reported under IFRS 560,603 310,011 Adjustments for differences between the accounting practices: Update of available investment for sale (8,121) (8,121) Reversal of negative goodwill (4,475) (4,475) Accumulated amortization of goodwill (3,875) (1,615) Financial lease: Fixed assets: Costs (24,227) (21,067) Accumulated depreciation 10,803 7,944 Liabilities of lease 4,301 3,642 Capitalized financial result: Fixed assets Cost 20,838 24,655 Accumulated amortization (8,001) (5,873) Conversion effects 130,565 84,372 Others (366) (7,508) Deferred income tax and social contribution on the (39,930) (30,546) amounts of the differences Equity reported under BR GAAP 638,115 351,419 b) Reconciliation of differences between net income reported under IFRS and net income reported under BR GAAP: Accumulated Sept 30, 2007 Sept 30, 2006 R$ R$ Net income reported under IFRS 74,358 67,457 Adjustments for differences between the accounting practices: Goodwill amortization (2,683) - Financial lease 175 (3,029) Capitalized interest and exchange variation (5,779) (1,541) Conversion and exchange rate effects 10,641 (6,548) Cost of subscription to capital - IPO (6,128) - Others 717 298 Deferred income tax and social contribution (1,039) 3,678 Net income reported under BR GAAP 72,340 60,317 24. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS On October 1, 2007, with the objective of simplifying the Group's organizational structure, Companhia de Navegacao das Lagoas and Companhia de Navegacao das Lagoas do Norte, subsidiaries of Wilson Sons Limited, were merged into Saveiros, Camuyrano Servicos Maritimos S/A, also a subsidiary of Wilson Sons Limited. This merger does not alter the shareholding in Saveiros, Camuyrano Servicos Maritimos S/A and will not affect any shareholder rights or the rights of bearers of Brazilian Depositary Receipts in Wilson Sons Limited. On October 19, 2007, a memorandum of understanding was signed with Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company, LLC for the disposal of the dredges which are fixed assets of Dragaport Ltda., a Company in which the Company has a shareholding of 33.33%. This transaction is expected to be concluded before the end of 2007 and is intended to meet the strategic objective of optimizing the operations of the Group. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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