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Old Mutual PLC Nedcor PLC 14 September 2000 OLD MUTUAL PLC Nedcor's Peoples Bank enters into major empowerment initiative Nedcor Limited, the South African banking group, in which Old Mutual plc ('Old Mutual') has a 53.3% holding, has today entered into a an agreement in principle for an empowerment consortium to acquire a 20% equity interest in the enlarged Peoples Bank. The full text of the Nedcor announcement is attached. This is an important development for Old Mutual as it is a further extension of the process of introducing empowerment shareholders into the Group. Additionally it augments the relationship between Old Mutual Group Schemes and Peoples Bank in the development of cross selling initiatives for the benefit of our respective customers. ENQUIRIES: Old Mutual plc, London Tel: + 44 20 7569 0100 James Poole, Director Investor Relations College Hill, London Tel: + 44 20 7457 2020 Nicholas Williams Old Mutual, Cape Town Tel: + 27 21 509 2732 Bruce Allen, Manager, Group Media Communications College Hill, Johannesburg Tel: + 27 11 447 3030 Kim Milnes Nedcor Limited Nedcor's Peoples Bank enters into major empowerment initiative to address the banking needs of the fast-growing emerging market Nedcor will undertake the biggest ever black empowerment move in the banking industry with the sale of a significant equity stake in its Peoples Bank,which is to be merged with FBC Fidelity Bank, to a consortium of empowerment groups and trade unions. The consortium comprises empowerment groups - Brimstone Investment Corporation Ltd, Disability Employment Concerns Trust, NASASA Investment & Finance Company (Pty) Ltd and Women's Development Bank Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd - and the investment arms of trade unions NUMSA Investment Company (Pty) Ltd and SARHWU Investment Holdings Ltd. An agreement in principle has been reached for a 20 percent interest in the enlarged Peoples Bank to be sold for R260 million cash. The transaction is part of an ongoing process by Nedcor of introducing empowerment shareholders that will bring major client constituencies into the enlarged Peoples Bank. It is envisaged that a further 10 to 15 percent equity tranche will be sold to another empowerment consortium. The enlarged Peoples Bank incorporates the existing business of Peoples Bank, the major part of FBC Fidelity Bank, and the existing business of Nedbank's SMME-focused division NedEnterprise. Further, the operation will include the business from the existing joint venture with US financial services group, Capital One, and the business from the alliance with Old Mutual Group Schemes. The transaction will see the enlarged Peoples Bank being progressively operated as an independent bank using the existing banking licence of FBC Fidelity Bank. The new chief executive of Peoples Bank is Lot Ndlovu, an executive director of Nedcor whose credentials include many years of experience in banking. The board of directors and Ndlovu's management team will be fully representative of South Africa's people. Peoples Bank will proudly be South Africa's largest empowerment bank and the country's eighth largest bank with assets of just under R8 billion. It will focus on offering affordable and accessible financial products including mortgages, loans, deposits, insurance and transactional banking services to the emerging market and the SMME sector. Richard Laubscher, Nedcor chief executive, welcomed the consortium members as part owners of Peoples Bank, saying: 'The consortium's capital contribution, their representation on the board, and their large underlying membership base of more than 530 000 will play an invaluable role in the evolution of Peoples Bank.' Lot Ndlovu, chief executive of Peoples Bank, comments: 'The new bank is well positioned to trade profitably with critical mass while meeting the banking and lending needs of the emerging market and SMME sector. Peoples Bank has the great advantage of starting off with a strong capital base and with the financial and technology support of Nedcor. 'In its mission to offer uncomplicated banking in an efficient manner and at affordable prices, Peoples Bank will increasingly rely on technology, particularly smart cards, to deliver its services. Nedcor's world-class technology infrastructure and its links with various IT and convergent companies will be used to achieve this,' says Ndlovu. Importantly, continues Ndlovu, Peoples Bank will focus not only on its target retail sectors but on providing banking products and services to the SMME sector, which has a crucial part to play in the country's economic growth. The terms of Nedcor's acquisition of FBC Fidelity Bank (presently under curatorship) state that should the bank's final net asset value be positive - to be determined by August 2001 - FBC Fidelity Holdings, of which Thebe Financial Services is a 49 percent shareholder, will be allocated shares in Peoples Bank. Accordingly, this may increase the empowerment shareholding in Peoples Bank. The transaction is subject to certain conditions precedent, including the High Court's sanction of the scheme of arrangement between FBC Fidelity Bank and its creditors, final agreement between Nedcor and the consortium, and the approval of shareholders and regulatory authorities. About Peoples Bank Peoples Bank has an established national distribution network with 72 branches and 221 ATMs. The bank presently has 651 staff members. Significant progress has been made in the affirmative action programme. About FBC Fidelity Bank The bank was formed in August 1998 when FBC Bank merged with Fidelity Bank. After experiencing short-term liquidity problems, the bank was placed under curatorship in October 1999. A Scheme of Arrangement (where depositors agree to the suspension of their current contractual rights in favour of alternative rights) is necessary to lift the curatorship. The scheme meeting is scheduled for September 26 2000, with the court hearing to sanction the scheme scheduled for October 10 2000. The operative date of the scheme will be October 16 2000. About the empowerment consortium investors The Brimstone Investment Corporation is a fully representative black empowerment group listed on the JSE and which focuses on financial services investments. The Disability Employment Concerns Trust provides job opportunities for the disabled and represents seven trusts set up for disabled people. NASASA (National Association of Stokvels of South Africa) Investment & Finance Company represents 14 000 stokvel groups comprising 150 000 individual members. NUMSA (National Union of Metal Workers Association) Investment Company represents 220 000 union members and is the largest COSATU union. SARHWU Investment Holdings represents 120 000 union members and is the investment arm of SATAWU (South African Trade and Allied Workers Union). Women's Development Bank Investment Holdings represents a number of community-based organisations. Issued by Nedcor Bank Media Relations and Publicity Contact: Haley Harvey, 011-630-2657 or 083-325-6583 Further comment: Lot Ndlovu, chief executive: Peoples Bank, 011-630-7676 Derek Muller, executive director: Nedcor Bank, 011-630-7489 Tony Routledge, executive director: Nedcor Ltd, 011-630-7560
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