Octopus Apollo VCT plc : Half-yearly report

Octopus Apollo VCT plc : Half-yearly report


Half-yearly Results

23 September 2015

Octopus Apollo VCT plc, managed by Octopus Investments Limited, today announces the half-yearly results for the six months ended 31 July 2015.

These results were approved by the Board of Directors on 22 September 2015.

You may shortly view the half-yearly report in full by visiting the website using the following link: http://www.octopusinvestments.com/investors/shareholder-information/apollo-vct/.

All other statutory information will also be found there.

Financial Headlines

  Ordinary Shares C Ordinary Shares  
Net Asset Value (NAV) at 31 July 2015 83.6p 98.0p  
Cumulative dividends paid since launch* 30.0p 7.0p  
NAV plus cumulative dividends paid 113.6p 105.0p  
Interim dividend declared for the half-year to 31 July 2015 2.5p -  

* Cumulative dividends paid since launch in C Ordinary Share Class includes dividends paid from Octopus VCT plc prior to the merger with Octopus Apollo VCT Plc ("Apollo") on 28 November 2014.

The interim dividend will be paid to all Apollo Ordinary Shareholders including C Ordinary Shareholders who elected to convert their C Ordinary Shares to Apollo Ordinary Shares.

About Octopus Apollo VCT plc
Octopus Apollo VCT plc ('Apollo' or 'Company') is a venture capital trust ('VCT') which aims to provide shareholders with attractive tax-free dividends and long-term capital growth, by investing in a diverse portfolio of predominantly unquoted companies. The Company is managed by Octopus Investments Limited ('Octopus' or the 'Manager').

The Company, formerly named Octopus Apollo VCT 3 plc, was launched in July 2006 and raised over £27.1 million (£25.9 million net of expenses) through an offer for subscription by the time it closed on 5 April 2007. On 27 September 2012, the Company acquired the net assets of Octopus Apollo VCT 1 plc, Octopus Apollo VCT 2 plc and Octopus Apollo VCT 4 plc. On the same day, the Company was renamed Octopus Apollo VCT plc. On 28 November 2014 the C Ordinary Shares were created as part of the acquisition of the assets and liabilities of Octopus VCT plc. The objective of the Company is to invest in a diversified portfolio of UK smaller companies in order to generate income and capital growth over the long-term.

The Company launched an offer for subscription on 24 October 2014 to raise £20 million, with an over allotment facility of £10 million. In total £24,851,000 has been raised to date.

Venture Capital Legislation

The Government announced in the Budget on 19 March 2015 some amendments to VCT legislation which are subject to EU State Aid approval. As announced in the Budget, changes to qualifying investments include the following:

  • companies must be less than 7 years old when receiving their first EIS or VCT investment (10 years old for knowledge intensive companies), except where the investment will lead to a substantial change in the company's activity;
  • a lifetime cap on total investment received under the tax-advantaged venture capital schemes of £12 million, increasing to £20 million for knowledge-intensive companies; and
  • an increase in the employee limit for knowledge-intensive companies to 499 employees, from the current limit of 249 employees.

Financial Summary

Ordinary Shares

Six months to
31 July 2015
Year to
31 January 2015
Net assets (£'000s) 83,468 68,810  
Return on ordinary activities after tax (£'000s) 1,477 2,270  
Net asset value per share ("NAV") 83.6p 84.8p  
Cumulative dividends declared since launch 30.0p 27.5p  
Total return (NAV plus cumulative dividends declared) 113.6p 112.3p  
Proposed dividend per share 2.5p* 2.5p  

*The interim dividend of 2.5p will be paid on 18 December 2015 to all Ordinary Shareholders on the register on 13 November 2015.

C Ordinary Shares

Six months to
31 July 2015
Period to
31 January 2015
Net assets (£'000s) 50,770 50,753
Return on ordinary activities after tax (£'000s) 17 22
Net asset value per share ("NAV") 98.0p 98.0p
Cumulative dividends declared since launch* 7.0p 7.0p
Total return (NAV plus cumulative dividends declared) 105.0p 105.0p

* Cumulative dividends paid since launch include dividends paid from Octopus VCT plc prior to the merger with Apollo on 28 November 2014.

Reconciliation of the Movement in NAV per share

 Ordinary SharesC Ordinary Shares
NAV as at 31 January 201584.8p98.0p



General Expenses (0.5)p (0.5)p
Management fees (0.8)p (1.5)p
Performance fees - -
Taxation on ordinary activities - (0.2)p
Unrealised gains on investments 0.8p 0.2p
Realised gains on investments - 0.9p
Dividends paid (2.5)p -
NAV as at 31 July 201583.6p98.0p

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to present the half-yearly report of Octopus Apollo VCT plc for the six months ended 31 July 2015.

During the period under review, the net asset value plus cumulative dividends paid to date increased from 112.3p for Ordinary Shares as at 31 January 2015 to 113.6p and remained at 105.0p for C Ordinary Shares as at 31 July 2015. This positive return comes largely as a result of an overall uplift in the value of the Company's portfolio in both Ordinary Shares and C Ordinary Shares and a realised exit of eight solar investments at a value in excess of their carrying value. A further contributing factor for the performance of Ordinary Shares is the revenue profits generated by the loan interest income exceeding the day-to-day running costs of the Company.

The Company launched an offer for subscription on 24 October 2014. I am pleased to report that this was well received and, on 5 June 2015, use of the over allotment facility of £10 million was approved by the Board, increasing the maximum amount that can be raised to £30 million. At the time of writing £24,851,000 had been raised. The Offer is due to close on 1 October 2015.

Conversion of C Ordinary Shares and C Ordinary Share Dividend
In accordance with the circular dated 3 July 2015, former shareholders of Octopus VCT plc (holders of C Ordinary Shares), all of whom had passed the five year VCT qualifying period, were offered the opportunity to either elect to receive a dividend on their C Ordinary Shares and exit their investment or to convert their C Ordinary shareholding into Apollo Ordinary Shares. A dividend of 98.0p was paid on 34,947,712 C Ordinary Shares, amounting to approximately £34.2 million. The remaining 16,858,107 C Ordinary Shares were converted to Ordinary Shares at a conversion ratio of 1.17506 (based on an Ordinary Share NAV of 83.4p and a C Ordinary Share NAV of 98.0p), resulting in the issue of 19,809,055 Ordinary Shares.

Investment Portfolio
During the period under review, the Ordinary Share portfolio increased its participation in Terido LLP (Terido), a limited liability partnership also managed by Octopus, by £10,000,000, to £25,222,110. The full amount was withdrawn from Terido in August 2015 to pay the C Ordinary Share dividend referred to above. In February and July 2015 the Ordinary Share portfolio invested £2,500,000 into each of Coupra Limited, Dyscova Limited and Emercor Limited. Each investment comprises Ordinary Shares of £250,000 and loan notes of £2,250,000.

A number of loans have been partially repaid during the period in both the Ordinary Share portfolio and the C Ordinary Share portfolio, as follows:

Partial Loan Repayments

Ordinary Shares
C Ordinary Shares
Healthcare Services and Technology Limited 1,350 1,350
Erie Heat Limited 532 532
Winnipeg Heat Limited 210 210

The C Ordinary Share portfolio also realised in full its investment in a number of Solar investments in April 2015, resulting in a realised gain of £570,000. The following investments were exited:

C Ordinary Shares Solar Exits

Grian Power Limited 500 594
Howbery Solar Park Limited 707 833
Gnowee Power Limited 614 683
Helaku Power Limited 609 682
Hella Solar Limited 614 682
Nima Power Limited 614 684
Tuwale Power Limited 614 684
Michabo Power Limited 40 40
Total 4,312 4,882

Investment Strategy
As set out in the prospectus, the aim of the Company is to make investments that focus more on regular income than a typical VCT. To date the Investment Manager has been successful in achieving this aim, as evidenced by the positive return on ordinary activities.

Typically the structure of the investments is weighted more heavily towards loan based instruments as opposed to equity. Such investments provide fixed returns and payments are generally ranked above most other creditors, allowing for future visibility and security. This strategy also reduces the downward risk that is an intrinsic element of an equity investment.

Dividend and Dividend Policy
Dividends paid by a VCT are attractive as they are received by shareholders free of income tax. It is for that reason that your Board makes every effort to maintain a consistent dividend flow when possible. Your Board has declared an interim dividend of 2.5 pence per Ordinary Share in respect of the six months ended 31 July 2015. The dividend will be paid on 18 December 2015 to Ordinary Shareholders on the register on 13 November 2015. This will be paid to all Apollo Ordinary Shareholders including C Ordinary Shareholders who elected to convert their C Ordinary Shares to Apollo Ordinary Shares.

This follows the dividend of 2.5 pence per share that was paid to Ordinary Shareholders on 31 July 2015 in relation to the year ended 31 January 2015.

VCT Qualifying Status
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP provides the Board and Investment Manager with advice concerning ongoing compliance with Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs (HMRC) rules and regulations concerning VCTs. The Board is pleased to confirm that it has been advised that Apollo is in compliance with the conditions laid down by HMRC for maintaining approval as a VCT.

A key requirement is to maintain at least the 70% qualifying investment level. As at 31 July 2015, 78.0% of the portfolio, as measured by HMRC rules, was invested in VCT qualifying investments.

Principal Risks and Uncertainties
The principal risks and uncertainties are set out in note 6 of the Notes to the Half-Yearly Report.

The outlook for the economy continues to improve and we are delighted with the ongoing solid performance of our investments, with a pleasing uplift of £794,000 in the value of the portfolio in the six months to 31 July 2015. This, along with the revenue profits generated by the portfolio, has led to an increase in the NAV plus cumulative dividends paid to the Ordinary Shareholders.

We have been delighted with the outcome of the merger which has given C Ordinary Shareholders an opportunity to remain invested in Apollo. This has resulted in the issue of 19,809,055 Ordinary Shares. It has also provided a timely exit for those C Ordinary Shareholders who remained committed to the original five year investment plan.

Your Board and Investment Manager remain confident there will be further progress in the Company because it has an active pipeline of attractive investment opportunities as evidenced by the Company having invested £5 million into each of two operating businesses subsequent to 31 July 2015.

I shall write to you again in the new year with a more detailed update in the annual report and accounts. In the meantime, if you have any questions on any aspect of your investment, please call one of the team on 0800 316 2295.

Murray Steele
22 September 2015

Investment Portfolio

Consolidated Fixed Asset Table

InvestmentsSectorInvestment cost as at 31 July 2015 (£'000)Movement in fair value to 31 July 2015 (£'000)Fair value as at 31 July 2015 (£'000)Movement in fair value in period% equity held by Apollo VCT% equity held by all funds managed by Octopus
Terido LLP * Asset backed lending 25,222 - 25,222 - 0.0% 0.00%
Clifford Thames Group Limited Automotive Software & data 13,318 1,111 14,429 - 14.0% 14.0%
CSL DualCom Holdings Limited Security devices 10,806 232 11,038 180 3.4% 3.4%
Vista Retail Support Limited Retail support services 3,758 356 4,114 356 10.4% 10.4%
Countrywide Healthcare Supplies Limited Healthcare 2,675 330 3,005 330 20.7% 20.7%
Aquaso Limited Investment company 4,200 - 4,200 - 49.9% 99.8%
Byena Limited Investment company 2,500 - 2,500 - 49.9% 99.8%
Coupra Limited Investment company 2,500 - 2,500 - 49.9% 99.8%
Dyscova Limited Investment company 2,500 - 2,500 - 49.9% 99.8%
Emercor Limited Investment company 2,500 - 2,500 - 49.9% 99.8%
Other*   36,890 626 37,516 33    
Total fixed asset investments106,8692,655109,524899    
Money market funds       -      
Cash at bank       25,419      
Debtors less creditors       (705)      
Total net assets   134,238     

*   Comprises 43 other investments

Ordinary Shares

InvestmentsSectorInvestment cost as at 31 July 2015 (£'000)Movement in fair value to 31 July 2015 (£'000)Fair value as at 31 July 2015 (£'000)Movement in fair value in period% equity held by Apollo VCT% equity held by all funds managed by Octopus
Terido LLP * Asset backed lending 25,222 - 25,222 - 0.0% 0.0%
Clifford Thames Group Limited Automotive Software & data 7,197 1,111 8,308 - 7.6% 14.0%
CSL DualCom Holdings Limited Security devices 6,911 173 7,084 108 2.0% 3.4%
Vista Retail Support Limited Retail support services 3,758 356 4,114 356 10.4% 10.4%
Countrywide Healthcare Supplies Limited Healthcare 2,675 330 3,005 330 20.7% 20.7%
Byena Limited Investment company 2,500 - 2,500 - 49.9% 99.8%
Coupra Limited Investment company 2,500 - 2,500 - 49.9% 99.8%
Dyscova Limited Investment company 2,500 - 2,500 - 49.9% 99.8%
Emercor Limited Investment company 2,500 - 2,500 - 49.9% 99.8%
Aquaso Limited Investment company 2,100 - 2,100 - 49.9% 99.8%
Other*   10,553 814 11,367 (1)    
Total fixed asset investments68,4162,78471,200793    
Money market funds       -      
Cash at bank       25,419      
Debtors less creditors       (13,151)      
Total net assets   83,468     

*   Comprises 10 other investments

Investments held by C Ordinary Shares

InvestmentsSectorInvestment cost as at 31 July 2015 (£'000)Movement in fair value to 31 July 2015 (£'000)Fair value as at 31 July 2015 (£'000)Movement in fair value in period% equity held by Apollo VCT% equity held by all funds managed by Octopus
Clifford Thames Group Limited Automotive Software & data 6,121 - 6,121 - 6.4% 14.0%
CSL DualCom Holdings Limited Security devices 3,895 59 3,954 72 1.4% 3.4%
Aquaso Limited Investment company 2,100 - 2,100 - 49.9% 99.8%
GreenCo Services 2 Solar 1,600 261 1,861 131 40.9% 100.0%
3AM Music Limited Media 1,500 94 1,594 (50) 49.9% 99.8%
Tanganyika Heat Limited Anerobic Digestion 1,468 - 1,468 - 49.9% 99.8%
Healthcare Services and Technology Limited Investment company 1,093 - 1,093 - 49.9% 99.8%
Huitzilopochtli Ltd Solar 1,000 39 1,039 39 49.9% 99.8%
Jokim Ltd Solar 952 58 1,010 36 49.9% 99.8%
Superior Heat Limited Ground source heat 1,000 - 1,000 - 49.9% 99.8%
Other*   17,724 (640) 17,084 (122)    
Total fixed asset investments38,453(129)38,324106    
Money market funds       -      
Cash at bank       -      
Debtors less creditors       12,446      
Total net assets   50,770     

*   Comprises 23 other investments

Responsibility Statement of the Directors in respect of the Half-Yearly Report

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

  • the half-yearly financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the statement "Interim Financial Reporting" issued by the Financial Reporting Council;
  • the half-yearly report includes a fair review of the information required by the Financial Conduct Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being:
  • an indication of the important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements;
  • a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and
  • a description of related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current financial year, that may have materially affected the financial position or performance of the Company during that period and any changes in the related party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so.

On behalf of the Board

Murray Steele
22 September 2015

Income Statement - Consolidated
 Six months to 31 July 2015 Six months to 31 July 2014 Year to 31 January 2015
 RevenueCapitalTotal Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
  £'000£'000£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Realised gain on disposal of fixed asset investments -478478 - 104 104 - 1,311 1,311
Fixed asset investment holding gains -899899 - 2,064 2,064 - 1,198 1,198
Investment income 2,244-2,244 1,381 - 1,381 3,366 - 3,366
Investment management fees (355)(1,065)(1,420) (136) (801) (937) (460) (1,844) (2,304)
Other expenses (666)-(666) (609) - (609) (1,247) - (1,247)
Return on ordinary activities before tax1,2233121,535 636 1,367 2,003  

665 2,324
Taxation on return on ordinary activities (41)-(41) - - - (286) 254 (32)
Return on ordinary activities after tax1,1823121,494 636 1,367 2,003 1,373 919 2,292
Earnings per share - basic and diluted0.8p0.2p1.0p 0.8p 1.8p 2.6p 1.8p 1.2p 3.0p
  • The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company; the supplementary revenue return and capital return columns have been prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies.
  • All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.
  • The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from investments made in shares and securities and from bank and money market funds.
  • The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than those disclosed in the income statement.
  • The accompanying notes are an integral part of the half-yearly report.

Income Statement - Ordinary Shares  
  Six months to 31 July 2015 Year to 31 January 2015  
  RevenueCapitalTotal Revenue Capital Total
  £'000£'000£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Realised gain on disposal of fixed asset investments --- - 795 795
Fixed asset investment holding gains -793793 - 1,340 1,340
Investment income 1,679-1,679 2,819 - 2,819
Investment management fees (157)(471)(628) (266) (1,261) (1,527)
Other expenses (400)-(400) (1,125) - (1,125)
Return on ordinary activities before tax1,1223221,444  

874 2,302
Taxation on return on ordinary activities 33-33 (286) 254 (32)
Return on ordinary activities after tax1,1553221,477 1,142 1,128 2,270
Earnings per share - basic and diluted1.2p0.3p1.5p 1.5p 1.4p 2.9p
  • The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company; the supplementary revenue return and capital return columns have been prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies.
  • All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.
  • The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from investments made in shares and securities and from bank and money market funds.
  • The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than those disclosed in the income statement.
  • The accompanying notes are an integral part of the half-yearly report.

Income Statement - C Ordinary Shares
  Six months to 31 July 2015 Year to 31 January 2015
 RevenueCapitalTotal Revenue Capital Total
  £'000£'000£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Realised gain on disposal of fixed asset investments -478478 - 516 516
Fixed asset investment holding gains -106106 - (142) (142)
Investment income 565-565 547 - 547
Investment management fees (198)(594)(792) (194) (583) (777)
Other expenses (266)-(266) (122) - (122)
Return on ordinary activities before tax101(10)91  

(209) 22
Taxation on return on ordinary activities (74)-(74) - - -
Return on ordinary activities after tax27(10)17 231 (209) 22
Earnings per share - basic and diluted0.1p-0.1p  2.5p (2.3)p 0.2p
  • The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company; the supplementary revenue return and capital return columns have been prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies.
  • All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.
  • The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from investments made in shares and securities and from bank and money market funds.
  • The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than those disclosed in the income statement.
  • The accompanying notes are an integral part of the half-yearly report.

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds - Consolidated
 Six months ended
31 July 2015
Six months ended
31 July 2014
Year to
31 January 2015
 £'000 £'000 £'000
Shareholders' funds at start of period119,563 63,905 63,905
Return on ordinary activities after tax 1,494 2,003 2,292
Issue of shares 16,041 3,866 59,216
Purchase of own shares (498) (1,052) (2,014)
Dividends paid (2,362) (1,921) (3,836)
Shareholders' funds at end of period134,238 66,801 119,563

The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than the results for the period as set out above.

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds - Ordinary Shares
 Six months ended
31 July 2015
Year to
31 January 2015
 £'000 £'000  
Shareholders' funds at start of period68,810 63,905  
Return on ordinary activities after tax 1,477 2,270  
Issue of shares 16,041 8,283  
Purchase of own shares (498) (1,812)  
Dividends paid (2,362) (3,836)  
Shareholders' funds at end of period83,468 68,810  

The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than the results for the period as set out above.

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds - C Ordinary Shares
 Six months ended
31 July 2015
Year to
31 January 2015
 £'000 £'000  
Shareholders' funds at start of period50,753 -  
Return on ordinary activities after tax 17 22  
Issue of shares - 50,933  
Purchase of own shares - (202)  
Dividends paid - -  
Shareholders' funds at end of period50,770 50,753  

The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than the results for the period as set out above.

Balance Sheet - Consolidated
  As at 31 July 2015 As at 31 July 2014 As at 31 January 2015
 £'000£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed asset investments*  109,524   57,438   100,039
Current assets:           
Investments - money market funds* -  4,262   -  
Debtors 2,957  1,716   2,625  
Cash at bank 25,419  4,392   21,264  
  28,376   10,370   23,889  
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (3,662)  (1,007)   (4,365)  
Net current assets  24,714   9,363   19,524
Total assets less current liabilities 134,238   66,801   119,563
Called up equity share capital  10,501   7,688   8,636
Share premium  68,557   -   54,306
Special distributable reserve  50,991   55,522   53,989
Capital redemption reserve  2,164   2,005   2,101
Capital reserve gains & losses on disposal  (2,513)   (3,146)   (2,019)
Capital reserve holding gains & losses  3,327   4,096   2,521
Revenue reserve  1,211   636   29
Total equity shareholders' funds 134,238   66,801   119,563

*Held at fair value through profit and loss

Balance Sheet - Ordinary Shares
  As at 31 July 2015 As at 31 January 2015  
 £'000£'000 £'000 £'000    
Fixed asset investments*  71,200   55,266    
Current assets:           
Investments - money market funds* -  -      
Debtors 2,198  1,743      
Cash at bank 25,419  21,264      
  27,617  23,007      
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (15,349)  (9,463)      
Net current assets  12,268   13,544    
Total assets less current liabilities 83,468   68,810    
Called up equity share capital  9,983   8,118    
Share premium  18,144   3,893    
Special distributable reserve  50,991   53,989    
Capital redemption reserve  2,162   2,099    
Capital reserve gains & losses on disposal  (2,423)   (1,952)    
Capital reserve holding gains & losses  3,456   2,663    
Revenue reserve  1,155   -    
Total equity shareholders' funds 83,468   68,810    
Net asset value per share 83.6p   84.8p    

*Held at fair value through profit and loss

Balance Sheet - C Ordinary Shares
  As at 31 July 2015 As at 31 January 2015  
 £'000£'000 £'000 £'000    
Fixed asset investments*  38,324   44,773    
Current assets:           
Investments - money market funds* -  -      
Debtors 14,092  7,120      
Cash at bank -  -      
  14,092  7,120      
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (1,646)  (1,140)      
Net current assets  12,446   5,980    
Total assets less current liabilities 50,770   50,753    
Called up equity share capital  518   518    
Share premium  50,413   50,413    
Special distributable reserve  -   -    
Capital redemption reserve  2   2    
Capital reserve gains & losses on disposal  (90)   (67)    
Capital reserve holding gains & losses  (129)   (142)    
Revenue reserve  56   29    
Total equity shareholders' funds 50,770   50,753    
Net asset value per share 98.0p   98.0p    

*Held at fair value through profit and loss

The statements were approved by the Directors and authorised for issue on 22 September 2015 and are signed on their behalf by:

Murray Steele
Company Number: 05840377

Cash Flow Statement -Consolidated
 Six months to
31 July 2015
Six months to
31 July 2014
Year to
31 January 2015
 £'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash outflow from operating activities(877) (3,439) (752)
Taxation(41) - -
Financial investment:    
Purchase of fixed asset investments (17,500) (10,433) (15,505)
Sale of fixed asset investments 9,392 9,469 22,547
Dividends paid(2,362) (1,921) (3,836)
Management of liquid resources:     
Purchase of current asset investments - (8) (15)
Sale of current asset investments - - 4,269
Cash acquired from transaction - - 377
Purchase of own shares (498) (1,052) (2,014)
Issue of own shares 16,041 3,866 8,283
(Decrease)/increase in cash at bank(4,155) (3,518) 13,354

Reconciliation of return before taxation to cash flow from operating activities
  Six months to
31 July 2015
Six months to
31 July 2014
Year to 31 January 2015
  £'000 £'000 £'000
Return on ordinary activities after tax 1,535 2,003 2,292
Increase in debtors (332) (63) (972)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors (703) (3,211) 699
Debtors obtained from transaction - - 614
Creditors obtained from transaction - - (324)
Gain on disposal of fixed assets (1,271) (104) (1,311)
Holding gain on fixed asset investments (106) (2,064) (1,198)
Taxation - - (552)
Outflow from operating activities(877) (3,439) (752)


Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
  Six months to
31 July 2015
Six months to 31 July 2014 Year to 31 January 2015
  £'000 £'000 £'000
Increase/(decrease) in cash at bank 4,155 (3,518) 13,354
Movement in cash equivalent securities - 8 -
Opening net funds 21,264 12,164 7,910
Net funds at end of period25,419 8,654 21,264

This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Octopus Apollo VCT plc via Globenewswire

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