OneSavings Bank Plc
Notification of Transactions of Directors/ Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility and Connected Persons
Correcting Announcement
This notification is made further to an announcement made on 8 December 2014, which incorrectly stated the number of ordinary shares disposed of by Mr Stephan Wilcke. The correct position is noted below (there has been no change to the total holding and total percentage holding figures).
On 5 December 2014, Mr Wilcke disposed of 826,000 ordinary shares of one pence each and not 286,000 ordinary shares of one pence each as originally stated.
This notice is given in fulfilment of the obligation under Disclosure and Transparency Rule 3.1.4 (R)(1)(a).
9 December 2014
Zoe Bucknell
Group General Counsel and Company Secretary