9 October 2012
Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited
Briclog acquisition closing date extension
Our principal operating subsidiary, Wilson Sons Limited announced to the Brazilian and Luxembourg Stock Exchanges the following announcement.
Wilson Sons Limited ("Wilson Sons" or the "Company") (BM&FBovespa: WSON11) announces that, further to the Press Release on the April 27, 2012, it has, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Brasco Logística Offshore Limitada ("Brasco"), signed an amendment to the contract for the acquisition of 100% of the issued share capital of Bric Brazilian Intermodal Complex S/A ("Briclog"), extending the deadline for the closing date of acquisition to December 1, 2012. The acquisition is still subject to certain conditions precedent.
Company Contact
Keith Middleton +1 441 295 1309
Seymour Pierce Limited 020 7107 8000
Guy Peters - Corporate Finance
David Banks - Corporate Broking