Final Results

On-Line PLC 19 December 2002 ON-LINE PLC ('On-line' or 'the Company') Preliminary Results for the Year Ended 30 June 2002 On-line today announces preliminary results for the year ended 30 June 2002. Highlights: • Revenues up by 58% to £2.32 million (2001 £1.46 million) • EBITDA losses reduced by 34% to £549,000 (2001 £835,000) • Net loss before tax reduced by £1 million despite heavy write-offs • Plc achieved positive cash flow and operational profitability during second half of the year • Advertwizard reorganised and focused going forward • Akaei Plc undergoing restructuring to provide future potential Michael Hodges, On-line's Chairman and Managing Director commented: 'We have come through a very difficult period and despite heavy write-offs have improved our figures and with the reorganisations done and underway are well positioned for the future.' For further information, please contact: On-line Michael Hodges, Chairman and Managing Director - 020 8532 8924 Grant Thornton - Nominated Adviser Graeme Thom - 020 7383 5100 Chairman's statement Results The past year has been a challenging and transforming period for On-line Plc (On-line), in terms of overall trading and the implementation of changes required to ensure the future prosperity of the Group. I am able to report that even with poor stock markets conditions we have made good progress and have entered the new financial year in a much better position than we did the last. Group turnover for the year ended 30 June 2002 was 58% up at £2.32 million from £1.46 million in the previous year and net losses before tax were reduced by nearly £1million from £3.3million last year to £2.37million despite a heavy program of write-offs described in more detail below. Our EBITDA has improved by 34% from a loss of £835,000 to only £549,000 as can be seen from the table:- EBITDA - Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation and exceptional 2002 2001 items £'000 £'000 Loss before tax - per financial statements (2,370) (3,302) Amortisation 450 933 Exceptional item - Impairment 3,609 434 Exceptional item - Bad debt - 331 Exceptional item - Part disposal of subsidiary (2,974) - Depreciation 685 835 Net interest 51 (66) EBITDA (549) (835) Although this year has been hard it has been a positive time for us in which we have seen PLC (ADVFN) continue to grow and build on the platform we created for it. It has increased its user-base and greatly expanded its range of products and services. ADVFN's turnover for the year ended 30 June was £1.64 million up from £796,000 in the previous year. In addition to this 106% rise in sales for the full year, there was an 88% growth in income for the final six months of the year compared to the same period in the previous year which underscores the consistency of its growth. ADVFN's EBITDA has improved from a loss of £1,328,000 to only £355,000. It has also adopted a very conservative and prudent policy on conducting its impairment review including the writing off of significant research and development expenditure. Operating Review and prospects It has always been our goal to level the playing field between private investors and the professional and this we have achieved in the UK. The next step is a much bigger share of the US market and it is there that ADVFN plans to build for the next 12 months and beyond. Akaei PLC (Akaei) sadly did not achieve the things we had hoped for during the year. However, since the year end we have instigated many changes and have commenced restructuring the company so that it should soon be in a position to move forward in a new direction that we may all be able to benefit from. I hope to be able to tell you more about this soon. We took the decision to write down completely our investment in Akaei and at the same time adopted a very conservative and prudent policy on conducting our impairment review including the writing off of significant research and development expenditure in both Akaei and Advertwizard and writing off all our other costs involved in developing Advertwizard. This has however put us in a stronger position going forward. We are also making restructuring changes at Advertwizard and once this is complete we plan to focus on Advertwizard and build an advertising sales force as we have done at ADVFN. Advertwizard now has a massive inventory of ads and with a sales team behind it we feel it has great potential. More and more people are getting used to seeing advertisements on the web and advertisers are starting to recognise it as a valid way to promote a product or business. In addition, new ways to advertise are appearing with not only banner ads but what are called Pop-ups and Pop-unders. These are ads that appear either on top of a web page or behind it. These types of ads are proving very effective and so we plan to build a Pop-under/Pop-over network to sit alongside the existing Advertwizard network. Summary We are now in a much stronger position than we were 12 months ago and have cut costs and are reorganising and refocusing. ADVFN has established itself as the UK number one supplier of stocks and shares information to the private investor via the Internet, Advertwizard is poised to benefit from the expected surge in Internet advertising and Akaei is being reorganised to provide better opportunities for the future. I as always would like to thank you for your support and ask you to use our products at and Michael Hodges Chairman 19 December 2002 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 30 June 2002 Notes Continuing Discontinued 2002 2001 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 406 1,914 2,320 1,464 Cost of sales (219) (472) (691) (946) Gross profit 187 1,442 1,629 518 Administrative expenses Exceptional item - impairment loss (733) (2,876) (3,609) (434) Other (14) (3,276) (3,290) (3,452) (747) (6,152) (6,899) (3,886) Operating loss Discontinued (4,472) Acquisitions (238) (4,710) Continuing operations (560) Total operating loss (5,270) (3,368) Share of operating losses of associate (23) - Exceptional item: profit on part disposal of subsidiary 2,974 - Net interest (51) 66 Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (2,370) (3,302) Tax on loss on ordinary activities - 2 Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (2,370) (3,300) Minority interest (294) 384 Loss sustained for the year (2,664) (2,916) Loss per ordinary share 4 Basic (42.5p) (54.3p) There were no recognised gains or losses other than the loss for the financial year other than the exchange differences and goodwill previously written off to reserves (see note 5). Balance Sheets at 30 June 2002 Group Group Company Company 2002 2001 2002 2001 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed Assets Intangible assets - 870 - 24 Tangible assets 61 3,154 46 113 Investments 1,302 207 1,500 1,662 1,363 4,231 1,546 1,799 Current Assets Stocks 25 24 - - Debtors 143 632 90 1,666 Cash at bank and in hand 270 589 222 81 438 1,245 312 1,747 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (812) (1,690) (427) (726) Net current (liabilities)/assets (374) (445) (115) 1,021 Total assets less current liabilities 989 3,786 1,431 2,820 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (76) (100) (76) (94) Minority interests 370 (646) - - Net assets 1,283 3,040 1,355 2,726 Capital and Reserves Called up share capital 3,199 2,904 3,199 2,904 Share premium account 2,095 1,928 2,095 1,928 Profit and loss account (4,011) (1,792) (3,939) (2,106) 1,283 3,040 1,355 2,726 Equity shareholders funds (1,576) 3,040 (1,504) 2,726 Non-equity shareholders' funds 2,859 - 2,859 - Total shareholders' funds 5 1,283 3,040 1,355 2,726 The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 19 December 2002 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 30 June 2002 2002 2001 Notes £'000 £'000 Net cash outflow from operating activities 6 (385) (1,396) Returns on investment and servicing of finance Interest received - 97 Interest paid (51) (31) (51) 66 Corporation tax paid - (7) Capital expenditure Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets (1,783) (969) Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (1,378) (2,425) Receipts from sale of investments - 18 (3,161) (3,376) Acquisitions and disposals Net cash from part disposal of subsidiary (261) - Part disposal of subsidiary 3,397 - 3,136 - Net cash outflow before financing (461) (4,713) Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 473 638 Share issue costs (11) - Loan advances 400 - Loan repayments (229) - Proceeds from sale and leaseback of assets - 152 Capital element of finance leases and hire purchase contracts repaid (70) (65) Net cash inflow from financing 563 725 Increase/(decrease) in cash 7 102 (3,988) Notes for the year ended 30 June 2002 1. General The financial information herein does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information has been extracted from the group's 2002 statutory financial statements upon which the auditors reported on 19 December 2002. Their opinion is unqualified and does not include any statement under section 237 of the Companies Act 1985, but refers to the uncertainties surrounding the ability of the Group to continue as a going concern (as described in note 2). The accounts have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and under the historical cost convention. The principal accounting policies of the group have remained unchanged from the previous annual report, except for the accounting policy for associated undertakings which applies for the first time this year and the accounting policy on deferred tax which has been amended following the adoption of FRS 19 (Deferred Tax). ). The adoption of FRS19 has had no effect. Copies of the annual report are being posted to shareholders and copies will be available from the company's registered office at 642a Lea Bridge Road, Leyton, London, E10 6AP. 2. Basis of preparing the financial statements The company meets its day to day working capital requirements through a positive cash balance and has a bank overdraft facility of £150,000 which has been agreed since the year end. It is repayable on demand and renewable in September 2003, when the directors believe it will be renewed. The nature of the company's business is such that there can be considerable unpredictable variation in the timing of cash inflows. Bearing this in mind, the directors have prepared projected cash flow information for the period ending 31 December 2003 that includes a requirement to raise further funds early in 2003. The directors believe on the basis of the review of the cash flow projections that the existing facility of £150,000 together with the funds of £350,000 raised by the proposed sale of an investment in equity shares in January 2003 will be sufficient to allow the company to continue to operate within the currently available facility including those from future fundraising. On this basis, the directors consider it is appropriate to prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis. However, the margin of facilities over requirements is not large and there can be no certainty that the sale of the an investment in equity shares would be successful. Inherently there can be no certainty in relation to these matters. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that would result from the inability to raise the required funding. 3. Post balance sheet events On 17 July 2002, the company issued 232,558 ordinary 5p shares to M J Hodges at 21.5p per share for cash consideration. On 13 September 2002, it was agreed that the company would subscribe for 1,285,529 ordinary 1p shares in its subsidiary Akaei in consideration for the release of the sum of £1,004,000 due from Akaei. On 17 September 2002, the company exchanged 32.5m ordinary ADVFN shares for 440,000 ordinary 5p shares for a consideration of £1 per share in the New Opportunities Investment Trust plc (NOIT). Additionally, the company was issued with 88,000 Warrants to subscribe for NOIT shares at £1. 4. Loss per ordinary share 2002 2001 Number of Loss Number of Loss Loss shares per share Loss shares per share £'000 '000 p £'000 '000 p Loss for the year (2,664) (2,916) Weighted average number of shares 6,271 5,366 Basic loss per share (42.5p) (54.3p) The options are anti-dilutive so there is no diluted loss per share. 5. Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds Group Group 2002 2001 £'000 £'000 Loss for the financial year (2,664) (2,916) Exchange differences (2) - Receipts from issue of shares 462 638 Goodwill previously written off to reserves 447 - Net decrease in shareholders funds in the year (1,757) (2,278) Shareholders' funds at 1 July 3,040 5,318 Shareholders' funds at 30 June 1,283 3,040 6. Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating activities 2002 2001 £'000 £'000 Operating loss (5,270) (3,368) Amortisation 450 933 Depreciation 685 401 Impairment loss 3,609 434 Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets 10 - Exchange differences (2) - Provision against investment - 243 Loss on sale of fixed asset investment 7 14 (Increase)/decrease in stocks (1) 18 Decrease/(increase) in debtors 39 (366) Increase in creditors 88 295 Net cash outflow from operating activities (385) (1,396) 7. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt 2002 2001 £'000 £'000 Increase/(decrease) in cash for the year 102 (3,988) Loan advances (400) - Loan repayments 229 - Proceeds from sale and leaseback of assets - (152) Finance leases transferred on part disposal of subsidiary 6 - Cash outflow from capital repayments of hire purchase and finance lease agreements 70 65 Movement in net funds in the year 7 (4,075) Net (debt)/funds at 1 July (17) 4,058 Net debt at 30 June (10) (17) 8. Analysis of movement in net debt At At 1 July 2001 Cash flow Disposal 30 June 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash in hand and at bank 589 (319) - 270 Overdraft (421) 421 - - 168 102 - 270 Debt - (171) - (171) Finance leases (185) 70 6 (109) (17) 1 6 (10) This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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