Octopus Aim VCT 2 plc
18 September 2018
Offer for Subscription Over Allotment Facility
The directors of Octopus AIM VCT 2 plc, (the Company") plc have confirmed that the over allotment facility of up to £10 million, in aggregate, may be used in relation to the Companys offer for subscription with Octopus AIM VCT plc that opened on 3 August 2018 (the Offers). This increases the maximum amount that can be raised under the Offers to £30 million, in aggregate.
A copy of the prospectus relating to the Offers was submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and is available to the public for viewing online at the following web-site address:
It can also be viewed on the Company's website:
For further information please contact:
Suzanna Waterhouse
Company Secretary
020 3142 4957