Mutual & Federal Insurance Final Results
Old Mutual PLC
16 February 2000
Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd
Preliminary Results for the year to 31 December 1999
Old Mutual plc is an international financial services group, based
in London, with a substantial life assurance business in southern
Africa and an integrated portfolio of activities in asset
management (including unit trusts, portfolio management and
stockbroking services), banking and general insurance.
Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Limited ('Mutual & Federal'),
the South African general insurance group, in which Old Mutual plc
('Old Mutual') has an interest of 51% (Royal Sun Alliance plc:
25%), has today issued financial results for the year to 31
December 1999. The full text of the Mutual & Federal announcement
of preliminary results, which have been drawn up in accordance
with South African GAAP, is attached.
Commenting on Mutual & Federal's results, Mike Levett, Chairman
and CEO of Old Mutual and Deputy Chairman of Mutual & Federal,
'The general insurance market was difficult in 1999 but rating
levels were increased resulting in an improved underwriting
position by the end of the year compared to the first half. Strong
investment performance during the year contributed to a 14%
increase in net asset value per share. Mutual & Federal is well
positioned to continue to reap benefits from the recent rating
increases during 2000.'
16 February 2000
Old Mutual London Tel: + 44 20 7569 0100
James Poole, Director Investor Relations
College Hill London Tel: + 44 20 7457 2020
Tony Friend
Nicholas Williams
Old Mutual Cape Town Tel: + 27 21 509 2732
Bruce Allen, Manager, Group Media Communications
College Hill Johannesburg Tel: + 27 11 447 3030
Graham Fiford
Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Limited
Financial results for the twelve months ended 31 December 1999
12 months 18
ended ended
INCOME STATEMENT 31/12/99 31/12/98 Change 31/12/98
R'm R'm % R'm
(Audited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
Gross premiums 2,786 2,728 2.1% 4,024
Net premiums 2,482 2,367 4.9% 3,490
Underwriting (loss) / (53) 61 148
Investment income 301 270 11.5% 400
Income before taxation 248 331 548
Taxation 49 56 107
199 275 441
Minority shareholders/share 3 4 1
of associates
Net income/headline earnings 202 279 -27.6% 442
31/12/99 31/12/98
R'm R'm
(Audited) (Audited)
Non-current assets 3,726 4,311
Fixed assets 38 40
Investments at market value
Ordinary shares 3,103 3,570
Government stock 129 117
Other 456 584
Current assets 1,670 681
Debtors 261 297
Bank balances 1,317 240
Other 92 144
Total assets 5,396 4,992
Share capital 100 97
Non-distributable reserve 3,229 1,781
Contingency reserve 196 234
Distributable reserve 490 1,403
Total shareholders' interest 4,015 3,515
Interest of outside 4 4
shareholders in subsidiaries
Deferred taxation (2) 0
4,017 3,519
Current liabilities and 1,379 1,473
Claims outstanding 850 846
Provision for unearned 342 360
Other 187 267
Total liabilities 5,396 4,992
Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Limited
Financial results for the twelve months ended 31
December 1999
Headline earnings per share 84 116 -27.6% 184
Ordinary dividend per share 58 54 7.4% 69
Special dividend per share 600 13 13
Net asset value per share 1,668 1,462
Number of shares in issue
- at period end 240.7 240.4
- weighted average 240.6 240.3 240.2
R'm Share Non- Contingency Distribu Total
distributable table
Capital Unrealised Realised reserve reserve
Balance at 31 97 700 1,081 234 1,403 3,515
December 1998
Current year 1,264 1,264
Attributable to
current year (600) 1384 784
Net gains and
losses not
recognised in the
statement 97 1,364 2,465 234 1,403 5,563
Net profit for the 202 202
Transfer to
Contingency reserve (38) 38
Dividends (1,584) (1,584)
Issue of share 3 3
Transfer from non-
distributable (600) 600
Secondary tax on (169) (169)
Balance at 31 100 1,364 1,865 196 490 4,015
December 1999
Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Limited
Financial results for the twelve months ended 31
December 1999
The competitive conditions within the insurance industry persisted
during 1999 and placed pressure on the underwriting margins
resulting in an underwriting deficit of R53 million. It is
pleasing to report that, largely due to rating increases
implemented during the year, this was an improvement on the
deficit of R61 million reported at 30 June 1999.
The frequency of motor vehicle accident claims increased
significantly in the light of poor driving standards and a lack of
traffic regulation enforcement. Rating levels on the fire account
remained inadequate and a general decline in the standard of fire
services has increased the likelihood of major losses.
The standard of claims administration remained high and strict
control of supplier costs ensured that increases in the average
cost of claims were held below the inflation rate. Expenses
continued to be strictly controlled and increased only marginally
over the previous year.
The strong capital position of the group enabled the Board to
declare a special dividend of 600 cents per share in September
1999. Despite this special payment, the Board has maintained the
final dividend at 36 cents per share which brings the total
ordinary dividends for the year to 58 cents, which is an increase
of 7.4% over the corresponding period in 1998.
Following the improvement in equities during the year, the total
shareholders' interest grew to R4.0 billion. The solvency margin
(being the ratio of net assets to net premiums) increased
accordingly and was in excess of 150% at 31 December 1999.
In view of the high incidence of motor and fire losses, the recent
rating increases within the industry are welcomed and it is hoped
that these reflect a return to responsible underwriting standards.
YEAR 2000
The group did not experience any disruptions with the transition
into the year 2000.
A final dividend of 36 cents per share has been declared payable
to shareholders registered in the books of the company at the
close of business on 3 March 2000. The transfer books and
register of members of the company will be closed from 4 March
2000 to 11 March 2000 both days inclusive, and dividend cheques
will be posted to shareholders on or about 24 March 2000.
On behalf of the Board
K T M Saggers (Chairman) B Campbell (Managing Director)
Registered Office: 19th Floor, Mutual & Federal Centre, 75
President Street,
Johannesburg 2001
Transfer Secretaries: Mercantile Registrars Limited, 11 Diagonal
Street, Johannesburg, 2001