OM Group BEE Transactions
Old Mutual PLC
19 April 2005
Old Mutual plc
ISIN code: GB0007389926
JSE share code: OML
NSX share code: OLM
Issuer code: OLOML
('Old Mutual plc')
Nedcor Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1966/010630/06)
JSE share code: NED
ISIN code: ZAE000004875
Old Mutual (South Africa) Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1998/012276/06)
('Old Mutual (SA)')
Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1970/006619/06)
JSE share code: MAF
NSX share code: MTF
ISIN code: ZAE000010823
('Mutual & Federal')
'Old Mutual plc is a very significant participant in the South African economy
through its three subsidiaries Old Mutual (SA)(our life assurance and asset
management businesses), Nedcor and Mutual & Federal. Our strategy is to create
a powerful international financial services company using our strong South
African businesses. The strength of those businesses and the growth of our
customer base requires the normalisation of South African society and the
establishment of successful black participation in the economy.
Accordingly, Old Mutual plc has been actively addressing various aspects of
Black Economic Empowerment ('BEE') over the past few years. Today we announce
a crucial milestone on this journey. We are proposing three separate but
inter-dependent transactions designed under a common set of principles, which
will introduce new broad-based black ownership into each of our South African
We propose to issue new ordinary shares to black controlled entities
beneficially owned by our black employees (39%), clients and distributors
(27%), communities (10%) and our Black Business Partners (24%) to the value
-13.48% of the value of Old Mutual (SA)(Old Mutual plc shares)
-11.50% of the value of Nedcor's South African business (Nedcor shares)
-11.00% of Mutual & Federal(Mutual & Federal shares)
For Old Mutual plc as a whole, shares to the value of 12.75% of the value of
its South African business will be placed under direct black ownership. The
total value of all the shares to be issued under this proposal is R7.2bn of
which R7.1bn will be to black shareholders.
Internal funding arrangements are proposed for each South African subsidiary
to allow them to acquire the shares.
The total number of shares to be issued under this proposal will amount to (as
a percentage of the enlarged share capital of each entity):
- 5.64% of Old Mutual plc
- 9.47% of Nedcor
- 11.14% of Mutual & Federal
Financial Impact
The financial impact of these proposals is a reduction in the embedded value
of Old Mutual plc of 3.1p (33c) per share (2.2%) and a 3.3% and 5.7% dilution
in adjusted and basic earnings per share respectively. The impact at Nedcor is
a 0.10% accretion in NAV per share and a 0.14% dilution in headline earnings
per share. At Mutual & Federal, there will be a 0.28% dilution in NAV per
share and a 1.05% accretion in headline earnings per share. There will be an
additional dilutive impact from the effects of share based payments which will
be more apparent when accounts are prepared under new IFRS conventions.
The economic cost for each South African subsidiary is as follows:
Economic costs as a Economic costs as a
% of the value of % of the value of
South African indicative market
business capitalisation
The OMSA Transaction 3.15% -
The Nedcor Transaction 3.66% 3.28%
The Mutual & Federal Transaction 3.13% 3.13%
Old Mutual plc(effect of
three transactions) 3.31% 2.49%
We are confident that the cost of this proposal will be amply repaid over its
ten year life.
Very Broadly Based
As a result of this proposal, all of our South African employees will have
share interests in our companies with the incentivisation that share ownership
provides. Uniquely, many of our clients and distributors will also acquire an
interest in our shares which will support our strategy greatly.
Quality Partners with Detailed Performance Agreements
We believe that our Black Business Partners will add value to our business and
we are extremely pleased to have the WIPHOLD and BRIMSTONE Consortia becoming
shareholders in our businesses, was well as Mtha and Mutual & Federal. All are
leading entrepreneurial BEE groupings with wide spread beneficial ownership.
Our agreements with the Black Business Partners include detailed measurable
performance agreements with significant financial incentives for delivery, and
require a substantial commitment of time and energy.
In summary, our proposals today, form a transformational deal that secures
future returns for all our stakeholders.
The breadth of involvement means that over 500 000 South African's across all
nine provinces, amongst all our stakeholders - employees, clients,
distributors, communities, will have an interest in our success.
And our proposals are good business sense - they build our customer base,
incentivise our employees, and add the strength of our partners towards the
achievement of our strategy.
These transactions are an important investment in our future.
Jim Sutcliffe
Chief Executive, Old Mutual plc
A Strong Foundation, A New Future
Empowering the Old Mutual Group
Transaction summary
The Old Mutual Group (which comprises Old Mutual plc, its subsidiaries, joint
ventures and associates) proposes three separate but inter-dependent
transactions which will introduce new direct broad-based black ownership in
each of its South African subsidiaries which equates to:
-13.48% of Old Mutual (SA) which includes all of Old Mutual plc's South
African businesses with the exception of its investments in Nedcor and Mutual
& Federal, through the issue of new ordinary share capital of Old Mutual plc
which will amount to 5.58% of the enlarged issued share capital of Old Mutual
plc. Shareholders will be requested to approve the issue of 5.98% of Old
Mutual plc's current issued share capital;
-11.50% of Nedcor's South African businesses, through the issue of new
ordinary share capital of Nedcor which will amount to 9.33% of the enlarged
issued share capital. Shareholders will be requested to approve the issue of
10.46% of Nedcor's current issued share capital; and
-11.00% of Mutual & Federal, through the issue of new ordinary share capital
of Mutual & Federal which will amount to 11.00% of the enlarged issued share
capital. Shareholders will be requested to approve the issue of 12.54% of
Mutual & Federal's current issued share capital,
collectively the 'Group Transactions'.
Based on Old Mutual plc's effective interest in each of these subsidiaries,
the Group Transactions will result in the introduction of direct black
ownership worth 12.75% of the value of Old Mutual plc's South African
businesses and are subject to the various conditions precedent set out in this
announcement which includes shareholder, regulatory and various other
Total value of
OLD MUTUAL PLC direct black
(SA businesses) Rm % Rm % Rm % Rm
Employees & management 1 689 6.66 680 2.57 357 6.00 2 725
Clients & Distributors 288 1.14 1 593 6.03 30 0.50 1 911
Non-executive directors - - 59 0.22 - - 59
Communities 576 2.27 118 0.45 30 0.50 724
Black Business Partners 864 3.41 590 2.23 238 4.00 1 692
3 417 13.48 3 040 11.50 655 11.00 7 112
(1) Percentage of value of South African business value
Rationale for the Group Transactions
Old Mutual plc is an international financial services group with significant
business interests in Africa, the United States and the United Kingdom. South
Africa is the core of the business and, through clients' savings, the Old
Mutual Group (or the 'Group') is a significant financial participant in the
South African economy. It is, therefore, important that Old Mutual plc's
shareholders' long-term interests are aligned with the success of South Africa
as a country. We believe that Black Economic Empowerment ('BEE') is a key
requirement for the promotion of sustainable economic growth and social
development in South Africa and is therefore fundamental to the interests of
our employees, clients and shareholders.
As an active participant in the development of the Financial Sector Charter
('FSC'), the Old Mutual Group is committed to the goals and targets set out in
the FSC. Along with the South African Insurers Association, the Life Offices
Association and the Banking Association amongst others, the Old Mutual Group
is a signatory to the FSC signed on the 17 October 2003 and views the FSC as
setting minimum standards for financial sector participants. The Group
Transactions have been designed to complement the Group's overall strategy
towards implementing broad-based empowerment in its businesses. The Group
Transactions are truly broad-based and include staff and management, clients,
distributors, black trade union members, professional bodies, entrepreneurs,
women's and community groupings throughout South Africa.
The owners of shares to be issued in the Group Transactions are set out below:
-Employees and Management - The Group recognises the importance of creating an
employee and management complement that is representative of South Africa's
demographics. Acknowledging that the Group is not fully representative and
that transformation comes from within, the Group proposes to set aside shares
with a market value of R2 726m to recruit, retain and incentivise black
employees and management. These shares will initially be distributed to an
estimated 29 260 Group employees of which approximately 17 500 are black.
-Clients and Distributors - Part of the Group's strategy is to focus on black
clients. An aggregate of R1 911m worth of shares have been set aside for
clients and distributors throughout South Africa. R288m worth of Old Mutual
plc shares have been assigned to develop black distributors in underserved
markets. R1 593m of Nedcor shares will be made available to black retail and
corporate banking clients and R30m of Mutual & Federal shares have been set
aside to support black people wishing to develop broker businesses.
-Communities - Since 1994, the Group has invested over R750m in community
development around South Africa. As part of the Group Transactions, an
additional R148m will be allocated to black communities and charitable
organisations in every province throughout South Africa. In addition R576m of
Old Mutual plc shares have been assigned to assist with the education of black
members of unions who do business with Old Mutual (SA).
-Black Business Partners - The WIPHOLD and BRIMSTONE Consortia (in the case of
Old Mutual (SA) and Nedcor) and the WIPHOLD Consortium and Mtha-we-Mpumelelo
('Mtha') (in the case of Mutual & Federal) have been chosen as active Black
Business Partners to assist in growing the business and driving
Principles of the Group Transactions
In designing the Group Transactions, the Group developed a set of principles
aimed at sustainable, broad-based empowerment. These principles include:
-Transformation - The Group has designed the Group Transactions to accelerate
operational transformation. This extends to employment equity, particularly at
the management level, client acquisition, strategies for underserved markets,
profiling the Group and community involvement. The Group Transactions are
being implemented as part of the Group's comprehensive, overarching approach
to rapid transformation.
-Broad-based approach - The Group Transactions are designed to directly or
indirectly benefit more than half a million black South Africans across the
country, including employees and management, clients and women's groupings,
black trade union members, entrepreneurs and communities. The Group has
sought to achieve an equitable balance between individuals that are internal
and external to the Group. In the process, the ultimate beneficiaries of the
Group Transactions have been reviewed to ensure that no individual benefits
unduly. Employees and management will be the prime beneficiaries of the Group
-Alignment of value added to benefits received - No one individual or ultimate
beneficiary will be rewarded out of proportion to the value that they add.
-Performance agreements (in the form of binding memoranda of
understanding) have been negotiated with the Black Business Partners to ensure
mutually beneficial, enduring partnerships. The performance agreements have
been designed to incentivise the Black Business Partners by aligning their
rewards which they receive under the performance agreements to the value that
they add to the businesses;
-The Group Transactions aim to balance the economic participation by
internal and external individuals, the consequence of which is that no single
external individual benefits more than the Group's most highly paid South
African employee; and
-The Group Transactions seek to ensure that benefits are earned
incrementally over the term of the agreements.
-Full economic benefits and voting rights - From the inception of the Group
Transactions, shareholders and beneficiaries must have the full benefits of
the voting rights and the economic benefits attached to equity ownership.
Trusts, which have been or will be formed to acquire and hold Old Mutual plc,
Nedcor or Mutual & Federal shares, have been or will be structured so as to
comply with the ownership and control requirements of the FSC in that the
majority of trustees will be independent black people and beneficiaries will
be black people.
-Estimated benefits to exceed the estimated costs of the Group Transactions -
In designing the Group Transactions, the Group sought to ensure that over time
the commercial benefits of implementing the Group Transactions would outweigh
the costs, and that the costs are in line with BEE transactions concluded in
the financial sector to date.
-Existing black shareholding to be excluded from the calculation of black
ownership in terms of the Group Transaction - Old Mutual plc had 1.46% (at
1 January 2004) existing black shareholding which translates into 3.50% of the
value of Old Mutual (SA). In calculating the black ownership in Old Mutual
(SA) post the implementation of the Group Transactions, existing black
shareholding has not been taken into account.
-Maximising long-term shareholder value - The overall cost of the Group
Transactions equates to approximately 3.31% of the value of the Group's South
African businesses. The initial impact is a reduction in embedded value per
share of 2.2%. Initial costs associated with implementation of the Group
Transactions have been excluded from adjusted operating profit such that the
impact on adjusted operating earnings per share of 3.3% results from costs
associated with managing the schemes and the dilution of the Old Mutual
Group's holdings in Nedcor and Mutual & Federal.
While the Group Transactions are dilutive to earnings and embedded value per
share in the short term, they will reposition the Old Mutual Group in the
longer term enabling it to transform and grow within South Africa. The Group
expects the benefits of the different elements of the Group Transactions to
significantly outweigh the costs over the longer term.
Transaction Summary
Subject to the fulfilment of the conditions precedent set out in paragraphs
3.14, 4.15 and 5.11 below, which include, inter alia, the approval of Old
Mutual plc, Nedcor and Mutual & Federal shareholders, the Old Mutual Group
proposes to facilitate three separate but inter-dependent transactions that
will result in direct black ownership worth over 10% of each of its South
African subsidiaries namely Old Mutual (SA), Nedcor and Mutual & Federal. The
Group Transactions, as defined below, include:
-the issue of 5.98% of Old Mutual plc's current issued share capital with
resulting of black shareholding worth 13.48% of Old Mutual (SA)(the 'Old
Mutual (SA) Transaction');
- the issue of 10.46% of Nedcor's current issued share capital with resulting
black shareholding worth 11.50% of Nedcor's South African business (the
'Nedcor Transaction'); and
-the issue of 12.54% of Mutual & Federal's current issued share capital with
resulting black shareholding worth 11.00% of Mutual & Federal's South African
businesses (the 'Mutual & Federal Transaction').
As part of this process, Old Mutual plc has signed various legal agreements
and binding Memoranda of Understanding ('MoUs') with the WIPHOLD and BRIMSTONE
Consortia with respect to the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction. Further, detailed,
binding MoUs have been entered into between Nedcor and the WIPHOLD and
BRIMSTONE Consortia respectively and between Mutual & Federal and the WIPHOLD
Consortium and Mtha respectively, setting out the terms of their participation
as well as related performance criteria together with the implications of not
meeting or exceeding those criteria. It is expected that the MoUs will be
replaced by final legal agreements prior to the posting of the required
circulars to Old Mutual plc, Nedcor and Mutual & Federal shareholders.
In summary, the table below sets out the number and value of shares which,
will be issued through the Group Transactions.
Summary of the Group Transactions
Total deal
% of shares
issued pre
Number of the Group
shares Transactions Value of shares
m Rm GBPm
Old Mutual (SA) Transaction 230.6 5.98% 3,448 296
Nedcor Transaction 41.3 10.46% 3,085 265
Mutual & Federal Transaction 31.1 12.54% 663 57
7,196 618
Black ownership portion
Value as
a % of
South African
% of shares businesses
Number issued post post
of the Group issue of
shares Transactions Value of shares shares
m % Rm GBPm
Old Mutual (SA)
Transaction 228.5 5.58% 3,417 293 13.48%
Nedcor Transaction 40.7 9.33% 3,040 261 11.50%
Mutual & Federal
Transaction 30.7 11.00% 655 56 11.00%
7,112 610
This announcement sets out the details and financial effects of the Old Mutual
(SA) Transaction, the Nedcor Transaction and the Mutual & Federal Transaction
and the combined financial effects for Old Mutual plc shareholders.
1. Impact of the Group Transactions on Old Mutual plc Shareholders
1.1. Accounting Treatment of the Group Transactions
In accordance with the rules of the UK Listing Authority ('UKLA') and the JSE
Securities Exchange South Africa ('JSE'), the underlying accounting treatment
is in accordance with the accounting policies set out in the last published
audited financial information. In presenting the consolidated impact for Old
Mutual plc of the Group Transactions, information is to be presented in
accordance with UK GAAP as it existed at 31 December 2004.
The accounting treatments adopted may require transactions to be accounted for
in a different manner to their legal substance and form. The accounting
treatment described below has been determined based on accounting advice and
emerging interpretations.
Effective 1 January 2005, the Old Mutual Group will prepare its consolidated
financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting
Standards ('IFRS'). It has therefore been necessary to consider the accounting
treatments under both bases of reporting. Restated 31 December 2004 results
on an IFRS basis will be published by Old Mutual plc on 3 May 2005.
The following accounting principles are applicable:
-Consolidation of Special Purpose Vehicles ('SPVs') - where control is deemed
to remain within the Old Mutual Group, the entities established to support the
Group Transactions are regarded as subsidiaries. The acquisition of Old Mutual
plc shares by the consolidated SPVs are regarded as issues of treasury shares,
resulting in a reduction in equity within the consolidated financial
-Earnings per share - the weighted average number of shares is impacted by the
Group Transactions only to the extent that any issue of shares is not regarded
as treasury shares for the purpose of the consolidated financial statements.
-Embedded value per share - the number of shares in issue will increase to
include the Old Mutual plc shares acquired by all SPVs. Where deferred
consideration is to be received for the issue of the shares, an adjustment to
the embedded value is required to represent the discounted present value of
the consideration.
1.2. Combined Pro forma Financial Effects for Old Mutual plc Shareholders
The pro forma financial effects of the Group Transactions for the financial
year ended 31 December 2004 are set out in the table below to assist Old
Mutual plc shareholders to assess the impact of the Group Transactions on
adjusted operating earnings per share ('Adjusted EPS'), basic earnings per
share ('Basic EPS') and adjusted embedded value per share ('Adjusted EV per
The pro forma financial effects have been prepared in accordance with UK GAAP
as it existed at 31 December 2004. They are provided for illustrative purposes
only. Due to the unaudited pro forma nature of the information, it may not
give a true reflection of the Group's financial position after completion of
the Group Transactions, nor the effect on the Group's future earnings.
Before the After the
Group Transactions and Group Transactions and change
the issue of shares the issue of shares (%)
United Kingdom
EPS(1) 15.3 14.8 (3.3)
Basic EPS(1) 14.1 13.3 (5.7)
Adjusted EV
per share(2) 139.1 136.0 (2.2)
Before the After the
Group Transactions and Group Transactions and change
the issue of shares the issue of shares (%)
South African
EPS(1) 181.1 175.7 (3.0)
Basic EPS(1) 166.2 156.8 (5.7)
Adjusted EV
per share(2) 1 508.0 1 475.0 (2.2)
(1) The 'Before the Group Transactions and issue of shares' column reflects
the audited earnings and adjusted earnings per Old Mutual plc share for the
year ended 31 December 2004. The 'After the Group Transactions and issue of
shares' column reflects the earnings adjusted for the financial effects of the
various Group Transactions based on the assumption that the Group Transactions
were implemented on 1 January 2004.
The financial effects on earnings include the initial impact of entering into
the Group Transactions of £10m (R120m) and the first year of annual impact of
£18m (R203m). The initial impact is excluded from the adjusted operating
profit, and hence Adjusted EPS. As a result of the Group Transactions, Old
Mutual plc's interests in its subsidiaries Nedcor and Mutual & Federal will be
reduced. The financial effects take into account a reduction in the Group's
share of earnings from these subsidiaries accordingly.
(2) The 'Before the Group Transactions and issue of shares' column reflects
the audited Adjusted EV per Old Mutual plc share at 31 December 2004. In
determining Adjusted EV per share, the total number of shares in issue as at
31 December 2004 of 3 854m includes 383m treasury shares, consisting of 92m
shares held in ESOP Trusts and 291m shares held in policyholder funds. The
'After the Group Transactions and issue of shares' column reflects the
adjusted EV per share after the considerations received from the various
scheme and an enlarged number of shares based on the assumption that the Group
Transactions were implemented on 31 December 2004. In determining the
Adjusted EV per share, the number of shares in issue of
4 085m includes all Old Mutual plc shares issued under the Group Transactions.
The financial effects on embedded value 'After the Group Transactions and
issue of shares' include the initial consideration received on the issue of
Old Mutual plc shares to SPVs which are considered external to the Old Mutual
Group. Embedded value is unchanged for the initial consideration received in
respect of treasury shares issued to consolidated SPVs. A pro forma uplift
adjustment is included to reflect the discounted present value of the deferred
consideration to be received from external parties in respect of all schemes.
(3) The weighted average number of shares in issue remains unchanged. Shares
issued to consolidated SPVs are to be excluded as they are accounted for as
treasury shares. Shares issued to unconsolidated SPVs are excluded due to the
restricted nature of the issue. The weighted average number of shares in issue
used in calculating Basic EPS as at 31 December 2004 was 3 432m. The weighted
average number of shares in issue used in calculating Adjusted EPS, after
allowing for shares held in policyholders' funds, was 3 748m.
IFRS financial effects
The accounting treatment under IFRS differs from the accounting treatment
under UK GAAP as it existed at 31 December 2004 to the extent that IFRS 2
'Share based payments' applies to the Group Transactions. As the additional
IFRS 2 costs incurred are in respect of equity settled share based payment
transactions, the charge to the profit and loss account will result in a
corresponding credit to an equity reserve and, therefore, has no impact on the
embedded value. There are no other differences in the calculation of Adjusted
EV per share.
1.3. Opinions and Recommendations
1.3.1. Opinion of the Old Mutual plc board
The board of Old Mutual plc, together with its advisors, has structured the
direct black ownership initiative in an attempt to ensure that it is in line
with the BEE strategy of the Old Mutual Group.
Although not required in terms of the UKLA Listing Rules, nor the JSE's
Listings Requirements, the board of Old Mutual plc appointed Deutsche
Securities (SA) (Proprietary) Limited ('Deutsche Securities') to consider the
terms of the Group Transactions from a financial point of view.
Deutsche Securities in giving their financial advice to the director's of the
board of Old Mutual plc have relied upon the board of Old Mutual plc for the
commercial assessment of the Group Transactions. The board of Old Mutual plc,
having received this advice, considers the terms and conditions of the Group
Transactions to be fair and reasonable.
Accordingly, the board recommends that ordinary shareholders vote in favour of
the resolutions to approve the Group Transactions. In respect of their
personal holdings in Old Mutual plc, the board members currently intend to
vote in favour of the proposed resolutions.
2. Black shareholder groupings
2.1. Employee and Management schemes
Current and future employees are a critical component of the Group's
transformation strategy. By reserving a significant portion of shares for the
benefit of current and future black managers and employees, the Group
Transactions will assist in transforming and creating a dynamic, effective
To this end, each of the Group Transactions incorporates a broad-based
component which allows for an award of shares to the value of R7 500 to
employees who have not participated in any other employee and management share
scheme of the Group.
The employee and management schemes also provide the Group with sufficient
resources to meet the ongoing employment equity targets of the FSC.
2.2. Client and Distributor schemes
In the spirit of broad-based empowerment, current and future Clients and
Distributors, where appropriate, will be invited to participate in the Group
Transactions. To this end, Old Mutual (SA), Nedcor and Mutual & Federal have
designed specific Client and Distributor schemes. Old Mutual (SA) has created
a trust to support the emergence of new black distributors as set out in
paragraph 3.4.1 Nedcor has designed specific schemes for its corporate and
retail clients detailed in paragraphs 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 below. Mutual & Federal
has established a Black Broker Trust to support black people wishing to
develop broker businesses as detailed in paragraph 5.5 below.
2.3. Community Schemes
Community Schemes enhance the broad-based nature of the Group Transaction and
supplement existing community social initiatives undertaken by the Group.
2.4 Black Business Partners
2.4.1 Overview of the Black Business Partner selection process
The Old Mutual Group has selected the WIPHOLD and BRIMSTONE Consortia as its
Black Business Partners. The selection process involved the assessment of the
potential Black Business Partners against the following criteria:
-Empowerment credentials and broad-based criteria - an assessment of the
shareholding and the ultimate beneficiaries of the Black Business Partners
with the specific objective of ensuring that potential partner companies are
black-owned and controlled companies, representing a broad-base of
beneficiaries. Consideration was also given as to whether directors and
management of the potential Black Business Partners comprised predominantly
black people, as defined in the FSC.
-Leadership and values - an assessment of whether the potential Black Business
Partners had strong, clear leadership and shared the Group's values. Regard
was also given as to whether the leadership of the potential Black Business
Partners would be able to commit sufficient time and resources to focus on
business development and transformation.
-Experience - an assessment of whether the potential Black Business Partners
had a demonstrable track record of transformational ability as well as
financial services sector experience.
-Risk and reward philosophy - an assessment of whether the potential Black
Business Partners would be able to place their own capital at risk and
therefore make a capital contribution of 2.5% of the transaction value.
A further assessment of each of the potential Black Business Partners' ability
to assist Old Mutual (SA), Nedcor and Mutual & Federal with each of the
following objectives was undertaken:
-the retention of existing business and the attraction of additional business;
-the strategic and holistic transformation of the Group in response to a
changing business environment; and
-improving the corporate profile and image of the Group in the market and
helping to position the business.
This process assisted the Group to determine the level of participation of
each of the Black Business Partners in the Group Transactions.
2.4.2. Performance agreements
The Black Business Partners have each concluded performance MoUs (referred to
hereinafter as 'performance agreements') with the relevant Group companies,
which will govern the relationship with and performance and remuneration of
the Black Business Partners.
It is intended that on an annual basis the Black Business Partners will meet
with each of the business units of Old Mutual (SA), Nedcor and Mutual &
Federal, as appropriate, in order to detail the specific tasks to be performed
in the following twelve month period. The Black Business Partners have agreed
the first set of performance criteria with the Group which will benchmark
future performance agreements in terms of the type and the amount of work
required and which will apply to the eighteen month period from 1 July 2005.
In terms of the performance agreements, the WIPHOLD and BRIMSTONE Consortia
will commit substantial time and resources to the business units of Old Mutual
(SA), Nedcor and Mutual & Federal in order to meet the requirements of their
respective performance agreements. Progress will be monitored semi-anually.
The Black Business Partners will be paid an annual performance fee that will
be linked to performance targets achieved in terms of the performance
agreements. The annual fee will range between Rnil and R36.5m,Rnil and R25m
and Rnil and R10m for Old Mutual (SA),Nedcor and Mutual & Federal
respectively. A portion of this performance fee will be used to cover pre-
agreed working capital requirements of the Black Business Partners. The
balance in the case of Old Mutual (SA) will be applied to satisfy the amounts
remaining due in respect of the Old Mutual shares issued to the relevant SPV.
In the case of Nedcor and Mutual & Federal, the balance will be utilised to
acquire new Nedcor and Mutual & Federal shares as detailed in the paragraphs
dealing with the funding arrangements in the separate Old Mutual (SA), Nedcor
and Mutual & Federal sections below.
2.4.3. Key terms of the Group's agreements with the Black Business Partners
Subject to the terms of the subscription agreements the Black Business
-Must remain black companies as defined in the FSC during the 10 year lock-in
-May not dispose of Old Mutual plc, Nedcor and/or Mutual & Federal shares
acquired as a result of the Group Transactions during such lock-in period;
-May not enter into equity transactions or substantial relationships with any
of the Old Mutual Group's competitors; and
-May not take up any directorships with any of the Old Mutual Group's
2.4.4. The Women Investment Portfolio Holdings Limited ('WIPHOLD') Consortium:
The WIPHOLD Consortium will acquire:
-0.71% of the enlarged issued share capital of Old Mutual plc, which equates
to 1.70% of Old Mutual (SA);
-0.91% of the enlarged issued share capital of Nedcor; and
-3.50% of the enlarged issued share capital of Mutual & Federal.
The WIPHOLD Consortium is led by WIPHOLD (82.0% of the WIPHOLD Consortium) -
WIPHOLD was founded 10 years ago by four successful women executives as an
organisation dedicated to women's empowerment. With 1 200 direct beneficiaries
and 18 000 indirect beneficiaries through the WIPHOLD Investment Trust, and
over 300 000 indirect beneficiaries through the WIPHOLD NGO Trust, whose
constituent Non-Government Organisations ('NGOs') span all nine provinces,
WIPHOLD is one of the most genuinely broad-based black empowerment companies
in South Africa. WIPHOLD is a majority black owned company, with in excess of
50% of the shareholding in the hands of women. All shareholdings are direct
and unencumbered. As at December 2003, the WIPHOLD Investment Trust had
distributed R46m to its beneficiaries.
Old Mutual (SA), has an effective 32.5% stake in WIPHOLD, demonstrating the
strength of its existing relationship.
WIPHOLD's current business activities are focused in three areas:
-Financial services (advisory, asset management, stockbroking, treasury
-Ownership of infrastructure assets; and
-Diversified investments (in telecommunications, tourism, manufacturing and
power & automation).
The directors of WIPHOLD include two of the original founding members, Louisa
Mojela, CEO of WIPHOLD and Gloria Tomatoe Serobe, CEO of Wipcapital (Pty)
Wendy Luhabe (2% of WIPHOLD's 82% in the WIPHOLD Consortium), one of the other
original founding members of WIPHOLD, will be contributing her experience in
the areas of financial services and human resource development as a further
operational value-add by the WIPHOLD Consortium.
WIPHOLD has also included Sphere Holdings (Proprietary) Limited ('Sphere') in
its consortium (15% of the WIPHOLD Consortium). Sphere is a new generation
empowerment company, comprised of experienced individuals with a proven track
record in private equity, investment banking and asset management. Sphere's
ownership structure promotes broad-based empowerment whilst incentivising
founder shareholders and management. Sphere's directors and management include
Itumeleng Kgaboesele, CEO, Executive Directors Pulane Kingston and Aadil Carim
and Associate Director, Marang Denalane. Directors and management hold the
majority shareholding of Sphere (57%). 17.5% of Sphere's shareholding is
reserved for broad-based groupings that have a particular focus on education
and the economic upliftment of black women. These groups include Ditikeni
Investment Company Limited (an investment vehicle for 24 NGOs involved in
education and training, health (HIV/AIDS), housing and rural development) and
the Student Sponsorship Programme (a non-profit organisation offering
scholarships to previously disadvantaged students) to which shares have
already been allocated. Nedbank Limited owns 13% of Sphere.
The remaining 3% of the WIPHOLD Consortium's stake will be held by the WIPHOLD
NGO Trust. The WIPHOLD NGO Trust was established in 2004 with the aim of
further enhancing the black and female profile of WIPHOLD, as well as its
broad-base of beneficiaries. Louisa Mojela and Gloria Tomatoe Serobe serve as
trustees. A majority of independent trustees will be appointed.
The Trust has two primary objectives:
- To empower and support NGOs whose primary focus is development programmes
pertaining to black women and/or children; and
- The inclusion of NGOs with the ability to contribute strategically to the
activities of WIPHOLD.
The ten organisations that currently form part of the WIPHOLD NGO Trust are:
The Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa; the South African
Democratic Teachers Union (women's chapter); National Baptist Church, Kwa
Drabo Trust; People Opposing Women Abuse; the Thusanang Development and
Training Project; Tshwarangang Legal Advocacy Centre; Tshepang Educare Trust;
Young Women's Christian Association and the Thandanani Association.
2.4.5. The Brimstone Investment Corporation Limited ('BRIMSTONE') Consortium:
The BRIMSTONE Consortium will acquire:
- 0.71% of the enlarged issued share capital of Old Mutual plc, which equates
to 1.70% of Old Mutual (SA); and
- 0.91% of the enlarged issued share capital of Nedcor.
Mtha, a 33% shareholder in the BRIMSTONE Consortium, will acquire 0.50% of the
enlarged issued share capital of Mutual & Federal.
- The BRIMSTONE Consortium is led by BRIMSTONE (67.0% of the BRIMSTONE
Consortium) - BRIMSTONE was incorporated in South Africa on 2 October 1995 as
an investment vehicle for black South Africans and listed in the 'Investment
Companies' sector of the JSE in 1998. The company's mission is to be
profitable, empowering and to have a positive social impact on the businesses
and individuals with whom it is involved, including shareholders, employees,
suppliers, customers and the community. BRIMSTONE currently has a market
capitalisation of approximately R240 million.
The directors of BRIMSTONE include two of its original founding members,
Mustaq Brey, Chief Executive Officer, and Fred Robertson, Executive Deputy
Chairman, both of whom have long and extensive experience across the financial
services sector. BRIMSTONE's board is chaired by Professor Jakes Gerwel,
former Director General in the Office of President Nelson Mandela and
Secretary of the State in the first Government of National Unity.
BRIMSTONE is a focused black controlled and managed investment holding company
seeking to achieve above average returns for its shareholders by investing in
businesses and entering into alliances to which it contributes capital, ideas,
management, impeccable empowerment credentials and a value driven corporate
identity. BRIMSTONE has strategic investments in the following sectors of the
South African economy:
- Industrial sector: investments in the manufacturing of upmarket men's
clothing, packaging and fishing;
- Financial Services sector: investments in insurance broking, consulting, and
short-term insurance; and
- Healthcare sector: investments in one of South Africa's largest private
hospital groups and smaller investments in the supply of medical equipment to
this sector.
More than 52% of BRIMSTONE's economic value is held by approximately 3 700
black South Africans. The company has a black board of directors and
operational management is in black hands.
BRIMSTONE employs approximately 1 100 employees directly in its subsidiaries
and more than 19 300 in its associate companies and has sought to empower its
people through extensive employee participation in the equity of BRIMSTONE.
Old Mutual (SA) holds 9.95% of BRIMSTONE's 'N' ordinary shares.
The BRIMSTONE Consortium includes Mtha-we-Mpumelelo ('Mtha') (33% of the
BRIMSTONE Consortium) which is comprised as follows:
- Chestnut Hill is a 35% shareholder in Mtha and the shareholders of Chestnut
Hill include Bulelani Ngcuka, Chairman, Sango Ntsaluba, Non-executive Chairman
of Sizwe Ntsaluba and Chief Executive Officer of Amabubesi Investments
(Proprietary) Limited ('Amabubesi') and Thabiso Tlelai, Chair of the Tourism
Business Council of South Africa. Other shareholders include Mveleleli Booi,
currently an Executive at Amabubesi, Gilimamba Mahlati, Chairman of Risk
Monitor Group and Kennedy Memani, Director of KREM Investment Holdings and the
Senior Partner in XK Memani, Ruiters and Associates.
- Izingwe Financial Investments, an associate company of Izingwe Capital, is a
35% shareholder in Mtha. Izingwe's Chairman is Sipho M. Pityana, formerly a
Group Executive Director of Nedcor Investment Bank Holdings, managing director
of Strategic Business Development at Nedbank Corporate and the Director
General of the Departments of Foreign Affairs and Labour. Other directors
include Ashley Ally, the former CEO of the Legal Aid Board, Tsakani Matshazi,
a Chartered Accountant, Phillip Dexter, the former Executive Director of
Nedlac, and Mark Sifris, a corporate attorney.
Mtha includes the investment vehicles of three broad-based groupings that
represent black professionals namely:
- The Black Lawyers Association ('BLA') (10% of Mtha) - The BLA represents
approximately 900 black legal professionals and 300 legal students. It is a
voluntary association whose objectives include the support and development of
black lawyers and the provision of legal education and services to the black
- National Association for Democratic Lawyers ('Nadel') (10% of Mtha) - Nadel
is a voluntary organisation of lawyers, which has the primary goal of ensuring
access to justice for previously disadvantaged individuals. Its members
comprise all legal practitioners including attorneys, advocates, judges,
paralegals and law students. Nadel provides legal advocacy and various legal
support programmes, including judicial skills training.
- South African Medical and Dental Practitioners ('SAMDP') (10% of Mtha) -
SAMDP represents black medical and dental practitioners. It has 5 000 members
and is an active player in the transformation of the health industry. It also
plays a significant role in ensuring ethical standards, quality service and
accessible healthcare throughout South Africa.
2.4.6. Resolved conflicts
The Old Mutual Group identified and sought to address any perception of
potential conflicts of interests between the Group and its potential Black
Business Partners. Three key conflicts are identified and disclosed below:
- Pulane Kingston, a 20.3% shareholder in Sphere and a senior member of the
WIPHOLD team, is married to a member of the advisory team from Deutsche
Securities. The Old Mutual plc board has considered this issue and is of the
view that this potential conflict is not material.
- The board of Old Mutual plc is aware of the fact that the majority of the
board members and shareholders of Chestnut Hill are common to the board and
shareholders of Amabubesi. An Old Mutual (SA) executive who is a shareholder
of Amabubesi is however not a shareholder or board member of Chestnut Hill.
Old Mutual (SA) holds a 20% stake in Amabubesi. The Old Mutual plc board has
considered this issue and is of the view that it does not give rise to a
potential conflict.
- Professor Jakes Gerwel already sits on the board of Old Mutual Life
Assurance Company (South Africa) Limited ('OMLACSA'). He is the Chairman of
BRIMSTONE. The Old Mutual plc board has considered this issue and is of the
view that it does not give rise to a potential conflict.
3. Overview of the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction
Key Highlights:
- 13.48% of the value of Old Mutual (SA)
- 5.64% of Old Mutual plc's enlarged issued share capital following the issue
of new shares
- Key black stakeholders included: Employees and management (50%), Clients and
Distributors (8%),Community Scheme (17%) and Black Business Partners (25%)
- Aimed at 7458 black employees
- Unique Client and Distributor scheme to include black distributors
- Performance agreements with broad-based Black Business Partners - The
- Aligned with empowerment strategy to preserve and grow business
3.1. Proposed Old Mutual (SA) Transaction structure
3.2. Direct black shareholding as a result of the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction
As part of Old Mutual (SA)'s ongoing commitment to transformation, Old Mutual
(SA) is proposing a number of schemes aimed to benefit a wide group of
stakeholders including employees and management, distributors, trade union
members and their beneficiaries, communities and Black Business Partners.
Shares in Old Mutual plc, the UK listed entity, will be issued in order to
facilitate the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction. Old Mutual (SA) is a 100% held
South African subsidiary of Old Mutual plc. 230.6m shares (5.64% of Old Mutual
plc's current issued share capital) will be issued in respect of the various
employee and Management Schemes and to the various SPVs to be formed for the
Old Mutual (SA) Transaction at the same price of R14.95 per share, which
represents the 10 day volume weighted average price of Old Mutual plc shares
to 15 April 2005. The introduction of black shareholding of 5.58% of the
enlarged issued share capital of Old Mutual plc, represents 13.48% of the
value of Old Mutual (SA). The total level of black ownership in Old Mutual
(SA) relative to the value of Old Mutual (SA) increases to 16.98%, if the
existing direct black ownership of 1.46% in Old Mutual plc which equates to
3.50% of the value of Old Mutual (SA) as at 1 January 2004 is included.
The table below sets out the total deal size at Old Mutual (SA) as well as the
black ownership at Old Mutual (SA) using the enlarged issued share capital of
Old Mutual plc to facilitate the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction.
Using Old Mutual plc shares
Total deal ownership
Shareholding Shareholding
No of Deal (post issue of (post issue of
shares value new shares) new shares)
m Rm
Employee and Management
Schemes 115.0 1 720 2.82% 2.76%
Old Mutual (SA)
Management Scheme 83.7 1 252 2.05% 2.05%
Old Mutual (SA)
Senior Black
Management Scheme 25.8 386 0.63% 0.63%
Old Mutual (SA)
Broad-based Scheme 5.5 82 0.14% 0.08%
Client & Distributor
Black Distributors
Trust 19.3 288 0.47% 0.47%
Community Scheme
Education Trust 38.5 576 0.94% 0.94%
Black Business
Partners 57.8 864 1.41% 1.41%
WIPHOLD Consortium 28.9 432 0.71% 0.71%
BRIMSTONE Consortium 28.9 432 0.71% 0.71%
Total Old Mutual
(SA) Transaction 230.6 3 448 5.64% 5.58%
Existing black
shareholders 59.5 889 1.46% 1.46%
Total 290.1 4 337 7.10% 7.04%
At Old Mutual (SA) level
Total deal ownership
Shareholding Shareholding
(post issue of (post issue of
new shares) new shares)
Employee and Management Schemes 6.78% 6.66%
Old Mutual (SA) Management Scheme 4.93% 4.93%
Old Mutual (SA) Senior Black Management
Scheme 1.53% 1.53%
Old Mutual (SA) Broad-based Scheme 0.32% 0.20%
Client & Distributor Schemes
Black Distributors Trust 1.14% 1.14%
Community Scheme
Education Trust 2.27% 2.27%
Black Business Partners 3.41% 3.41%
WIPHOLD Consortium * 1.70% 1.70%
BRIMSTONE Consortium * 1.70% 1.70%
Total Old Mutual (SA) Transaction 13.60% 13.48%
Existing black shareholders 3.50% 3.50%
Total 17.10% 16.98%
* Figures rounded up to 2 decimal places
3.3. The Old Mutual (SA) Employee and Management Schemes (worth 6.66% of Old
Mutual (SA))
Old Mutual (SA) firmly believes that its employees and management are critical
catalysts in transforming its business. The Old Mutual (SA) employee and
management schemes comprise three different elements:
3.3.1. The Old Mutual (SA) Management Scheme (worth 4.93% of Old Mutual (SA))
The existing Old Mutual (SA) Management Scheme is to be replaced by a new Old
Mutual (SA) Management Scheme, the primary purpose of which is to attract,
reward and retain senior and middle management of Old Mutual (SA). Old Mutual
plc will issue new ordinary shares to the new employee share trust which will
be funded by employer companies within the Old Mutual (SA) Group, primarily
from OMLACSA. The new employee share trust will own 2.05% of the enlarged
issued share capital of Old Mutual plc (which equates to 4.93% of Old Mutual
This new employee share trust will be used to fund the long-term share
incentives that Old Mutual (SA) expects to allocate to black management in the
normal course of business to 2014. By reserving a significant portion of the
Old Mutual plc shares for black management, Old Mutual (SA) is demonstrating
its unequivocal commitment to transform its business fundamentally. The
quantum of these long-term incentives are considered to be in line with
international standards.
Share allocations for white management will also be made in terms of the new
Old Mutual (SA) Management Scheme, but will only be matched by the existing
employee share trust at the time that the allocations are made.
Shares will be allocated in terms of Old Mutual (SA)'s current allocation
policy, subject to regular market testing and individual performance. The
current policy is to make allocations in a combination of Restricted Share
Plan ('RSP') share awards and share options. The RSP share awards will vest
immediately (subject to the condition that the participant remains in Old
Mutual (SA)'s employment for a period of time), while the share options will
be exercisable after 3 years (but within 6 years). Participants are to be paid
the dividends in respect of the RSP share awards and will be entitled to
exercise the voting rights in respect of the relevant Old Mutual plc shares,
but will have no dividend or voting rights in respect of the unexercised share
options. The entire interest of 2.05% in Old Mutual plc shares held by the
new employee share trust will count for black ownership given that the trust
has been structured so as to comply with the ownership and control
requirements of the FSC.
3.3.2. The Old Mutual (SA) Senior Black Management Scheme (worth 1.53% of Old
Mutual (SA))
The Old Mutual (SA) Senior Black Management Scheme will operate for the
benefit of the senior black management employed by Old Mutual (SA). A new
trust will be formed to operate the scheme. Old Mutual plc will issue new
ordinary shares to this trust, to be funded by means of a grant, primarily
from OMLACSA, such that the trust will own 0.63% of the enlarged issued share
capital of Old Mutual plc (which equates to 1.53% of Old Mutual (SA)).
The trustees, on instruction from the Old Mutual (SA) Remuneration Committee,
will make awards to existing (50%) and future (50%) participants. The scheme
will comprise a once-off allocation with the possibility of an increase in
allocation on promotion. This allocation will be in addition to the normal
allocations made in terms of the Old Mutual (SA) Management Scheme and will be
made by means of RSP share awards over Old Mutual plc shares.
The RSP share awards will vest immediately but participants will only take
delivery of the relevant Old Mutual plc shares after 4 years (one third), 5
years (one third) and 6 years (one third).
The RSP share awards will be based on individual performance and subject to a
multiple of annual remuneration with participants having to remain in Old
Mutual (SA)'s employment for a period of time.
3.3.3. The Old Mutual (SA) Broad-based Scheme (worth 0.32% of Old Mutual (SA))
This scheme will operate for the benefit of all Old Mutual (SA) employees who
do not participate in any other share scheme of the Group. This scheme will
thus operate for the benefit of both black and white employees employed by Old
Mutual (SA), 67% of which are black. The same trust that operates the Old
Mutual (SA) Senior Black Management Scheme will operate the Old Mutual (SA)
Broad-based Scheme. This trust will own 0.14% of Old Mutual plc's enlarged
issued share capital (which equates to 0.32% of Old Mutual (SA)), to be funded
by means of a grant primarily from OMLACSA.
An RSP share award of R7 500 per employee will be made upfront to all
qualifying employees, subject to a 5-year delivery period.
3.4. Old Mutual (SA) Client and Distributor Scheme (worth 1.14% of Old Mutual
The Old Mutual (SA) Client and Distributor Scheme allows Old Mutual (SA) to
demonstrate its commitment to its current and future black distributors
through the creation of the following Client and Distributor schemes:
3.4.1. Black Distributors Trust (worth 1.14% of Old Mutual (SA))
The objective of the Black Distributors Trust will be to provide or secure
finance for black brokers and agents, as well as distribution businesses owned
and managed by black South Africans. The finance or security made available by
the trust will be utilised by such black distributors to acquire assets
required in order to commence operations in a productive manner. The trust
will be formed and will acquire 0.47% of Old Mutual plc's enlarged issued
share capital (which equates to 1.14% of Old Mutual (SA)).
There is a clear and present need for the development of a network of black
distributors in order to serve previously underserved markets. Old Mutual (SA)
recently launched the Old Mutual Academy for Financial Planners, an academy
which provides the training required to operate as intermediaries to black
South Africans. The Black Distributors Trust will augment the Academy and,
through providing or securing funding required by black distributors to
acquire relevant operational assets (which is often hard to obtain especially
given the variable nature of distribution income), will ensure and fast track
the productive entry by black distributors into the market.
The Black Distributors Trust will be funded using the same funding mechanism
as the Black Business Partners as detailed in paragraph 3.8.1 below.
3.5. Community Scheme (worth 2.27% of Old Mutual (SA))
The Old Mutual (SA) Education Trust allows Old Mutual (SA) to demonstrate its
commitment to its union customer base.
3.5.1. Education Trust (worth 2.27% of Old Mutual (SA))
Complementing Old Mutual (SA)'s current focus on training and education, the
purpose of the Education Trust is to provide a meaningful benefit to black
trade union members who are clients and important stakeholders of Old Mutual
(SA). The trust will be formed and will acquire 0.94% of the enlarged issued
share capital of Old Mutual plc (which equates to 2.27% of Old Mutual (SA)).
The overall focus of the Education Trust will be to assist with the education
needs of black members of participating unions. Given the need for and
importance of education in South Africa, especially amongst the black
communities, the Education Trust will provide tertiary education scholarships
to black members of participating unions and their dependents.
A number of trade unions with which Old Mutual (SA) has a business
relationship will be invited to participate in the initiative, and black
members of such participating unions will benefit directly from the Education
The following trade unions, which represent a membership of more than 600 000,
have already registered their support for the Education Trust initiative:
- Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa;
- National Education Health and Allied Workers Union;
- National Teachers Union;
- South African Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union; and
- South African Democratic Teachers Union.
The Education Trust will be funded using the same funding mechanism as the
Black Business Partners as detailed in paragraph 3.8.1 below.
3.6. Old Mutual (SA) Black Business Partners (worth 3.41% of Old Mutual (SA))
The WIPHOLD and BRIMSTONE Consortia will each acquire 0.71% of Old Mutual
plc's enlarged issued share capital, representing 1.70% each of the value of
Old Mutual (SA)'s South African business and will be funded on the basis
detailed in paragraph 3.8.1 below.
3.7. Proposed appointments to the Old Mutual (SA) Board
Once the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction has been effected, and all conditions
precedent have been met, Gloria Serobe from the WIPHOLD Consortium will be
invited to join the OMLACSA Board. Professor Jakes Gerwel who currently sits
on the OMLACSA board will remain on the OMLACSA board post implementation of
the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction, representing the BRIMSTONE Consortium.
3.8. Mechanism to implement the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction
3.8.1. Old Mutual (SA) Funding Structure
For Old Mutual (SA) employees and management schemes, black-controlled trusts
will be created and funded directly by Old Mutual (SA) employer companies.
The Old Mutual plc shares will be issued to the four UK incorporated SPVs (set
up for and wholly owned by each of the Old Mutual (SA) Black Distributors
Trust, the Old Mutual (SA) Education Trust and two South African holding
companies, (which in turn are wholly owned subsidiaries of the WIPHOLD
Consortium and the BRIMSTONE Consortium respectively) for the rand equivalent
of 10 pence per share (the par value of the Old Mutual plc shares) in cash and
an undertaking given by the SPVs to pay a further cash amount as part of the
subscription price (in rand) to Old Mutual plc on 1 May 2015 and to pay any
dividends on Old Mutual plc shares and the major portion of performance fees
earned by the Black Business Partners upon receipt to Old Mutual plc by way of
early discharge of part of the amount specified below (the 'cash
undertaking'). The Black Business Partners will each make a capital
contribution of 2.5% to the relevant South African holding companies, which in
turn will capitalise the SPVs, with the balance of the par value funded by the
SPVs from rand-denominated third party loans. In the case of the SPVs owned by
the Black Distributors Trust and the Education Trust, third party rand
denominated loans will fund the entire par value. Dividends received by the
SPVs from their holdings of Old Mutual plc shares and the major portion of the
performance fees earned by the Black Business Partners will be used first to
repay the third party loans(in the case of the Black Distributors Trust and
the Education Trust, a portion of these dividends will be applied to fund the
objectives of these trusts) and thereafter will be paid to Old Mutual plc
towards satisfaction of the SPVs' obligations (in part) under the cash
undertaking (part of the subscription price).
The payment due on 1 May 2015 to discharge the balance of the cash undertaking
will be (subject to a minimum of one rand) the lesser of:
- the difference between the rand equivalent of the market price of the shares
shortly before the allotment date and the rand equivalent of 10 pence par
value per share plus an escalation factor and less any amounts paid by the
SPVs in partial satisfaction of the undertaking. This amount will be
calculated on an annual basis and will be increased annually by 1.5% of the
market value at inception; and
- the rand equivalent of the market value of the Old Mutual plc shares at the
highest price quoted on the London Stock Exchange during the period between 1
January 2015 and the business day before 1 May 2015.
Black Distributors
Trust Education Trust
Issue price of shares Par value and cash Par value and
undertaking cash undertaking
Upfront amount paid by Par value(funded by Par value(funded by
SPV third party third party
financiers) financiers)
Date on which cash 1 May 2015 1 May 2015
undertaking is possible
Escalation factor (fixed, 9.3% 8.16%
NACA)on cash undertaking
Black Business
Issue price of shares Par value and cash undertaking
Upfront amount paid by SPV Par value (all but 2.5% funded
by third party financier)
Date on which cash undertaking
is payable 1 May 2015
Escalation factor (fixed, NACA) 8.16%
on cash undertaking
3.8.2. UK Scheme of Arrangement: Court sanction of the issue of the shares
Owing to the dilutive nature of the proposals on Old Mutual plc shareholders,
the Board of Old Mutual plc intends to seek the approval of its shareholders
and the sanction of the High Court of Justice in England for a scheme of
arrangement (the 'Scheme') between Old Mutual plc and its members under
section 425 of the UK Companies Act 1985 for the issue of shares to or for the
benefit of Old Mutual (SA) Black Distributors Trust, the Old Mutual (SA)
Education Trust, the WIPHOLD Consortium and the BRIMSTONE Consortium. If the
Scheme is sanctioned by the High Court of Justice in England, it will become
binding on Old Mutual plc and all of its shareholders.
3.9. Value of the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction
The Old Mutual plc Board appointed Deutsche Securities to perform a valuation
of its South African businesses, excluding Nedcor and Mutual & Federal.
Deutsche Securities has derived a value of R25 354m for these businesses,
which translates into 44% of the market capitalisation using the 10 day volume
weighted average price of Old Mutual plc shares to 15 April 2005.
The value of the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction is based on the indicative market
capitalisation of Old Mutual plc at 15 April 2005 of R57 622m, using the 10
day volume weighted average price of R14.95 per share to that date.
3.10. Estimated Economic Cost of the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction
Old Mutual (SA) has estimated the economic cost of the Old Mutual (SA)
Transaction to be R799m. This translates into 3.15% of the value of Old
Mutual (SA).
3.11. Accounting Treatment of the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction
In accordance with the rules of the UK Listing Authority and the JSE, the
underlying accounting treatment is in accordance with the accounting policies
set out in the last published audited financial information. In presenting the
consolidated impact for Old Mutual plc of the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction,
information is to be presented in accordance with UK GAAP as it existed at 31
December 2004.
The accounting treatments adopted may require transactions to be accounted for
in a different manner to their legal substance and form. The accounting
treatment described below has been determined based on accounting advice and
emerging interpretations.
Effective 1 January 2005, the Old Mutual Group will prepare its consolidated
financial statements in accordance with IFRS. It has therefore been necessary
to consider the accounting treatments under both bases of reporting. Revised
31 December 2004 results on an IFRS basis will be published by Old Mutual plc
on 3 May 2005.
The following accounting principles are applicable:
- Consolidation of Special Purpose Vehicles ('SPVs') - where control is
deemed to remain within the Old Mutual Group, the entities established to
support the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction are regarded as subsidiaries. The
acquisition of Old Mutual plc shares by the consolidated SPVs are regarded as
issues of treasury shares, resulting in a reduction in equity within the
consolidated financial statements.
- Earnings per share - the weighted average number of shares is impacted by
the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction only to the extent that any issue of shares is
not regarded as treasury shares for the purpose of the consolidated financial
- Embedded value per share - the number of shares in issue will increase to
include the Old Mutual plc shares acquired by all SPVs. Where amounts received
in terms of the cash undertaking are received for the issue of the shares, an
adjustment to the embedded value is required to represent the discounted
present value of the consideration.
3.12. Pro forma Financial Effects of the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction
The pro forma financial effects of the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction for the
financial year ended 31 December 2004 are set out in the table below to assist
Old Mutual plc shareholders to assess the impact of the Old Mutual (SA)
Transaction on adjusted operating earnings per share ('Adjusted EPS'), basic
earnings per share ('Basic EPS') and adjusted embedded value per share
('Adjusted EV per share').
The pro forma financial effects have been prepared in accordance with UK GAAP
as it existed at 31 December 2004. They are provided for illustrative purposes
only. Due to the unaudited pro forma nature of the information, it may not
give a true reflection of Old Mutual plc's financial position after completion
of the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction.
Before the After the
Old Mutual (SA) Old Mutual (SA)
Transaction Transaction
and the issue and the issue change
of shares of shares (%)
South African cents
Adjusted EPS(1) (3) 181.1 179.7 (0.8)
Basic EPS(1) (3) 166.2 162.6 (2.2)
Adjusted EV per
share(2)(3) 1 508.0 1 475.0 (2.2)
(1) The 'Before the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction and issue of shares' column
reflects the audited earnings and adjusted earnings per Old Mutual plc share
for the year ended 31 December 2004. The 'After the Old Mutual (SA)
Transaction and issue of shares' column reflects the earnings adjusted for the
financial effect of the various Old Mutual (SA) Transaction based on the
assumption that the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction were implemented on 1 January
2004. The financial effects on earnings include the initial impact of entering
into the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction of R75m and the first year of annual
impact of R49m. The initial impact is excluded from the adjusted operating
profit, and hence Adjusted EPS.
(2) The 'Before the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction and issue of shares' column
reflects the audited adjusted EV per Old Mutual plc share at 31 December 2004.
In determining adjusted EV per share, the total number of shares in issue as
at 31 December 2004 of 3 854m includes 383m treasury shares, consisting of 92m
shares held in ESOP Trusts and 291m shares held in policyholders' funds. The
'After the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction and issue of shares' column reflects
the adjusted EV per share after the considerations received from the various
schemes and an enlarged number of shares based on the assumption that the Old
Mutual (SA) Transaction was implemented on 31 December 2004. In determining
the Adjusted EV per share, the number of shares in issue of 4 085m includes
all Old Mutual plc shares issued under the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction.
The financial effects on EV 'After the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction' include
the initial consideration received on the issue of Old Mutual plc shares to
SPVs which are considered external to the Old Mutual Group. EV is unchanged
for initial consideration received in respect of treasury shares issued to
consolidated SPVs. A pro-forma uplift adjustment is included to reflect the
discounted present value of the deferred consideration to be received from
external parties in respect of all schemes.
(3) The weighted average number of shares in issue remains unchanged. Shares
issued to consolidated SPVs are to be excluded as they are accounted for as
treasury shares. Shares issued to unconsolidated SPVs are excluded due to the
restricted nature of the issue. The weighted average number of shares in issue
used in calculating basic EPS as at 31 December 2004 was 3 432m. The weighted
average number of shares in issue used in calculating adjusted EPS, after
allowing for shares held in policyholders' funds, was 3 748m.
IFRS financial effects
The accounting treatment under IFRS differs from the accounting treatment
under UK GAAP as it existed at 31 December 2004 to the extent that IFRS 2
'Share based payments' applies to the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction. As the
additional IFRS 2 costs incurred are in respect of equity settled share based
payment transactions, the charge to the profit and loss account will result in
corresponding credit to an equity reserve and, therefore, has no impact on the
embedded value. There are no other differences in the calculation of Adjusted
EV per share.
3.13. Measuring the black ownership of the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction
Value of Old Mutual (SA) 25 354
Value of OMSA Transaction 3 448
Less: white employee component of Old Mutual (SA) Broad-based Scheme (31)
Black ownership portion of Old Mutual (SA) Transaction 3 417
Black ownership portion of Old Mutual (SA) Transaction as
a % of the value of Old Mutual (SA) 13.48%
1) This excludes existing black shareholding of 3.50% of Old Mutual (SA) based
on direct black shareholding of 1.46% in Old Mutual plc at 1 January 2004.
3.14. Conditions Precedent to the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction
- The sanction by the High Court of Justice in England of the Scheme as
described in 3.8.2 above and the Scheme becoming effective in accordance with
its terms;
- The passing of the appropriate resolutions by the shareholders of Old Mutual
plc to implement the Group Transactions. In this regard, the required circular
is expected to be posted to ordinary shareholders of Old Mutual plc in due
- Written notice having been received by Old Mutual plc from the WIPHOLD and
BRIMSTONE Consortia that they have received appropriate shareholder approval;
- Written notice having been received by Old Mutual plc of approval of the Old
Mutual (SA) Transaction by the shareholders of BRIMSTONE to the extent such
approval is required by the JSE;
- No breach of certain clauses of the subscription agreement having been
committed by any SPV or the WIPHOLD or BRIMSTONE Consortia;
- Third party funding is obtained by the WIPHOLD and BRIMSTONE Consortia to
fund the payment of the par value of the Old Mutual plc shares;
- The admission of the Old Mutual plc shares to the Official List of the
London Stock Exchange in accordance with paragraph 7.1 of the UK Listing Rules
and the admission of the shares to trading becoming effective in accordance
with paragraph 2.1 of the Admission and Disclosure Standard produced by the
London Stock Exchange;
- The adoption by the SPVs, their holding companies or the shareholders (as
the case may be) of their constitutional documents and any shareholders'
agreement in such form as Old Mutual plc may approve in writing;
- Any other regulatory approvals required by Old Mutual plc or the SPVs in
order to effect the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction; and
- Old Mutual plc being satisfied that each of the Group Transaction proposals
set out in this announcement shall have received all consents, sanctions and
approvals to which each such Transaction is subject and that each such
Transaction will be implemented in accordance with its terms.
The last mentioned condition is capable of variation with Old Mutual plc's
approval and can be waived in whole or in part by Old Mutual plc.
4. Overview of the Nedcor Transaction
Key Highlights:
- Represents 11.50% of the value of Nedcor's South African businesses
- Key black stakeholders included: Employee and Management (23%), Clients
(52%), Non-executive directors (2%), Black Business Partners (19%) and
Community Trust (4%)
- Unique retail and corporate client schemes
- Benefits many tens of thousands of participants
- Performance agreements with broad-based Black Business Partners - the
WIPHOLD and BRIMSTONE Consortia, and with a Business Development Partner - Aka
Capital (Proprietary) Limited ('Aka Capital')
- Aligned with empowerment strategy to preserve and grow business
4.1. Proposed Nedcor Transaction structure
4.2. Direct black shareholding as a result of the Nedcor Transaction
Further to the cautionary announcement of 4 April 2005 Nedcor is pleased to
announce that, as part of its ongoing programme of transformation, and subject
to the fulfilment of the conditions precedent set out in paragraph 4.15 below,
Nedcor is proposing the introduction of direct, broad-based black ownership
into the Nedcor Group by way of the issue of new ordinary shares in the share
capital of Nedcor ranking pari passu in all respects with the existing issued
ordinary shares of Nedcor. Accordingly a diverse group of black stakeholders
consisting of employees, clients, community interest groups, non-executive
directors and strategic Black Business Partners, have been selected to
participate as shareholders.
The proposed transaction achieves strong alignment with the overall strategic
objectives of Nedcor in a number of key respects. These include:
- positioning of Nedbank as a 'bank for all';
- repositioning of the Nedbank brand in the retail segment with a potential
increase in retail clients;
- assisting in the attainment of employment equity targets, particularly at
senior employee levels;
- repositioning the bank internally and culturally to better serve the
requirements of a changing external market;
- improving market share in the public sector;
- assisting with targeted expansion and growth into Africa and specifically
sub-Saharan Africa;
- protecting existing business and market share by meeting and exceeding the
ownership and control requirements of the FSC;
- participating in a meaningful way in the development of emerging BEE
corporates and securing future growth together with these corporates;
- building on a leading position in the BEE financing market;
- rewarding employee and client loyalty; and
- aligning with Nedcor's overall programme of promotion of women's interests.
The table below sets out the total deal size at Nedcor as well as the black
ownership at Nedcor using the enlarged issued share capital of Nedcor to
facilitate the Nedcor Transaction.
Total deal
(post issue of
No of shares Deal value new shares)
m Rm
Employee and Management Schemes 9.7 725 2.23%
Eyethu Black Executive Trust 2.1 156 0.48%
Eyethu Black Management Scheme 5.3 393 1.21%
Eyethu Broad-based Scheme 1.4 107 0.33%
Eyethu Evergreen Trust 0.9 69 0.21%
Client-orientated Schemes 21.3 1 593 4.89%
Eyethu Retail Client Scheme 9.5 708 2.17%
Eyethu Corporate Client Scheme 11.8 885 2.72%
Nedcor Non-executive directors 0.8 59 0.18%
Black Business Partners 7.9 590 1.81%
WIPHOLD Consortium* 3.9 295 0.91%
BRIMSTONE Consortium* 3.9 295 0.91%
Eyethu Community Trust 1.6 118 0.36%
Total 41.3 3 085 9.47%
Black ownership
As a % of
Shareholding Nedcor's South
(post issue of African
new shares) business value
Employee and Management Schemes 2.09% 2.57%
Eyethu Black Executive Trust 0.48% 0.59%
Eyethu Black Management Scheme 1.21% 1.49%
Eyethu Broad-based Scheme 0.19% 0.23%
Eyethu Evergreen Trust 0.21% 0.26%
Client-orientated Schemes 4.89% 6.03%
Eyethu Retail Client Scheme 2.17% 2.68%
Eyethu Corporate Client Scheme 2.72% 3.35%
Nedcor Non-executive directors 0.18% 0.22%
Black Business Partners 1.81% 2.23%
WIPHOLD Consortium* 0.91% 1.12%
BRIMSTONE Consortium* 0.91% 1.12%
Eyethu Community Trust 0.36% 0.45%
Total 9.33% 11.50%
* Figures rounded up to 2 decimal places
4.3. The Nedcor Employee and Management Schemes (2.23%)
Nedcor believes that its employees will be a major contributor to the success
of its business and that a significant component of the empowerment scheme
should be appropriately directed at a broad base of black employees: senior
executives, senior and middle management, junior employees and future black
managers and employees. The name of the scheme, Eyethu, which means 'ours' in
the Nguni languages, epitomises the inclusive and uniquely South African
identity of this scheme. The Employee and Management Schemes are incremental
to the proposed Nedcor Group Share Incentive Scheme specified in the notice to
the Annual General Meeting dated 4 May 2005.
4.3.1. The Eyethu Black Executive Trust (0.48%)
The Eyethu Black Executive Trust ('the Executive Trust') will operate for the
benefit of the top black executives employed by Nedcor. Nedcor will issue new
ordinary shares to the Executive Trust partly on a grant basis (25%) and
partly on an interest-free loan basis (75%), such that the Executive Trust
will own 0.48% of the enlarged issued share capital of Nedcor (which equates
to 0.59% of Nedcor's South African businesses). The trustees, on instruction
from the Nedcor Remuneration Committee, will make awards to existing (30%) and
future (70%) qualifying participants for retention and attraction/promotion
purposes respectively. Awards will be subject to 4, 5 and 6 year vesting
4.3.2. The Eyethu Black Management Scheme (1.21%)
The Eyethu Black Management Scheme will operate for the benefit of black
senior and middle management of Nedcor presently earning more than R278 000
per annum. Nedcor will issue new ordinary shares to the Eyethu Black
Management Scheme Trust ('the Management Trust') partly on a grant basis (10%)
and partly on an interest-free loan basis (90%), such that the Management
Trust will own 1.21% of the enlarged issued share capital of Nedcor (which
equates to 1.49% of Nedcor's South African businesses). The trustees, on
instruction from the Nedcor Remuneration Committee, will make awards to
existing (60%) and future (40%) qualifying participants for retention and
attraction/promotion purposes respectively. Awards will be subject to 4, 5
and 6 year vesting periods.
4.3.3. The Eyethu Broad-based Scheme (0.33%)
The Eyethu Broad-based Scheme will operate for the benefit of all qualifying
employees of Nedcor who do not participate in any other share scheme of the
business. This scheme will thus operate for the benefit of both black and
white employees of Nedcor. 58% of the scheme participants will be black. The
Eyethu Broad-based Scheme will own 0.33% of the enlarged issued share capital
of Nedcor (black participation equates to 0.23% of Nedcor's South African
businesses). An award of R7 500 per employee will be made upfront to all
qualifying participants, subject to fulfilment of a 5 year holding period.
4.3.4. The Eyethu Evergreen Trust (0.21%)
It is intended that the Eyethu Evergreen Trust ('the Evergreen Trust') be a
long-term holder of Nedcor shares and utilise the dividends on the same to
repay partly the funding provided by Nedcor to the trust with the remainder
available to pay out grants to qualifying beneficiaries to meet social
expenditure needs (education, health, etc). The proposed initial qualifying
participants will be black employees currently earning less than R83 455 per
annum. Applications will be considered by the trustees and assessed on the
basis of need.
Nedcor will issue new ordinary shares to the Evergreen Trust on an interest-
free loan basis such that the Evergreen Trust will own 0.21% of the enlarged
issued share capital of Nedcor (which equates to 0.26% of Nedcor's South
African businesses). Half of the dividends received by the Evergreen Trust
will be used to partly settle the loan owing to Nedcor, with the remainder
available to the trustees to make cash awards to beneficiaries.
4.4. Nedcor Client Schemes (4.89%)
The Client Schemes allow Nedcor to demonstrate its broad-reaching commitment
to be inclusive of all its key current and future black stakeholders, and help
to position the group as a 'bank for all'. The Client Schemes comprise the
following two elements:
4.4.1. The Eyethu Retail Client Scheme (2.17%)
The Eyethu Retail Client Scheme will operate for the benefit of existing and
new black Nedbank Retail clients and aims to provide access to shares to a
broad-base of South Africa's black population, many of whom will be first time
share owners. The scheme will be accompanied by an education campaign.
The Eyethu Retail Trust will sell approximately 9.5m Nedcor shares (which
equates to 2.68% of Nedcor's South African businesses) to new and existing
Nedbank Retail clients. Applicants, who must be black as defined in the FSC,
will subscribe to purchase Nedcor shares from the Eyethu Retail Trust. For
every three shares purchased, participants will qualify to receive an
additional bonus share, subject to participants maintaining a primary
transactional account with Nedbank Retail for a period of three years from the
first purchase of Nedcor shares. Participants will be entitled to elect
whether they wish to make either a lump sum payment or a monthly debit order.
Participants will enjoy capital protection on their investment.
The details of the share offer pursuant to the Eyethu Retail Client Scheme are
in the process of being finalised and will be made available to existing and
potential black retail clients (including employees meeting the other
requirements of the scheme) in due course, with the actual offer itself being
launched post the fulfilment of the conditions precedent to the overall
4.4.2. The Eyethu Corporate Client Scheme (2.72%)
Nedcor has set aside a portion of the BEE scheme as part of an overall
programme to develop BEE corporates by assisting them in their growth
opportunities and strategies. To this end, Nedcor shares under the Eyethu
Corporate Client Scheme will be made available primarily to existing BEE
clients of the bank, as well as to selected other BEE clients and past
partners of Nedcor. It is anticipated that more than 20 participants will
participate in the Scheme, including a portion not allocated upfront to cater
for potential future BEE client relationships. This scheme will afford Nedcor
an opportunity to strengthen existing client relationships, while providing
access to new business opportunities as these clients grow and prosper. The
scheme will endure for a period of six years and will be funded on the basis
described in paragraph 4.9 below.
The Eyethu Corporate Trust will acquire an effective interest of 2.72% of the
enlarged issued share capital of Nedcor (which equates to 3.35% of Nedcor's
South African businesses). The shares will be held by the Corporate Trust on
behalf of the scheme participants for six years from the date of purchase.
Participants will each be required to enter into agreements with Nedcor
setting out the terms of the scheme as well as the strategic nature of the
business relationship being struck between the participant concerned and
With the exception of Aka Capital, each participant in the Eyethu Corporate
Client Scheme will be allocated similar shareholdings and individual
shareholders will not be permitted to benefit by more than 0.04% as a result
of their shareholding in the participating company.
As one of the selected participants in the Eyethu Corporate Client Scheme, Aka
Capital, a key corporate client (and previous partner of Old Mutual and Nedcor
in Quaystone Asset Management) will additionally fulfill the role of Business
Development Partner and will be the single largest participant in the scheme
with an interest of 0.38%. Aka Capital has been an important contributor to
Nedbank Capital's business over the last few years, and this is anticipated to
continue into the future. Aka Capital has undertaken, through entering into a
detailed, binding memorandum of understanding with Nedcor, to assist in
developing Nedcor's strategy in a number of key business areas in the Nedbank
Capital and Nedbank Corporate clusters.
Aka Capital was formed in 1998 and is one of South Africa's leading black-
owned private equity and investment holdings groups. The firm benefits from a
seasoned and professional leadership team that is well respected in business,
government and academic circles. Aka Capital's key interests include
Datacentrix and Corobrick. Aka Capital has a long standing relationship with
the Old Mutual Group, with Old Mutual (SA) and Nedcor each having a 20%
interest in Aka Capital. The balance is held by management. The directors of
Aka Capital include Reuel Khoza, Sam Nematswerani and Gary Morolo.
4.5. Non-executive Directors (0.18%)
The Nedcor Transaction includes an allocation of 0.18% of Nedcor's enlarged
issued share capital to black non-executive directors (which equates to 0.22%
of Nedcor's South African businesses). The holding of shares by non-executive
directors creates an alignment of their interests with those of other
The structuring and funding of the non-executive directors' scheme will be on
a similar basis to the Eyethu Corporate Client Scheme. In order not to
compromise directors' independence, no specific performance conditions will
apply to individual directors' shareholdings. Holdings and vesting period
conditions will apply.
4.6. Eyethu Community Trust (0.36%)
0.36% of Nedcor's enlarged issued share capital (which equates to 0.45% of
Nedcor's South African businesses) will be set aside through the 'zero-
finance' mechanism (referred to in 4.9 below) for a Community Trust to be run
in conjunction with the Nedcor Foundation. The Eyethu Community Trust's aim is
to supplement existing community social initiatives on a co-ordinated and
consistent basis. The initial focus of the Eyethu Community Trust will be the
training of SME entrepreneurs in basic business and financial skills. The
trust will be funded partly on a grant basis (25%) with the remaining funding
to be on the basis detailed in paragraph 4.9 below.
4.7. Nedcor Black Business Partners (1.81%)
The WIPHOLD and BRIMSTONE Consortia will each acquire an effective 0.91% of
the enlarged issued share capital of Nedcor (which equates to 1.12% of
Nedcor's South African businesses), which will be funded on the basis as
detailed in paragraph 4.9 below.
To this end, the WIPHOLD and BRIMSTONE Consortia have each entered into a
detailed, binding Memorandum of Understanding ('MoU') with Nedcor setting out
the terms of their participation as well as related performance criteria
together with the implications of not meeting or exceeding those criteria. It
is expected that the MoUs will be replaced by final agreements prior to the
posting of the required circular to Nedcor shareholders.
4.8. Proposed appointments to the Nedcor Board
Once the Nedcor Transaction has been effected and all conditions precedent
have been met, Gloria Serobe from the WIPHOLD Consortium, Mustaq Brey from the
BRIMSTONE Consortium and Reuel Khoza from Aka Capital will be invited to join
the Nedcor Board of Directors.
4.9. Mechanics / funding to implement the Nedcor Transaction
For the Nedcor employee and management schemes black-controlled employee
trusts will be created and funded directly by Nedbank, either by way of an
interest-free loan or a grant as discussed in paragraph 4.3 above. Dividends
will be applied to paying down the capital portion of the loan, or distributed
to beneficiaries in the case of grant-funded shares. Cash received on the
exercise of share options will be applied to paying down the capital portion
of the loan.
For all the other schemes, Nedcor has developed a mechanism which involves
Nedcor issuing the scheme shares at or about par value to the various scheme
participants. On the applicable termination dates for each scheme, Nedcor will
be entitled to call back as many of the scheme shares as, based on their then
market value, equate in value to the terminal balance of a notional
calculation model. The notional calculation model will calculate at pre-agreed
notional funding rates. The fundamental parameters of the structure for each
of the schemes are set out below:
Black Business
Eyethu Corporate Client Scheme Partners
Aka Capital Other participants
Issue price of Par Par 2.5% of market
scheme shares value
Upfront amount Issue price None (issue price Issue price
paid by funded on an arms
underlying length basis by
participants Old Mutual)
Term 6 years 6 years 10 years
Notional 75% of market 75% of market 97.5%of market
opening value value value
Notional 11.83% 11.83% 8.16% + 1.5% of
rate (fixed, NACA) the market value
at inception
Performance Yes No Yes
Eyethu Community
Eyethu Retail Trust (non-grant
Client Scheme element)
Issue price of Par Par
scheme shares
Upfront amount Effectively 75% of None (issue price
paid by market value on funded on an arms
underlying allocation (par length basis by
participants value into trust Old Mutual)
funded on an arms
length basis by Old
Term 3 years 6 years
Notional funding 75% of market 75% of market value
account opening value
Notional 11.83% 11.83%
dividend funding
rate (fixed,
Performance No No
Further detail on the proposed structure will be furnished to shareholders in
the forthcoming circular to shareholders, but the essential features of the
structure are:
- creation of separate black-controlled vehicles as appropriate for the
respective participants ('SPVs');
- the subscription by those SPVs for ordinary shares in Nedcor at par value of
R1.00 per share (in the case of the Black Business Partner SPVs, at a small
premium to par value representing a 2.5% downpayment paid by the Black
Business Partners). The par value payment in respect of the Corporate Scheme
SPV (other than Aka Capital as per the note above), the Retail Scheme SPV and
the Community Trust SPV will be Group funded, but not by Nedcor;
- the grant to Nedcor of a call option against the SPVs for a formulaically
determined number of Nedcor ordinary shares held in the SPVs, exercisable on
the termination date of the particular scheme at the same price per share at
which the shares were issued to the SPVs;
- the application of the formula referred to above replicates the same
economic consequences that would ensue if the Nedcor Transaction were funded
by way of fixed rate preference share funding;
- the SPVs will be granted a call to acquire the same number of shares as
acquired by Nedcor exercising its call at the then market value; and
- the effective obligatory re-investment of cash receipts (dividends and a
portion of performance fees in the case of Black Business Partners) by
recipients into Nedcor shares. In the case of dividends, Nedcor will, through
the period of the schemes, undertake semi-annual capitalisation awards with a
cash dividend election, and the participants will waive their cash dividend
election upfront. In the case of performance fees, the Black Business Partners
will be obliged to re-invest the cash portion in subscribing for new Nedcor
4.10. Value of the Nedcor Transaction
The value of the Nedcor Transaction is based on the indicative market
capitalisation of Nedcor at 15 April 2005 of R29 494m, using the 10 day volume
weighted average price of R74.75 per share to that date.
4.11. Estimated economic cost of the Nedcor Transaction
The estimated economic cost of the Nedcor Transaction to Nedcor is R968m. This
translates into 3.66% of the value of Nedcor's South African businesses.
4.12. Accounting treatment of the Nedcor Transaction
The rules of the JSE require that the starting point for calculation of the
pro forma adjustments is consistent with the accounting policies used in
preparing the latest published audited financial information. The audited
2004 financial information was prepared in accordance with SA GAAP, which was
effective for the year ended 31 December 2004. As a result, the pro forma
adjustments are based on SA GAAP, as it existed at 31 December 2004.
Effective 1 January 2005, Nedcor will prepare its consolidated financial
statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
('IFRS'). To date, no IFRS information has been published to use as a starting
position for the pro forma financial effects. The restated 31 December 2004
financial results on an IFRS basis will be disclosed on or about the 3 May
2005. Revised 31 December 2004 pro forma financial effects of the transaction
along with its first quarter trading update on an IFRS basis will be disclosed
by Nedcor on or about the 5 May 2005. In the context of this transaction, the
impact of IFRS is a broadening of the application of accounting for share
based payments in accordance with IFRS 2 'Share based Payments'. This results
in additional costs that are required to be recognised in respect of the
Nedcor Transaction. In all other aspects, the accounting treatment is
substantially the same under IFRS and SA GAAP, as it existed at 31 December
4.13. Pro forma financial effects of the Nedcor Transaction
The pro-forma financial effects of the Nedcor Transaction for the financial
year ended 31 December 2004 are set out in the table below. The pro-forma
financial effects have been prepared for illustrative purposes only in order
to provide information on how the Nedcor Transaction might have affected the
financial results and position of the Nedcor consolidated results from 1
January 2004 for Income Statement effects and at 31 December 2004 for the
Balance Sheet effects, and, because of their nature, these financial effects
may not give a true reflection of the actual financial effects of the Nedcor
Before the Nedcor After the Nedcor
Transaction Transaction
and issue of and issue of change
shares (cents) shares (cents) (%)
Attributable earnings per
('basic EPS')(1)(3) 270 270 (0.05)
Fully diluted EPS(4) 269 254 (5.65)
Headline earnings per share
('HEPS') (1) 401 400 (0.14)
Fully diluted HEPS 400 377 (5.86)
Ordinary shareholders equity
(Rm) 18 095 18 177 (0.45)
Net asset value ('NAV') per
share(2)(5) 4 590 4 594 0.10
Tangible net asset value
('TNAV') per share (2)(5) 3 537 3 366 0.27
(1) The 'Before the Nedcor Transaction and issue of shares' column reflects
the audited earnings and headline earnings per Nedcor share for the year ended
31 December 2004. The 'After the Nedcor Transaction and issue of shares'
column reflects the earnings and headline earnings adjusted for the financial
effects of the various schemes based on the assumption that the Nedcor
Transaction was implemented from 1 January 2004.
(2) The 'Before the Nedcor Transaction and issue of shares' column reflects
the audited net asset value per Nedcor share at 31 December 2004. The 'After
the Nedcor Transaction and issue of shares' column reflects the net asset
value per Nedcor share after the consideration received from the various
schemes and an enlarged number of shares based on the assumption that the
Nedcor Transaction was implemented on 31 December 2004.
(3) The 'Before the Nedcor Transaction and issue of shares' column weighted
average number of shares in issue used in calculating basic EPS was 360.88m
and in calculating fully diluted EPS was 361.75m.
(4) The 'After the Nedcor Transaction and issue of shares' column weighted
average number of shares in issue used in calculating basic EPS was 362.30m
and in calculating fully diluted EPS was 385.25m (this includes Nedcor shares
expected to vest under the transaction).
(5) In calculating NAV and TNAV per share the number of shares in issue as at
31 December 2004 was 394.21m and in determining the pro forma NAV and TNAV per
share, the number of shares in issue was 395.63m (including 1.4m shares that
vest immediately as a result of the Nedcor Transaction).
4.14. Measuring the black ownership of the Nedcor Transaction
Value of Nedcor's South African businesses 26 426
Value of Nedcor Transaction 3 085
Less: white employee component of Nedcor Broad-based Scheme (45)
Black ownership portion of Nedcor Transaction 3 040
Black ownership portion of Nedcor Transaction as
a % of the value of Nedcor's South African businesses 11.50%
4.15. Conditions precedent to the Nedcor Transaction
The implementation of the Nedcor Transaction is subject to the fulfilment of
the following conditions precedent:
- Approval of the requisite majority of Nedcor ordinary shareholders in
general meeting to the issue of new Nedcor shares to each of the structures
devised. In this regard, the required circular is expected to be posted to
ordinary shareholders of Nedcor in due course;
- Written notice having been received by Nedcor from the WIPHOLD and BRIMSTONE
Consortia that they have received appropriate shareholder approval;
- Written notice having been received by Nedcor of approval of the Nedcor
Transaction by the shareholders of BRIMSTONE to the extent such approval is
required by the JSE;
- Obtaining of the necessary regulatory approvals (including, as necessary,
the JSE and the Banking Supervision Department of the South African Reserve
- Sanctioning of the Scheme, relating to the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction, by
the High Court of Justice in England and the Scheme becoming effective in
accordance with its terms; and
- Old Mutual plc being satisfied that each of the Group Transaction proposals
set out in this announcement shall have received all consents, sanctions and
approvals to which each such transaction is subject and that such feature will
be implemented in accordance with its terms.
The last mentioned condition is capable of variation with Nedcor's and Old
Mutuals plc's approval and can be waived in whole or in part by Nedcor with
Old Mutual plc's consent.
Shareholders' attention is drawn to the notice of Annual General Meeting dated
4 May 2005 specifying the proposed name change of the Nedcor Group to 'Nedbank
Group Limited'.
4.16. Opinions and recommendations for the Nedcor Transaction
4.16.1. Directors' recommendation
The board is of the unanimous opinion that the terms and conditions of the
Nedcor Transaction are fair and reasonable to the ordinary shareholders of
Nedcor. Accordingly, the board recommends that ordinary shareholders vote in
favour of the scheme and the resolutions to be proposed at the general meeting
to be held to consider the transactions. In respect of their personal holdings
in Nedcor, the relevant board members intend to vote their shares in favour of
the scheme and the resolutions to be proposed at the aforementioned general
meeting. In arriving at this recommendation, the board has taken cognisance of
the opinion furnished by JP Morgan referred to in paragraph 4.16.3 below.
4.16.2. Position of Old Mutual plc
Subject to the obtaining of the necessary approvals of the shareholders of Old
Mutual plc in general meeting and in respect of the Scheme, Old Mutual plc (a
50.8% shareholder in Nedcor) intends voting its shares in favour of the Nedcor
Transaction and the resolutions to be proposed at the general meeting of
Nedcor ordinary shareholders to be held to consider the transaction.
4.16.3. Independent expert's opinion
Although not required in terms of the Listings Requirements of the JSE, the
board of directors of Nedcor appointed JP Morgan as an independent expert to
advise the board on whether the terms and conditions of the Nedcor Transaction
are fair and reasonable to Nedcor. JP Morgan has considered the terms and
conditions of the Nedcor Transaction and, based on a review of the information
made available to it and discussions with management of Nedcor, is of the
opinion that the scheme is fair and reasonable from a financial point of view,
to Nedcor.
4.16.4. Senior counsel view of the structure of the Client Scheme, the Non-
executive Director Scheme, the Black Business Partners and the Community Trust
Nedcor has sought the opinion of senior counsel on the structure which it
proposes to adopt for the above mentioned schemes and has been furnished with
written opinions to the effect that the structure as devised and as described
in paragraph 4.9 above complies with all requirements of the Companies Act,
Act 61 of 1973, as amended.
5. Overview of the Mutual & Federal Transaction
Key Highlights:
- Resultant direct black ownership of 11.00% at Mutual & Federal
- Key black stakeholders include: Employees and Management (55%), Black
Business Partners (36%) and Intermediary and Community schemes (9%)
- Aimed at 1 248 black employees participants
- Intermediary-orientated schemes to include black brokers and community
- Performance agreements with broad-based Black Business Partners - the
WIPHOLD Consortium and Mtha
- Aligned with empowerment strategy to preserve and grow business
5.1. Proposed Mutual & Federal Transaction structure
5.2. Direct black shareholding as a result of the Mutual & Federal Transaction
Further to the cautionary announcement dated 4 April 2005, Mutual & Federal is
pleased to announce that, as part of its ongoing commitment to transformation
of its business, and subject to the fulfilment of the conditions precedent set
out in paragraph 5.11 below, Mutual & Federal is proposing the introduction of
direct, broad-based black ownership into Mutual & Federal by way of the issue
of new ordinary shares in the share capital of Mutual & Federal ranking pari
passu in all respects with the existing issued ordinary shares of Mutual &
The table below sets out the total deal size at Mutual & Federal as well as
the black ownership at Mutual & Federal utilising the enlarged issued share
capital of Mutual & Federal to facilitate the Mutual & Federal Transaction.
Using Mutual & Federal shares
Total deal Black ownership
Shareholding Shareholding
(post issue of (post issue of
No of shares Deal value new shares) new shares)
m Rm
Employee and Management 17.1 365 6.14% 6.00%
Mutual & Federal
Management Scheme 13.4 285 4.79% 4.79%
Mutual & Federal Senior
Black Management Scheme 3.0 64 1.08% 1.08%
Mutual & Federal
Broad-based Scheme 0.7 16 0.27% 0.13%
Black Broker Trust 1.4 30 0.50% 0.50%
Community Trust 1.4 30 0.50% 0.50%
Black Business Partners 11.2 238 4.00% 4.00%
WIPHOLD Consortium 9.8 208 3.50% 3.50%
Mtha 1.4 30 0.50% 0.50%
Total 31.1 663 11.14% 11.00%
5.3. Mutual & Federal Employee and Management Schemes
The Mutual & Federal employee and management schemes comprise three different
5.3.1. Mutual & Federal Management Scheme (4.79%)
The existing employee share option scheme is to be replaced by the Mutual &
Federal Management Scheme, the primary purpose of which is to attract, reward
and retain senior and middle management. Mutual & Federal will issue new
ordinary shares to the new employee share trust which will be funded by
interest-free loans and/or grants from Mutual & Federal. The new employee
share trust will own 4.79% of the enlarged issued share capital of Mutual &
This new employee share trust will be used to fund the long-term share
incentives that Mutual & Federal expects to allocate to black management in
the normal course of business to 2013. By reserving a significant portion of
the Mutual & Federal shares for black management, Mutual & Federal is
demonstrating its unequivocal commitment to transform its business
Shares will be allocated in terms of Mutual & Federal's current allocation
policy subject to regular market testing and individual performance. The
current policy is to make allocations in a combination of RSP share awards and
share options. The RSP share awards will vest immediately (subject to the
condition that the participant remains in Mutual & Federal's employment for a
period of time), while the share options will be exercisable commencing after
3 years (but within 6 years). Participants are to be paid the dividends in
respect of the RSP share awards and will be entitled to exercise the voting
rights in respect of the relevant Mutual & Federal shares, but will have no
dividend or voting rights in respect of the unexercised share options.
Accordingly, the entire interest of 4.79% in Mutual & Federal shares held by
the new employee share trust will count for black ownership given that the
trust has been structured so as to comply with the ownership and control
requirements of the FSC.
5.3.2. Mutual & Federal Senior Black Management Scheme (1.08%)
The Mutual & Federal Senior Black Management Scheme will operate for the
benefit of selected senior black management of Mutual & Federal.
A new trust will be formed to operate the Mutual & Federal Senior Black
Management Scheme. This new trust will acquire upfront 1.08% of the enlarged
issued share capital of Mutual & Federal and will be funded by means of a
grant from Mutual & Federal.
The trustees, on instruction from the Mutual & Federal Remuneration Committee,
will make awards to existing (25%) and future (75%) participants for retention
and attraction purposes respectively. The scheme will comprise a once-off
allocation with the possibility of an increase on promotion. This allocation
will be in addition to the normal allocations made in terms of the Mutual &
Federal Management Scheme and will be made by means of an RSP award.
5.3.3. Mutual & Federal Broad-based Scheme (0.27%)
This scheme will operate for the benefit of all employees of Mutual & Federal
who will not participate in either the management scheme or the Mutual &
Federal Senior Black Management Scheme. This scheme will thus operate for the
benefit of both black and white employees employed by Mutual & Federal, of
which 50% are black. The allocation will be made by means of an RSP share
award over Mutual & Federal shares of R7 500 per participant.
The same trust that operates the Mutual & Federal Senior Black Management
Scheme will operate the Mutual & Federal Broad-based Scheme. The trust will
acquire upfront 0.27% of the enlarged issued share capital of Mutual & Federal
and will be funded by means of a grant from Mutual & Federal.
5.4. Mutual & Federal Community Trust (0.50%)
The Mutual & Federal Community Trust will be established to provide meaningful
benefit to selected community and charitable projects. The trust will acquire
a 0.50% interest of the enlarged issued share capital of Mutual & Federal and
will be funded on the basis detailed in paragraph 5.8 below.
5.5. Mutual & Federal Black Broker Trust (0.50%)
A new trust will be formed and will acquire 0.50% of the enlarged issued share
capital of Mutual & Federal. The objective of the trust will be to provide or
secure finance to black people wishing to develop broker businesses to service
the short term insurance market in South Africa. The finance made available by
the trust will be utilised by such black distributors to acquire assets
required in order to commence operation in a productive manner.
The Black Broker Trust will be funded on a similar basis as the Black Business
Partners as detailed in paragraph 5.8 below.
5.6. Mutual & Federal Black Business Partners (4.00%)
The WIPHOLD Consortium will acquire 3.50% of the enlarged issued share capital
of Mutual & Federal and will be funded on the basis as detailed in paragraph
5.8 below. In addition, Mtha will acquire 0.50% of the enlarged issued share
capital of Mutual & Federal and will be funded on the basis detailed in
paragraph 5.8 below.
To this end, the WIPHOLD Consortium and Mtha have each entered into a
detailed, binding MoU with Mutual & Federal setting out the terms of their
participation as well as related performance criteria together with the
implications of not meeting or exceeding those criteria. It is anticipated
that the MoUs will be substituted with final agreements prior to the posting
of the required circular to Mutual & Federal shareholders.
5.7. Proposed appointments to the Mutual & Federal Board
Once the Mutual & Federal Transaction has been effected and all conditions
precedent have been met, Louisa Mojela from the WIPHOLD Consortium and
Bulelani Ngcuka from Mtha will be invited to join the Mutual & Federal Board
of Directors.
5.8. Mechanism / funding to implement the Mutual & Federal Transaction
5.8.1. Mutual & Federal Funding Structure
For the employee schemes, comprising 6.14% of the enlarged issued share
capital of Mutual & Federal, black-controlled employee trusts will be created
and will be funded directly by Mutual & Federal, either by way of an interest-
free loan or a grant as discussed in paragraph 5.3.
For the Community Trust, comprising 0.50% of the enlarged issued share capital
of Mutual & Federal, a black controlled trust, the benefits of which are to be
determined by black trustees for black beneficiaries in the community, will be
created and will be funded through a loan from an Old Mutual Group company,
amounting to the par value of the Mutual & Federal shares acquired. The
Community Trust will subscribe for new shares in the ordinary share capital of
Mutual & Federal amounting to 0.50% of the enlarged issued share capital of
Mutual & Federal with a par value of 10 cents per share.
Mutual & Federal will have no shareholdings in the Black Business Partner SPVs
nor will Mutual & Federal be represented on the board of the Black Business
Partner SPVs. Mutual & Federal is entitled to appoint one trustee to the
Community Trust and Black Broker Trust respectively.
For the Black Business Partner and Black Broker schemes, comprising 4.00% and
0.50% of the enlarged issued share capital of Mutual & Federal respectively,
Mutual & Federal has developed a mechanism which involves Mutual & Federal
issuing the scheme shares at or about par value to the various scheme
participants. On the applicable termination dates for each scheme, Mutual &
Federal will be entitled to call back as many of the scheme shares as, based
on their then market value, are equal in value to the terminal balance on a
notional calculation model at the original issue price. The notional
calculation model will calculate at pre-agreed notional dividend funding
Black Broker Scheme Black Business Partner
Issue price of Scheme shares Par 2.5% of market value
Upfront amount
paid by underlying participants Issue price Issue price
Term 10 years 10 years
Notional Market value less
opening balance issue price 97.5% of market value
Notional rate 8.16% 8.16% +1.5% of the
(fixed, NACA) market value at inception
Performance adjusters No Yes
Further detail on the proposed structure will be furnished in the circular to
shareholders, but the essential features of the Black Business Partner and
Black Broker Schemes are:
- creation of the separate black-controlled vehicles as appropriate for the
respective participants ('SPVs');
- the subscription by the SPVs for ordinary shares in Mutual & Federal at par
value of 10 cents per share (in the case of the Black Business Partner SPVs,
at a small premium to par value representing a 2.5% downpayment paid by the
Black Business Partners), in the case of the Black Broker Trust, the par value
will be funded through a loan from an Old Mutual Group company;
- the grant to Mutual & Federal of a call option against the SPVs for a
formulaically determined number of Mutual & Federal ordinary shares held in
the SPVs, exercisable on the termination date of the particular scheme at the
same price per share at which the shares were issued to the SPVs;
- the application of the formula referred to above, replicates the same
economic consequences that would ensue if the Mutual & Federal Transaction
were funded by way of fixed rate preference share funding;
- the SPVs will be granted a call to acquire the same number of shares as
acquired by Mutual & Federal exercising its call at the then market value; and
- the effective obligatory re-investment of cash receipts (dividends and
portion of performance fees in the case of Black Business Partners) by
recipients into Mutual & Federal shares. In the case of dividends, Mutual &
Federal will through the period of the schemes, undertake semi-annual
capitalisation awards with a cash dividend election, and the SPVs, in the case
of the Black Business Partners will waive 100% of their cash dividend election
and in the case of the Black Broker Trust, will waive 50% of their cash
dividend election upfront. In the case of performance fees, the Black Business
Partners will be obliged to re-invest a portion in subscribing for new Mutual
& Federal shares.
5.9. Value of the Mutual & Federal Transaction
The value of the Mutual & Federal Transaction is based on the indicative
market capitalisation of Mutual & Federal at 15 April 2005 of R5 285m, using
the 10 day volume weighted average price of R21.33 per share to that date.
5.9.1. Estimated Economic Costs of the Mutual & Federal Transaction
Mutual & Federal has estimated the economic cost of the Mutual & Federal
Transaction to be R166m. This translates to 3.13% of the value of Mutual &
5.9.2. Accounting treatment of the Mutual & Federal Transaction
In accordance with the rules of the JSE, the underlying accounting treatment
is in accordance with the accounting policies set out in the last published
audited financial information. In presenting the consolidated impact for
Mutual & Federal, information is to be presented in accordance with SA GAAP as
it existed at 31 December 2004.
The accounting treatments adopted may require transactions to be accounted for
in a different manner to their legal substance and form. The accounting
treatment described below has been determined based on accounting advice and
emerging interpretations.
Effective 1 January 2005, Mutual & Federal will prepare its consolidated
financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting
Standards ('IFRS'). It has therefore been necessary to consider the accounting
treatments under both bases of reporting.
The following accounting principles are applicable:
- Consolidation of Special Purpose Vehicles ('SPVs') - where control is deemed
to remain within Mutual & Federal, the entities established to support the
Mutual & Federal Transaction are regarded as subsidiaries. The acquisition of
Mutual & Federal shares by the consolidated SPVs are regarded as issues of
treasury shares, resulting in a reduction in equity within the consolidated
financial statements.
- Earnings per share - the weighted average number of shares is impacted by
the Mutual & Federal Transaction only to the extent that any issue of shares
is not regarded as treasury shares for the purpose of the consolidated
financial statements.
5.9.3. Pro forma Financial Effects of the Mutual & Federal Transaction
The pro forma financial effects of the Mutual & Federal Transaction for the
financial year ended 31 December, 2004 are set out in the table below. The pro
forma financial effects have been prepared for illustrative purposes only in
order to provide information on how the Mutual & Federal Transaction might
have affected the financial results and position of the Mutual & Federal
consolidated results from 1 January 2004 for Income Statement effects and at
31 December 2004 for Balance Sheet effects. Because of their nature, these
financial effects may not give a true reflection of the actual financial
effects of the Mutual & Federal Transaction.
Before the Mutual & After the Mutual &
Federal Transaction and Federal Transaction and change
issue of shares (cents) issue of shares (cents) (%)
Basic earnings
per share ('basic EPS')(1) 467 472 1.07
Fully diluted basic
earnings per share 463 430 (7.13)
Headline earnings
per share ('HEPS') (1) 475 480 1.05
Fully diluted HEPS 471 438 (7.01)
Ordinary shareholders
equity (Rm) 3 579 3 600 0.59
Net asset value ('NAV')
per share(2)(5) 1 447 1 443 (0.28)
Tangible NAV per share(2)(5) 1 377 1 374 (0.22)
(1) The 'Before the Mutual & Federal Transaction and issue of shares' column
reflects the audited basic earnings and headline earnings per Mutual & Federal
share for the year ended 31 December 2004. The 'After the Mutual & Federal
Transaction and issue of shares' column reflects the basic earnings and
headline earnings per Mutual & Federal share adjusted for the financial effect
of the various schemes based on the assumption that the Mutual & Federal
Transaction was implemented on 1 January 2004.
(2) The 'Before the Mutual & Federal Transaction and issue of shares' column
reflects the audited net asset value and tangible net asset value per Mutual &
Federal share at 31 December 2004. The 'After the Mutual & Federal Transaction
and issue of shares' column reflects the net asset value and tangible net
asset value per Mutual & Federal share taking into account the consideration
received from the various schemes and an enlarged number of shares based on
the assumption that the Mutual & Federal Transaction was implemented on 1
January 2004. No shares are currently held as treasury shares.
(3) The 'Before the Mutual & Federal Transaction and issue of shares' column
weighted average number of shares in issue used in calculating basic EPS was
245.9m and in calculating fully diluted EPS was 248.0m.
(4) The 'After the Mutual & Federal Transaction and issue of shares' column
weighted average number of shares in issue used in calculating basic EPS was
248.0m and in calculating fully diluted EPS was 271.8m (this includes Mutual &
Federal shares expected to vest under the transaction).
(5) In calculating NAV per share, the number of shares in issue as at 31
December 2004 was 247.4m and in determining the pro forma NAV, the number of
shares in issue was 249.5m.
5.10. Measuring the black ownership of the Mutual & Federal Transaction
Value of Mutual & Federal 5 285
Value of Mutual & Federal Transaction 663
Less: white employee component of Mutual & Federal Broad-based Scheme (8)
Black ownership portion of Mutual & Federal Transaction 655
Black ownership post the issue of new shares 11.00%
5.11. Conditions precedent to the Mutual & Federal Transaction
The implementation of the Mutual & Federal transaction is subject to the
fulfilment of the following conditions precedent:
- Approval of the requisite majority of Mutual & Federal ordinary shareholders
in general meeting to the issue of new Mutual & Federal shares to each of the
schemes. In this regard, the required circular is expected to be posted to
ordinary shareholders of Mutual & Federal in due course;
- Obtaining of the necessary regulatory approvals to implement the
- Written notice having been received by Mutual & Federal from the WIPHOLD
Consortium that they have received appropriate shareholder approval;
- Sanctioning of the Scheme, relating to the Old Mutual (SA) Transaction, by
the High Court of Justice in England and the Scheme becoming effective in
accordance with its terms; and
- Old Mutual plc being satisfied that each of the Group Transaction proposals
set out in this announcement shall have received all consents, sanctions and
approvals to which such transaction is subject and that each such transaction
will be implemented in accordance with its terms.
The last mentioned condition is capable of variation with Mutual & Federal's
and Old Mutual plc's approvals and can be waived in whole or in part by Mutual
& Federal with Old Mutual plc's consent.
5.12. Opinions and recommendations for the Mutual & Federal Transaction
5.12.1. Directors' recommendation
The board of Mutual & Federal recommend that the shareholders of Mutual &
Federal vote in favour of the Mutual & Federal Transaction and the resolutions
to be proposed at the general meeting to be held to consider the transaction.
In respect of their personal holdings in Mutual & Federal, the relevant board
members intend to vote their shares in favour of the scheme and the
resolutions to be proposed at the aforementioned general meeting.
5.12.2. Position of Old Mutual plc
Subject to the obtaining of the necessary approvals of the shareholders of Old
Mutual plc in general meeting and in respect of the Scheme, Old Mutual (SA) a
88% shareholder in Mutual & Federal intends voting its shares in favour of the
Mutual & Federal Transaction and the resolutions to be proposed at the general
meeting of Mutual & Federal ordinary shareholders to be held to consider the
5.13. Timetable and documentation
Old Mutual plc, Nedcor and Mutual & Federal shareholders will be advised in
due course as to the important dates and times relevant to the Group
Circulars setting out the full details of the proposed introduction of direct
black ownership, including details of the Group Transactions and Scheme and
the meetings required to implement them will be circulated to shareholders in
due course.
19 April 2005
Transaction advisor Sponsor to Old Mutual plc Corporate law
and lead sponsor advisors (SA) to
to Old Mutual plc Old Mutual plc
Deutsche Securities (SA) Merrill Lynch Edward Nathan
(Proprietary) Limited (Pty) Ltd
Legal advisors as to SA Legal advisors
English Law to to the Old Mutual Group
Old Mutual plc Quanta Incorporated
Slaughter & May Attorneys and Conveyancers
Independent advisor Transaction advisor Sponsor to Nedcor Corporate law
and lead sponsor and sponsor advisors to
to Nedcor to Nedcor Nedcor
JP Morgan Nedbank Capital, Merrill Lynch Edward Nathan
a division of (Pty) Ltd
Nedbank Limited Lowndes &
Transaction advisor Lead sponsor Corporate law advisors
and transaction sponsor to Mutual & Federal to Mutual & Federal
to Mutual & Federal
Nedbank Capital, Merrill Lynch Edward Nathan (Pty) Ltd
a division of Lowndes & Associates
Nedbank Limited
Transaction advisors Corporate law advisors Legal advisors (UK)
Wipcapital Edward Nathan (Pty) Ltd Linklaters
Transaction advisors Legal advisors (SA)
and transaction sponsor to BRIMSTONE Investment
to BRIMSTONE Investment Corporation Ltd
Corporation Ltd
Nedbank Capital Hofmeyr Herbstein
a division of and Gihwala Inc.
Nedbank Limited
Old Mutual plc UK:
Investor Relations
James Poole +44 (0) 20 7002 7000
Andrew Parkins +44 (0) 20 7002 7264
Miranda Bellord +44 (0) 20 7002 7133
Old Mutual plc SA:
Investor Relations
Deward Serfontein +27 (0) 82 810 5672
Nad Pillay +27 (0) 21 504 8026
For further information about Old Mutual plc visit
Old Mutual (SA)
Roddy Sparks +27 (0) 21 509 2390
Thabo Dloti +27 (0) 21 509 4667
Stephen Bowey +27 (0) 21 509 3318 / + 27 (0) 82 453 2083
Nedcor Limited
Tier 1 Investor Relations +27 (0) 21 702 3102
Mutual & Federal
Gary Benton +27 (0) 11 374 2054
Carol Dundas +27 (0) 11 444-0650
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange