
Ovoca Resources PLC 27 June 2001 Ovoca Resources PLC York House Rere 176 Rathgar Road Dublin 6 Phone Intl + 353 1 491 2944 Fax Intl + 353 1 491 2045 The Board of Ovoca Resources plc is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr John Carroll ACIS as a director of the company. Mr Carroll is a non executive director of Ormonde Mining plc., as well as being a director of a number of substantial trading, financial and property companies in Ireland. He will initially focus on shareholder relations and his wide experience will be of great value to Ovoca Resources plc in developing it's future strategy. There is no information to disclose in relation to this appointment under paragraphs 6.F.2(b) to (g) of the Rules book John O'Connor Company Secretary 27th June 2001
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