Empowerment announcement

Old Mutual PLC 05 September 2006 Old Mutual plc Incorporated in England and Wales (Registration number: 3591559) ISIN: GB0007389926, JSE share code: OML, NSX share code: OLM, Issuer code: OLOML ('Old Mutual plc') Nedbank Group Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number: 1966/010630/06) JSE share code: NED ISIN: ZAE000004875 ('Nedbank Group') Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number: 1970/006619/06) JSE share code: MAF, NSX share code: MTF ISIN: ZAE000010823 ('Mutual & Federal') Old Mutual Life Assurance Company (Namibia) Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of Namibia) (Registration number: 97/081) ('Old Mutual Namibia') NedNamibia Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of Namibia) (Registration number: 91/075) ('NedNamibia Holdings') Mutual & Federal Insurance Company of Namibia Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of Namibia) (Registration number: 1989/459) ('Mutual & Federal Namibia') Empowering the Old Mutual Group businesses in the Republic of Namibia Transformation is a business imperative for the Old Mutual Group's Namibian businesses and Black Economic Empowerment is a key requirement for the promotion of sustainable economic growth and social development in Namibia. Old Mutual Namibia's presence in the country goes back to 1921. Today the Old Mutual Group operates three strong franchises which employ over 1 000 people in Namibia, service more than 142 000 clients and manage assets of some N$16.9 billion. Introduction As a major financial force in the economy of the Republic of Namibia ('Namibia'), it is important that the interests of the shareholders of Old Mutual plc and those of its subsidiaries Nedbank Group and Mutual & Federal (collectively, 'the Group'), are aligned with the long-term prosperity and success of Namibia. The businesses in Namibia comprise Old Mutual Namibia, NedNamibia Holdings and Mutual & Federal Namibia and their subsidiaries ('the Group's Namibian business'). Transformation is a business imperative for the Group's Namibian businesses and Black Economic Empowerment ('BEE') is a key requirement for the promotion of sustainable economic growth and social development in Namibia. Old Mutual Namibia's presence in the country goes back to 1921. Today the Group operates three strong franchises which employ over 1 000 people in Namibia, service more than 142 000 clients and manage assets of some N$16.9 billion. Significant progress has been made over the past decade in implementing BEE into the Group's Namibian businesses through employment equity, skills development, procurement practices, enterprise development and corporate social investment programmes. The Group will now introduce black equity ownership through three separate but interdependent transactions. These transactions are truly broad-based and include staff and management, distributors, trade union members and their families, entrepreneurs, and women's and church groupings across the length and breadth of Namibia. The Group's BEE transaction will be the largest ever undertaken in Namibia, being more than three times greater in value than any other deal concluded to date. Moreover, in terms of true transformation, this deal will be the most broad-based as over 250 000 black Namibians will be empowered and their lives enhanced, both directly and indirectly, through the transaction. Group Transactions The Group proposes three separate transactions which will introduce new broad- based black ownership into each of its Namibian businesses (collectively referred to as the 'Group Transactions') which will equate to: • 13.31% of Old Mutual Namibia, through the issue of new ordinary shares in Old Mutual plc. No shareholder approval is required for the issue of these shares as they are issued under existing authorities previously approved by Old Mutual plc shareholders; • 11.13% of NedNamibia Holdings, through the issue of new ordinary shares in Nedbank Group which will amount to 0.15% of the enlarged issued share capital. This issue is deemed a specific issue of shares for cash in terms of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited and is subject to the approval of Nedbank Group shareholders; and • 11.42% of Mutual & Federal Namibia, through the issue of new ordinary shares in Mutual & Federal which will amount to 0.26% of the enlarged issued share capital of Mutual & Federal. This issue is deemed a specific issue of shares for cash in terms of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited and is subject to the approval of Mutual & Federal shareholders. Namibians currently hold approximately 0.35% of Old Mutual plc, 0.70% of Nedbank Group and 0.62% of Mutual & Federal respectively. The table below provides a summary of the participants, the value of the shares to be issued to each group of participants and the effective black shareholding to be acquired in each of the Group companies Namibian operations: Summary of the effective ownership in the Namibian businesses Total value of Old Mutual Nedbank Group Mutual & Federal shareholding N$m % N$m % N$m % N$m £m Employees and Management 66.96 4.01 21.40 3.47 7.58 4.25 95.94 7.10 Strategic Business Partners 33.75 2.05 20.25 3.37 6.75 3.97 60.75 4.50 Strategic Community Partners 12.50 0.76 7.50 1.24 2.50 1.46 22.50 1.67 Distributors Trust 35.00 2.12 - - - - 35.00 2.59 Education Trust 40.00 2.42 10.00 1.67 - - 50.00 3.70 Long-term Strategic Allocation 32.25 1.95 8.25 1.38 2.96 1.74 43.46 3.22 Total 220.46 13.31 67.40 11.13 19.79 11.42 307.65 22.78 Notes: 1. Percentage of the respective Namibian business value. 2. Exchange rate - ZAR1:N$1/£1:N$13.5126 (weighted average exchange rate from 25 August 2006 to 31 August 2006). Rationale for the Group Transactions Old Mutual plc is an international financial services group with significant business interests in Africa, the United States of America, Europe and the United Kingdom. Old Mutual plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange plc ('LSE') and other stock exchanges in Namibia, the Republic of South Africa ('South Africa'), the Republic of Malawi, the Republic of Zimbabwe and the Kingdom of Sweden. Namibia represents a portion of the Group's African business and, through clients' savings, the Group is a significant contributor to the Namibian economy. It is therefore important that Old Mutual plc's shareholders' long- term interests are aligned with the success of Namibia as a country. Unlike South Africa, where the Financial Sector Charter ('FSC') and the South African Department of Trade and Industry Codes of Good Practice on Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (the 'SA Codes') set out certain BEE ownership requirements for South African financial services companies, there is currently no such legislation or industry agreement in Namibia. The financial services industry in Namibia is in the process of establishing a charter for Namibia, with management of the Group's businesses in Namibia having participated in this process. It is expected that such a charter will be derived from the guidelines provided by the Namibian Minister of Finance and to some extent from precedents in South Africa, being the South African FSC and the more recently introduced SA Codes. Notwithstanding the fact that no legislation or industry charter currently exists in Namibia, the Group believes that BEE in Namibia is imperative for the following reasons: • many financial sector entities have already concluded BEE deals and therefore have a significant commercial and competitive advantage over their competitors who have not concluded BEE deals; • the proposed transaction will help to grow the Namibian businesses through interactions with BEE partners; • the Group Transactions will assist in the retention of Namibian business that is at risk of being lost if the Namibian businesses do not acquire Namibian BEE ownership credentials; • the deal will improve the profile of the Group's Namibian businesses; • the proposal will assist strategic and holistic transformation of the Group in Namibia; and • the proposal empowers black staff in Namibia. The Group Transactions have been designed to complement the Group's overall strategy of implementing broad-based black empowerment into its Namibian businesses. The Group Transactions are truly broad-based and include staff and management, distributors, trade union members and their families, entrepreneurs, as well as women's and church groupings throughout Namibia. The owners of shares to be issued in the Group Transactions are set out below: • Employees and Management - The Group recognises the importance of creating an employee and management complement that is representative of Namibia's demographics. Acknowledging that the Group is not yet demographically representative at all levels in its Namibian businesses and that transformation comes from within, the Group proposes to set aside shares with a market value of N$95.94m (£7.10m) to recruit, retain and incentivise black employees and management. • Strategic Business Partners - Central Investment Holdings (Proprietary) Limited ('Central Investment'), Manmar Investment Thirty Five (Proprietary) Limited ('Manmar') and Northern Empowerment Investments (Proprietary) Limited ('Northern Empowerment Investments') have been chosen as active Strategic Business Partners to assist in growing the business and driving transformation. These partners will be issued with shares worth N$60.75m (£4.50m) in aggregate. • Strategic Community Partners - Women's Action for Development ('WAD') and a consortium of some of Namibia's largest churches, whose congregations are predominantly black, have been chosen as active partners to assist in growing the business. The churches are the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia ('ELCIN'), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia ('ELCRN') and the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Namibia ('AME'). The Strategic Community Partners will be issued shares worth N$22.50m (£1.67m) in aggregate. • Distributors Trust - Part of Old Mutual Namibia's strategy is to expand its client base by developing black financial advisers and brokers in Namibia. As such, an aggregate of N$35.00m (£2.59m) worth of Old Mutual plc shares have been set aside to assist in the development of distributors throughout Namibia. • Education Trust - In aggregate, N$50.00m (£3.70m) of Old Mutual plc and Nedbank Group shares are being allocated in order to assist with the education of black members of trade unions, and their families, who do business with Old Mutual Namibia and NedNamibia Holdings. • Long-term Strategic Allocation - An allocation of shares has been made to assist with future long-term strategic initiatives amounting to N$43.46m (£3.22m). These shares will be used by each of the Group companies to capitalise on strategic opportunities that may arise in the future which could add value to the Group companies. Principles of the Group Transactions In designing the Group Transactions, the Group developed a set of principles aimed at sustainable, broad-based empowerment. These principles include: • Transformation - The Group has designed the Group Transactions to accelerate operational transformation. This extends to employment equity, particularly at the management level, client acquisition, strategies for underserved markets, profiling the Group and community involvement. The Group Transactions are being implemented as part of the Group's comprehensive, overarching approach to rapid transformation in Namibia. • Broad-based approach - The Group Transactions are designed to, directly or indirectly, benefit more than 250 000 black Namibians across the country, including employees and management, women's groupings, trade union members, entrepreneurs and communities. The Group has sought to achieve an equitable balance between individuals that are internal and external to the Group. In the process, the ultimate beneficiaries of the Group Transactions have been reviewed to ensure that no individual benefits unduly. Employees and management will be the primary beneficiaries of the Group Transactions. • Alignment of value added to benefits received - No one individual or ultimate beneficiary will be rewarded out of proportion to the value that they add. • Performance agreements have been negotiated with the Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners to ensure mutually beneficial, enduring relationships. • The performance agreements have been designed to incentivise the Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners by aligning their rewards which they receive under the performance agreements to the value that they add to the businesses. • The Group Transactions seek to ensure that benefits are earned incrementally over the term of the agreements. • Full economic benefits and voting rights - From the inception of the Group Transactions, shareholders and beneficiaries must have the full benefits of the voting rights and the economic benefits attached to equity ownership. • Estimated benefits to exceed the estimated costs of the Group Transactions - In designing the Group Transactions, the Group sought to ensure that, over time, the commercial benefits of implementing the Group Transactions would outweigh the costs and that the costs are in line with other BEE transactions concluded to date. • Maximising long-term shareholder value - The overall economic cost of the Group Transactions equates to approximately 3.70% of the value of the Group's Namibian businesses. The effective economic cost to Old Mutual plc shareholders, taking into account Old Mutual plc's effective holdings in Nedbank Group and Mutual & Federal, is N$76m or approximately 0.06% of Old Mutual plc's current market capitalisation. The initial impact is a decrease in embedded value per Old Mutual plc share of less than 1%. Adjusted operating profit per Old Mutual plc share (which excludes initial costs of the Group Transactions) and basic earnings per share (which includes initial costs) decreases by less than 1%. The Group expects the benefits of the different elements of the Group Transactions to significantly outweigh the costs over the longer term. Transaction summary Subject to the fulfilment of the conditions precedent set out in paragraphs 3.11, 4.12 and 5.9 below, which include, inter alia, the approval of Nedbank Group and Mutual & Federal shareholders, the Group proposes to implement three separate transactions that will result in black ownership of at least 11% in the Namibian businesses as a whole, as defined below, including: • the issue of Old Mutual plc's shares resulting in effective black shareholding worth 13.31% of Old Mutual Namibia (the 'Old Mutual Transaction'). The Initial Market Value of the Old Mutual Plc shares will be N$21.64 less the Namibian dollar equivalent of any dividend per share that Old Mutual plc may declare in respect of its interim results to 30 June 2006. Based on the price of N$21.64 per share, ignoring any interim dividend, the number of shares to be issued will equal approximately 0.19% of Old Mutual plc's current issued share capital; • the issue of 0.15% of Nedbank Group's current issued share capital with resulting effective black shareholding worth 11.13% of NedNamibia Holdings (the 'Nedbank Group Transaction'); and • the issue of 0.26% of Mutual & Federal's current issued share capital with resulting effective black shareholding worth 11.42% of Mutual & Federal Namibia (the 'Mutual & Federal Transaction'). As part of this process, Old Mutual plc, Nedbank Group and Mutual & Federal have signed detailed Subscription Agreements with the Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners setting out the terms of their participation. Detailed performance agreements have also been entered into between the Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners and Old Mutual Namibia, NedNamibia Holdings and Mutual & Federal Namibia, setting out the required performance criteria together with the implications of exceeding or not meeting those criteria. In summary, the table below sets out the value of shares which will be issued through the Group Transactions and the respective black ownership portion: Summary of Group Transactions Black ownership portion Value as a % of Namibian business Value of Value of post-issue shares shares of shares N$m £m % Old Mutual Transaction 220.46 16.32 13.31 Nedbank Group Transaction 67.40 4.99 11.13 Mutual & Federal Transaction 19.79 1.46 11.42 This announcement sets out the details and financial effects of the Old Mutual Transaction, the Nedbank Group Transaction and the Mutual & Federal Transaction and the combined financial effects for Old Mutual plc shareholders. 1. Impact of the Group Transactions on Old Mutual plc shareholders 1.1 Accounting treatment of the Group Transactions In accordance with the Rules of the UK Listing Authority, the JSE Limited and the Namibian Stock Exchange ('NSX'), the underlying accounting treatment is in accordance with the accounting policies set out in the last published audited financial information. In presenting the consolidated impact for Old Mutual plc of the Group Transactions, information is to be presented in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'). The accounting treatment adopted may require transactions to be accounted for in a different manner to their legal substance and form. The following accounting principles are applicable: • Accounting for share-based payments - Costs of the Group Transactions are accounted for in accordance with IFRS2: Share-based payments. The costs of the services provided by the employees, Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners are recognised in the income statement over the vesting period for the instruments granted, based on the fair value of the services provided. Fair value is determined by reference to the fair value of the instruments granted. • Consolidation of Special Purpose Vehicles ('SPVs') - Where control is deemed to remain within the Group, the entities established to support the Group Transactions are regarded as subsidiaries. These SPVs include those relating to the Distributors Trust and Education Trust. The acquisition of Old Mutual plc shares by the consolidated SPVs are regarded as issues of treasury shares, resulting in a reduction in equity within the consolidated financial statements. • Earnings per share - The weighted average number of shares is impacted by the Group Transactions only to the extent that any issue of shares is not regarded as treasury shares for the purpose of the consolidated financial statements. • Embedded value per share (Old Mutual plc impact only) - The number of shares in issue will increase to include the Old Mutual plc shares acquired by all SPVs. Where deferred consideration is to be received for the issue of the shares, an adjustment to the embedded value is required to represent the discounted present value of the consideration. 1.2 Combined pro forma financial effects for Old Mutual plc shareholders The Group Transactions do not reduce, on a consolidated basis, Old Mutual plc's consolidated Basic Earnings Per Share ('EPS') and adjusted Operating EPS for the year ended 31 December 2005 by more than 1%, and do not decrease Adjusted Embedded Value ('EV') per share at 31 December 2005 by more than 1%. As these do not have a material impact on the financial results of the larger Group, we have not included the detailed financial effects in this announcement. 2. Black shareholder groupings 2.1 Employee and management schemes Current and future employees are a critical component of the Group's transformation strategy. By reserving a significant portion of shares for the benefit of current and future black managers and employees, the Group Transactions will assist in transforming and creating a dynamic, effective workforce. To this end, each of the Group Transactions incorporates a broad- based component which allows for an award of shares to the value of N$8 000 (£592) to employees who have not participated in any other employee and management share scheme of the Group. The employee and management schemes also provide the Group with sufficient resources to meet its ongoing employment equity targets. 2.2 Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners 2.2.1 Overview of the Strategic Business Partner and Strategic Community Partner selection process The Group has selected Central Investment, Manmar and Northern Empowerment Investments as its Strategic Business Partners and WAD and a consortium of some of Namibia's largest churches, whose congregations are predominately black, being ELCIN, ELCRN and AME. The selection process involved the assessment of the potential Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners against the following criteria: • Empowerment credentials and broad-based criteria - An assessment of the shareholding and the ultimate beneficiaries of the Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners with the specific objective of ensuring that potential partner companies are black owned and controlled companies, representing a broad-base of beneficiaries. Consideration was also given as to whether directors, management and leadership of the potential Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners were predominantly comprised of black people. • Leadership and values - An assessment was made as to whether the potential Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners had strong, clear leadership and shared the Group's values. Regard was also given as to whether the leadership of the potential Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners would be able to commit sufficient time and resources to focus on business development and transformation. • Experience - An assessment as to whether the potential Strategic Business Partners had a demonstrable track record of transformational ability as well as relevant business experience. A further assessment of each of the potential Strategic Business Partners' and Strategic Community Partners' ability to assist Old Mutual Namibia, NedNamibia Holdings and Mutual & Federal Namibia with each of the following objectives was undertaken: • the retention of existing business and the attraction of additional business; • the strategic and holistic transformation of the Group's businesses in Namibia in response to a changing business environment; and • improving the corporate profile and image of the Group's businesses in Namibia and helping to position the businesses. This process assisted the Group to determine the level of participation of each of the Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners in the Group Transactions. 2.2.2 Performance Agreements The Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners have each concluded performance agreements with Old Mutual Namibia, NedNamibia Holdings and Mutual & Federal Namibia, which will govern the relationship with and performance and remuneration of the Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners. It is intended that, on an annual basis, the Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners will meet with each of the business units of Old Mutual Namibia, NedNamibia Holdings and Mutual & Federal Namibia, as appropriate, in order to detail the specific tasks to be performed in the following twelve-month period. The Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners have agreed the first set of performance criteria with Old Mutual Namibia, NedNamibia Holdings and Mutual & Federal Namibia which will benchmark future performance agreements in terms of the type and the amount of work required and which will apply to the twelve-month period from 1 January 2007. In terms of the performance agreements, the Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners will commit time and resources to the business units of Old Mutual Namibia, NedNamibia Holdings and Mutual & Federal Namibia in order to meet the requirements of their respective performance agreements. Progress will be assessed semi-annually. The Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners will be paid an annual performance fee that will be linked to performance targets achieved in terms of the performance agreements, the annual fee combined for all parties will range between N$ nil (£ nil) and N$3.56m (£0.26m) for Old Mutual Namibia, N$ nil (£ nil) and N$2.14m (£0.16m) for NedNamibia Holdings and N$ nil (£ nil) and N$0.72m (£0.05m) for Mutual & Federal Namibia. A portion of this performance fee will be used to cover pre-agreed working capital requirements of the Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners. The balance in the case of the Old Mutual Transaction will be applied to satisfy the amounts remaining due in respect of the Old Mutual shares issued to the relevant SPV. In the case of the Nedbank Group Transaction and the Mutual & Federal Transaction, the balance will be utilised to acquire new Nedbank Group and Mutual & Federal shares, respectively, as detailed in the paragraphs dealing with the funding arrangements in the separate Old Mutual, Nedbank Group and Mutual & Federal sections below. 2.2.3 Subscription Agreements The Subscription Agreements with the Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners are detailed and contain a number of provisions designed, inter alia, to ensure that the partners: • remain black companies or organisations during the 10 year lock-in period; • do not dispose of any shares acquired as a result of the Group Transactions during such lock-in period; and • do not enter into equity transactions or enter into conflicting relationships with any of the Group's competitors. The Subscription Agreements also contain provisions dealing with certain possible events such as the transactions not meeting the BEE requirements in Namibia that may be subsequently introduced the potential consolidation of the Group's businesses in Namibia and a warehousing arrangement of the relevant Group shares in the event that the participation of one or more parties to the Group Transaction may be terminated due to breach by that party. 2.2.4 Strategic Business Partners Central Investment The consortium consists of four separate groups, namely Fox Investments (Proprietary) Limited (45%), Ripanga Investment Holdings (Proprietary) Limited (25%), Latenda Investment Holdings (Proprietary) Limited (15%) and Prudent Investments (Proprietary) Limited (15%). All four groups have shareholders of high standing in the business and public sector and are prominent and credible individuals who can add significant value to the Group businesses in Namibia. Women's participation equates to 46% of this consortium. Manmar The consortium comprises key individuals from Namibia's coastal business community who occupy influential positions in the construction, fishing, media, medical and mining sectors. The consortium intends to expand to include other groups within the coastal region. This consortium will add value to the Namibian businesses in the corporate and retail areas. Northern Empowerment Investments A group of eight businessmen and women who are prominent in Namibia's northern regions have formed Northern Empowerment Investments as their consortium vehicle for the Group Transactions. The northern regions of Namibia are home to more than half of the population of the country and this region is expected to offer significant growth prospects to the Group's Namibian businesses. Women's participation equates to 25% of this consortium. 2.2.5 Strategic Community Partners Churches Churches were included due to their strong social focus, their particular focus on the upliftment of the most disadvantaged Namibians and also to acknowledge the role played by churches in the liberation of Namibia. This group comprises three of the largest black churches in Namibia. Over 90% of Namibians consider themselves Christians and, as such, the Group's Namibian businesses believe that properly organised church entities can add substantial value, especially in the areas of Group-wide marketing, the retail businesses of NedNamibia Holdings and Mutual & Federal Namibia and in Old Mutual Namibia Group Schemes. A significant feature of the Group interface with the churches will be that the majority of the cooperation will be channelled through the women's desks of the respective churches. Women's Action for Development WAD, a non-profit organisation with a membership base of 15 000 women, represents the interests of predominantly rural women in Namibia and has a high profile in many regions of Namibia. WAD was included due to their social focus in particular, women's upliftment and skills development which encourage financial independence. WAD provides a major development and advocacy platform for social and developmental issues and promises to be a powerful partner for the Group. 2.3 Distributors Trust Old Mutual Namibia has established a Black Distributors Trust to support black people wishing to develop brokerage businesses in Namibia as detailed in paragraph 3.4 below. 2.4 Education Trust Old Mutual Namibia and NedNamibia Holdings have established an Education Trust to assist with the education of black members trade unions and their families who do business with Old Mutual Namibia and NedNamibia Holdings as detailed in paragraphs 3.5 and 4.6 below. Key features: • Resultant black ownership at 13.31% of Old Mutual Namibia • Key black shareholders including: Employees and Management, Distributors, Education Trust, Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners • Aimed at 325 black employees • Distributors Trust to include black distributors and an Education Trust to assist with the educational needs of union members and their dependents • Performance agreements with broad-based Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners • Aligned with empowerment strategy to preserve and grow business 3.1 Proposed Old Mutual Transaction structure See graph in press announcement 3.2 Black shareholding as a result of the Old Mutual Transaction As part of Old Mutual Namibia's ongoing commitment to transformation, Old Mutual Namibia is proposing a number of schemes aimed at benefiting a wide group of stakeholders including employees and management, distributors, trade union members and their families, communities, Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners. Shares in Old Mutual plc, the UK-listed entity, will be issued in order to facilitate the Old Mutual Transaction. Old Mutual Namibia is a 100% held Namibian subsidiary of Old Mutual plc. The value of the shares to be issued in respect of the various employee and management schemes and to the various SPVs who are party to the Old Mutual Namibia Transaction total N$220.46m, which represents 13.36% of the value of Old Mutual Namibia. The Initial Market Value will be N$21.64 per share, which represents the 10- day volume weighted average price of Old Mutual plc shares to 31 August 2006 on the LSE converted to Namibian dollars, less any dividend per share (in Namibian dollars), that Old Mutual plc may declare in respect of its interim results to 30 June 2006. As Old Mutual plc has yet to release its interim results and therefore no announcement has been made regarding the dividend per share that Old Mutual plc may declare in respect of its interim results to 30 June 2006, the number of shares to be issued has yet to be finally determined. Based on the 10-day volume weighted average price of N$21.64 per share, ignoring any interim dividend, the number of shares to be issued will equal approximately 0.20% of Old Mutual plc's current issued share capital. The table below sets out the total deal size as well as the black ownership at Old Mutual Namibia using Old Mutual plc shares to facilitate the Old Mutual Transaction: Using Old Mutual plc shares At Old Mutual Namibia level Total Black deal ownership Shareholding Issue Deal (post-issue value value of new shares) N$m £m % Employee and Management Schemes 66.96 4.95 4.01 Old Mutual Namibia Management Scheme 47.67 3.53 2.89 Old Mutual Namibia Senior Black Management Scheme 15.83 1.16 0.96 Old Mutual Namibia Broad-based Scheme 3.46 0.26 0.16 Strategic Business Partners 33.75 2.50 2.05 Central Investment 20.00 1.48 1.21 Manmar 7.50 0.56 0.46 Northern Empowerment Investments 6.25 0.46 0.38 Strategic Community Partners 12.50 0.93 0.76 WAD 6.25 0.46 0.38 Churches 6.25 0.46 0.38 Black Distributors Trust 35.00 2.59 2.12 Education Trust 40.00 2.96 2.42 Long-term Strategic Allocation 32.25 2.39 1.95 Total 220.46 16.32 13.31 Notes: 1. Exchange rate ZAR1:N$1/£1:N$13.5126 (weighted average exchange rate from 25 August to 31 August 2006). 2. Total effective new shareholding in Old Mutual Namibia post-issue of new shares, is 13.36% with effective black ownership in Old Mutual Namibia post- issue of new shares being 13.31%. 3.3 The Old Mutual Namibia Employee and Management Component (worth 4.06% of Old Mutual Namibia) Old Mutual Namibia firmly believes that its employees and management are critical catalysts in transforming its business. Allocations to Old Mutual Namibia employees and management will be made under the existing management scheme established at the time of the South African BEE transaction. Three different components are planned for Namibian employees and management: 3.3.1 The Old Mutual Namibia Management Component (2.89% of Old Mutual Namibia) The existing Old Mutual Management Scheme's primary purpose is to attract, reward and retain senior and middle management. Old Mutual plc will issue new ordinary shares to the Old Mutual Management Scheme share trust which is a new employee share trust that will be funded by employer companies within Old Mutual Namibia. The Old Mutual Namibia Management Scheme share trust will own shares in Old Mutual plc at a deal value of N$47.67m (£3.53m) (which equates to 2.89% of Old Mutual Namibia). This new employee share trust will be used to fund the long-term share incentives that Old Mutual Namibia expects to allocate to black management in the normal course of business until 2016. By reserving a significant portion of the Old Mutual plc shares for black management, Old Mutual Namibia is demonstrating its unequivocal commitment to transform its business fundamentally. Share allocations for white management will also be made in terms of the Old Mutual Management Scheme, but will only be matched by the existing employee share trust at the time that the allocations are made. Shares will be allocated in terms of Old Mutual's current allocation policy, subject to regular market testing and individual performance. The current policy is to make allocations in a combination of Restricted Share Plan ('RSP') share awards and share options. The RSP share awards will vest immediately (subject to the condition that the participant remains employed by Old Mutual Namibia for a period of time), while the share options will be exercisable after three years (and expire after six years). Participants are to be paid the dividends in respect of the RSP share awards and will be entitled to exercise the voting rights in respect of the relevant Old Mutual plc shares, but will have no dividend or voting rights in respect of the unexercised share options. 3.3.2 The Old Mutual Namibia Senior Black Management Component (0.96% of Old Mutual Namibia) Senior black management employed by Old Mutual Namibia will participate in the existing Old Mutual senior black management scheme. A new trust will be formed to operate the scheme. Old Mutual plc will issue new ordinary shares to this trust, to be funded by means of a grant, from employer companies within the Old Mutual Group such that the trust will own shares in Old Mutual plc at a deal value of N$15.83m (£1.16m) (which equates to 0.96% of Old Mutual Namibia). The trustees, on instruction from the Old Mutual plc Remuneration Committee, will make awards to existing and future participants. The scheme will comprise a once-off allocation with the possibility of an increase in allocation on promotion. This allocation will be in addition to the normal allocations made in terms of the Old Mutual Management Scheme and will be made by means of RSP share awards over Old Mutual plc shares. The RSP share awards will vest immediately but participants will only take delivery of the relevant Old Mutual plc shares after three years (one-third), four years (one-third) and five years (one-third). The RSP share awards will be based on individual performance and subject to a multiple of annual remuneration with participants having to remain in Old Mutual Namibia's employment for a period of time. 3.3.3 Old Mutual Namibia Broad-based Component (0.21% of Old Mutual Namibia) All Old Mutual Namibia employees who do not participate in any other share scheme of the Group will participate in the existing Old Mutual Broad-based Scheme. This scheme will thus operate for the benefit of both black and white employees employed by Old Mutual Namibia, 75% of which are black. The same trust that operates the Old Mutual Namibia Senior Black Management Component will operate the Old Mutual Namibia Broad-based Component. This trust will own shares in Old Mutual plc at a deal value of N$3.46m (£0.26m) (which equates to 0.21% of Old Mutual Namibia), to be funded from employer companies within the Old Mutual Namibia Group. An RSP share award of N$8 000 (£592) per employee will be made upfront to all qualifying employees, subject to a five-year delivery period. 3.4 Old Mutual Namibia Distributor Schemes (2.12% of Old Mutual Namibia) The Old Mutual Namibia Distributor Scheme allows Old Mutual Namibia to demonstrate its commitment to its current and future black distributors. The objective of the Black Distributors Trust will be to provide or secure finance for black brokers and agents, as well as distribution businesses owned and managed by black Namibians. The finance or security made available by the trust will be utilised by such black distributors to acquire assets required in order to commence operations in a productive manner. The SPV owned by the trust will acquire shares in Old Mutual plc at a deal value of N$35.00m (£2.59m) (which equates to 2.12% of Old Mutual Namibia). There is a clear and present need for the development of a network of black distributors in order to serve previously underserved markets. The Black Distributors Trust will assist black distributors to acquire relevant operational assets (which are often hard to obtain especially given the variable nature of distribution income) and will ensure and fast track the productive entry by black distributors into the market. The Black Distributors Trust will be funded using the same funding mechanism as the Strategic Business Partners as detailed in paragraph 3.7 below. 3.5 Old Mutual Namibia Education Trust (2.42% of Old Mutual Namibia) The Old Mutual Namibia Education Trust allows Old Mutual Namibia to demonstrate its commitment to its trade union customer base. Complementing Old Mutual Namibia's current focus on training and education, the purpose of the Education Trust is to provide meaningful benefits to black trade union members who are clients and important stakeholders of Old Mutual Namibia. The SPV owned by the trust will acquire shares in Old Mutual plc to a deal value of N$40.00m (£2.96m) (which equates to 2.42% of Old Mutual Namibia). The Education Trust will be established in conjunction with NedNamibia Holdings. The overall focus of the Education Trust will be to assist with the education needs of black members of participating unions. Given the need for and importance of education in Namibia, especially amongst the black communities, the Education Trust will provide tertiary education scholarships to black members of participating unions and their dependents. A number of trade unions with which Old Mutual Namibia has business relationship will be invited to participate in the initiative and black members of such participating unions will benefit directly from the Education Trust. The following trade unions, which represent a membership of more than 600 000, have already registered their support for the Education Trust initiative: - Mine Workers' Union of Namibia (MUN); - Metal and Allied Namibian Workers' Union (MANWU); - Teachers' Union of Namibia (TUN); - Namibia Food and Allied Workers' Union (NAFAU); - Public Service Union of Namibia (PSUN); - National Union of Namibian Workers (NUNW); - Namibia Transport and Allied Workers' Union (NATAU); - Namibia National Teachers' Union (NANTU); - Namibia Public Workers' Union (NAMPWU); and - Namibia Financial Institutions Union (NAFINU). The Education Trust will be funded using the same funding mechanism as the Strategic Business Partners as detailed in paragraph 3.7 below. 3.6 Old Mutual Namibia Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners (2.81% of Old Mutual Namibia) The Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners will acquire shares in Old Mutual plc at a deal value of N$46.25m (£3.42m), representing 2.81% of the value of Old Mutual Namibia and will be funded on the basis detailed in paragraph 3.7 below. 3.7 Mechanism to implement the Old Mutual Transaction For Old Mutual Namibia employees and management components, black-controlled trusts will be created and funded directly by Old Mutual Namibia employer companies. For all the other schemes, the Old Mutual plc shares will be issued to eight Namibian incorporated SPVs (set up for and wholly owned by each of the Old Mutual Namibia Black Distributors Trust, the Old Mutual and Nedbank Namibia Education Trust, Long-term Strategic Allocation, Central Investment, Manmar, Northern Empowerment Investments, WAD and the Churches consortium, respectively) in consideration for the Namibian dollar equivalent of 10 pence per share (the par value of the Old Mutual plc shares) in cash (paid on or before the completion date on which the shares are issued) and an undertaking given by the SPVs to pay the Interim Payments (as defined below) and to make a cash payment (in Namibian dollars) to Old Mutual plc on 31 December 2016 determined according to a set formula (the 'cash undertaking'). These amounts will together form the subscription price for the new Old Mutual plc shares. The Strategic Business Partners will each make a capital contribution of 2.5% of the value of the shares to the relevant Namibian SPVs, with the balance of the par value funded by the SPVs from Namibian dollar denominated loans. In the case of the SPVs owned by the Strategic Community Partners, Black Distributors Trust and the Education Trust, Namibian dollar denominated loans will fund the entire par value. Dividends received by the SPVs from their holdings of Old Mutual plc shares and the major portion of the performance fees earned by the Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners and injected into the SPVs as capital contributions, will be used first to repay the third party loans (in the case of the Black Distributors Trust and the Education Trust, a portion of these dividends will be applied to fund the objectives of these trusts) and thereafter such amounts (the 'Interim Payments') will be paid to Old Mutual plc towards satisfaction of the SPVs' obligations under the cash undertaking (part of the subscription price). The payment by the SPV due on 31 December 2016 to discharge the balance of the cash undertaking will be (subject to a minimum of one Namibian dollar) the lesser of: - the difference between the Initial Market Value as described in paragraph 3.2 above and the Namibian dollar equivalent of 10 pence par value per share multiplied by the number of shares issued to the relevant SPV plus an escalation factor and less any amounts paid by the SPVs in partial satisfaction of the undertaking. This amount will be calculated on an annual basis and will be increased annually by 2.5% of the Initial Market Value (except in the case of the Education Trust and Distributors Trust SPVs); and - the Namibian dollar equivalent of the market value of the Old Mutual plc shares at the highest price quoted on the LSE during the period between 1 September 2016 and the business day before 31 December 2016 multiplied by the number of shares issued to the relevant SPV. The funding structure is similar to that in the South African BEE transaction. The table below displays the salient features of the terms of the share issues: Black Strategic Strategic Distributors Education Business Community Trust Trust Partners Partners Issue price of shares Par value and Par value and Par value and Par value and cash undertaking cash undertaking cash undertaking cash undertaking Upfront amount 2.5% of value paid by SPV Nil Nil of shares Nil Date on which cash undertaking is 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December payable 2016 2016 2016 2016 Escalation factor (fixed) on cash undertaking 9.73% 9.73% 9.73% 9.73% 3.8 Value of the Old Mutual Transaction The value of Old Mutual Namibia Transaction is based on the valuation of Old Mutual Namibia. The value of Old Mutual Namibia has been derived at N$1 650m (£122.11m) for this business, which translates into approximately 1.40% of the market capitalisation of Old Mutual plc. 3.9 Estimated economic cost of the Old Mutual Transaction The estimated economic cost of the Old Mutual Transaction to Old Mutual is N$57.31 (£4.24m). This translates into 3.47% of the value of Old Mutual Namibia. 3.10 Measuring the black ownership of the Old Mutual Transaction N$m £m Value of Old Mutual Namibia 1 650.00 122.11 Value of Old Mutual Namibia Transaction 220.46 16.32 Less: White employee component of Old Mutual Namibia Broad-based Scheme 0.87 0.06 Black ownership portion of Old Mutual Transaction 219.59 16.26 Black ownership portion of Old Mutual Transaction as a % of the value of Old Mutual Namibia 13.31% Note: Exchange rate £1:N$13.5126. 3.11 Conditions precedent to the Old Mutual Transaction The conditions precedent to the Old Mutual plc shares being issued include the following: - no breach of certain clauses of the subscription agreement having been committed by any SPV or any of Central Investment, Manmar and Northern Empowerment Investments and any of the Strategic Community Partners; - funding is obtained by Central Investment, Manmar and Northern Empowerment Investments to fund the payment of the balance of the par value of the Old Mutual plc shares; - the admission of the Old Mutual plc shares to the Official List of the LSE in accordance with paragraph 7.1 of the UK Listing Rules and the admission of the shares to trading becoming effective in accordance with paragraph 2.1 of the Admission and Disclosure Standard produced by the LSE; - the adoption by the SPVs, their holding companies or the shareholders (as the case may be) of their constitutional documents and any shareholders' agreement in such form as Old Mutual plc may approve in writing; - the approval of the transaction by the Bank of Namibia and other relevant authorities; - any other regulatory approvals required by Old Mutual plc or the SPVs in order to implement the Old Mutual Transaction; and - Old Mutual plc being satisfied that each feature of the Nedbank Group Transaction and Mutual & Federal Transaction shall have received all consents, sanctions and approvals to which such feature is subject and that such feature will be implemented in accordance with its terms. Old Mutual plc can waive this condition in whole or in part. If any of the conditions precedent are not fulfilled or (where capable) waived on or before 31 December 2006 (or such later date as the partner may agree) either Old Mutual plc or the relevant SPV may terminate the Subscription Agreements. Transaction advisor to Old Mutual plc NEDBANK CAPITAL Sponsor to Old Mutual plc Merrill Lynch International Registered in England Registration number 231079 Regulated in the United Kingdom by The Financial Sercvices Authority Corporate law advisors to Old Mutual plc EDWARD NATHAN (Proprietary) Limited Registration No. 2004/005665/07 Legal advisors as to English law to Old Mutual plc SLAUGHTER AND MAY NEDBANK GROUP • Resultant black ownership at 11.13% in NedNamibia Holdings • Key black shareholders include: Employees and management; Strategic Business Partners; Strategic Community Partners and an Education Trust • Benefits 381 black Namibian employees • Performance agreements with broad-based Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners • Aligned with empowerment strategy to preserve and grow business Key features: • Resultant black ownership at 11.13% in NedNamibia Holdings • Key black shareholders include: Employees and Management, Strategic Business Partners, Strategic Community Partners and an Education Trust • Benefits 381 black Namibian employees • Performance agreements with broad-based Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners • Aligned with empowerment strategy to preserve and grow business Following the conclusion of the Transaction, Nedbank Group will initiate a process to list Nedbank Group on the Namibian Stock Exchange ('NSX') in order to facilitate easier trade in Nedbank Group shares within Namibia. 4.1 Proposed Nedbank Group Transaction structure See graph in press announcement 4.2 Black shareholding as a result of the Nedbank Group Transaction Nedbank Group is pleased to announce that, as part of its ongoing programme of transformation, and subject to the fulfilment of the conditions precedent set out in paragraph 4.12 below, Nedbank Group is proposing the introduction of broad-based black ownership into its 94% held Namibian subsidiary, NedNamibia Holdings. NedNamibia Holdings is the vehicle through which Nedbank Group conducts its business in Namibia. The introduction of broad-based black ownership into NedNamibia Holdings will be by way of the issue of new ordinary shares in the share capital of Nedbank Group ranking pari passu in all respects with the existing issued ordinary shares of Nedbank Group. Accordingly, a diverse group of black stakeholders consisting of Employees and Management, Strategic Business Partners, Strategic Community Partners and an Education Trust have been selected to participate as shareholders. The proposed transaction achieves strong alignment with the overall strategic objectives of NedNamibia Holdings in a number of key respects. These include: - positioning of Nedbank Namibia as a bank which is accessible to all Namibians; - repositioning of the Nedbank brand in the retail segment with a potential increase in retail clients in Namibia; - assisting in the attainment of employment equity targets, particularly at senior employee levels; - repositioning the bank internally and culturally to better serve the requirements of a changing external market; - growing market share in the Namibian public sector; - protecting existing business and market share by meeting and exceeding the ownership and control requirements of the impending Namibian FSC; - participating in a meaningful way in the development of emerging BEE corporates and securing future growth together with these corporates; and - aligning with Nedbank Group's overall goals of promotion of women's interests. The table below sets out the total deal size at Nedbank Group as well as the effective black ownership at NedNamibia Holdings utilising the enlarged issued share capital of Nedbank Group to facilitate the Nedbank Group Transaction: Using Nedbank Group shares Effective Shareholding Black in ownership in Nedbank NedNamibia Total deal Group Holdings Shareholding Shareholding Number Deal (post-issue of (post-issue of of shares value new shares) new shares) (N$m/Rm) % % Employee and Management Schemes 211 283 21.40 0.05 3.47 NedNamibia Holdings Long-term Incentive Plan 81 749 8.28 0.02 1.38 NedNamibia Holdings Black Management Scheme 95 176 9.64 0.02 1.61 NedNamibia Holdings Broad-based Scheme 34 358 3.48 0.01 0.48 Strategic Business Partners 199 929 20.25 0.04 3.37 Central Investment 118 476 12.00 0.02 2.00 Manmar 44 429 4.50 0.01 0.75 Northern Empowerment Investments 37 024 3.75 0.01 0.62 Strategic Community Partners 74 048 7.50 0.02 1.24 WAD 37 024 3.75 0.01 0.62 Churches 37 024 3.75 0.01 0.62 Education Trust 98 730 10.00 0.02 1.67 Long-term Strategic Allocation 81 452 8.25 0.02 1.38 Total 665 442 67.40 0.15 11.13 Notes 1. Exchange rate: ZAR1:N$1. 2. Total new effective shareholding in NedNamibia Holdings post-issue of new shares, is 11.23% with effective Black ownership in NedNamibia Holdings, post- issue of new shares, being 11.13%. 3. The number of shares was calculated using the 10-day volume weighted average price (ex dividend) to 31 August 2006 of R101.29 per share. 4.3 The NedNamibia Holdings Employee and Management Schemes (3.47% of NedNamibia Holdings) NedNamibia Holdings Employee and Management schemes are comprised of three elements, details of which appear below: 4.3.1 The NedNamibia Holdings Long-term Incentive Plan (1.38% of NedNamibia Holdings) The NedNamibia Holdings Long-term Incentive Plan ('LTIP') will operate for the benefit of permanent employees, both black and white, presently earning in excess of N$289 454 per annum. Allocations will be made on appointment and on an annual basis. The LTIP will comprise two components, namely, a share option element and a Restricted Share Plan component. Participation in the LTIP will be based on individual performance ratings and subject to any additional criteria deemed fit by the NedNamibia Holdings Executive Committee and subject to the approval of the Nedbank Group Remuneration Committee. Options will vest after three years and participants will have five years from date of issue in which to exercise their options. The LTIP is being introduced as NedNamibia Holdings did not previously have a long-term incentive plan in place and to enable its employment policies to be in line with those of Nedbank Group. The LTIP size shown in the table above relates only to the black component of the scheme. 4.3.2 The NedNamibia Holdings Black Management Scheme (1.61% of NedNamibia Holdings) The NedNamibia Holdings Black Management Scheme will operate for the benefit of black senior and middle management of NedNamibia Holdings presently earning more than N$289 454 per annum. Nedbank Group will issue new ordinary shares to the NedNamibia Black Management Scheme Trust ('the Management Trust') partly on a grant basis (50%) and partly on an interest-free loan basis (50%), such that the Management Trust will own approximately 0.02% of the enlarged issued share capital of Nedbank Group (which equates to 1.61% of NedNamibia Holdings). The trustees, on instruction from the NedNamibia Holdings Remuneration Committee, will make awards to existing and future qualifying participants for retention and attraction purposes, respectively. Awards will be made on a once-off basis to qualifying existing black employees and on appointment to qualifying future employees and will be subject to four, five and six-year vesting periods in equal tranches. 4.3.3 The NedNamibia Holdings Broad-based Scheme (0.58% of NedNamibia Holdings) The NedNamibia Holdings Broad-based Scheme will operate for the benefit of all qualifying employees of NedNamibia Holdings who do not participate in any other share scheme. This scheme will thus operate for the benefit of both black and white employees of NedNamibia Holdings. 82% of the scheme participants will be black. The NedNamibia Holdings; Broad-based Scheme will own approximately 0.58% of the value of NedNamibia Holdings (black participation equates to 0.48% of NedNamibia Holdings). An award of N$8 000 per employee will be made upfront to all qualifying participants, subject to fulfilment of a five-year holding period. 4.4 NedNamibia Holdings Strategic Business Partners (3.37% of NedNamibia Holdings) Central Investment, Manmar and Northern Empowerment Investments will, collectively, acquire an effective 0.04% of the enlarged issued share capital of Nedbank Group (which equates to 3.37% of the value of NedNamibia Holdings), which will be funded on the basis as detailed in paragraph 4.7 below. To this end, Central Investment, Manmar and Northern Empowerment Investments have each entered into a detailed Subscription Agreement with Nedbank Group and a detailed Performance Agreement with NedNamibia Holdings setting out the terms of their participation as well as related performance criteria together with the implications of not meeting or exceeding those criteria. 4.5 NedNamibia Holdings Strategic Community Partners (1.24% of NedNamibia Holdings) The Strategic Community Partners, namely WAD and the churches will, collectively, acquire an effective 0.02% of the enlarged issued share capital of Nedbank Group (which equates to 1.24% of NedNamibia Holdings), which will be funded on the basis as detailed in paragraph 4.7 below. To this end, WAD and the churches have each entered into detailed Subscription Agreements with Nedbank Group and detailed Performance Agreements with NedNamibia Holdings, setting out the terms of their participation as well as related performance criteria together with the implications of not meeting or exceeding those criteria. 4.6 Education Trust (1.67% of NedNamibia Holdings) In recognition of the role played by certain trade unions and other groups in the Namibian economy and the potentially positive influence of these groups on the business of NedNamibia Holdings, an Education Trust will be established in conjunction with Old Mutual Namibia which will have an initial duration of ten years. Due to the importance of education in Namibia amongst the black communities, the Education Trust will provide meaningful benefits to members of such groups and complement the community focus of the Group's Namibian businesses on training and education. More detail on this trust has been dealt with in paragraph 3.5 above. The Education Trust will subscribe for Nedbank Group shares with a value of N$10 million, which is equivalent to 1.67% of the value of NedNamibia Holdings. The trust will be funded on the basis described in paragraph 4.7 below. 4.7 Mechanism to implement the Nedbank Group Transaction For the NedNamibia Holdings Employee and Management schemes, black-controlled employee trusts will be created and funded by Nedbank Group or its subsidiary, either by way of an interest-free loan or a grant as discussed in paragraph 4.3 above. Dividends will be applied to paying down the capital portion of the loan, or distributed to beneficiaries in the case of grant-funded shares. Cash received on the exercise of share options will be applied to paying down the capital portion of the loan. For all the other schemes, Nedbank Group has developed a mechanism which involves Nedbank Group issuing the scheme shares at or about par value to the various scheme participants. On the applicable termination dates for each scheme, Nedbank Group will be entitled to call back as many of the scheme shares as, based on their then market value, equate in value to the terminal balance of a notional calculation model. The notional calculation model will calculate at pre-agreed notional rates. Further detail on the proposed structure will be furnished to shareholders in the circular to shareholders, but the essential features of the structure are: - creation of separate black-controlled vehicles as appropriate for the respective participants ('SPVs'); - the subscription by those SPVs for ordinary shares in Nedbank Group at par value of R1.00 per share (in the case of the Strategic Business Partner SPVs, at a small premium to par value representing a 2.5% initial contribution by the Strategic Business Partners). The par value payment in respect of the Strategic Community Partner SPVs and the Education Trust will be funded by way of separate loans; - the grant to Nedbank Group of a call option against the SPVs for a number of Nedbank Group ordinary shares, determined by formula, held in the SPVs, exercisable on the termination date of the particular scheme at the same price per share at which the shares were issued to the SPVs; - the SPVs will be granted a call option to acquire the same number of shares as acquired by Nedbank Group exercising its call option at the then market value; and - the effective obligatory re-investment of cash receipts (dividends and a portion of performance fees in the case of Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners and dividends only in the case of the Education Trust) by recipients into Nedbank Group shares. In the case of dividends, Nedbank Group will, through the period of the schemes, undertake semi-annual capitalisation awards with a cash dividend election and the participants will waive their cash dividend election upfront. In the case of performance fees, the Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners will be obliged to re-invest a portion in subscribing for new Nedbank Group shares. The funding structure is similar to that in the South African BEE transaction. 4.8 Value of the Nedbank Group Transaction The value of the Nedbank Group Transaction is based on the valuation of NedNamibia Holdings. Nedbank Group shares will be issued in respect of the Transaction using the 10-day volume weighted average price (ex dividend) to 31 August 2006 of R101.29 per share. 4.9 Estimated economic cost of the Nedbank Group Transaction The estimated economic cost of the Nedbank Group Transaction to Nedbank Group is R24.75 million. This translates into 0.05% of the value of Nedbank Group. 4.10 Pro forma financial effects of the Nedbank Group Transaction The Nedbank Group Transaction does not on a consolidated basis reduce Nedbank Group's consolidated Basic EPS and Headline EPS for the year ended 31 December 2005 and the interim period ended 30 June 2006 by more than 0.9%, The IFRS share-based payments charge in respect of the transaction amounts to R14.88 million. 4.11 Measuring the black ownership of the Nedbank Group Transaction N$m/Rm Value of NedNamibia Holdings 600.00 Value of Nedbank Group Transaction 67.40 Less: White employee component of NedNamibia Holdings Broad-based Scheme (0.63) Black ownership portion of Nedbank Group Transaction 66.77 Black ownership portion of Nedbank Group Transaction as a percentage of the value of NedNamibia Holdings 11.13% 4.12 Conditions precedent to the Nedbank Group Transaction The implementation of the Nedbank Group Transaction is subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions precedent: - approval by the requisite majority of Nedbank Group shareholders in general meeting to the issue of new Nedbank Group shares to each of the SPVs. In this regard, the required circular is expected to be posted to ordinary shareholders of Nedbank Group in due course; and - obtaining of the necessary regulatory approvals. 4.13 Opinions and recommendations for the Nedbank Group Transaction 4.13.1 Directors' recommendation The board of Nedbank Group recommend that the shareholders of Nedbank Group vote in favour of the Nedbank Group Transaction and the resolutions to be proposed at the general meeting to be held to consider the Nedbank Group Transaction. In respect of their beneficial holdings in Nedbank Group, the relevant board members intend to vote in favour of the resolutions to be proposed at the aforementioned general meeting. 4.13.2 Position of Old Mutual plc Old Mutual plc (a 51.02% shareholder in Nedbank Group) intends voting its shares in favour of the Nedbank Group Transaction and the resolutions to be proposed at the general meeting of Nedbank Group shareholders to be held to consider the Nedbank Group Transaction. 4.14 Timetable and documentation Nedbank Group shareholders will be advised in due course as to the important dates and times relevant to the Nedbank Group Transaction. A circular setting out the full details of the proposed introduction of direct black ownership, including details of the Nedbank Group Transaction and the meetings required to implement it will be forwarded to shareholders in due course. Transaction advisor and sponsor to Nedbank Group NEDBANK CAPITAL Sponsor to Nedbank Group Merrill Lynch South Africa (Pty) Ltd Registration number 1995/001805/07 Registered Sponsor and Member of the JSE Limited Corporate law advisors to Nedbank Group EDWARD NATHAN (Proprietary) Limited Registration No. 2004/005665/07 MUTUAL & FEDERAL • Resultant black ownership of 11.42% in Mutual & Federal Namibia • Key black stakeholders include: Employees and Management, Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners • Aimed at 60 black employee participants • Performance agreements with broad-based Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners • Aligned with empowerment strategy to preserve and grow business Key features: • Resultant black ownership of 11.42% in Mutual & Federal Namibia • Key black shareholders include: Employees and Management, Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners • Aimed at 60 black employee participants • Performance agreements with broad-based Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners • Aligned with empowerment strategy to preserve and grow business 5.1 Proposed Mutual & Federal Transaction structure See graph in press announcement. 5.2 Black shareholding in Mutual & Federal Namibia as a result of the Mutual & Federal Transaction Mutual & Federal is pleased to announce that, as part of its ongoing commitment to transformation of its Namibian business, and subject to the fulfilment of the conditions precedent set out in paragraph 5.9 below, Mutual & Federal is proposing the introduction of broad-based black ownership into Mutual & Federal Namibia by way of the issue of new ordinary shares in the share capital of Mutual & Federal ranking pari passu in all respects with the existing issued ordinary shares of Mutual & Federal. The table below sets out the total deal size at Mutual & Federal as well as the effective black ownership at Mutual & Federal Namibia utilising the enlarged issued share capital of Mutual & Federal to facilitate the Mutual & Federal Transaction: Using Mutual & Federal shares Effective Shareholding Black in ownership in Mutual & Mutual & Federal Total deal Federal Namibia Shareholding Shareholding Number Deal (post-issue of (post-issue of of shares value new shares) new shares) (N$m/Rm) % % Employee and Management Schemes 279 157 7.58 0.10 4.25 Mutual & Federal Management Scheme 142 746 3.88 0.05 2.28 Mutual & Federal Senior Black Management Scheme 110 484 3.00 0.04 1.77 Mutual & Federal Broad-based Scheme 25 927 0.70 0.01 0.20 Strategic Business Partners 248 590 6.75 0.09 3.97 Central Investment 147 313 4.00 0.05 2.35 Manmar 55 242 1.50 0.02 0.88 Northern Empowerment Investments 46 035 1.25 0.02 0.74 Strategic Community Partners 92 070 2.50 0.04 1.46 Churches 46 035 1.25 0.02 0.73 WAD 46 035 1.25 0.02 0.73 Long-term Strategic Allocation 108 864 2.96 0.03 1.74 Total 728 681 19.79 0.26 11.42 Notes: 1. Exchange rate: ZAR1:N$1. 2. Total new effective shareholding in Mutual & Federal Namibia, post-issue of new shares, is 11.64% with effective Black ownership in Mutual & Federal Namibia post-issue of new shares being 11.42% 3. The number of shares was calculated using the 10-day volume weighted average price (ex dividend) to 31 August 2006 of R27.15 per share. 5.3 Mutual & Federal Namibia Employee and Management Schemes The Mutual & Federal Namibia Employee and Management schemes comprise three different elements: 5.3.1 Mutual & Federal Namibia Management Scheme (2.28% of Mutual & Federal Namibia) Mutual & Federal will issue new ordinary shares to a new employee share trust which will be funded by interest-free loans and/or grants from Mutual & Federal, the purpose of which is to attract, reward and retain senior and middle management in its Namibian business. The new employee share trust will own 0.05% of the enlarged issued share capital of Mutual & Federal. This new employee share trust will be used to fund the long-term share incentives that Mutual & Federal Namibia expects to allocate to black management in the normal course of business until 2016. By reserving a significant portion of the Mutual & Federal shares for black management, Mutual & Federal is demonstrating its unequivocal commitment to transform its Namibian business fundamentally. Shares will be allocated in terms of Mutual & Federal's current allocation policy subject to regular market testing and individual performance. The current policy is to make allocations in a combination of Restricted Share Plan ('RSP') share awards and share options. The RSP share awards will vest immediately (subject to the condition that the participant remains in Mutual & Federal Namibia's employment for a period of time), while the share options will be exercisable commencing after three years (but within six years). Participants are to be paid the dividends in respect of the RSP share awards and will be entitled to exercise the voting rights in respect of the relevant Mutual & Federal shares, but will have no dividend or voting rights in respect of the unexercised share options. Accordingly, the entire interest of 2.28% in Mutual & Federal shares held by the new employee share trust will count for black ownership. 5.3.2 Mutual & Federal Namibia Senior Black Management Scheme (1.77% of Mutual & Federal Namibia) The Mutual & Federal Namibia Senior Black Management Scheme will operate for the benefit of selected senior black management of Mutual & Federal Namibia. A new trust will be formed to operate the Mutual & Federal Namibia Senior Black Management Scheme. This new trust will acquire upfront 0.04% of the enlarged issued share capital of Mutual & Federal and will be funded by means of a grant from Mutual & Federal. The trustees, on instruction from the Mutual & Federal Namibia Remuneration Committee, will make awards to existing (25%) and future (75%) participants for retention and attraction purposes, respectively. The scheme will comprise a once-off allocation with the possibility of an increase on promotion. This allocation will be in addition to the normal allocations made in terms of the Mutual & Federal Namibia Management Scheme and will be made by means of an RSP award. 5.3.3 Mutual & Federal Namibia Broad-based Scheme (0.41% of Mutual & Federal Namibia) This scheme will operate for the benefit of all employees of Mutual & Federal Namibia who do not participate in either the management scheme or the Mutual & Federal Namibia Senior Black Management Scheme. This scheme will thus operate for the benefit of both black and white employees employed by Mutual & Federal Namibia, of which 47% are black. The allocation will be made by means of an RSP share award over Mutual & Federal shares of N$8 000 per participant. The same trust that operates the Mutual & Federal Namibia Senior Black Management Scheme will operate the Mutual & Federal Namibia Broad-based Scheme. The trust will acquire upfront 0.01% of the enlarged issued share capital of Mutual & Federal and will be funded by means of a grant from Mutual & Federal. 5.4 Mutual & Federal Namibia Strategic Business Partners (3.97% of Mutual & Federal Namibia) Central Investment, Manmar and Northern Empowerment Investments will each acquire an effective 0.05%, 0.02% and 0.02%, respectively, of the enlarged issued share capital of Mutual & Federal (which equates to 3.97% in aggregate of the value of Mutual & Federal Namibia), which will be funded on the basis as detailed in paragraph 5.6 below. To this end, Central Investment, Manmar and Northern Empowerment Investments have each entered into a detailed Subscription Agreement with Mutual & Federal and a detailed Performance Agreement with Mutual & Federal Namibia setting out the terms of their participation as well as related performance criteria together with the implications of not meeting or exceeding those criteria. 5.5 Mutual & Federal Namibia Strategic Community Partners (1.46% of Mutual & Federal Namibia) The Strategic Community Partners, namely WAD and the churches, will each acquire an effective 0.02% of the enlarged issued share capital of Mutual & Federal (which equates to 1.46% of Mutual & Federal Namibia), which will be funded on the basis as detailed in paragraph 5.6 below. To this end, WAD and the churches have each entered into detailed Subscription Agreements with Mutual & Federal and detailed Performance Agreements with Mutual & Federal Namibia setting out the terms of their participation as well as related performance criteria together with the implications of not meeting or exceeding those criteria. 5.6 Mechanism to implement the Mutual & Federal Transaction For the employee schemes, comprising 0.10% of the enlarged issued share capital of Mutual & Federal, black-controlled employee trusts will be created and will be funded, directly, by Mutual & Federal, either by way of an interest-free loan or a grant as discussed in paragraph 5.3 above. For the Strategic Business Partner scheme and Strategic Community Partner scheme, comprising 0.09% and 0.04% of the enlarged issued share capital of Mutual & Federal, respectively, Mutual & Federal has developed a mechanism which involves Mutual & Federal issuing the scheme shares at or about par value to the various scheme participants. On the applicable termination dates for each scheme, Mutual & Federal will be entitled to call back as many of the scheme shares as, based on their then market value, are equal in value to the terminal balance on a notional calculation model. The notional calculation model will calculate at pre-agreed notional rates. Further detail on the proposed structure will be furnished in the circular to shareholders, but the essential features of the Strategic Business Partner scheme and Strategic Community Partner schemes are: - creation of the separate black Namibian controlled vehicles as appropriate for the respective participants ('SPVs'); - the subscription by the SPVs for ordinary shares in Mutual & Federal at par value of 10 cents per share (in the case of the Strategic Business Partner SPVs, at a small premium to par value representing a 2.5% initial contribution by the Strategic Business Partners), in the case of the Strategic Community Partners, the par value will be funded by way of separate loans; - the grant to Mutual & Federal of a call option against the SPVs for a formulaically determined number of Mutual & Federal ordinary shares held in the SPVs, exercisable on the termination date of the particular scheme at the same price per share at which the shares were issued to the SPVs; - the SPVs will be granted a call option to acquire the same number of shares as acquired by Mutual & Federal exercising its call option at the then market value; and - the effective obligatory re-investment of cash receipts (dividends and portion of performance fees in the case of Strategic Business Partners and the Strategic Community Partners) by recipients into Mutual & Federal shares. In the case of dividends, Mutual & Federal will through the period of the schemes, undertake semi-annual capitalisation awards with a cash dividend election, and the SPVs, in the case of the Strategic Business Partners and the Strategic Community Partners have waived 100% of their cash dividend election upfront. In the case of performance fees, the Strategic Business Partners and Strategic Community Partners will be obliged to re-invest a portion in subscribing for new Mutual & Federal shares. The funding structure is similar to that in the South African BEE transaction. 5.7 Value of the Mutual & Federal Transaction The value of the Mutual & Federal Transaction is based on the valuation of Mutual & Federal Namibia. Mutual & Federal shares will be issued using the 10 day volume weighted average price (ex dividend) to 31 August 2006, of R27.15 per share. 5.7.1 Estimated economic costs of the Mutual & Federal Transaction Mutual & Federal has estimated the economic cost of the Mutual & Federal Transaction to be R7.42 million. This translates to 0.07% of the value of Mutual & Federal. 5.7.2 Pro forma financial effects of the Mutual & Federal Transaction The Mutual & Federal Transaction does not on a consolidated basis, reduce Mutual & Federal's consolidated Basic EPS and Headline EPS for the year ended 31 December 2005 and the interim period ended 30 June 2006 by more than 1.2%, The IFRS share based payments charge in respect of the Mutual & Federal Transaction amounts to R3.60 million 5.8 Measuring the black ownership of the Mutual & Federal Transaction N$m/Rm Value of Mutual & Federal Namibia 170.00 Value of Mutual & Federal Transaction 19.79 Less: white employee component of Mutual & Federal Namibia Broad-based Scheme (0.37) Black ownership portion of Mutual & Federal Transaction 19.42 Black ownership portion of Mutual & Federal Transaction as a percentage of the value of Mutual & Federal Namibia 11.42% 5.9 Conditions precedent to the Mutual & Federal Transaction The implementation of the Mutual & Federal transaction is subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions precedent: - approval by the requisite majority of Mutual & Federal ordinary shareholders in general meeting of the issue of new Mutual & Federal shares to each of the SPVs. In this regard, the required circular is expected to be posted to ordinary shareholders of Mutual & Federal in due course; and -obtaining of the necessary regulatory approvals. 5.10 Opinions and recommendations for the Mutual & Federal Transaction 5.10.1 Directors' recommendation The board of Mutual & Federal recommend that the shareholders of Mutual & Federal vote in favour of the Mutual & Federal Transaction and the resolutions to be proposed at the general meeting to be held to consider the Mutual & Federal Transaction. In respect of their beneficial holdings in Mutual & Federal, the relevant board members intend to vote their shares in favour of the Mutual & Federal Transaction and the resolutions to be proposed at the aforementioned general meeting. 5.10.2 Position of Old Mutual plc Old Mutual (SA) a 77% shareholder in Mutual & Federal intends voting its shares in favour of the Mutual & Federal Transaction and the resolutions to be proposed at the general meeting of Mutual & Federal ordinary shareholders to be held to consider the Mutual & Federal Transaction. 5.11 Timetable and documentation Mutual & Federal shareholders will be advised in due course as to the important dates and times relevant to the Mutual & Federal Transaction. A circular setting out the full details of the proposed introduction of direct black ownership, including details of the Mutual & Federal Transaction and the meetings required to implement it will be forwarded to shareholders in due course. Transaction advisor and sponsor to Mutual & Federal NEDBANK CAPITAL Sponsor to Mutual & Federal Merrill Lynch South Africa (Pty) Ltd Registration number 1995/001805/07 Registered Sponsor and Member of the JSE Limited Corporate law advisors to Mutual & Federal EDWARD NATHAN (Proprietary Limited) Registration No. 2004/005665/07 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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