Result of General Meeting
20 November 2012
The Board is pleased to announce that at the general meeting of the Company held on 20 November 2012, the resolutions proposed in connection with the Enhanced Buyback Facility and other matters, as set out in the Company's circular to shareholders dated 23 October 2012 ("the Circular"), were duly passed on a show of hands as follows:
Resolution 1 to: (i) authorise the directors to purchase shares in the capital of the Company, (ii) authorise the directors to allot and issue new shares in the capital of the Company and (iii) disapply pre-emption rights in respect of the allotment of such new shares, pursuant to the Company's enhanced buyback facility - 99.49% of proxy votes received being in favour (or at the chairman's discretion);
Resolution 2 to: (i) authorise the directors to allot shares in the capital of the Company and (ii) disapply pre-emption rights in respect of the allotment of such new shares, for the purposes of prospective top-up offers by the Company - 99.49% of proxy votes received being in favour (or at the chairman's discretion);
Resolution 3 to cancel the share premium account and the capital redemption reserve of the Company - 99.48% of proxy votes received being in favour (or at the chairman's discretion);
Resolution 4 to approve the Related Party Transaction (as defined in the Circular) - 99.36% of proxy votes received being in favour (or at the chairman's discretion);
Following the passing of the resolutions at the general meeting, the Board is also pleased to confirm that the terms of the Enhanced Buyback Facility may now be fully implemented.
Copies of the resolutions passed at the above meeting will shortly be available for inspection on
both the Company's website (http://www.octopusinvestments.com) as well as at the National
Storage Mechanism (www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM).
For further enquiries please contact:
Octopus Investments Limited
Patricia Standaloft
Company Secretary
Telephone: 0207 710 6471