Interim Results - Part 2

Old Mutual PLC 10 August 2005 Part 2 European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 1 SUMMARY INCOME STATEMENT ON A EUROPEAN EMBEDDED VALUE BASIS GBPm 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 Africa Covered business 261 281 652 Asset management 37 22 54 Banking 162 54 203 General insurance 49 52 101 509 409 1,010 North America Covered business 83 53 77 Asset management 51 47 87 134 100 164 United Kingdom & Rest of World Covered business 1 - 4 Asset management 7 7 (5) Banking 14 11 23 22 18 22 Debt service costs (19) (24) (49) Other shareholders' income / (expenses) (8) (6) (23) Adjusted operating profit* 638 497 1,124 Goodwill impairments (2) (33) (33) (Loss) / profit on disposal of investments in subsidiaries (4) 12 (27) Short term fluctuations in investment returns (including economic assumption changes) Covered business 210 (216) 271 Other 23 (16) 39 Other covered business changes** 49 - (230) Income from hedging activities that do not qualify for hedge - 5 31 accounting Investment return adjustment for Group equity and debt instruments (28) (26) (99) held in life funds Fines and penalties - (49) (49) Profit before tax 886 174 1,027 Income tax attributable to equity holders (218) (53) (271) Profit for the financial period 668 121 756 Minority interests - ordinary shares (78) (24) (74) - preferred securities (28) (27) (59) Profit for the financial period attributable to equity holders 562 70 623 * For life assurance and general insurance business, EEV adjusted operating profit is based on the expected investment return and includes investment returns on own shares held within policyholders' funds. For all businesses, adjusted operating profit excludes goodwill impairments, fines and penalties, income from hedging activities that do not qualify for hedge accounting, and (loss)/profit on disposal of subsidiaries. Adjusted operating earnings per share are similarly based, but are stated after tax and minority interests, with the calculation of the weighted average number of shares including own shares held in policyholders' funds. ** Refer to analysis of covered business embedded value results in Section 7. European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 1 SUMMARY INCOME STATEMENT ON A EUROPEAN EMBEDDED VALUE BASIS continued The adjusted operating profit after tax attributable to equity holders is determined as follows: GBPm 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 Adjusted operating profit 638 497 1,124 Tax on adjusted operating profit (154) (133) (230) 484 364 894 Minority interests - ordinary shares (76) (36) (94) - preferred securities (28) (27) (59) Adjusted operating profit after tax attributable to equity holders 380 301 741 p 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 30 June 31 December Embedded value earnings per share attributable to equity holders 2005 2004 2004 Adjusted operating earnings per share 10.1 8.1 19.8 Basic earnings per share 16.2 2.0 18.2 Adjusted weighted average number of shares - millions 3,753 3,735 3,738 Weighted average number of shares - millions 3,467 3,419 3,422 European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 1 SUMMARY INCOME STATEMENT ON A EUROPEAN EMBEDDED VALUE BASIS continued GBPm 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 Adjusted operating profit for the covered business 345 334 733 Africa 261 281 652 North America 83 53 77 United Kingdom & Rest of World 1 - 4 Tax on adjusted operating profit for the covered business 99 101 203 Africa 75 85 180 North America 24 16 23 United Kingdom & Rest of World - - - Adjusted operating profit after tax for the covered business 246 233 530 Africa 186 196 472 North America 59 37 54 United Kingdom & Rest of World 1 - 4 Reconciliation of tax on adjusted operating profit Tax on adjusted operating profit for the covered business 99 101 203 Tax on adjusted operating profit for other business 55 32 27 Tax on adjusted operating profit 154 133 230 European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months ended 30 June 2005 2 RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN GROUP EMBEDDED VALUE GBPm 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 Group embedded value at the beginning of the year 4,407 3,641 3,641 Change in equity arising in the period Fair value gains / (losses) 23 40 64 Fair value of equity settled share options 4 1 3 Currency translation differences / exchange differences on translating foreign operations (223) 171 138 Cash flow hedge amortisation 2 (2) (4) Aggregate tax effect of items taken directly to or transferred from equity - (6) - Other (168) (10) 68 Net income recognised (362) 194 269 Profit for the period 562 70 623 Total recognised income and expense for the period 200 264 892 Dividend for the period (118) (106) (166) Purchase / sale of treasury shares (7) (5) 25 Issue of perpetual preferred callable securities 347 - - Exercise of share options 3 8 15 Group embedded value at the end of the period 4,832 3,802 4,407 3 COMPONENTS OF GROUP EMBEDDED VALUE GBPm At At At 30 June 31 December 30 June 2005 2004 2004 Shareholders' adjusted net worth 3,180 2,933 2,573 Equity shareholders' funds 3,844 3,286 2,796 Adjustment to include life subsidiaries on a statutory solvency basis: Africa 79 216 156 North America (756) (577) (370) United Kingdom & Rest of World (8) (7) (13) Adjustment for discounting CGT 21 15 4 Value of in-force business 1,652 1,474 1,229 Value of in-force business before items listed below 2,032 1,918 1,482 Additional time-value reserves for financial options and guarantees (67) (74) (66) Cost of required capital (310) (368) (185) Minority interest in value of in-force (3) (2) (2) Group embedded value 4,832 4,407 3,802 European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 3 COMPONENTS OF GROUP EMBEDDED VALUE continued GBPm At At At 30 June 31 December 30 June 2005 2004 2004 Pro-forma adjustments to bring Group investments to market value Group embedded value 4,832 4,407 3,802 Adjustment to bring listed subsidiaries to market value 482 609 272 Adjustment for market value of Group equity and debt instruments held in life funds 339 368 312 Adjustment to remove perpetual preferred callable securities (350) - - Adjusted Group embedded value 5,303 5,384 4,386 p p p Adjusted Group embedded value per share 137.5 139.7 114.0 Return on adjusted Group embedded value (ROEV) % p.a. 15.4% 19.0% 15.3% Number of shares in issue at the end of the period including own shares held in policyholders' funds - millions 3,857 3,854 3,849 The adjustments to include life subsidiaries on a statutory solvency basis reflect the difference between the net worth of each life subsidiary on the statutory basis (as required by the local regulator) and their portion of the group's consolidated equity shareholders' funds. In Africa, these values exclude items that are eliminated or shown separately on consolidation (such as Nedbank, Mutual & Federal and inter-company loans). The ROEV is calculated as the adjusted operating profit after tax and minorities of GBP380 million together with an expected equity return on the pro-forma adjustment of GBP32 million divided by the opening adjusted embedded value increased / (reduced) by the weighted value of any capital raised / (dividends paid). European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 4 RECONCILIATION OF EMBEDDED VALUE OF THE COVERED BUSINESS WITH THE ADJUSTED EMBEDDED VALUE GBPm At At At 30 June 31 December 30 June 2005 2004 2004 Embedded value of the covered business 3,603 3,555 2,944 Adjusted net worth 1,951 2,081 1,715 Value of in-force business* 1,652 1,474 1,229 Adjusted net worth of asset management businesses 1,174 990 969 Africa 145 101 132 North America 1,029 889 837 Market value banking Africa 1,368 1,442 1,102 Market value general insurance Africa 414 486 405 Net other business 160 168 134 Preferred securities (458) (458) (458) Perpetual preferred callable securities (350) - - Debt (608) (799) (710) Rand denominated (46) (60) (59) US$ denominated (517) (687) (651) GBP denominated (45) (52) - Adjusted Group embedded value 5,303 5,384 4,386 * Net of minority interests European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 5 COMPONENTS OF EMBEDDED VALUE OF THE COVERED BUSINESS GBPm At At At 30 June 31 December 30 June 2005 2004 2004 Embedded value of the covered business 3,603 3,555 2,944 Adjusted net worth 1,951 2,081 1,715 Value of in-force business 1,652 1,474 1,229 Africa Adjusted net worth 1,407 1,537 1,224 Required capital (equivalent to 152% of statutory minimum capital at 30 June 2005) 1,395 1,595 1,480 Free surplus 12 (58) (256) Value of in-force business 1,014 1,005 852 Value of in-force business before items listed below 1,284 1,343 1,013 Additional time-value reserves for financial options and guarantees* (37) (49) (44) Cost of required capital (230) (287) (115) Minority interest in value of in-force (3) (2) (2) North America Adjusted net worth 514 515 468 Required capital (equivalent to 282% of statutory minimum capital at 30 June 2005) 444 451 406 Free surplus 70 64 62 Value of in-force business 613 444 352 Value of in-force business before items listed below 720 547 441 Additional time-value reserves for financial options and guarantees (30) (25) (22) Cost of required capital (77) (78) (67) United Kingdom & Rest of World Adjusted net worth 30 29 23 Required capital 10 10 10 Free surplus 20 19 13 Value of in-force business 25 25 25 Value of in-force business before items listed below 28 28 28 Additional time-value reserves for financial options and guarantees - - - Cost of required capital (3) (3) (3) * These time-value reserves in respect of financial options and guarantees are in addition to those already held within the policyholder liabilities. The shareholders' adjusted net worth includes goodwill relating to the North American life subsidiaries of GBP63 million (December 2004: GBP59 million, June 2004: GBP62 million). European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 6 BASIS OF PREPARATION This supplementary information has been prepared in accordance with the European Embedded Value (EEV) Principles issued in May 2004 by the European Chief Financial Officers' Forum. The results for the six months to 30 June 2005 and the position at that date have been prepared on the same basis as that used in the Group's EEV press release dated 20 June 2005. There has been no change in the definition of business covered by the EEV Principles ('covered business') as compared with the 20 June 2005 press release. The treatment within this supplementary information of all business other than covered business is unchanged from the primary financial information. The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 December 2004, and the results for the six months to 30 June 2004, were presented in the 20 June 2005 EEV press release. However, where necessary, certain comparatives have been corrected to ensure consistency in preparation and presentation of results. Note 13 to the primary financial information describes the post balance sheet event in respect of the issue of new shares in connection with Black Economic Empowerment. Such shares are subject to a deferred consideration, and the present value of the deferred consideration will be included within the adjusted Group embedded value at 31 December 2005. European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 7 ANALYSIS OF COVERED BUSINESS EMBEDDED VALUE RESULTS (after tax) GBPm 6 months to 30 June 2005 Value of Adjusted In-force Total covered business net worth business Total Embedded value of the covered business at the beginning of the period 2,081 1,474 3,555 New business contribution (55) 109 54 Expected return on existing business - return on VIF - 89 89 Expected return on existing business - transfer to net worth 101 (101) - Experience variances 4 22 26 Operating assumption changes (22) 29 7 Expected return on adjusted net worth 70 - 70 Adjusted operating profit after tax 98 148 246 Investment return variances on in-force business 19 32 51 Investment return variances on adjusted net worth 86 - 86 Effect of economic assumption changes - 26 26 Effect of changes in and cost of required capital - 32 32 Profit after tax 203 238 441 Exchange rate movements (108) (60) (168) Capital injected to covered business 14 - 14 Amounts released from covered business (119) - (119) Transfer from covered business to other segments (120) - (120) Embedded value of the covered business at the end of the period 1,951 1,652 3,603 GBPm 6 months to 30 June 2004 Value of Adjusted In-force Total covered business net worth business Total Embedded value of the covered business at the beginning of the period 1,832 1,232 3,064 New business contribution (47) 93 46 Expected return on existing business - return on VIF - 73 73 Expected return on existing business - transfer to net worth 126 (126) - Experience variances 25 14 39 Operating assumption changes - (6) (6) Expected return on adjusted net worth 81 - 81 Adjusted operating profit after tax 185 48 233 Investment return variances on in-force business 3 (28) (25) Investment return variances on adjusted net worth (66) - (66) Effect of economic assumption changes - (61) (61) Effect of changes in and cost of required capital - - - Profit after tax 122 (41) 81 Exchange rate movements 53 38 91 Capital injected to covered business 9 - 9 Amounts released from covered business (30) - (30) Transfer from covered business to other segments (271) - (271) Embedded value of the covered business at the end of the period 1,715 1,229 2,944 GBPm Year to 31 December 2004 Value of Adjusted In-force Total covered business net worth business Total Embedded value of the covered business at the beginning of the period 1,832 1,232 3,064 New business contribution (103) 211 108 Expected return on existing business - return on VIF - 148 148 Expected return on existing business - transfer to net worth 194 (194) - Experience variances 13 35 48 Operating assumption changes 15 48 63 Expected return on adjusted net worth 163 - 163 Adjusted operating profit after tax 282 248 530 Investment return variances on in-force business 30 25 55 Investment return variances on adjusted net worth 72 - 72 Effect of economic assumption changes - 51 51 Effect of changes in and cost of required capital - (143) (143) Profit after tax 384 181 565 Exchange rate movements 104 61 165 Capital injected to covered business 164 - 164 Amounts released from covered business (122) - (122) Transfer from covered business to other segments (281) - (281) Embedded value of the covered business at the end of the period 2,081 1,474 3,555 European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 7 ANALYSIS OF COVERED BUSINESS EMBEDDED VALUE RESULTS (after tax) continued GBPm 6 months to 30 June 2005 Adjusted Value of net In-force business Africa covered business worth Individual Group Total Embedded value of the covered business at the beginning of the period 1,537 676 329 2,542 New business contribution (16) 31 10 25 Expected return on existing business - return on VIF - 40 25 65 Expected return on existing business - transfer to net worth 91 (64) (27) - Experience variances 28 1 (2) 27 Operating assumption changes (12) 13 9 10 Expected return on adjusted net worth 59 - - 59 Adjusted operating profit after tax 150 21 15 186 Investment return variances on in-force business 12 26 13 51 Investment return variances on adjusted net worth 90 - - 90 Effect of economic assumption changes - - - - Effect of changes in and cost of required capital - (4) 36 32 Profit after tax 252 43 64 359 Exchange rate movements (142) (64) (34) (240) Amounts released from covered business (119) - - (119) Transfer from covered business to other segments* (121) - - (121) Embedded value of the covered business at the end of the period 1,407 655 359 2,421 GBPm 6 months to 30 June 2004 Adjusted Value of net in-force business Africa covered business worth Individual Group Total Embedded value of the covered business at the beginning of the period 1,355 512 355 2,222 New business contribution (8) 26 8 26 Expected return on existing business - return on VIF - 32 24 56 Expected return on existing business - transfer to net worth 70 (49) (21) - Experience variances 28 1 11 40 Operating assumption changes - 1 - 1 Expected return on adjusted net worth 73 - - 73 Adjusted operating profit after tax 163 11 22 196 Investment return variances on in-force business 3 (8) (27) (32) Investment return variances on adjusted net worth (56) - - (56) Effect of economic assumption changes - (35) (22) (57) Effect of changes in and cost of required capital - - - - Profit after tax 110 (32) (27) 51 Exchange rate movements 61 26 18 105 Amounts released from covered business (30) - - (30) Transfer from covered business to other segments* (272) - - (272) Embedded value of the covered business at the end of the period 1,224 506 346 2,076 GBPm Year to 31 December 2004 Adjusted Value of net In-force business Africa covered business worth Individual Group Total Embedded value of the covered business at the beginning of the period 1,355 512 355 2,222 New business contribution (16) 66 14 64 Expected return on existing business - return on VIF - 68 50 118 Expected return on existing business - transfer to net worth 147 (102) (45) - Experience variances 75 9 (19) 65 Operating assumption changes 10 70 (1) 79 Expected return on adjusted net worth 146 - - 146 Adjusted operating profit after tax 362 111 (1) 472 Investment return variances on in-force business 6 16 13 35 Investment return variances on adjusted net worth 78 - - 78 Effect of economic assumption changes - 41 10 51 Effect of changes in and cost of required capital - (63) (80) (143) Profit after tax 446 105 (58) 493 Exchange rate movements 140 59 32 231 Amounts released from covered business (122) - - (122) Transfer from covered business to other segments* (282) - - (282) Embedded value of the covered business at the end of the period 1,537 676 329 2,542 * The transfer from covered business to other segments includes the purchase of additional shares in Nedbank Group Limited, as well as head office expenses. The effect of changes in and cost of required capital for Africa reflects changes in the amount of required capital and in the mix of assets backing the capital. European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 7 ANALYSIS OF COVERED BUSINESS EMBEDDED VALUE RESULTS (after tax) continued GBPm 6 months to 30 June 2005 Value of Adjusted In-force North America covered business net worth business Total Embedded value of the covered business at the beginning of the period 515 444 959 New business contribution (38) 67 29 Expected return on existing business - return on VIF - 23 23 Expected return on existing business - transfer to net worth 9 (9) - Experience variances (24) 23 (1) Operating assumption changes (10) 8 (2) Expected return on adjusted net worth 10 - 10 Adjusted operating profit after tax (53) 112 59 Investment return variances on in-force business 7 (7) - Investment return variances on adjusted net worth (4) - (4) Effect of economic assumption changes 26 26 Profit after tax (50) 131 81 Exchange rate movements 34 38 72 Capital injected to covered business 14 - 14 Transfer from covered business to other segments* 1 - 1 Embedded value of the covered business at the end of the period 514 613 1,127 GBPm 6 months to 30 June 2004 Value of Adjusted In-force North America covered business net worth business Total Embedded value of the covered business at the beginning of the period 454 340 794 New business contribution (39) 60 21 Expected return on existing business - return on VIF - 16 16 Expected return on existing business - transfer to net worth 54 (54) - Experience variances (1) - (1) Operating assumption changes - (7) (7) Expected return on adjusted net worth 8 - 8 Adjusted operating profit after tax 22 15 37 Investment return variances on in-force business - 7 7 Investment return variances on adjusted net worth (10) - (10) Effect of economic assumption changes - (4) (4) Profit after tax 12 18 30 Exchange rate movements (8) (6) (14) Capital injected to covered business 9 - 9 Transfer from covered business to other segments* 1 - 1 Embedded value of the covered business at the end of the period 468 352 820 GBPm Year to 31 December 2004 Value of Adjusted In-force North America covered business net worth business Total Embedded value of the covered business at the beginning of the period 454 340 794 New business contribution (86) 131 45 Expected return on existing business - return on VIF - 28 28 Expected return on existing business - transfer to net worth 44 (44) - Experience variances (58) 43 (15) Operating assumption changes - (20) (20) Expected return on adjusted net worth 16 - 16 Adjusted operating profit after tax (84) 138 54 Investment return variances on in-force business 22 (4) 18 Investment return variances on adjusted net worth (6) - (6) Effect of economic assumption changes - - - Profit after tax (68) 134 66 Exchange rate movements (36) (30) (66) Capital injected to covered business 164 - 164 Transfer from covered business to other segments* 1 - 1 Embedded value of the covered business at the end of the period 515 444 959 * The transfer from covered business to other segments is head office expenses. The segmental results of North America include the operating profit generated by Old Mutual Reassurance (Ireland) Limited (OMRe), which provides reinsurance to the North American life companies, and in OMNIA Life (Bermuda) Limited. European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 7 ANALYSIS OF COVERED BUSINESS EMBEDDED VALUE RESULTS (after tax) continued GBPm 6 months to 30 June 2005 United Kingdom & Rest of World Value of Adjusted In-force covered business net worth business Total Embedded value of the covered business at the beginning of the period 29 25 54 New business contribution (1) 1 - Expected return on existing business - return on VIF - 1 1 Expected return on existing business - transfer to net worth 1 (1) - Experience variances - - - Operating assumption changes - (1) (1) Expected return on adjusted net worth 1 - 1 Adjusted operating profit after tax 1 - 1 Investment return variances on in-force business - - - Investment return variances on adjusted net worth - - - Profit after tax 1 - 1 Exchange rate movements - - - Amounts released from covered business - - - Embedded value of the covered business at the end of the period 30 25 55 GBPm 6 months to 30 June 2004 United Kingdom & Rest of World Value of Adjusted In-force covered business net worth business Total Embedded value of the covered business at the beginning of the period 23 25 48 New business contribution - (1) (1) Expected return on existing business - return on VIF - 1 1 Expected return on existing business - transfer to net worth 2 (2) - Experience variances (2) 2 - Operating assumption changes - - - Expected return on adjusted net worth - - - Adjusted operating profit after tax - - - Investment return variances on in-force business - - - Investment return variances on adjusted net worth - - - Profit after tax - - - Exchange rate movements - - - Amounts released from covered business - - - Embedded value of the covered business at the end of the period 23 25 48 GBPm Year to 31 December 2004 United Kingdom & Rest of World Value of Adjusted In-force covered business net worth business Total Embedded value of the covered business at the beginning of the period 23 25 48 New business contribution (1) - (1) Expected return on existing business - return on VIF - 2 2 Expected return on existing business - transfer to net worth 3 (3) - Experience variances (4) 2 (2) Operating assumption changes 5 (1) 4 Expected return on adjusted net worth 1 - 1 Adjusted operating profit after tax 4 - 4 Investment return variances on in-force business 2 - 2 Investment return variances on adjusted net worth - - - Profit after tax 6 - 6 Exchange rate movements - - - Amounts released from covered business - - - Embedded value of the covered business at the end of the period 29 25 54 European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 8 VALUE OF NEW BUSINESS (after tax) The tables below set out a geographical analysis of the value of new business (VNB) after tax for the six months to 30 June 2005, six months to 30 June 2004 and the year to 31 December 2004. Annual Premium Equivalent (APE) is calculated as recurring premiums plus 10% of single premiums. New business profitability is measured by both the ratio of the VNB to the APE as well as to the Present Value of new business premiums (PVNBP), and shown under 'Margin' below. PVNBP is defined as the present value of regular premiums plus single premiums for any given period. It is calculated using the same assumptions as for the new business contribution. Individual Group business business Africa 6 months to 30 June 2005 Recurring premiums 85 33 118 Single premiums 291 162 453 Annual premium equivalent 114 49 163 Present value of future new business premiums 702 327 1,029 Value of new business after tax and cost of required capital 15 10 25 APE Margin 13% 20% 15% PVNBP Margin 2.1% 3.1% 2.4% 6 months to 30 June 2004 Recurring premiums 73 32 105 Single premiums 260 90 350 Annual premium equivalent 99 41 140 Present value of future new business premiums 617 246 863 Value of new business after tax and cost of required capital 17 9 26 APE Margin 17% 22% 19% PVNBP Margin 2.8% 3.7% 3.0% Year to 31 December 2004 Recurring premiums 164 58 222 Single premiums 556 214 770 Annual premium equivalent 220 79 299 Present value of future new business premiums 1,384 526 1,910 Value of new business after tax and cost of required capital 51 13 64 APE Margin 23% 16% 21% PVNBP Margin 3.7% 2.5% 3.4% GBPm North UK & Recurring America Rest of World premiums 6 months to 30 June 2005 Recurring premiums 39 0.2 157 Single premiums 1,081 78 1,612 Annual premium equivalent 147 8 318 Present value of future new business premiums 1,269 79 2,377 Value of new business after tax and cost of required capital 29 0.4 54 APE Margin 20% 5% 17% PVNBP Margin 2.3% 0.5% 2.3% 6 months to 30 June 2004 Recurring premiums 25 1 131 Single premiums 1,127 53 1,530 Annual premium equivalent 138 6 284 Present value of future new business premiums 1,249 55 2,167 Value of new business after tax and cost of required capital 21 (1) 46 APE Margin 15% (16%) 16% PVNBP Margin 1.7% (1.8%) 2.1% Year to 31 December 2004 Recurring premiums 58 1 281 Single premiums 2,157 125 3,052 Annual premium equivalent 274 14 587 Present value of future new business premiums 2,433 127 4,470 Value of new business after tax and cost of required capital 45 (1) 108 APE Margin 16% (7%) 18% PVNBP Margin 1.8% (0.8%) 2.4% European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 8 VALUE OF NEW BUSINESS (after tax) continued The value of new individual unit trust and some group market-linked business written by the life companies is excluded, as the profits on this business arise in the asset management subsidiaries. The value of new business also excludes premium increases arising from indexation arrangements in respect of existing business, as these are already included in the value of in-force business. The premiums shown for the United States exclude reinsurance ceded externally. A reconciliation of the new business premiums shown in the notes to the primary financial information to those shown above, for the six months to 30 June 2005, is set out below. GBPm Recurring Single 6 months to 30 June 2005 premiums premiums New business premiums in the notes to the primary financial information 112 1,098 Add: Healthcare business 24 - Other Investment contracts 21 728 Less: North America reinsurance ceded externally - (4) Group market-linked business not valued - (142) Unit trust business not valued - (66) OMART business not valued - (2) New business premiums as per European Embedded Value supplementary information 157 1,612 European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 9 PRODUCT ANALYSIS OF NEW COVERED BUSINESS PREMIUMS GBPm 6 months to 30 June 2005 Africa Recurring Single Total business 118 453 Individual business 85 291 Saving 30 216 Protection 27 3 Annuity - 71 Group schemes 28 1 Group business 33 162 Saving 2 115 Protection 7 - Annuity - 47 Healthcare 24 - Total business* 118 453 Individual business 85 291 Insurance contracts 42 75 Investment contracts with discretionary participating features 22 7 Other investment contracts 21 209 Group business 33 162 Insurance contracts 31 47 Investment contracts with discretionary participating features 2 67 Other investment contracts - 48 GBPm 6 months to 30 June 2004 Africa Recurring Single Total business 105 350 Individual business 73 260 Saving 25 192 Protection 22 4 Annuity - 64 Group schemes 26 - Group business 32 90 Saving 2 77 Protection 7 - Annuity - 13 Healthcare 23 - Total business* 105 350 Individual business 73 260 Insurance contracts 40 62 Investment contracts with discretionary participating features 21 11 Other investment contracts 12 187 Group business 32 90 Insurance contracts 29 13 Investment contracts with discretionary participating features 3 52 Other investment contracts - 25 GBPm Year to 31 December 2004 Africa Recurring Single Total business 222 770 Individual business 164 556 Saving 53 406 Protection 57 7 Annuity - 142 Group schemes 54 1 Group business 58 214 Saving 5 181 Protection 12 Annuity - 33 Healthcare 41 - Total business* 222 770 Individual business 164 556 Insurance contracts 89 145 Investment contracts with discretionary participating features 48 22 Other investment contracts 27 389 Group business 58 214 Insurance contracts 52 31 Investment contracts with discretionary participating features 6 105 Other investment contracts - 78 European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 9 PRODUCT ANALYSIS OF NEW COVERED BUSINESS PREMIUMS continued GBPm 6 months to 30 June 2005 North America Recurring Single Total business 39 1,081 Fixed deferred annuity - - Equity indexed annuity - 654 Variable annuity - 189 Life 39 - Immediate annuity - 166 Other (corporate) - 72 Total business* 39 1,081 Insurance contracts 39 895 Investment contracts with discretionary participating features - - Other investment contracts - 186 GBPm 6 months to 30 June 2004 North America Recurring Single Total business 25 1,127 Fixed deferred annuity - 120 Equity indexed annuity - 549 Variable annuity - 99 Life 25 - Immediate annuity - 274 Other (corporate) - 85 Total business* 25 1,127 Insurance contracts 25 928 Investment contracts with discretionary participating features - - Other investment contracts - 199 GBPm Year to 31 December 2004 North America Recurring Single Total business 58 2,157 Fixed deferred annuity - 239 Equity indexed annuity - 1,157 Variable annuity - 213 Life 58 - Immediate annuity - 442 Other (corporate) - 106 Total business* 58 2,157 Insurance contracts 58 1,808 Investment contracts with discretionary participating features - - Other investment contracts - 349 GBPm 6 months to 30 June 2005 United Kingdom & Rest of World Recurring Single Total business 0.2 78 Saving 0.2 78 Protection - - Total business* 0.2 78 Insurance contracts - - Investment contracts with discretionary participating features - - Other investment contracts 0.2 78 GBPm 6 months to 30 June 2004 United Kingdom & Rest of World Recurring Single Total business 1 53 Saving 1 53 Protection - - Total business* 1 53 Insurance contracts - - Investment contracts with discretionary participating features - - Other investment contracts 1 53 GBPm Year to 31 December 2004 United Kingdom & Rest of World Recurring Single Total business 1 125 Saving 1 125 Protection - - Total business* 1 125 Insurance contracts - - Investment contracts with discretionary participating features - - Other investment contracts 1 125 * The classification of insurance contracts, investment contracts with discretionary participating features and other investment contracts is in accordance with the IFRS definitions. All categories of business (i.e. insurance and investment) are subject to EEV accounting. European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 10 ASSUMPTIONS The principal assumptions used in the calculation of the value of in-force business and the value of new business are set out below. The assumptions are best estimate and actively reviewed. • The pre-tax investment and economic assumptions used for the African and North American businesses are set out below. We have used a bottom-up market consistent methodology to calculate the risk discount rates in all other territories. At At At 30 June 31 December 30 June 2005 2004 2004 Africa Risk-free rate (10 year Government bond) 8.3% 8.3% 10.4% Cash return 6.3% 6.3% 8.4% Equity return 11.8% 11.8% 13.9% Property return 9.8% 9.8% 11.9% Inflation 5.3% 5.3% 7.4% Risk discount rate 10.6% 10.6% 12.7% Risk margin 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% North America Risk free rate (10 year Treasury yield) 3.9% 4.3% 4.6% Inflation 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% New money yield assumed 4.9% 5.1% 6.4% Net portfolio earned rate 5.7% 5.9% 6.2% Risk discount rate 7.1% 7.5% 7.8% Risk margin 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% • The pre-tax investment and economic assumptions are updated every six months to reflect the economic conditions prevailing on the valuation date. Risk-free rates have a duration similar to that of the underlying liabilities. Equity and property risk premiums incorporate both historical relationships and the Directors' view of future projected returns in each geography. • The risk margins have been calculated using a bottom-up market consistent approach, and reflect the distinctive risks of the products in the respective business units. The calibration of the risk margins was not redone for June 2005, and the same risk margins were used as for December 2004. • Where applicable, rates of future bonuses or crediting rates have been set at levels consistent with the investment return assumptions. Projected company taxation is based on the current tax basis that applies in each country. • For the South African business, full allowance has been made for Secondary Tax on Companies (STC) that may be payable. Account has been taken of the impact of CGT in South Africa. It has been assumed that 10% of the equity portfolio (excluding group subsidiaries) will be traded each year. For North America full allowance has been made for existing tax attributes of the companies, including the use of existing carry-forwards and preferred tax credit investments. For the purposes of the summary income statement the adjusted operating profit for the covered business has been grossed up for tax. The tax rates used were effective corporation tax rates of 35% for Africa and 30% for North America and 0% for the United Kingdom & Rest of World, except for the investment return on African capital, for which the attributed tax was derived from the primary financial statements. • Both operating profit and new business are calculated on closing assumptions. European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 10 ASSUMPTIONS continued • For the African business, the required capital is calculated independently in each of the major business units. The non- investment items are based on a multiple of the non-investment components of the local Statutory Capital Adequacy Requirements set out in PGN104 issued by the Actuarial Society of South Africa (ASSA). The investment item is based on internal models developed for capital allocation and pricing purposes. The models project assets and liabilities for the business forward for 10 years using stochastically determined investment returns on a realistic basis.Bonus rates and adjustments to non-vested bonuses are determined using a consistent formula based on a weighted average of past returns and the level of the Bonus Smoothing Account (BSA) at the time. To the extent that the BSA falls to lower than normally allowable minimum levels, the shareholder is considered to be required to provide support to the business, and the capital requirement is based on the discounted value of the maximum shareholder support in the 99th worst percentile case. The required capital is invested in local equities, local cash and international cash. The asset allocation as at 30 June 2005 is 60%, 20% and 20% respectively. • For the North American business, the required capital is based on the multiple of the local Risk Based Capital (RBC) requirement that management deems necessary to maintain the desired credit rating for the company in question. The multiples vary by company from 200% to 300% and average 282% as at 30 June 2005. The required capital for OMNIA (Bermuda) Limited and Old Mutual Reassurance (Ireland) Limited in Ireland is based on the United Kingdom Financial Services Authority statutory requirements to ensure that the Group maintains adequate solvency capital in terms of the European Union Financial Groups Directive. The required capital is invested in short-dated fixed interest assets. • The required capital of Old Mutual International, based in Guernsey, is set at some 1% of funds under management, a level considered by the Directors to be appropriate to manage the business. The required capital is invested in short- dated fixed interest assets. • The assumed future mortality, morbidity and voluntary discontinuance rates have been based as far as possible on analyses of recent operating experience. Allowance has been made where appropriate for the effect of expected AIDS-related claims. • The management expenses attributable to life assurance business have been analysed between expenses relating to the acquisition of new business and the maintenance of business in-force. The future expenses attributable to life assurance business include 19% of the Group holding company expenses, with 14% allocated to Africa and 5% allocated to North America. The allocation of these expenses aligns to the proportion that the management expenses incurred by the business bears to the total management expenses incurred in the Group. • No allowance has been made for future productivity improvements in the expense assumptions. • No development expenses have been excluded from the calculations and no material allowance has been made for future development expenses. • Future investment expenses are based on the current scales of fees payable by the life assurance companies to the asset management subsidiaries. To the extent that these fees include profit margins for the asset management subsidiaries, these margins have not been included in the value of in-force business or the value of new business. • The effect of increases in premiums over the period for policies in-force has been included in the value of in-force business only where such increases are associated with indexation arrangements. Other increases in premiums of existing policies are included in the value of new business. • New schemes written on which recurring single premiums are expected to be received on a regular basis are treated as new business. The annualised premium is recognised as recurring premium new business at inception of the scheme and is determined by annualising the actual premiums received during the year in question. Subsequent recurring single premiums received in future years are not treated as new business, as these have already been provided for in calculating the value of in-force business. European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 10 ASSUMPTIONS continued • The value of new business has been accumulated to the period end. • The sensitivity of the value of in-force and value of new business to changes in the central risk discount rate are set out in section 11. • The principal exchange rates used to translate the operating results of key foreign business segments to Sterling are: Rand 6 months to Year to 6 months to 30 June 31 December 30 June 2005 2004 2004 Profit and loss account (average rate) 11.6325 11.7986 12.1544 Balance sheet (closing rate) 11.9624 10.8482 11.3037 Balance sheet (opening rate) 10.8482 11.9367 11.9367 US$ 6 months to Year to 6 months to 30 June 31 December 30 June 2005 2004 2004 Profit and loss account (average rate) 1.8731 1.8327 1.8222 Balance sheet (closing rate) 1.7918 1.9158 1.8144 Balance sheet (opening rate) 1.9158 1.7833 1.7833 • The nature of the financial options and guarantees for the African and North American businesses was set out in the EEV press release dated 20 June 2005. • The approaches and models used to determine the time value of the financial options guarantees as at 30 June 2005 are consistent with the approaches as at 31 December 2004 as set out in the EEV press release dated 20 June 2005. European Embedded Value Supplementary Information for the six months to 30 June 2005 11 ALTERNATIVE ASSUMPTIONS The tables below for Africa and North America show the sensitivity of the embedded value, value of in-force at 30 June 2005 and the value of new business for the six months to 30 June 2005 to changes in the central risk discount rate. In determining the values at different central discount rates, all other assumptions have been left unchanged. GBPm Embedded Value of in-force Value of new At 30 June 2005 value business business Africa Central assumptions 2,421 1,014 25 Value before cost of required capital 1,244 30 Cost of required capital (230) (5) Effect of : Central discount rate +1% 2,268 861 20 Value before cost of required capital 1,174 27 Cost of required capital (313) (7) Central discount rate -1% 2,607 1,200 30 Value before cost of required capital 1,326 33 Cost of required capital (126) (3) North America Central assumptions 1,127 613 29 Value before cost of required capital 690 32 Cost of required capital (77) (3) Effect of : Central discount rate +1% 1,091 577 27 Value before cost of required capital 667 31 Cost of required capital (90) (4) Central discount rate -1% 1,165 651 31 Value before cost of required capital 714 33 Cost of solvency capital (63) (2) Summary Consolidated Income Statement for the six months ended 30 June 2005 The following table summarises the Group's results in the consolidated income statement on page 84. Adjusted operating profit represents the directors' view of the underlying performance of the Group. This summary does not form part of the statutory financial statements. 6 months to 30 June Notes 2005 Africa Long term business 3(iv) 2,471 Asset management 3(vii) 422 Banking 3(vi) 1,878 General insurance 3(v) 573 5,344 North America Long term business 3(iv) 581 Asset management 3(vii) 588 1,169 United Kingdom & Rest of World Long term business 3(iv) 31 Asset management 3(vii) 87 Banking 3(vi) 167 285 Debt service costs (216) Other shareholders' income / (expenses) 3(viii) (137) Adjusted operating profit* 6,445 Goodwill impairments 9 (19) (Loss) / profit on disposal of investments in subsidiaries (47) Short term fluctuations in investment returns 4 1,554 Income from hedging activities that do not qualify for hedge accounting - Investment return adjustment for Group equity and debt instruments held in life funds 3(iv) (329) Fines and penalties 5 - Profit before tax (net of income tax attributable to policyholder returns) 7,604 Total income tax expense 6 (2,102) Less income tax attributable to policyholder returns 244 Income tax attributable to equity holders (1,858) Profit for the financial period 5,746 Minority interests - ordinary shares 11(a) (910) - preferred securities (327) Profit for the financial period attributable to equity holders 4,509 Rm 6 months to Year to 30 June 31 December 2004 2004 Africa Long term business 2,771 5,510 Asset management 254 636 Banking 646 2,383 General insurance 639 1,190 4,310 9,719 North America Long term business 486 1,144 Asset management 571 1,026 1,057 2,170 United Kingdom & Rest of World Long term business - 71 Asset management 91 (57) Banking 137 277 228 291 Debt service costs (292) (578) Other shareholders' income / (expenses) (109) (348) Adjusted operating profit* 5,194 11,254 Goodwill impairments (401) (401) (Loss) / profit on disposal of investments in subsidiaries 149 (311) Short term fluctuations in investment returns (580) 2,323 Income from hedging activities that do not qualify for hedge accounting 61 366 Investment return adjustment for Group equity and debt instruments held in life funds (316) (1,168) Fines and penalties (596) (596) Profit before tax (net of income tax attributable to policyholder returns) 3,511 11,467 Total income tax expense (1,459) (4,059) Less income tax attributable to policyholder returns 280 732 Income tax attributable to equity holders (1,179) (3,327) Profit for the financial period 2,332 8,140 Minority interests - ordinary shares (292) (873) - preferred securities (328) (696) Profit for the financial period attributable to equity holders 1,712 6,571 * For life assurance and general insurance businesses, adjusted operating profit is based on a long term investment return and includes investment returns on life funds' investments in Group equity and debt instruments. For all businesses, adjusted operating profit excludes goodwill impairments, fines and penalties and profit/(loss) on disposal of investments in subsidiaries. Adjusted operating profit excludes income from hedging activities that do not qualify for hedge accounting. Summary Consolidated Income Statement continued for the six months ended 30 June 2005 The adjusted operating profit after tax attributable to equity holders is determined as follows: Rm 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 30 June 31 December Notes 2005 2004 2004 Adjusted operating profit 6,445 5,194 11,254 Tax on adjusted operating profit 6 (1,550) (1,325) (2,879) 4,895 3,869 8,375 Minority interests - ordinary shares 11 (883) (438) (1,109) - preferred securities (327) (328) (696) Adjusted operating profit after tax attributable to equity holders 3,685 3,103 6,570 The reconciliation of adjusted operating profit after tax attributable to equity holders to profit for the financial period attributable to equity holders is as follows: Rm 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 Adjusted operating profit after tax attributable to equity holders 3,685 3,103 6,570 Goodwill impairments (17) (206) (200) (Loss) / profit on disposal of investments in subsidiaries (47) 76 (252) Short term fluctuations in investment returns 1,217 (507) 1,754 Income from hedging activities that do not qualify for hedge accounting - 61 366 Investment return adjustment for Group equity and debt instruments held in life funds (329) (316) (1,168) Fines and penalties - (499) (499) Profit for the financial period attributable to equity holders 4,509 1,712 6,571 c 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 30 June 31 December Earnings per share attributable to equity holders Notes 2005 2004 2004 Adjusted operating earnings per share* 7 98.2 83.1 175.6 Basic earnings per share 7 130.2 50.1 192.0 Diluted earnings per share 7 130.2 50.1 192.0 Adjusted weighted average number of shares - millions 3,753 3,735 3,738 Weighted average number of shares - millions 3,467 3,419 3,422 * Adjusted operating earnings per share is calculated on the same basis as adjusted operating profit, but is stated after tax and minority interests, with the calculation of the weighted average number of shares including own shares held in policyholders' funds. Consolidated Income Statement for the six months ended 30 June 2005 6 months to 30 June Notes 2005 Revenue Gross earned premiums 24,991 Outward reinsurance (934) Net earned premiums 24,057 Investment income (net of investment losses) 29,081 Banking interest and similar income 12,480 Fee and commission income, and income from service activities 6,705 Other income 1,220 Total revenues 3(ii) 73,543 Expenses Claims and benefits (including change in insurance contract provisions) (38,788) Reinsurance recoveries 1,021 Net claims incurred (37,767) Change in provision for investment contract liabilities (including amortisation) (5,206) Losses on loans and advances (620) Finance costs (including interest and similar expenses) (164) Banking interest expense (8,278) Fees, commissions and other acquisition costs (1,903) Other operating and administrative expenses (11,176) Third party interest in consolidated funds (581) Total expenses 3(ii) (65,695) Share of associated undertakings' profit after tax 66 Goodwill impairments 9 (19) (Loss) / profit on disposal of investment in subsidiaries (47) Profit before tax 7,848 Income tax expense 6 (2,102) Profit for the financial period 5,746 Minority interests Ordinary shares (910) Preferred securities (327) Total minority interests (1,237) Profit for the financial period attributable to equity holders 4,509 Rm 6 months to Year to 30 June 31 December 2004 2004 Revenue Gross earned premiums 24,588 48,524 Outward reinsurance (899) (1,652) Net earned premiums 23,689 46,872 Investment income (net of investment losses) 4,509 50,144 Banking interest and similar income 11,948 24,081 Fee and commission income, and income from service activities 7,074 14,512 Other income 820 1,742 Total revenues 48,040 137,351 Expenses Claims and benefits (including change in insurance contract provisions) (21,112) (69,624) Reinsurance recoveries 668 1,687 Net claims incurred (20,444) (67,937) Change in provision for investment contract liabilities (including amortisation) (401) (8,967) Losses on loans and advances (401) (1,227) Finance costs (including interest and similar expenses) (255) (720) Banking interest expense (8,557) (16,991) Fees, commissions and other acquisition costs (2,030) (4,696) Other operating and administrative expenses (11,933) (23,468) Third party interest in consolidated funds (85) (648) Total expenses (44,106) (124,654) Share of associated undertakings' profit after tax 109 214 Goodwill impairments (401) (401) (Loss) / profit on disposal of investment in subsidiaries 149 (311) Profit before tax 3,791 12,199 Income tax expense (1,459) (4,059) Profit for the financial period 2,332 8,140 Minority interests Ordinary shares (292) (873) Preferred securities (328) (696) Total minority interests (620) (1,569) Profit for the financial period attributable to equity holders 1,712 6,571 c 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 30 June 31 December Earnings and dividend per share 2005 2004 2004 Basic earnings per share 7 130.2 50.1 192.0 Diluted earnings per share7 130.2 50.1 192.0 Dividend per share 8 22.13 20.50 61.78 Weighted average number of shares - millions 3,467 3,419 3,422 Consolidated Balance Sheet at 30 June 2005 Rm At At At 30 June 31 December 30 June Notes 2005 2004 2004 Assets Goodwill and other intangible assets 9 15,573 14,059 15,791 Investments in associated undertakings 1,659 1,616 2,102 Investment property 8,422 7,485 7,336 Property, plant and equipment 5,466 5,554 5,426 Deferred tax assets 5,962 4,773 4,069 Reinsurers' share of insurance contract provisions 4,333 3,439 3,821 Deferred acquisition costs 9,747 7,106 7,076 Current tax receivable 335 217 181 Loans, receivables and advances 204,174 186,405 177,536 Derivative financial instruments - assets 23,824 29,171 22,641 Other financial assets 142,181 105,911 98,399 Financial assets fair valued through income statement 306,937 303,044 262,054 Short term securities 38,268 33,228 33,662 Other assets 31,253 22,501 24,383 Cash and balances with the central bank 17,755 11,260 17,442 Placements with other banks 3,608 4,252 475 Total assets 819,497 740,021 682,394 Liabilities Insurance contract provisions 236,784 204,847 188,127 Investment contract liabilities 158,386 144,205 133,022 Third party interests in consolidation of funds 8,469 6,032 4,465 Borrowed funds 10 13,083 16,164 14,910 Provisions 5,431 5,533 4,906 Deferred revenue 1,474 1,508 1,458 Deferred tax liabilities 5,985 4,339 2,905 Current tax payable 1,846 1,855 1,096 Deposits from other banks 18,370 30,711 19,205 Amounts owed to other depositors 193,696 198,891 192,694 Other money market deposits 39,489 16,956 11,123 Derivative financial instruments - liabilities 22,897 28,194 20,053 Other liabilities 50,710 29,430 41,574 Total liabilities 756,620 688,665 635,538 Net assets 62,877 51,356 46,856 Shareholders' equity Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 45,984 35,647 31,607 Minority interest Ordinary shares 11 9,083 8,679 7,913 Preferred securities 7,810 7,030 7,336 Total minority interests 16,893 15,709 15,249 Total equity 62,877 51,356 46,856 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the six months ended 30 June 2005 Rm 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 Cash flows from operating activities Profit before tax 7,848 3,791 12,199 Non-cash movements in profit before tax (15,448) 6,966 (25,543) Changes in working capital 6,945 (8,873) 43,891 Taxation paid (2,315) (1,920) (3,811) Net cash from operating activities (2,970) (36) 26,736 Cash flows from investing activities Net acquisition of financial investments 12,296 (170) (28,151) Acquisition of investment properties (128) (49) 106 Net acquisition of other fixed assets (326) (608) (1,062) Acquisition of interests in subsidiaries (1,233) (1,264) (1,864) Disposal of interests in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures (186) 413 991 Net cash outflow from investing activities 10,423 (1,678) (29,980) Cash flows from financing activities Dividends paid to: Ordinary shareholders of the Company (1,373) (1,288) (1,959) Equity minority interests and preferred security interests (547) (413) (932) Net proceeds from issue of ordinary shares (including by subsidiaries to minority interests) 35 2,479 2,737 Net proceeds on issue of perpetual preferred callable securities 4,036 - - Net repayments of debt (3,967) (377) (1,133) Net cash flows from financing activities (1,816) 401 (1,287) Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 5,638 (1,313) (4,531) Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 553 155 (725) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 17,877 23,133 23,133 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 24,068 21,975 17,877 Consisting of: Placements with other banks 3,608 475 4,252 Cash and balances with the central bank 17,755 17,442 11,260 Other cash equivalents 2,705 4,058 2,365 24,068 21,975 17,877 Cash flows presented in this statement include all cash flows relating to policyholders' funds for the long term business. Statement of Changes in Equity for the six months ended 30 June 2005 Millions Number of Attributable to shares issued equity holders of Six months ended 30 June 2005 and fully paid the parent Equity shareholders' funds at 1 January 2005 3,854 35,647 Change in operating profit arising in the period Fair value gains / (losses): Available-for-sale investments - 977 Fair value of equity settled share options - 47 Shadow accounting - (128) Currency translation differences / exchange differences on translating foreign operations - 2,675 Cash flow hedge amortisation - 23 Aggregate tax effect of items taken directly to or transferred from equity - (186) Movement in net investment hedge reserve (523) Redemption of bonds (209) Net acquisition / disposal of minority interests - - Other - 535 Net income recognised directly in equity - 3,211 Profit for the period - 4,509 Total recognised income and expense for the period - 7,720 Dividend for the period - (1,373) Purchases / sales of treasury shares - (81) Issue of perpetual preferred callable securities - 4,036 Exercise of share options 3 35 Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent at 30 June 2005 3,857 45,984 Rm Total minority Total Six months ended 30 June 2005 interest equity Equity shareholders' funds at 1 January 2005 15,709 51,356 Change in operating profit arising in the period Fair value gains / (losses): Available-for-sale investments - 977 Fair value of equity settled share options - 47 Shadow accounting - (128) Currency translation differences / exchange differences on translating foreign operations 611 3,286 Cash flow hedge amortisation - 23 Aggregate tax effect of items taken directly to or transferred from equity - (186) Movement in net investment hedge reserve (523) Redemption of bonds (209) Net acquisition / disposal of minority interests 279 279 Other (396) 139 Net income recognised directly in equity 494 3,705 Profit for the period 1,237 5,746 Total recognised income and expense for the period 1,731 9,451 Dividend for the period (547) (1,920) Purchases / sales of treasury shares - (81) Issue of perpetual preferred callable securities - 4,036 Exercise of share options - 35 Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent at 30 June 2005 16,893 62,877 Statement of Changes in Equity continued for the six months ended 30 June 2005 Share Share Other Translation Six months ended capital Premium reserves reserve 30 June 2005 Attributable to equity holders of the parent at 1 January 2005 4,187 6,509 4,762 1,324 Changes in equity arising in the period: Fair value gains / (losses): Available-for-sale investments - - 977 - Fair value of equity settled share options - - - - Shadow accounting - - (128) - Currency translation differences / exchange differences on translating foreign operations 430 669 488 (1,061) Cash flow hedge amortisation - - 23 - Aggregate tax effect of items taken directly to or transferred from equity - - (186) - Movement in net investment hedge reserve (523) Redemption of bonds (209) Other - - - - Net income recognised directly in equity 430 669 442 (1,061) Profit for the period - - - - Total recognised income and expense for the period 430 669 442 (1,061) Dividend for the period - - - - Purchases / sales of treasury shares - - - - Issue of perpetual preferred callable securities - (35) - - Exercise of share options - 35 - - Attributable to equity holders of the parent at 30 June 2005 4,617 7,178 5,204 263 Rm Perpetual preferred Retained callable Six months ended 30 June 2005 earnings securities Total Attributable to equity holders of the parent at 1 January 2005 18,865 - 35,647 Changes in equity arising in the period: Fair value gains / (losses): Available-for-sale investments - - 977 Fair value of equity settled share options 47 - 47 Shadow accounting - - (128) Currency translation differences / exchange differences on translating foreign operations 2,033 116 2,675 Cash flow hedge amortisation - - 23 Aggregate tax effect of items taken directly to or transferred from equity - - (186) Movement in net investment hedge reserve (523) Redemption of bonds (209) Other 535 - 535 Net income recognised directly in equity 2,615 116 3,211 Profit for the period 4,509 - 4,509 Total recognised income and expense for the period 7,124 116 7,720 Dividend for the period (1,373) - (1,373) Purchases / sales of treasury shares (81) - (81) Issue of perpetual preferred callable securities - 4,071 4,036 Exercise of share options - - 35 Attributable to equity holders of the parent at 30 June 2005 24,535 4,187 45,984 Retained earnings have been reduced by R6,372 million as at 30 June 2005 in respect of shares held in policyholder funds, ESOP trusts and related undertakings. On 24 March 2005, the Company issued GBP350 million of Perpetual Preferred Callable Securities (R4,071 million). These are unsecured and subordinated to the claims of senior creditors and the holders of any priority preference shares. For an initial period to 24 March 2020 interest is payable at a fixed rate of 6.4 per cent. per annum., annually in arrears. After 24 March 2020 interest is re-set semi-annually at 2.2 per cent. per annum. above the Sterling inter-bank offer rate for six month Sterling deposits, and is payable semi-annually in arrears. Coupon payments may be deferred. The Perpetual Preferred Callable Securities are redeemable at the discretion of the Company, at their principal amount from 24 March 2020. Statement of Changes in Equity continued for the six months ended 30 June 2005 Millions Number of Attributable to shares issued equity holders of Six months ended 30 June 2004 and fully paid the parent Equity shareholders' funds at 1 January 2004 3,837 31,872 Changes in equity arising in the period Fair value gains / (losses): Available-for-sale investments - (2,018) Fair value of equity settled share options - 12 Shadow accounting - 1,422 Currency translation differences/ exchange differences on translating foreign operations - (290) Cash flow hedge amortisation - (24) Aggregate tax effect of items taken directly to or transferred from equity - 170 Net acquisition / disposal of minority interests - - Other - - Net income recognised directly in equity - (728) Profit for the period - 1,712 Total recognised income and expense for the period - 984 Dividend for the period - (1,288) Purchases / sales of treasury shares - (61) Exercise of share options 12 100 Equity shareholders' funds at 30 June 2004 3,849 31,607 Rm Total minority Total Six months ended 30 June 2004 interest equity Equity shareholders' funds at 1 January 2004 14,670 46,542 Changes in equity arising in the period Fair value gains / (losses): Available-for-sale investments - (2,018) Fair value of equity settled share options - 12 Shadow accounting - 1,422 Currency translation differences/ exchange differences on translating foreign operations (347) (637) Cash flow hedge amortisation - (24) Aggregate tax effect of items taken directly to or transferred from equity - 170 Net acquisition / disposal of minority interests 802 802 Other (146) (146) Net income recognised directly in equity 309 (419) Profit for the period 620 2,332 Total recognised income and expense for the period 929 1,913 Dividend for the period (350) (1,638) Purchases / sales of treasury shares - (61) Exercise of share options - 100 Equity shareholders' funds at 30 June 2004 15,249 46,856 Statement of Changes in Equity continued for the six months ended 30 June 2005 Share Share Other Six months ended 30 June 2004 capital premium reserves Attributable to equity holders of the parent at 1 January 2004 4,584 7,007 4,381 Changes in equity arising in the period: Fair value gains / (losses): Available-for-sale investments - - (2,018) Fair value of equity settled share options - - - Shadow accounting 1,422 Currency translation differences / exchange differences on translating foreign operations (243) (381) (207) Cash flow hedge amortisation - - (24) Aggregate tax effect of items taken directly to or transferred from equity - - 170 Other - - 97 Net income recognised directly in equity (243) (381) (560) Profit for the period - - - Total recognised income and expense for the period (243) (381) (560) Dividend for the period - - - Purchases / sales of treasury shares - - - Exercise of share options - 100 - Attributable to equity holders of the parent at 30 June 2004 4,341 6,726 3,821 Rm Translation Retained Six months ended 30 June 2004 reserve earnings Total Attributable to equity holders of the parent at 1 January 2004 - 15,900 31,872 Changes in equity arising in the period: Fair value gains / (losses): Available-for-sale investments - - (2,018) Fair value of equity settled share options - 12 12 Shadow accounting - - 1,422 Currency translation differences / exchange differences on translating foreign operations 1,402 (861) (290) Cash flow hedge amortisation - - (24) Aggregate tax effect of items taken directly to or transferred from equity - - 170 Other - (97) - Net income recognised directly in equity 1,402 (946) (728) Profit for the period 1,712 1,712 Total recognised income and expense for the period 1,402 766 984 Dividend for the period - (1,288) (1,288) Purchases / sales of treasury shares - (61) (61) Exercise of share options - - 100 Attributable to equity holders of the parent at 30 June 2004 1,402 15,317 31,607 Retained earnings have been reduced by R6,285 million as at 30 June 2004 in respect of shares held in policy holder funds, ESOP trusts and related undertakings. Statement of Changes in Equity continued for the six months ended 30 June 2005 Millions Number of Attributable to shares issued equity holders of Year ended 31 December 2004 and fully paid the parent Equity shareholders' funds at 1 January 2004 3,837 31,872 Changes in equity arising in the year: Fair value gains / (losses): Gain on property revaluation - 106 Available-for-sale investments - 1,392 Fair value of equity settled share options - 35 Shadow accounting - (413) Currency translation differences/ exchange differences on translating foreign operations - (2,029) Cash flow hedge amortisation - (47) Aggregate tax effect of items taken directly to or transferred from equity (212) Net acquisition / disposal of minority interests - Other - (141) Net income recognised directly in equity - (1,942) Profit for the year - 6,571 Total recognised income and expense for the year 5,262 Dividend for the year - (1,959) Purchases / sales of treasury shares - 295 Issue of share capital - - Exercise of share options 17 177 Equity shareholders' funds at 31 December 2004 3,854 35,647 Rm Total minority Total Year ended 31 December 2004 interest equity Equity shareholders' funds at 1 January 2004 14,670 46,542 Changes in equity arising in the year: Fair value gains / (losses): Gain on property revaluation - 106 Available-for-sale investments - 1,392 Fair value of equity settled share options - 35 Shadow accounting - (413) Currency translation differences/ exchange differences on translating foreign operations (670) (2,699) Cash flow hedge amortisation - (47) Aggregate tax effect of items taken directly to or transferred from equity - (212) Net acquisition / disposal of minority interests 779 779 Other 130 (11) Net income recognised directly in equity 239 (1,703) Profit for the year 1,569 8,140 Total recognised income and expense for the year 1,808 7,070 Dividend for the year (911) (2,870) Purchases / sales of treasury shares - 295 Issue of share capital 59 59 Exercise of share options 83 260 Equity shareholders' funds at 31 December 2004 15,709 51,356 Statement of Changes in Equity continued for the six months ended 30 June 2005 Share Share Other Year ended 31 December 2004 capital premium reserves Attributable to equity holders of the parent at 1 January 2004 4,584 7,007 4,381 Changes in equity arising in the period: Fair value gains / (losses): Gain on property revaluation - - 106 Available-for-sale investments - - 1,392 Fair value of equity settled share options - - - Shadow accounting - - (413) Currency translation differences / exchange differences on translating foreign operations (421) (651) (469) Cash flow hedge amortisation (47) Aggregate tax effect of items taken directly to or transferred from equity - - (212) Other - - 24 Net income recognised directly in equity (421) (651) 381 Profit for the period - - - Total recognised income and expense for the period (421) (651) 381 Dividend paid in the year - - - Purchases / sales of treasury shares - - - Exercise of share options 24 153 - Attributable to equity holders of the parent at 31 December 2004 4,187 6,509 4,762 Rm Translation Retained Year ended 31 December 2004 reserve earnings Total Attributable to equity holders of the parent at 1 January 2004 - 15,900 31,872 Changes in equity arising in the period: Fair value gains / (losses): Gain on property revaluation - - 106 Available-for-sale investments - - 1,392 Fair value of equity settled share options - 35 35 Shadow accounting - - (413) Currency translation differences / exchange differences on translating foreign operations 1,324 (1,812) (2,029) Cash flow hedge amortisation (47) Aggregate tax effect of items taken directly to or transferred from equity - - (212) Other - (165) (141) Net income recognised directly in equity 1,324 (1,942) (1,309) Profit for the period - 6,571 6,571 Total recognised income and expense for the period 1,324 4,629 5,262 Dividend paid in the year - (1,959) (1,959) Purchases / sales of treasury shares - 295 295 Exercise of share options - - 177 Attributable to equity holders of the parent at 31 December 2004 1,324 18,865 35,647 Retained earnings have been reduced by R6,032 million as at 31 December 2004 in respect of shares held in policyholder funds, ESOP trusts and related undertakings. 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