Outokumpu Capital Markets Day 2008 on September...

STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT September 19, 2008 at 10.25 Outokumpu will host the annual Capital Markets Day 2008 for investors and analysts in London on September 24. This year main topics are stainless steel market trends, highlights of Outokumpu strategy and stainless steel grades and applications. Presentations are given by CEO Juha Rantanen, Deputy CEO Karri Kaitue, Pekka Erkkilä (EVP - General Stainless) and Bo Annvik (EVP - Specialty Stainless) as well as Outokumpu's R&D specialists. The CMD program and the presentation material will be available on September 24 around 2.00 pm Finnish time at www.outokumpu.com => Investors. The CMD presentations are going to be recorded and on-demand videos of the presentations will be available at www.outokumpu.com => Investors as of September 24 after 8.00 pm Finnish time. OUTOKUMPU OYJ Corporate Management Ingela Ulfves Vice President - Investor Relations and Financial Communications tel. + 358 9 421 2438, mobile +358 40 515 1531 e-mail: ingela.ulfves@outokumpu.com www.outokumpu.com
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