Final Results

Ormonde Mining PLC 07 March 2005 ORMONDE MINING PLC ("Ormonde" or "the Company") Results for the YEAR Ended 31 DECEMBER 2004 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT 2004 was a most productive and rewarding year for Ormonde in which considerable advances were made in both our project acquisition and exploration activities in Spain. These activities culminated in the acquisition of two major advanced projects, the La Zarza Gold-Copper Project and the Salamanca Gold Project, the upgrading and reconsolidation of the Tracia Gold Project into 100% Ormonde ownership, and the completion of drilling programmes on the Salamon and Trives gold projects. In June 2004, Ormonde acquired the right to earn a seventy percent interest in the La Zarza Gold-Copper Project in southwest Spain. This acquisition represents a major step in the Company's development, presenting us with the opportunity of moving forward into the ranks of mining producers. The La Zarza Gold-Copper Deposit contains two substantial inferred mineral resources: a gold resource of 5.9 million tonnes, grading 5.0 grams per tonne (g/t) gold and 50 g/t silver, and a 2.9 million tonne copper resource grading 2.8 percent copper, the contained metal amounting to 950,000 ounces of gold, 9.5 million ounces of silver and 180 million pounds of copper. Moreover, there is considerable potential to increase the size of these resources as they are largely open along strike and at depth; indeed, the deepest intersection of 7.0 metres at 12.1 g/t gold represents one of the best gold intersections. The key to the development of La Zarza will be the establishment of an optimal processing route for the treatment of both the gold/silver and the copper deposits. A drilling programme is presently underway to obtain samples for metallurgical testwork. The results of this testwork will be incorporated into a scoping study which will determine the relative economics of the various options for the development of both the copper and gold resources. Following this we propose to carry out infill drilling to upgrade the resource figures ahead of a bankable feasibility study on the project. We look forward in 2005 to making major progress in advancing La Zarza towards development. The Salamanca Gold Project in western Spain is a relatively new acquisition and is, perhaps, less well known to shareholders, but we anticipate that the names of many of our Salamanca prospects and mineral deposits will become familiar as they are evaluated and drilled. Previous workers have reported resources on three of these prospects: a large, low grade, one million ounce near-surface gold resource at the Mina Marta Gold Deposit and a higher grade, 0.3 million ounce gold resource at the Mina Saturno and Valle de Los Espinos Gold Deposits. Ormonde's initial programmes will target higher grade zones within the Mina Marta deposit and extensions of the other two deposits. Our ground consolidation programme at Salamanca opens up two critical opportunities: firstly, the possibility of establishing a viable mining operation based on a central plant treating ore from the various deposits; and secondly, the opportunity to explore the intervening ground between deposits along the geological structures controlling the mineralization. Ormonde has now scheduled an aggressive evaluation and exploration programme for Salamanca during 2005. The results of last summer's drilling and trenching programmes on the Salamon Gold Deposit in northwest Spain were encouraging. Deeper drilling below the central zone encountered high grade mineralization, indicating that the higher grade zones continue at depth, while surface trenching revealed a new footwall zone of mineralization below the main zone. Continued regional exploration in the vicinity of Salamon also revealed a new area of gold mineralization, the Las Salas Prospect, located approximately one kilometre east of Salamon. We are encouraged by the discovery of these new zones of mineralization in and adjacent to the main deposit and further drilling is planned. At Trives in Galicia, we completed our first-stage drilling programme on the Portas Gold Prospect. This yielded encouraging results, with higher grade intervals within broader areas of low grade mineralization below the surface workings. Further drilling is required to better define the depth extent of this mineralization and clarify the structural controls on the localisation of the Portas gold zones. While our advanced projects represent the cornerstone in the Company's strategy, our policy of including carefully selected, earlier stage projects in our portfolio has yielded dividends in the case of the Tracia Gold Project in northwest Spain. Initial exploration results were particularly positive and an aggressive follow-up programme during the year culminated in drilling which commenced in December. The exploration results from Tracia encouraged us to explore a much larger 2,000 square kilometre surrounding area and this has proven most rewarding, with the identification of several new areas which look geologically similar to Tracia. The upgrading and enlargement of the Tracia project area also encouraged us to buy out our joint venture partner's interest in the permit when this became available in December 2004. We believe that the Tracia area holds considerable potential and we anticipate continued news flow from here during 2005. In order to fund our increased operational activity, Ormonde raised €940,000 (before expenses) in June 2004, and it was most encouraging to see that this capital raising was well supported by both existing and new institutional shareholders. In this respect, I must note that the more recent capital raisings have been strongly supported in London and this has resulted in an increase in both the proportion of institutional shareholders and in the proportion of shareholders in the UK. These changes, I believe, are most positive, serving to considerably increase the trading liquidity in your Company's shares and facilitating a steady growth in market capitalisation and share price to better reflect Ormonde's assets. Significant efforts have also been expended to promote awareness of Ormonde's progress through investor and public relations work and in September the Company retained Bankside Consultants to advise and assist in this area. The Board is of the view that as Ormonde progresses and grows with the evaluation and development of its Spanish gold projects, on-going support from the UK market needs to be underpinned by Ormonde obtaining a quotation in London and, consequently, the Board has decided to seek admission to the London Stock Exchange's AIM market during 2005. Looking forward to 2005, I anticipate that it will be a very active year on the operational side as we progress with the technical evaluation of La Zarza, commence the evaluation of the Salamanca resources, step-up our exploration activities on the Tracia prospects and carry out an additional round of drilling at both Salamon and Portas. We continue to be active in the area of project acquisition, although as we grow we are increasingly cognizant of the need to ensure that these efforts are compatible with other corporate objectives. We remain very satisfied with our focus on Spain, where the opportunities are considerable, the regional and local authorities very supportive and the risk profile is low. I believe we have taken critical steps in 2004 towards our objective of becoming a mid-sized European gold producer, and in 2005 we can look forward to increased operational activity as we seek to fast-track the evaluation of our key projects. Our Profit and Loss Account shows a loss of €376,140 for 2004 (2003: €449,383, which included the write-off of investments in projects in Tanzania). Management continues to ensure that most of the funds raised are expended on field activities and project development. The support of all shareholders, staff and advisers in pursuing our objectives is most appreciated. Michael J. Donoghue Chairman ONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2004 12 months ended 12 months ended 31 December 31 December 2004 2003 euro euro Administrative expenses (401,370) (131,585) Operating income 19,450 26,423 Impairment of intangible fixed assets - (345,763) (381,920) (450,925) OPERATING (LOSS) Interest receivable 5,780 1,542 (LOSS) ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES (449,383) BEFORE TAXATION (376,140) Tax on (loss) on ordinary activities - - (LOSS) ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES (376,140) (449,383) AFTER TAXATION Minority Interest 694 - Retained (loss) for year (375,446) (449,383) Profit and loss account brought forward (9,176,050) (8,726,667) Profit and loss account carried forward (9,551,496) (9,176,050) (Loss) per share (euro0.0033) (euro0.0052) (Loss) per share - diluted (euro0.0033) (euro0.0052) CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2004 12 months ended 12 months ended 31 December 31 December 2004 2003 euro euro FIXED ASSETS Tangible assets 19,667 27,214 Goodwill 111,898 - Intangible assets 1,795,376 801,919 829,133 1,926,941 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 66,446 22,205 Cash at bank and on hand 444,398 472,919 495,124 510,844 CREDITORS : (Amounts falling due (100,560) (46,514) within one year) NET CURRENT ASSETS 410,284 448,610 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 2,337,225 1,277,743 CREDITORS : (Amounts falling due (9,355) (19,606) after one year) NET ASSETS 2,327,870 1,258,137 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called-up share capital 4,635,712 4,370,712 Share premium account 6,717,240 6,027,300 Capital conversion reserve fund 28,928 28,928 Shares to be issued for consideration 485,913 - Capital reserve 7,247 7,247 Foreign currency reserves 2,612 - Profit and loss account (9,551,496) (9,176,050) SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 2,326,156 1,258,137 Minority Interest 1,714 - 2,327,870 1,258,137 Enquiries to: Mike Donoghue - Non-Executive Chairman Ormonde Mining plc Tel: 00 353 56 7728351 John Carroll - Director Ormonde Mining plc Tel: 00 353 1 4907260 Fergal Meegan Davy Corporate Finance Limited Tel: 00 353 1 614 8817 Simon Rothschild Bankside Consultants Tel: 00 44 20 7444 4153 7 March 2005 ENDS This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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